Wednesday, December 23, 2020

"The Last Beachhead!!"

 A Covid Vaccine,.. ready for nationwide distribution,..before the New Year,...
It was declared a laughable impossibility, by the Diabolical Democrats,..
And,..they had labeled the President an unstable madman ..for even daring to suggest it,....
Aye,..only a miracle could achieve such a thing,..
Only,..a miracle,..
But then, not the Shining City itself,..a nation conceived,.. where the people themselves rule, impossible miracle??
And, this not, the Trumpian Age of Miracles?
Aye,..indeed it is,..and in this age,..President Trump did, once again, stretch forth his hand,..and out of him came virtue, and a will of steel,..and from this came,..many miracles  indeed,..
A record setting economy,..created by the greatest tax and regulation cuts in American History,..
Energy Independence,..for the first time as well,..
Our military revitalized and unleashed on ISIS,...with stunning results,..its power and fury bringing a swift end to the terrorist scourge,..
Free trade made fair trade,.as our founders intended,..the President making our Allies,  and our foes. their fair share,...and  NATO  restructured, to do this as well,..
Our Second Amendment made sacrosanct,..and peace brought to the middle east,..through the UAE,..with American troops even being withdrawn from Afghanistan,.finally,..ending the 14 year war,..and ending thousands of years of tribal conflict, as well,..
Aye,..the Trumpian Nobel Peace Prize nominations , now numbering four in all,..
And, a rebirth of the Trump created economy,..brought to the brink of disaster by an Obama-China engineered biowar attack ,..the economy rebounding,.setting impossible third quarter numbers , and the Dow Jones industrial average reaching all time lows,...
And now,..the new miracle,..
The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are FDA approved,.. and are being distributed nationwide,..
A Vaccine,..that the Democrats called  a madman's fantasy,..
Developing one would take at least 5 years,..they said ,..with business shutdowns and mask subjugation,..remaining a symbol of Democrat tryranny,..indefinitely,..
Yet now. ..behold the new Trumpian Miracle,..
Operation Warp Speed has produced three vaccines.  In exactly the timeline the President outlined,..his 75 percent regulation cuts that he signed into law immediately after his inaugeration,..making the stunning speed of production possible,..
And the steel will of Trump,..demanding that it be so,..
The 3 Dimensional Chessmaster  ..applying Trumpian pressure , thousand pounds,..per square inch,..had indeed achieved another modern day miracle, that would thwart the Democrat plans for eternal shutdown and mask submission,..
For there would be no more reason to submit,..or obey,..or vote Democrat.  ..ever again,..and America will not,..
A madman's dream?? An impossibility?? 
Democrats always deem their superiors mad,..and nothing is impossible..
A Roman General in the time of Caesar,..once had the motto,..' 
"If it is possible, is done,.."
"If it is impossible,..It will be done,.."
Words that the President and his Republican Legions live by,..each and every day,..
The only thing that can stop them is fear,..and fear is not a word in their vocabulary,..
They have not,..nor will they ever know,..
 its meaning,..
For it is part of the Heritage ..and Tradition ,..of these  freeborn,  self ruled savages called ,..Americans,...that the words fear,..and impossible,.. do not exist,..
And still one more Trumpian Miracle remains,..
75 million Americans went to the polls ,and re-elected President Trump ,..and also gave sweeping victories to his Republican Legions ,..keeping all Republican congressional seats,..and gaining Republican Senate seats as well,..
But,..the Diabolical Democrat voter fraud remains,..All Democrat controlled networks,..and Fox News as well,..declaring Biden the winner under strange,..suspicious circumstances,..
The Wuhan created,  bio war weapon doing its job most effectively, Democrats the chance to shut down the Trump economy , and force citizens to separate and mask themselves into totalitarian silence ,..and submission,..
The Dominion software system working wonders, indeed,. created in Venezuela to keep tyrants such as Chavez and Maduro in power, utilizing a sinister software algorithem,  .that multiplies the Democrat candidate vote count, just enough, win,..
And mass mailing of blank voter ballots ..all across the nation,..
Illegal and unconstitutional, be sure,..yet , was done, the Democrats an emergency supply of fraudulent ballots, be used to rob Trump of any margin of victory,..
No matter that 75 million Americans re-elected the President, matter at all,..for  the Democrats now had the ballots , and a software system , that would halt that victory,..and award it to the hapless Biden,..
The flaw in the plan??
They left a trail of evidence,..undeniable to any with eyes that would  but see,..
Democrat controlled Blue cities and states ,..including Pennsylvania,..Georgia. ..Michigan,..and Wisconsin,..shut down all ballot counting at 10:30 pm..kicking out Republican poll watchers ,.and.closing all doors ....for many hours .Why??
300 thousand ballots in all swing states cast with only the name Biden marked on them,..Why??.
Hundreds of poll workers and mail carriers testifying under oath the fraud they had witnessed,..Why??
A voting system created by a software company called Dominion,...
Created in Venezuela to keep tyrants such as Chavez and Maduro in power,..
A company that is staffed by anti Trump Democrats,....whi still bristle at the thought of Hillary losing to Trump,..
A staff led by software distributor Eric Coomer,..who has tweeted and facebooked his hatred for Trump,.. Republicans ,..and America,..for years,..
Eric Coomer,..who promised the Democrat Machine that his software,..combined with the Virus-Ballot strategem,..would bring about complete Trump destruction,..
He has failed,..
They have all failed,..
For while the judges of blue states , Pennsylvania, Wisconsin,..Georgia,.Michigan,..Nevada,..Arizona,..and the Democrat compromised Suoreme Court ad well,..have refused to even look at the overwhelming evidence of a stolen election ,..the Trump legal team has doubled down,..bringing the battle to the Peoples House,....with an overwhelming number of Republicans in the House and Senate,....backing the Presidents bid to expose,..and stop this brazen crime,..and save his hard won Presidency,...
Agreeing that the evidence of Democrat fraud, indeed overwhelming,..and irrefutable,..if your eyes would but see,....
And Republucan eyes in Washington are now seeing indeed, Trumpian 3 dimensional pressure and will,..are , once again.. triumphing over all,.
The President's Legions stormed Washington, rally after rally,.. with more to come, doubt,..
The Message?? 
Trump will be President,..
We the People,..will have no other,..
And the President has promised yet another miracle as well,..on January 6th,..
A rally,.. that will reveal all,..and destroy all Democrat strategem with nothing more than Trumpian truth,..and Trumpian will,..
And the Democrats know what is coming,..
They had hoped that Team Trump and his Republican Legions would have submitted , once the courts and Democrat controlled media refused to see the evidence,..or even acknowledge its existence,..and the electors finally certified the Biden Victory,....
But,..the Trumpian Legions battled on,..Guliani,..Ellus,..Wood ..Powell,..DiGenova,..all stating one undeniable reality,...
The evidence is overwhelming,..and we are in this , win,..
No other outcome,..will be accepted,..
There will be concession, surrender,.. 
For they know.... there is nowhere else to go,..
To allow this fraud to stand,..would end the Shining City,..
The Democrats would rig every election,..destroying all semblance of a free republic, the blink of an eye,..with the now demoralized Republicans surrendering .even the Senate runoff elections in Georgia,..without a fight,..the twin socialist scourge of Warnock....and Ossoff, giving the Democrats full control of all three  branches of the federal government,..
Ending all that America is,..
All that America was,..
Swiftly,..and brutally,..
But,..this will not become reality,..
For the fight goes on,..
And this President,..and his Republican Legions,..fight to win,.. and win they will,.. 
They have the evidence,..Dominion machines are being audited , as rigged,..and witnesses to the brazen crime,....coming forward by the hundreds,..
They have Republican Congressional and Senatorial support now,..and it's ever growing ,..with each passing day,..
They have the unbreakable will of this President,..and his endless sea of Spartan warriors,. 
Who will not surrender,..
For there is no outcome,..except victory,..
We will have no other,..
For,..this is the last stand,..the last battle,..
The Last Beachhead,...where the forces of good and evil meet , seek mastery of the other,..
The outcome?? 
It is,..preordained,....
Biden is no longer receiving intel reports from the Pentagon,....and refuses to discuss his China compromise,..
Harris has refused to relinquish her Senate seat,..defying standard procedure,..
They know the storm that comes,..
A storm that began four years ago,..
A storm called Trump,..
A storm that shall endure,..
A storm ,..that shall rend all things Democrat asunder,..
And leave nothing ,..but Trumpian triumph in its wake,..