Is America,..that Shining City on a Hill thst Reagan envisioned,..a racist country?
Not at all.
In fact, it remains the only nation on earth that, from its inception, put into its founding document,..its Declaration of Independence, if you will,..the mechanism to end slavery , least,..on its shores,..
However,..that document could not be passed into law as written by Thomas Jefferson,..for there lurked the Southern Loyalist Colonies, called,.."Democrat States,"..who refused to sign this Declaration of Independence,..from the tyranny of England,..unless all mention of ending slavery were removed from the document,..
Aye,..even at the Shining City's birth ,..even then,..the diabolical Democrats would not let go,..would not concede in writing that all men are indeed created equal,..
All Men.
No,..the Democrats wanted slavery to remain , and if America was to become reality,..then,.. slavery would remain,..
And so it came to pass,..until nearly a decade later,..a Republican President, fact, the creator of the Republican Party,..Abraham Lincoln,..put into effect the Emancipation Proclamation,..finally doing what should have been done years before,..
What would have been done,..if not for Loyalist Democrat interference.
The result?
A nation divided .The Democrats choosing war rather than freedom ,..
A war waged, hold onto their right to deem their fellow man ,..inferior, hold onto their divine Democrat elitist right, rule their fellow man,..
A nation divided,..
The Republicans who ended slavery,..versus the Democrat Southern States who insisted on slavery. A bloody,..shameful stain on U.S.History,..
But the Republicans won,..
The Democrats surrendered to General Grant,..and the Shining City ,.. blood stained and tattered indeed ,..endured nonetheless,..
Aye,..the dream of Lincoln would endure,..but the President himself,..
The Great Emancipator, .would fall in a theatre,.. a bullet to the back of his skull,..a gun fired by a Southern Democrat stage actor,..who would not tolerate a President who would unshackle the chains of centuries,..
Chains that kept the boot heel of the tyrant upon the neck of all humanity ,..until the coming of America,..Lincoln,..and the Republican Party,..
This was intolerable to the Democrats,..
Lincoln had to die, for daring to reaffirm the God given reality, that all men are, in fact,..brothers,..created in one image,..
The Image,..of God.
So Be It.
Then would come the anti gun agenda,..put into effect in the days following the Civil War, by Southern Carpet Bagger Democrat politicians, who would petition Washington to prevent freed slaves from being able to own a firearm,..
Aye,..not surprising,..for the Democrats understood, that a man is only as free as his ability to defend that freedom.
The Democrats knew, cannot beat, lynch,..or burn a cross on the property of a man who is armed,..
The Second Amendment to the Constitution truly made Lincoln's legislation ,..inescapable reality.
And the Democrats , to this day, continue to try to destroy the God given right to keep and bear arms,..
Aye,..the would be tyrant, dictator,..or despot,..will always seek one thing first,..
Ths citizens he seeks to subjugate to his will, must always first be stripped of all weaponry,..all ability, defend himself,..
Aye,..and the Democrats will never give up their fight , to strip the American people of this right,..whether white or black,..for it is always the tyrants easy path,.. to enslave his fellow man. And,..make no mistake,..a return to slavery, is indeed the Democrats ultimate goal,..
An entire America enslaved, to the Democrat ruling elite whims,..
A socialist utopia,..
A Marxist nightmare,..
All Democrat imposed,..
Then came the Civil Rights Act,..the legislation created by Republican Richard Nixon , and the Reverend Martin Luther King,..legislation finally made law by a super majority of Republican House and Senate votes,..with only the Democrat representatives opposing its passing,..
And, all the while, ..the Democrats continued their southern state fight for the evil of segregation ,..a Democrat Governor named Wallace,..becoming the leader of this evil movement,..and looming in the shadows, ..always the presence of the Ku Klux Klan,...white sheeted , masked terrorists ,..dedicated to keeping the freed black man from ever achieving true equality in the southern states,..
Murder, ..vandalism,..intimidation ,..a terror task force,..created and supported , one political party,..and one party alone,..
The Democrat Party.
Yet,..despite this inescapable history of Democrat racism,..Democrat evil,..the Democrats still try to use the race card as their main weapon while in combat with the Republicans,..
They still try to rewrite the clear history of this nation,. and paint the Republicans as the Party of slavery and racism.
An absurd claim..that even Hans Christian Anderson would dismiss as a fairytale,..for the evidence is inescapable ,..
America is not racist.
In fact, was founded by men who, at its inception,..sought to end the scourge of slavery,..a scourge, that has existed since the dawn of time itself,..for it is an evil that dwells in the very psyche of man as a species,..
Waiting ,..for the moment,.to unleash itself,..
And it has been unleashed,..for centuries,..since the dawn of time,..until America ended it.
Yet,..the Democrats persist,..and in a way, this is not surprising.
Indeed,..they have no other weapon to use against Republicans,..
They increase taxes and regulations,..
They want to take guns away from citizens,..
They want to defund the military,..
They want to defund the police ..
They hate our Judeo Christian founding,..
They oppose all that America is,..all that it was ..and they oppose the freedom, that is its essence,..
How then,..for Democrats to win elections?
They must demonize Republicans as the racists,..and keep the borders open,..flood the country with welfare dependent criminals and drug addicts,..who will vote Democrat,..eternally.
It's all they have,..
Senator Ted Kennedy knew this inescapable truth, 1965,..
He knew that unless the Democrat Party pushed this racist agenda,. and kept the borders open,..they would no longer be able to win any election,..ever again,..
He was right.
And,..the borders remained open,..and the race card,..the Democrats played indeed,..unopposed,..
Until now,..that is,..
Now,..with the coming of the Trumpian Age of Miracles,..
The Republicans are indeed fighting back ,..hard,..
And,..there is much to overcome,..
For now,..with all other Democrat strategems failing to stop the demonic Trump,..Russia,..Ukraine,..aye,..even the Wuhan Virus, .all,...have failed,..and the Trump economy is now rebounding ,..setting new records of economic and job growth,..especially in the Republican controlled states,..
The Virus is real,..but the shutdown was not,..
The shutdown was nothing more than an attempt to stop the Trump economy,..mere months before the November elections,..
You dont shut down a free market economy , in a free market republic,..for a mere virus,..unless there is an ulterior motive,..
That motive?
Stop the Trump-Republican Machine,..
Reverse all its sucesses,..
Stop his reelection, and restore Democrat control if all three branches of the Federal Government,..
That is all the virus shutdown is,..was,..or will be,..
But it has failed,..for after but a few months,..even the Democrat states are finding that the shutdown they imposed, being resisted,..
The freedom that the Democrats would take from its citizens, order to stop Trump, ..will not be taken,..for the American people are fighting to keep it...
And,..there lies the secret to remaining free,..
No one will give you freedom,..
You have to take it.
And, no Democrat will give you back your freedom,..
The shutdowns in Democrat states,..will not end,..
Unless, end them.
So Be It.
And ,..they are ending it,..all across the nation,.. slowly,..but surely,..with the Trumpian economy roaring back indeed,..setting new records,..
The Democrats,..seemingly beaten again,..
Trumpian triumph in November , .seemingly a fait accompli,..
But then,..the unexpected intervened,..
The Democrats old standby,..racism,..that card would now be played by the Democrat Machine for all its worth,..
It all started in Minneapolis ,..Minnesota,..a Democrat stronghold for decades,..must h like Chicago,.a hotbed of Democrat poverty,..corruption,..crime,..death,..and economic despair,..
In this stronghold,.. three police officers brutally killed a black man,..George Floyd,..over a counterfeit twenty dollar bill,..
A knee to the back of the neck of the handcuffed and street prone Floyd,..cutting off all oxygen,..ending his life,..while two other equally corrupt ,..inept
officers watched,..while the gathering crowd screamed in protest...
Was this killing racist?
No. Floyd died not of racism,..but at the hands of three brutal thugs ,..unvetted and poorly trained, a Democrat controlled city,..that has nothing but contempt for police,..and citizens,..alike.
Indeed,..that's why these incidents occur in solely in Democrat cities and states,..
The crime ridden ,..collapsing economies that they rule over,..are bound to have conflicts between corrupt police and the criminal element that controls the Democrat cities and streets,..
Indeed,..the Democrats have planned it this way,..
The same way they planned gun free zones, create the mass murder of children,..
Poorly trained Democrat police officers , in Democrat cities,.. create incidents that enable the Democrat race card, to be played against Republicans,..
Gun Free Zones create mass murder in Democrat schools which enables the Democrats to play the anti gun card,..moving them a step closer to a total nationwide gun ban,..their ultimate socialist goal,..
Indeed,..there is always an ulterior motive to the Democrat madness,..with the ultimate goal always Marxist Socialist Utopia,..with the Democrat Party,..the ruling elite,..
Now,..with Trump so close to second term victory , and the virus almost played out as an anti Trump weapon,..
Racism arises again,..
The citizens of Minneapolis taking to the streets immediately after Floyd's death,..the protests quickly, and predictably expanding into violent terror strewn riots ,..the George Soros funded Marxist forces of Antifa and Black Lives Matter,..resurfacing,..converging on Miinneapolis, and many other Democrat cities and states too,..reducing all their streets to burning rubble ,..stores looted and vandalized,..the Minneapolis police station burned,..
A terror tour de force , with even the statues of historical figures,..federal property,..becoming targets as well,..
Hated symbols of hated America,..
But,..only in Democrat cities and states,..for the ugly truth of these bought and paid for riots , that they could not happen,..if the Democrat Mayors and Governors were not permitting them to happen...
Telling their police forces to stand down,..and let the anarchists level hard working Americans free market businesses,..
All in the name of empathy for Black Americans ,..
All in the name of justice for George Floyd,..and other victims like him,..
Utter nonsense,..
Undertrained, unvetted,..bought and paid for Democrat thugs killed Floyd,..not the police system,..which remains a force for good,..a force for justice,..
But,..that does not fit the Democrat narrative ,, them,..this is racism again,.. rearing its ugly head,..
Republican racism,..
And the only solution?
To sit back,..stand down,..and let the forces of Antifa and Black Lives Matter use all their Marxist strategems to tear down all that is ,..American,..level it,..
From its Wendy's and McDonalds, its Civil War statues and Lincoln Memorials,..
All of it must come down,..and a new society must emerge from its ashes,..
Societies, the one in Seattle Washington,..Antifa named it Chaz,,..then Chop,..the leftist Democrat Mayor going along with the defaced madness,..the burning destruction,..until it came to her own home, that is,..
But, is too late for any Democrats to see the light now,..their police are being defunded by Democrat design,..and are ordered to endure terror attacks without retaliation , Democrat mayor and governor design,..
Aye,..the Democrats that wanted gun bans, have also disabled the police, and released criminals from prison in the name of covid 19 justice,..
Seattle,..Minneapolis,..New York,..Chicago,.Philadelphia,...California,.. a perfect storm of Democrat created madness indeed, that seemingly threatens the entire nation,..
Aye ,..and even threatens the Trumpian Triumph that seems almost within Republican grasp,..
Seemingly,..but,.looks can be deceiving,..especially when dealing with the ever deceptive,..diabolical Democrats,.
First,..all this madness,..the burning riots, .the Antifa and Black Lives destruction,..
All, exclusively occuring in Democrat cities and states,..with their Mayors and Governors promoting it,..even funding it,..a scheme, no doubt, further hurt Trumpian economy and reelection chances,..and create an excuse for more Federal bailout dollars as well,..
But,..Republican states and cities remain intact,..the National Guard called in,..the city streets protected,..racist free,..terrorist free,..virus free,..shutdown free,..
And,..most importantly,..the Presidents patience with Democrat Mayors and Governors who let all this madness happen,..
Is now,.. at an end,..
It started with a new Trump rally,..the first in months,..massive street turnout,..record setting home viewing numbers,..with only Antifa forces preventing all attendees from remaining at the function,..No mandatory masks, social distancing,..
The President,..has had enough of these games,..for this is a war , .for the soul of a nation,..
The Rally weapon hath returned ,..and with it ,..America is seemingly reborn,..
And Trumpian Victory,..well assured...despite falling poll numbers,.. nothing more than Democrat manipulation, from the 2016 playbook,..
For, All the Gods,..the Presidents patience is indeed,.at an end,..and now comes the 3 dimensional counterattack to end all Democrat strategems,..once and for all,..
And end the lie of racism as well,..
New laws are now being put into place, Trump executive order,..and Attorney General Barr decree,..
All Antifa and Black Lives Matter forces are now to be federally charged for their crimes,..
Those who dare damage or destroy private property or federally protected monuments,.. will face a minimum of ten years in prison, Trumpian decree,..
Aye,..for the Jackson statue was targeted ,..along with Teddy Roosevelt ,..and Lincoln as well,..and, the wake of these attempts at public sacrilege,..the Trump rage has grown,..
The Obama forces against him,.now fully exposed, .the now acquitted General Flynn,..and commuted sentence of Roger Stone,..ending all their injustice,..with more to come,..
Black Lives Matter,..
All enemies of this Free Republic,..whether foreign or domestic..will now face Trumpian Wrath indeed,..
The President waited for the Democrat Mayors and Governors to call him for help, call for the National Guard,...
The calls,..never came,..
In fact,..the Democrats fully exposed their true,..evil nature, not only tolerating this destructive madness,..but encouraging it,..and yes,..even funding it,..
Now,..the President sees all clearly,..
Now,..he knows the truth,..
Antifa..Black Lives Matter,..The Democrat Party,..they are all part of the one whole,..and just as it was at the very beginning,..with the signing of the Declaration of Independence,..when the Democrat loyalists refused to sign,..unless slavery endured,....
So it remains the truth now,....
The Democrat Party is, and has always been,..the enemy of America...
It's most dangerous enemy,..
For it is an enemy that seeks to destroy all that America is,..
All that it was,..
From within,..
Aye,..the President sees all now,..and he'll have done with it,..once and for all,..
The Obama Administration,..shall face justice,..
So too, Antifa,..and Black Lives Matter,..George Soros,..and all things Democrat,..
Jail and fines are coming,..thanks to Barr and Durham,...
And all Federal funding to Democrat cities and states that allowed this madness and destruction to go on,..unchecked,..will be ended by Trumpian executive decree,..
So Be It,..
Aye,..the Trumpian patience with all things Democrat , indeed at an end,..and his wrath grows, with each passing day,..
And with that wrath,..shall come Trumpian retribution,..most brutal,...most terrible indeed,..
The Democrat strategem at this point?
Call upon whatever gods they may still believe in,..
Call upon them,..for deliverance,..
For the Gods may have mercy upon them,..
But Trump,..and his Republican Legions,..will not.
Aye,..better for Democrats to fall to the forces of Antifa or Black Lives Matter,....than to be crushed beneath the Chariot Wheels of Triumphant Trumpian forces this November,....
Sunday, July 19, 2020
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