The President, has, no doubt, read Homer's epic, "The Iliad,and the Odyssey,..for he has conjured a masterpiece of military strategem,..that seems torn directly from this timeless classic's pages. Trump's sudden,..baffling withdraw of all American troops from terror stained Syria,..has ultimately revealed itself to be nothing more than the Greek Hero Ulysses, Trojan Horse maneuver reborn,...
In both scenarios,..soldiers are abruptly in mysterious retreat, the heart of the battlefield,..leaving a hidden enemy to contemplate,..and finally come out of the shadows of their secured embattlements,..leaving themselves exposed,..and unprepared,..for a sudden counter strike from the special forces, ...of an enemy, like a coiled spring,.. ready to slaughter these bewildered sheep , so carefully drawn from their dark realm face their grim fate,..
A Triumph for Ulysses and the Greeks, against the Trojan hoards,.
And, .now,..another Trumpian Triumph,..against the diabolical forces of ISIS,....for the President has now, not only left ISIS,..a charred ..defeated ruin ..but he has also taken the ultimate prize as well,..the head of ISIS ,...Supreme Leader ..Abu Bakar Al Baghdadi,...and Baghdadi's heir presumptive as well, two,..swift precisely executed, special forces strikes ,,..and then,..the other, swift,.. and deadly,.. as a flashing ninja blade .
Another Trumpian Triumph indeed this Age of Miracles,..and ..a triumph,..that still leaves one, singular question .yet,...unanswered ..
Aye, question exists, that now consumes all others , in the minds of earthian mortals.
One question,..that hangs in the air , like a gleaming guillotine. One question,..that confounds and perplexes the demonic pestilence called Democrat.
One question,..that seems insoluble, those dedicated to the destruction of the Shining City,..
Why does this man-devil called Trump,..keep winning? He seems to effortlessly stalemate and countercheck every diabolic Democrat strategem ,..and transform these attacks into Trumpian Triumph, each and every time.
The answer simple.
Trump wins,..because he is Trump.
He wins, because the very essence of Trump truth.
He wins because he is truth,..personified.
Truth, fashioned into mortal form, no doubt, by gods and demons who found a need for him,..on this troubled earthian sphere,..
And, as living truth,..he can also perceive the truth of events and mortals he encounters, every single day, during his never ending war, with the Democrat Machine.
He sees the truth of the new Democrat Ukrainian strategem to bring about his impeachment, and now knows that Ukraine was always the source of the Russian Dossier that Clinton Democrat forces bought and paid for,...
A Dossier, ..that became the root of the diabolical strategem to destroy Trump,.the Candidate,..and later,..Trump the President,.
He knows now that it was always Obama and Biden that put the plan into motion,..with Biden installing his wayward rogue of a son , Hunter,..on the board of directors of a corrupt, Ukrainian gas company called Burisma .which,.. in essence is nothing more than a money laundering front,..A way for the Ukrainian government to trade cash,..for political favor with the United States president,..Barack Hussein Obama,..
In truth, Burisma served the same function as the Clinton Foundation,..
A way for criminal regimes around the globe, to pay for political leverage and favor with the Democrats. ..while they still held the reigns of power in Washington.
No quid pro quo on the President's behalf. That particular transgression , was committed by Obama and Biden,..all around the globe,..with many of America's enemies.
Indeed, .if projection was an Olympian Sport, doubt the Democrats would take the gold for eternity.
Trump sees the truth as well,..of the Syrian withdraw controversy,. The hypocrisy of the Democrats who now oppose U.S. Troops being removed from the terror torn region,..An endless Infinity War between Turkey, the Kurds,..Syria ,.Iraq ,..and Iran,..A ten thousand year war pitting one tyrannical terror force against another,..and another..and another,....
The Middle Eastern lust for blood and combat will never be sated,..for the evil God they all worship , demands the horror,..demands eternal armageddon, the price those who worship him,..
Must pay,...
The President will no longer waste the lives of the extraordinary men and women who comprise our military forces ,..
Trump knows,..they are valuable,..highly skilled , living weapons of war,..weapons,.. of death,.. ..that must be used for the purpose of destroying any evil that threatens the free world,..or the Shining City itself,..And then,.. once done,..they must come home,..and leave their crushed enemies to ponder, eternal fear and apprehension,..Wondering when these Trumpian Agels of Death,..will return, humble them again,..
Aye,..Trump knows our soldiers are not policemen, to be planted in the midst,..of Middle Eastern madness,..
In the midst,..of thousand year wars ..
Waiting to lose limbs,..and ultimately, itself, the hands of a cowardly enemy , that , like the false god they worship, ..has no honor on the battlefield,..or anywhere else,..
And our Kurdish allies,..who helped rout the scourge of ISIS?
The Turkish peace treaty is written in Trumpian stone,..the oil fields of Syria will be guarded against all terror forces that covet them,..And,..should the treaty be violated, Turkish or Kurdish forces,..
The Wrath of Trump,..shall no , bounds,..heavy sanctions shall befall all responsible,..and the American Military,..shall return,..
With A Vengeance,.
Aye,..and the President knows,. many more truths,..
Taxes and Regulations,..cut to the bone,..for all Americans,..this is the only way to create a prosperous economy ,..and only Republicans in power,..will implement these cuts,..
A Strong Military , vital to United States security , and it must be unleashed fully,..and allowed to do what it does better than any other force in the Universe,..
Destroy Evil,..
Aye,..and more Truths,..
The Right to Keep and Bear Arms, sacrosanct for mortals born into freedom,. For a man who cannot defend his freedom, against forces who will always seek to take it from him, not truly free,..
Truth again,..
Trump knows the truth of Deep State Democrat corruption,..
Corruption,..that Attorney General Barr and U.S. Attorney Durham , are uncovering,..
All will be revealed,..inevitably ..
All Democrat malfeasance will be exposed,..
And, the end,..there shall come a reckoning,..
Trump knows ,..even more truths as well,.
He knows that his epic rallys,..and endless tweets,..and now ..also his constant,..impromptu press conferences ..are destroying all things Democrat,..for the Trumpian word itself, truth, and when that truth attacks constantly,..relentlessly against any and all Democrat strategems,..eventually they must crumble into nothingness ,..leaving Trump standing supreme, in the wake, of every skirmish,..
The President knows the truth of Border Security,..
The Wall is the Key,..the Rosetta Stone of a secure nation,..and it is now going up like the sails of a ship,..and already is proving quite effective in all regions where it stands,..
Trump knows the truth of our trade system,..that America paying heavy taxes and tariffs on goods that we ship to other lands ..while leaving imported goods with virtually no tariffs,.is insanity,..
Now those who benefitted most from this insanity,.. will pay heavy tariffs on their own imported goods as well,..until they submit to the President's will,..and admit that they need the American economy , far more than it needs them,.
And,..once done ..then agree to finally make free trade ,..fair trade as well, Alexander Hamilton envisioned it ..when he designed our system,..
A system,..that made America,..the leader of the free world,..and the last, hope,..for humanity itself,..
More Truths,..
Trump knows that an energy independent nation, a nation to be feared by its enemies ..and respected by its allies,..
One that need not bend to the will of any other nation,..especially when that energy independence is buttressed with the greatest fighting force,..ever assembled by mortal man ..
And,..finally, Trump knows the truth of impeachment,.. that it is nothing more than a desperate act of a Party that now knows ..
They cannot win in 2020,..
Or ..ever again,..
Aye, defeat Trump, they must destroy Trump,..break his will,.with constant political pressure in the Democrat controlled Congress ..
They will fail ..
It will all fail,..
For the most recent Trump rallies in Dallas, Texas,..and Minnesota,..have proven,..beyond a shadow of a doubt,..
Trump,..Is Legion,..
For He Is Many,..Indeed,..
And, with the Republican Machine now solidly backing him,..and campaign donations already reaching miraculous levels,..Trumpian Victory seems assured indeed,..
Leaving the Democrats ,..self crucified,..lost,..with no task to occupy them,..nothing to do,..except wait,..for final execution ,..
Wait,..for the falling blade,..
Wait ,..and reflect,..on the final battle to come,..
A battle,..that the Democrats now know,..
They Cannot Win,...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
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