Sunday, July 21, 2019

"The Scourge,...Of God?"

While the victories of Trumpian Legions are myriad,..almost too numerous to be counted,..the war,..nevertheless,...goes on,..with the Diabolical Democrat Machine still plotting new blasphemies, to unleash upon this President,...upon the Republican Legions he commands,...and upon We the People,..who rule this sovreign land, by Godly decree,..
So be it.
But,..this President is far from idle,..and never been one to rest on the scattered laurel leaves of victory 's past,..
No,..this savage President has little time for victory feasts,..for there still remains ,..the mission,..
The one, noble task, that he has pledged his life,..and blood, completing,...
To this end, the space of a mere few weeks,..this Sorceror in Chief has indeed conjured extremely effective counterspells to the diabolic Democrat attacks,..forever keeping them, a Party, balance,..with constant Trumpian counter-pressure,..forcing them to stay endlessly on the defensive,..helpless before the Trumpian onslaught.
First, there came the G-20 Summit of Nations, held in Japan, where the President made history once again, becoming the first sitting American President to cross the DMZ,..and set foot on North Korean soil,...moving that one step closer, a world devoid of nuclear threat,..
Aye,..and one step closer, a Nobel Peace Prize, well deserved indeed.
Then came the highly touted, much anticipated, Independence Day Celebration,..again,..a Trumpian miracle in its own way,..and unique ,..not only for its Olympian military display of American power,..but also for the President's stirring speech,..that took us on an Odyssey through American History,..
A speech,..that left no doubt, to the greatness of this Shining City,..
And finally,..a wrathful hurling of Trumpian thunderbolts, four, well deserving targets, ..Rashida Talib,..Ilan Omar,..Alexandria Occasio Cortez,..and Ayana Pressly,..all newly elected congresswomen,..possessed of a uniquely disturbing hatred for the nation they swore an oath, to represent , and defend,..
A hatred, ..often on display by all of them, they spew their anti -American venom,..every hour,..every minute,..every second of the day, as though it were the sole purpose of their being,..
The sole reason Lucifer conjured them, and set them upon hallowed American soil,..
The President has finally had enough of this nonsense,..and,..swift as a ninja strike,..called a press conference in the Rose Garden,..denouncing all four of these sinister witches,..not just as Anti-American,..but as anti-capitalist as well,..
Communists,..the President called them, directly,..
Communists,..who seek nothing less,..than the destruction of America as founded,..
Communists,..who were now finally,..the direct targets of a wrathful Commander in Chief,..who told all of them, no uncertain terms,..
If you do not love this Shining City,..this greatest system of self government, yet devised by man,..
Then leave,..
Return to the failed socialist nations to whom you owe allegiance,..and give them the benefit of your enlightened Marxist strategems,..
And leave America, him,..and his Republican Legions.
So Be It.
Three Trumpian Miracles coming swiftly,..and with the deadly intent,..of an assassins strike,..and then,..another Trumpian Victory Rally as well,..with the President continuing his savage, ..unrelenting attacks,..on these Four Horsewomen of the Apocalypse,..the so called "Squad",..that the President has skillfully maneuvered, into becoming the hideously twisted , face,..of the Democrat Party,..
Aye,..and in the wake of all this,..the Democrats reel,..bewildered, a fatally wounded animal,..
That cannot comprehend,..this fatal thrust,..that hath brought them, the brink of,..the abyss,..
And complete annihilation,..
And ,..even with all this,..the President will not rest, will not vary,..will not waiver,..will not stop,....
Until this one, grim task is completed,..
Destroy the Democrat Machine,..
Level it,..reduce it to the eternal abyss of,..
And then,..and only then,..
Drink a Victory Toast at the very Gates of Olympus itself,..
Aye,..only then,..
But for now, President Trump smells the blood of a mortally wounded enemy, ..and will do now what is necessary, finish it.
For there is much of a savage barbarian in this President,..and he knows instinctively , that an enemy is never more dangerous,..than when he is wounded,..for that breeds ,..desperation,..
And, make no mistake,..the Democrats have become,..desperate indeed,..
The Fusion GPS strategem to destroy the Trump Candidacy and Presidency,..has failed spectacularly,..and is now fully exposed, a manufactured coup,..with no real substance,..and Attorney General Barr, is now turning the tables on the Democrat conspirators, beginning investigations into all involved in this treasonous, attempted coup,....
Attempted grasp,..for Democrat power,..
Aye,..the Democrat Machine has reason to fear indeed,..even beyond this coming counter- attack by the Attorney General,..
They fear the Trumpian economy,..for it is unsurpaags in its Olympian sucess,..
They fear his support for the military,..that has restored its power to full,..and then unleashed that power upon the now vaporized forces of ISIS,..
They fear Trumpian support for the 2nd Amendment right of a free man to defend that freedom, force if arms,..
They fear this one right,..that makes all other human rights possible,..
They fear a new Judicial push, turning leftist dominated courts into strongholds of Conservative Republican based,..common sense rulings,..
They fear the Trumpian support for our Allies in Freedom,..a support that transformed Jerusalem into the Capital of Israel,..finally,..and brought old Allies closer,..through new trade policies that make it clear,..
America will no longer bow to foreign nations ,that hold this Shining City, in contempt,..
They fear new Trumpian energy independence, that forces our enemies to re-think anti-American policies that serve no purpose against an America that now says,..
 "We need no one, sustain our greatness,.."
 They fear much,..these Democrats, the 2020 elections loom ever nearer,..for they know, that the basic laws of political reality,..cannot be altered,...and a sitting President,..whose economy prospers,....
Cannot be De-Throned,....
Especially when that President is a savage, unrelenting counter-attacker,..who has but one goal,..
Win, at all costs,...
Win, destroying the one enemy that has always threatened the very existence of this Shining City on a Hill,..
Win, destroying all things Democrat,..
And the Democrats have no weapons to counter with, leftist rallies obsessively calling, for this President's impeachment.
A weak response indeed,.against a man who has now assumed a new mantle, heard of before,..down through the ages,..and countless centuries,....
 "The Scourge ,..Of God," .....
Aye, centuries past, was first the Assyrians who,..according to Holy Scripture,..would be used by the Almighty as his earthian weapon, strike down most blasphemous,..most irreverent Israel,..who had defied heavenly will,..and corrupted itself,..
The All-Father would send the barbarian hoards of the savage,..unrelenting,..merciless,..Assyrians ,..against Israel,..and they would level his chosen people,..reduce them to the dust from whence they came,..and then,..once again,..return to thrir desert kingdom, p!ot new conquests, loot, plunder,..until the day when the Almighty would call upon them , once again, be his Scourge on Earth,..his wrathful hand, strike down all those who would date to thwart his unbreakable will,...
Then ,..centuries later,..came Attila,..leader of the Barbarian Huns,..who would sweep across ancient Europe reducing all nations they encountered, plundered dust,..
And yes,..even decadent,..much corrupted Rome itself,..woulddt eventually fall to the savage Attila ,...who, Trump himself,..had no interest in Kingdoms or Crowns,..and would simp!y destroy all things Rome before him,..and then, if almost by Heavenly decree,..return to the desert wilds from whence he came,..
To plot new conquests,..
New p!unders,..
Aye, stand ready, the newly  crowned Scourge of God,..
Ready to strike down his earth- bound enemies,..
When the time would again come,..and he was once again summoned by the one, true God, unleash his blood-stained hoard of Huns,..upon a corrupted humanity,...
So Be It.
And then, came to pass one day,... that with the Assyrians and Huns now lost to the sands of time,..
There would come a new "Scourge of God",....
A Savage,..Hellbent Scourge,..who would  be unleashed upon a corrupt pestilence,..called "Democrat",..and , Attila ,..!ike the Huns, the Assyrians before him,..Trump has but one,..heaven-sent,..holy mission,..
Reduce the Democrats,..
To the nothingness from whence they came,..
Aye,..and to this end, Trumpian plans to release all once classified documents regarding the Mueller -FBI-CIA conspiracy,..are part of this savage President's new battleplan,..designed to end this Infinity War against the Democrat forces,.....once and for all,..long before the inevitable landslide Republican victory, the 2020 elections,..
Aye,..release all classified information,..once and for all,..
The truth exposed,..finally,..laid bare,..before We the People,..who rule this Free Republic,..
A Trumpian scorched earth strategem indeed,..
Worthy of Attila himself,..
The message is clear,..
In the wake of Trumpian triumph over the Mueller coup,..Democrats have called for,..and recently put to a House vote ,..a failed attempt to impeach the President,..
And House Speaker Pelosi has called for  the actual imprisonment of the President,..for no crime greater than simply being a force of nature,..that the Democrats cannot defeat,..
Or control,.....
And , response to this,..and a host of other Democrat offenses,..
The President's savage wrath has increased,..
And, consequently,..the Trumpian pressure being applied, all levels,..has increased as well,..
Tweets,..Rallys,..constant interviews and press conferences,..
Ice border enforcement and raids,..
Borcer Wall construction,..
All Trumpian 3-Dimensional strategems will now be more intense,..more savage,..
More unrestrained,..
For now,..the President knows,..beyond a shadow of a doubt,..
The Democrats will never work with him,..on his MAGA agenda,..
And,..they will never stop,.. never surrender,....
They want the President destroyed,..
They want the Republican Party ,..destroyed,..
And out of power,..forever,..
Nothing less,..will satisfy them,..
So Be It.
For now,..a new,..more Savage Trump, emerging indeed.
More focused,..more determined,..than ever before,..
To accomplish his grim task,..
America ,..Will Be Great Again,..indeed,..
And, its Greatness,..will be built on the crushed and blooddtained corpses of the conquered Democrats,..
For,..the past, is prelude,..
And, the Democrat threat,..clear,..
Can this new Scourge of God,..
Do less?