Time, often meanders in circles, even in this, the Trumpian Age of Miracles, ..and to this point,..even as the sands of time hath now run out on the Mueller-Russian Probe ,..leaving the President vindicated,...victorious,...and undestroyed,.after two years of enduring the diabolical daggers of Democrat conspirators,....
New, stranger strategems ,..more demonic Democrat plots,....are being formulated ,..
Plots,..that, beyond all doubt,..will serve the exact same purpose as the Fusion GPS Dossier fueled probe,..
That purpose?
Destroy this Man-Devil called Trump,...
Destroy his Presidency,..
Bring articles of Impeachment,..
Attack every aspect of his administration,.his staff,..his family,..his friends,..use the Democrat controlled Congress, for one singular purpose,..
Launch endless congressional investigations into this man calling himself Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces,..sustain this witch-hunt that, even if failing to expose and destroy the target ,..will ,..at least, cast doubts in the minds of Republican-MAGA Legions,..as the 2020 election looms , ever nearer.
In truth, this is the only strategem that the Democrats can possibly use at this point. They must demonize this President and his Party, relentlessly,..
They must never vary,..never waiver, on their standard Democrat talking points,..
Trump and his Republican Legions are ,..
Steeped in anti -humanity evil,..just as the white ,slave owning founders of this abomination of a nation were.
Aye,..the Democrats only path now, in the face of almost assured Trumpian Victory in 2020,..is to convince the American voter that the Republicans are all these things that, in fact, are the essense of not the Republican Machine,..but the Democrat Machine,..
Always have been,..and always will be.
In truth,..the Democrats,..from the time of this nation's founding, have always been the Party of Racism, the Party of Infanticide,..the Party of ever increasing taxes and regulations, ..the Anti-Gun Party,..the Party that opposes and defunds our Military,..
The Party that has contempt for our soldiers, our police, our firefighting and emergency personnel,..our Veterans and Allies in Freedom,..and most especially,..Israel,..
The Party that supports our terror enemies ,..
The Islamo-Facists, and Muslim Extremists, who, like the Democrats, seek power by imposing the iron boot of subjugation on a humanity that they consider ,..inferior,..and born to serve their self appointed superiors ,..
The Ruling Elite,..
The Democrat Party,..
A Party,..that has always been exactly what they are now ,..but with one, slight difference now,....
For now the mask of pretended moderation and restraint,..hath been fully ripped away,..and discarded,..for it no longer serves any purpose . The mask was created to deceive the center right voters of America, ..
The Democrat Mask existed,..to serve only one end,..
To Win Elections,..for Democrats.
So Be It.
But now, having endured overwhelming Trumpian assault for over two years and beyond,..
A 3-Dimensional chess strategem,..that attacks at all levels and from all angles,..relentlessly,..unwaiveringly,..
The State of the Union and CPAC attacks, in particular, were Trumpian skirmishes that struck down the Democrats like a thunderbolt from Olympus,..
A wrath filled,..twin bladed assaultassault on all things Democrat , that has now forced the Democrats to face one , grim reality,..
"They Cannot Win."
In 2020,..or possibly ever again , in any National Election.
They know now, that the Midterm Congressional Victory was merely a political fluke, aided by the retirement of 45 House Republicans , and a Democrat re-districting strategem on a local level, ..and even then they barely took the House ,...and left Republicans still gaining a record number of seats in the Senate,.to offset their House victory as well,..
Aye,..the Democrats now know, beyond all shadow of doubt,..
They know,..
They have looked into the darkest shadows of their craven, tax grabbing hearts, and saw their fear, their corruption,..their hate,..staring back at them,..through a glass darkly,..
Aye,..they have been forced, by the man-devil Trump, to look into their own souls, ..
And found nothing more,..than ever growing despair,..desperation,..and madness.
Aye,..Trumpian triumph has forced them to see,..
Their destiny,..
The Death of their Party,..
The Death of their Power,..
The Death of their Dream of utopian socialist glory,..
Death at the hands of the Pale Horseman called Trump, whose reapers scythe hath fallen upon them now, with grim finality,...
And,..forced them into nuclear option desperation,..
Forced them,..to adopt a stategem of the doomed.
The result?
The Democrat madness of endless subcommittees , seeking Trumpian collusion crimes that simply do not exist,...
The banning of Fox News from all Democrat Primaries,..
And the physical manifestation of their hate, madness, and despair,in the form of Three Macbethuan Witches ,...
Democrat Congresswomen all,..
Ilhan Omar,..of Minnesota,..
Rashida Tlaib,..of Michigan,..
And Alexandria Ocasio Cortez,..of New York,..
Aye,..the Democrat Witch-Hunt did not fail,..for the Democrats have found what they sought,..in their own Party.
Three Witches,..of Democrat Congressional Death,...Despair,..and Doom,..
Witches that have looked into their bubbling , Macbethian cauldron of hate,..and conjured forth a multitude of Democrat demons, sins,..and abominations,..
The New Green Deal,..a" Mein Kampf" of Democrat evil,..a diabolical wish list of Marxist oppression, that ,if ever implemented, would destroy America as founded,..destroy its econony,..destroy everything,..with ever increasing taxes and reguations that would cement Democrat ruling power over a conquered America,..
Aye,..and the bubbling cauldron of the three witches hath produced even more to threaten humanity,..for they have summoned forth the demon of anti-semitism as well,..
A Demon,..that has plagued mankind at other times in earthian history,...
And left a trail of blood and tears across centuries,..
A crimson trail,..that even the sands of time,.. can never wash away,..
And now, in the Heart of Congress,..
The People's House,...
The Engine of a Self Ruled, Free Republic,..
This Demon from the Depths,..
Hath returned.
Summoned forth,..by three members of Congress, ..
A New Generation of Democrats ,..no longer concerned with winning ,..
Nay,..they seek only destruction, of all that is America,..
And have no patience with Democrat Leaders Pelosi,..Schumer,...or any other of the Democrat Old Guard,..who may perceive differently.
Aye,..Cortez,..Omar,..and Tlaib,..care nothing about winning elections, ..political strategems,..and realities.
They seek only the destructuon of hated America, by traditional communist means,..
The ways of Pol Pot,...Stalin,..Mao,.Hitler,..Castro,...Maduro,..
All infamous figures in history,..that these three witches admire,..
Ever increasing taxes and regulations that subjugate the free market to government control,..
An end to gun ownership by citizens,...
An end, to the scourge of Christianity,..
An end,..to freedom itself,..
An end,..to the Shining City,..
An end,..to the last, best hope for humanity,..
Aye,..this is the mad vision of this new coven of Democrat witches,...
A Mad Dream,..like the dreams of other would be Dictators, Despots,..Tyrants,..who learned long ago,..that they can make themselves appear taller,..by standing on the backs of their fellow man,..
A Mad Dream,..that,..will,...fail,...
In fact, it has already been crushed, by a grim, inescapable reality,..
Called Trump.
And, whether he be man, god,..devil,..or hell spawned demon,..
He has no time or patience for socialist dreams or Marxist fantasies,..
For this man-demon, summoned forth from his dark realm,..
Has work to do,..
And,..has already accomplished much,..
An end to the scourge of Obamacare,..by destroying its very heart,..the dreaded tax penalty,..
An end to burdensone taxes and regulations, that are the engine of tyranny,..
Support for the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms,..the one right,..that makes all other rights possible.,..
Energy Independence , for the first time in American History,..an independence that makes America the leading energy exporter in the world now,..
Unwaivering support for our Military,.. a support,..that has produced a result once thought impossible,...the complete destruction of the terror forces of ISIS ,..at the hands of the greatest fighting force yet assembled by mortal man,..
Unwaivering,..unconditional support for our Veterans and Allies,...that have risked all,..so that the Shining City,..may yet endure,...
And,..A Summit,..between Patriot and Boy Tyrant,..
A Summit, ..that has averted nuclear holocaust, strengthened Liberty,..and perhaps secured the Nobel Prize for the Son of Patriots , men call Trump.
And finally,..a coming 2020 Republican Victory,..so overwhelming,..so glorious,..that even the Gods of Olympus shall drink a toast in its honor,...
And,..against all this,..
A crumbling, defeated, ..failing Democrat Party, of socialist, communistic madness.
A madman's failed dream,..now held aloft by a Party that is,..
No More,...
A Party,..now led by a Dark Coven,..on an endless witch-hunt,..
A Witch-Hunt,..that has indeed produced results,..
For the Denocrat Party has indeed found their witch,..
Three in all,..and many more to come,...
Three who have looked deep into their bubbling cauldron ,...and conjured forth demons of a dark, dystopiab future,..
One other,..
A Demon,..that has no master,...
A Demon,..that obeys no will,..except his own,..
A Demon,..now poised to destroy all,..
The Witches,..
The Faux Collusion,..
The Democrat Party,..
All the Left has dreamed of,..or ever will dream of,..
And rightly so,..
For it was Democrat Madness that created the Demon called Trump,..
And only fitting then,..in the Frankenstein tradition,..
That the creation,..destroy the creator.
The Lesson?
Before Summoning Demons,..
Be certain,..first,..to whom they owe allegiance,...
Monday, March 25, 2019
Sunday, March 3, 2019
"Objective : Viet-Nam!!"
President Trump's 2nd State of the Union Address before Congress, is now part of History, and has virtually assured his re-election in 2020,..and perhaps secured a Repubican House resurgence as well. Once again, the President used his 3 Dimensional Chess Strategem of attacking the enemy from various levels and angles, while never relenting, never waivering, on the offensive push,...keeping constant Trumpian level pressure on the Democrats,...one thousand pounds per square inch,..every minute,...every second,...of every day.
A formidable attack mode to be certain,..and when combined with the overall structure of the State of the Union, which virtually assured Trump a captive Democrat audience, forced to endure over two hours of his Trumpian barrage,...it proved to be game changing indeed,...fully exposing the Democrats to all the world, for what they truly are.
Their mask finally ripped away fully, revealing their true nature,...
Who they truly are,..and have always been,..
Promoters of Infanticide,..
Haters of the American Military,.
Haters of Capitalism,..
Haters of Christianity,..
Haters of the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms,..
Haters of Freedom,....
Haters,..of America,..
Embracers of the Evil of Marxism,..where the self appointed elite rule over the common citizen whom they despise, and consider ,..inferior.
They want the Presidency and Both Houses back, so they can finally crush all aspects of contemptuous American decadence,..
Nothing speaks louder of this, than the madness of the so called "New Green Deal",..which is nothing more than another "Mein Kampf",...A madwoman's vision of a world under the iron boot of tyrannical despots, who have learned long ago, ..that they can always make themselves appear taller,.by standing on the backs of their fellow man.
And, make no mistake, the Mueller Probe will never "wrap up",....never end, as long as the man called Trump is President, and the Republicans still hold the Senate and Judicial reigns of power. Nothing will end,..until the Repubican Machine,..is no more.
This, however,...will not happen,...
For the unexpected, hath intervened.
The unexpected ,..in the form of a savage, unrelenting demon of a man, who trapped his enemies within the walls of their own newly won chamber called,.." Congress", and gave them the merciless beating they richly deserved.
A humiliating beating, that exposed the full nature of the evil called "Democrat". A beating, that drew its Republican energy from one Trumpian Warcry,..that reverberated throughout the Halls of Congress,..during the two hour slaughter,..
" America,..Will Never Be A Socialist Nation,. "
And,.in the wake of this Democrat slaughter that secured the 2020 Trumpian Second Coming,..
A Rally, of massive Trumpian proportions , that gave birth to another warcry,..that seemed to serve one,..grim,..purpose,..
Drive the Democrat Machine, ever deeper..into the abyss of rage,..and madness,...
"Finish The Wall",...
And now, with the 2020 well and truly secured by this Sorceror Supreme and his Republican Legions ,..
The President now turned away from Democrat madness for a moment,..to address other matters,..of global importance,..
The Mission: ,....Avert the threat of nuclear armageddon,..and turn an atomic fueled, North Korean Madman, into a peace loving ally,..and partner in freedom,..
North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un , has not launched any missiles since before the First Summit, and claims he will disarm , and de-nuclearize,..
To this end,..the Mission goes on,..
This is Trump's task,..
His Objective: ....Use his greatest weapon,..his unrelenting , unbreakable will, to turn despot into Trumpian disciple,..
To turn Armaggedon, at the heart of a splitting atom,..into an ever growing alliance of peace loving nations, ..
Allies in Freedom,..ever expanding around the globe,..
With North Korea joining Trump and South Korea in miraculous rebirth,..
A New Dawn,...Of Hope,..For Humanity,....
Impossible? For mere mortals,..perhaps,..
But not so for this Child of the Gods, whose strength is the strength of " We The People",..who form his invincible legions,..
Not so for this Conservative Force of Nature called Trump,..who has crushed his Democrat enemies on their own battlefield,..called,.. "The People's House",..and forced them into ever growing madness and desperation,..that has resulted in Fake Hate Crime Strategems, that have, for months now, been exposed , one after another, ..by Republican Legions that are now fighting back,..hard,...following the lead of their Commander in Chief,..
Fighting back,..exposing the Democrats to the light of day, ..
The Light Of Truth,..
A Light,..that always destroys Democrat pestilence.
Republicans,..fighting back,..
And Winning,..
And now,..another Trumpian miracle seems on the verge of becoming reality.
In the Heart of Viet-Nam,..
In the City of Hanoi,..
Trump and Kim met again ,..and shall meet,..
Again,..and again,.and again,...
The President will not relent ,..until the Nuclear Boy Tyrant ,..is no more ,..
Transformed,..into an ally,.dedicated to a Trumpian future ,..where man finally moves that one step closer to fulfilling his cosmic destiny,..
Moving ever closer,..to the day when Man,..and God,..
Become One,....
Not in this Trumpian Age of Miracles, where such words as fear,..and impossible,..
Do Not Exist.
And,..with the Viet Nam Objective now part of History, with hope for a future deal still in the realm of possibility,..
There are other Leaders,..of other nations, such as the President of Japan, ..who are now speaking of Nobel Prize triumph for Trump as well,..if he can suceed in this noble task , where all others have failed.
And, despite another stalemate with Kim Jong Un on Sanctions versus Disarmament,..
There still remains a glimmer of hope, as the personal bond between Patriot,..and Boy Tyrant,...remains strong.
So Be It,..
If the fates,..shall make it so,..
If the Mission suceeds,..
If Nobel Prize,..is secured,..
Trump will, no doubt, brandish his hard won award like a new battleax,....
A new weapon,..that will ,almost certainly, drive Democrats to new levels of rage, depair,..and madness, even as their 2020 hopes vanish,.in the coming Trumpian Dawn,..
It 's been written,. that Whom the Gods would Destroy,..
They would first make mad,.
Aye,....and if true,..
Can this Child of the Gods, called Trump,..
Do any less?
A formidable attack mode to be certain,..and when combined with the overall structure of the State of the Union, which virtually assured Trump a captive Democrat audience, forced to endure over two hours of his Trumpian barrage,...it proved to be game changing indeed,...fully exposing the Democrats to all the world, for what they truly are.
Their mask finally ripped away fully, revealing their true nature,...
Who they truly are,..and have always been,..
Promoters of Infanticide,..
Haters of the American Military,.
Haters of Capitalism,..
Haters of Christianity,..
Haters of the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms,..
Haters of Freedom,....
Haters,..of America,..
Embracers of the Evil of Marxism,..where the self appointed elite rule over the common citizen whom they despise, and consider ,..inferior.
They want the Presidency and Both Houses back, so they can finally crush all aspects of contemptuous American decadence,..
Nothing speaks louder of this, than the madness of the so called "New Green Deal",..which is nothing more than another "Mein Kampf",...A madwoman's vision of a world under the iron boot of tyrannical despots, who have learned long ago, ..that they can always make themselves appear taller,.by standing on the backs of their fellow man.
And, make no mistake, the Mueller Probe will never "wrap up",....never end, as long as the man called Trump is President, and the Republicans still hold the Senate and Judicial reigns of power. Nothing will end,..until the Repubican Machine,..is no more.
This, however,...will not happen,...
For the unexpected, hath intervened.
The unexpected ,..in the form of a savage, unrelenting demon of a man, who trapped his enemies within the walls of their own newly won chamber called,.." Congress", and gave them the merciless beating they richly deserved.
A humiliating beating, that exposed the full nature of the evil called "Democrat". A beating, that drew its Republican energy from one Trumpian Warcry,..that reverberated throughout the Halls of Congress,..during the two hour slaughter,..
" America,..Will Never Be A Socialist Nation,. "
And,.in the wake of this Democrat slaughter that secured the 2020 Trumpian Second Coming,..
A Rally, of massive Trumpian proportions , that gave birth to another warcry,..that seemed to serve one,..grim,..purpose,..
Drive the Democrat Machine, ever deeper..into the abyss of rage,..and madness,...
"Finish The Wall",...
And now, with the 2020 well and truly secured by this Sorceror Supreme and his Republican Legions ,..
The President now turned away from Democrat madness for a moment,..to address other matters,..of global importance,..
The Mission: ,....Avert the threat of nuclear armageddon,..and turn an atomic fueled, North Korean Madman, into a peace loving ally,..and partner in freedom,..
North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un , has not launched any missiles since before the First Summit, and claims he will disarm , and de-nuclearize,..
To this end,..the Mission goes on,..
This is Trump's task,..
His Objective: ....Use his greatest weapon,..his unrelenting , unbreakable will, to turn despot into Trumpian disciple,..
To turn Armaggedon, at the heart of a splitting atom,..into an ever growing alliance of peace loving nations, ..
Allies in Freedom,..ever expanding around the globe,..
With North Korea joining Trump and South Korea in miraculous rebirth,..
A New Dawn,...Of Hope,..For Humanity,....
Impossible? For mere mortals,..perhaps,..
But not so for this Child of the Gods, whose strength is the strength of " We The People",..who form his invincible legions,..
Not so for this Conservative Force of Nature called Trump,..who has crushed his Democrat enemies on their own battlefield,..called,.. "The People's House",..and forced them into ever growing madness and desperation,..that has resulted in Fake Hate Crime Strategems, that have, for months now, been exposed , one after another, ..by Republican Legions that are now fighting back,..hard,...following the lead of their Commander in Chief,..
Fighting back,..exposing the Democrats to the light of day, ..
The Light Of Truth,..
A Light,..that always destroys Democrat pestilence.
Republicans,..fighting back,..
And Winning,..
And now,..another Trumpian miracle seems on the verge of becoming reality.
In the Heart of Viet-Nam,..
In the City of Hanoi,..
Trump and Kim met again ,..and shall meet,..
Again,..and again,.and again,...
The President will not relent ,..until the Nuclear Boy Tyrant ,..is no more ,..
Transformed,..into an ally,.dedicated to a Trumpian future ,..where man finally moves that one step closer to fulfilling his cosmic destiny,..
Moving ever closer,..to the day when Man,..and God,..
Become One,....
Not in this Trumpian Age of Miracles, where such words as fear,..and impossible,..
Do Not Exist.
And,..with the Viet Nam Objective now part of History, with hope for a future deal still in the realm of possibility,..
There are other Leaders,..of other nations, such as the President of Japan, ..who are now speaking of Nobel Prize triumph for Trump as well,..if he can suceed in this noble task , where all others have failed.
And, despite another stalemate with Kim Jong Un on Sanctions versus Disarmament,..
There still remains a glimmer of hope, as the personal bond between Patriot,..and Boy Tyrant,...remains strong.
So Be It,..
If the fates,..shall make it so,..
If the Mission suceeds,..
If Nobel Prize,..is secured,..
Trump will, no doubt, brandish his hard won award like a new battleax,....
A new weapon,..that will ,almost certainly, drive Democrats to new levels of rage, depair,..and madness, even as their 2020 hopes vanish,.in the coming Trumpian Dawn,..
It 's been written,. that Whom the Gods would Destroy,..
They would first make mad,.
Aye,....and if true,..
Can this Child of the Gods, called Trump,..
Do any less?
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