And it came to pass, that while John the Baptist awaited a grim fate in the dungeons beneath the Palace of Herod Antipas, he did send forth a message across Galilee, ..asking if it was Jesus coming that was foretold in scripture, or were the people of Judea to expect another? Jesus responded,.. "My answer to John is what you people have witnessed, the lame walk,..the blind see,..the sick and dying,..are healed." " I ask John , what was it he expected to see when he went into the desert to preach? Was it a reed trembling in the wind? No. Was it a man clad in fine garments? No, must look on King's palaces for men who go proudly dressed and live in luxury. "Why then,..did he go out?.To see a prophet?"
And,.as with John then, too now, with President Trump's doubters , who, in light of Syrian withdraw, and a Wall still unbuilt,..have now renewed and intensified their doubts , their reservations, ..about the President's ability to lead this Nation, as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States.
But, as with John the Baptist "s doubts about Jesus,..the doubts of the faint hearted Trump acolytes,..are unwarranted , foolish,..and unnecessary. For, as with Jesus, before him,..the proof of Trump's ability as President , is what We the People have witnessed thus far,..
Tax and regulation cuts that have created an economic boom, not seen since the days of Calvin Cooledge.
A military revitalized,..and given renewed purpose, ..leaving ISIS nearly vaporized , and driven back into the shadows,.from whence they came,...
Our Allies in Freedom,...supported as never before,..
Our Veterans, now finally being cared for properly,..being treated as the elite heroes they truly are,...
Our Supreme Court Justices now, one by one,..being system atically replaced by Conservative Republicans, that protect and defend the Constitution as written, ..not as fantasized by the left,..
Our Second Amendment Right to Keep and Bear Arms,..the one right that makes all other rights possible,..protected and defended , never before in history,..
Unemployment at an all time low,..and America,..not only energy independent,..but now the leading energy exporting nation in the world,..again,..for the first time in American History,..
Trumpian Miracles all, be sure,..done in less than two years time,..yet the doubters remain ,..because of the Wall,..
The Wall that still remains to be built,..The Wall that symbolizes the tangible Will of the President,.made substance,..
The Wall, that ironically now seems a bridge too far, the Trumpian imposed government shutdown now seems infinite,..never ending, the clock ticks down to Democrat takeover of Congress,..with the coming Dawn of the New Year,.....
Yet, Trump remains supremely confident and determined to fulfill this promise, he has all the others he has made, including the controversial withdraw if Troops from Syria,..that sparked the sudden resignation of Democrat leaning General James "Mad Dog" Mattis,..who, opposing the President on virtually every one of his accomplushments,..has proven that the nickname bestowed upon him by his troops,..was, no doubt,..intended to be ironic,..
ISIS has been defeated by American forces in the Syrian region that remains controlled by Assad,..and Vladimir Putin. It is not now, nor has it ever been, American controlled territory. Therefore, there is no need for American forces to linger in terror strewn regions any longer,..for, like a flashing Ninja Blade,..the U.S. Military can always return, strike swiftly and decisively again,..if the ever changing winds of war require it,..
Bottom line?
As with all his other tasks, the President has proven he knows what he is doing,..does what he says he will do,..every,..single,..time,..
And seems always three chess moves ahead,..of all opponents and critics alike.
So now,..he should be doubted on the Wall? Absurd.
For, unbeknownst to such doubters as General Mattis,..and Faux Republican hack writer Ann Coulter,..slowly,....surely,..almost imperceptibly,..the Trumpian Vision for the Wall, has been taking form,..becoming solid substance,..the work going on for many months now, strategic border points ,....quietly,..without fanfare,..the ethereal vision is becoming undeniable reality.
The Wall will be built,..for the President has said it would be,..and what he says he will do, all the gods,...
He does,..
For his word, the the will of the American people, and Trumpian mission and accomplishment,..
Always one and the same entity,..
And, even as the Sands of Time inch ever closer to the New Year Democrat takeover,....Democrat Leaders Pelosi and Schumer ,..even in the face of Trump imposed shutdown,..remain confidant,..supremely so,..that the President does not have the votes in House and Senate, pass the 5 billion dollar spending bill, to fund the Wall,..
The President's temper tantrum,..and refusal to leave Washington during his self imposed government shutdown,..have accomplished nothing, ...for his Wall will never be built,..
At least,..not on this mortal sphere,..
The President's Wall,..according to the Democrat Leaders,....
An Impossibility,...
But then,..what is genius,..except that which is always balanced on the edge of impossibiity?
Aye,..and there was genius at work here,.a Trumpian genius,.
Waiting, strike,..
For, as the President sat in press open conference with Schumer and Pelosi,. he kept leaning ever forward on the edge of his seat..coiled like a spring, poised to strike,.as swiftly as a deady Puma on the hunt,...leaning in to emphasize, one , irrefutable point, to the startled Democrat Leaders,..
The Security of the Nation comes first,..before all other things, in Heaven or Earth,..and the 5 Billion for the Wall will be his,.....
Or the Government will be no more,..reduced to eternal shutdown nothingness,..
The Government will obey his will,..and the will of the American People,..
Or,..he ,..will,..destroy it,..
The Ultimate Victor in this noble standoff?
The victory was Trump's, ..with the Repubican portion of the House quickly passing the 5 Billion Spending Bill for the wall,..and the Republican controlled Senate following suit shortly after,..
Private funding for the Wall,.. already exceeding 5 million per day,..
And, all the while,..the steel slat vision of the Wall taking shape at the border,..
Aye,..steel slats that aptly symbolize the President's impenetrible will,..and the deadly spikes at the top of the slats?
A warning, all who would dare attempt to thwart that will,..
A Will, becoming spiked steel ,..deadly reality,..
With the coming New Year Dawn,..
"Hear, O' Wall,..The Sound Of My Greatness!" ,...
The President seems to proclaim,..
And the Wall,..has indeed heard that sound,..
A Sound,..that, all the gods,.
Rumbles Like Trumpian Thunder,..
Sunday, December 30, 2018
Sunday, December 16, 2018
"The Last Legacy!"
He was an American hero in every sense of the word, ..and the heartbreaking eulogy of his son,..George W.,..the miracle standing salute of wheelchair bound Sen. Bob Dole,..the Trump salute, and bonding with the Bush family,..and the final trip home, an adoring throng of fellow Texans,..all pay tribute to this fact.
He was the youngest fighter pilot of World War II, sef made oil tycoon,..Chsirman of the Republican National Committee, Ambassador to China,..CIA Director,.. Vice President of the United States under Ronald Reagan,..President himself,..for four years after Reagan,..Commander in Chief of the "Lightning Strike" of a War in Kuwait, against Saddam Hussein and his Iraqi forces,...and finally, ..the man who put into motion what President Reagan had begun, the final fall of the Iron Curtain,..and a new dawn of Freedom for Western Europe. Then came the elder statesman for the Reepublican Machine, ..and , ultimately, Advisor in Chief, the 45th President of the United States,..Grorge W. Bush.
Yes, George H.W. Bush wad indeed, all things in his day,..a warrior,..a risk taker,..a natural leader,..who never lost sight of the most important aspect of his life,....
Service to his fellow man,..
Service to his country,..that he loved with every fiber of his being,..
He was an easy going, unassuming man as well, despite all his accomplishments and family pedigree, ..and a man of humor as well,..whose love of a good joke,..or even a bad one,..never left him ,..even in his last hours.
And the love for this man? Incredibly bi- partisan, with both Republicans and Democrats alike praising him, as truly one of the greatest American figures of the 20th Century, and a good, likeable man as well. Yes,..even the Democrats loved him,..once he was defeated for re-election,..and no longer a threat to them that is. And as President, his accomplishments in the swift and effective Kuwait War, and Foreign Policy in general,..remain impressive,..even by today's standards, and in many ways,..unsurpassed as well.
Bush 41 orchestrated the bloodless fall of the Soviet Union, and a nearly casualty free , and supremely effective strike against the forces of Saddam Hussein , and opened new avenues of trade cooperation , with China and Saudi Arabia as well.
Yet, great as he was, ..loved as he is,..he failed to win a second term as President,..despite being the 2nd in Command of obe of the most popular Presidents in modern history,.. Ronald Reagan,..for eight years.
What was the fatal flaw that ended his Presidency after one term, leaving George H.W.Bush with the unenviable Legacy, of being the most popular one term President in History?
Actually, old 41' had the answer to this riddle himself, least partially. He once told Fox News pundit Chris Wallace , that he wished he had the charisma, and communication skills of his former boss , Ronald Reagan. H.W. felt that it was his inability to articulate the Conservative Republican message, to the people directly, that would, in the end,..prove to be his downfall.
In this, Bush was correct,..partially. But there was another fatal flaw that contributed as well, one that actually was the weakness of not just H.W.,..but every Republican Party representative , past or present. An unwillingness, see the Democrats for what they truly were,..and an unwillingness to treat them as the enemies of America , that they have always been. Bush senior always sought to work with the Democrats, always sought bipartisan solutions . So too did Reagan as well,..
What did it gain them?
Both men, as President, agreed to raise taxes , in exchange for a Democrat deal to cut government spending, and reduce the deficit at the same time. Both times it was a Democrat lie ,just put forth to gain the one thing Democrats can always be counted on to pursue relentlessly,...
Ever increasing taxes , ever increasing regulations,..and an ever weakening military as well,.. Both Reagan and Bush Sr,s Presidencies were marred by Democrat control in the House of Representatives .Reagan, however,..did have control of the Senate, and did eventually use this to push through the tax and regulation cuts that would create the economic boom that defined his Presidency. But, Bush Sr.suffered from Democrat control of both the House and Senate duribg his four years as Commander in Chief. This left him with little choice ,but to break his campaign promise of "no new taxes", order to obtain the funding needed to fight the War in Kuwait.
The war was sucessful,.and quick, with Saddam Hussein ultimately driven from the Kurdish regions ,.but the broken promise on taxes sealed H.W.'s fate in the coming election.
His son, George W. Bush, would fare better and win re-election , for one simple reason,..
From 2001,.to 2006,...President George W. Bush had a House and Senate that was controlled by Republican Super Majorities,..
This enabled him to create the greatest period of economic growth in American History , least until the coming Trumpian Age of Miracles that is. Even the Border Wall was being built,..finally,....going up as swiftly as the sails of a Pirate Vessel. The war on terror was working ,..with no terror attacks on American soil sibce 911,..and Sadam Husseins regime,. completely destroyed.
But then came 2007,..with the Democrats taking back control of both the House and Senate.
The result?
The economy spiraling downward, ..a new recession,..and the work on the border wall,..and the war on terror, stalled in !imbo,..indefinitely,.. Bush popularity polls at an all time low,..and ultimately ,.....the election of Barack Obama as President,..a President now armed with a Democrat controlled House and Senate , which resulted in two years of Democrat destruction ,.. including the tax scam pestilence known only as Obamacare.
The lesson of the Reagan-Bush Dynasty is clear,...
As great as they al were, strong as the Republican formed economies and military were,..all was eventually forgotten ,..and the Nation reverted back,..every time, destructive Democrat rule,...
Because they all refused to fight back,..and all sought to work with Democrats, instead of defeating them. Even Reagan , as great as a communicator as he was,....failed to see the folly, of working with Democrat House Speaker, Tip O'Neill,..on a raise taxes and cut spending deal,..
All failed to reinforce , irrefutable reality,..failed to ram home to We the People, inescapable fact,..
For the Nation to suceed,.
The Republican Party must suceed,...
It must control the House,..the Senate,..the Presidency,..and the Judiciary ,as well,..and preferrably by Super Majorities , that make all Democrat obstruction,.. virtually impossible.
Reagan,.Bush Sr.,..and Bush Jr., great as they all were,..
Failed to articulate this,..and often failed to even fight back, against the destructive Democrat Agenda.
All chose to rise above Democrat attacks , and play the statesmen,..
All failed to fight back effectively, against the real enemy,....
The Democrat Party.
All are considered Republican Party Statesmen, dignified,..reserved,..all carried themselves the way you would think a President should.
But all failed to stop the Democrat Machine from implementing its most destructive legislation,..Obamacare,..
All failed to stop them from weakening the military,..
All failed to stop the assault on our 2nd Amendment Rights,..
All failed to stop the erosion of our constitution,..
Because,..all failed to articulate the one, most important ,..most vital ingredient,..that must be there,..if America is to move forward,..and ultimately become that Shining City on a Hill,..that Reagan envisioned,...
Overwhelming Republican Victory,..
And Permanent Democrat Defeat,...
In every single election,..on a State and Federal level,..
Without this,..grest though they all may be,..all they created, will, in the end, forgotten.
All are indeed good men,..skilled men,..great leaders,..but , the end,..all lacked that edge, that will to win, all costs,..that fighters instinct, beat the enemy ,and to win, matter what the odds, matter,..what the sacrifice,..
To win,..because,.in the end,.victory over the enemies of this noble experiment,..this Free Republic,..
Is all that matters,..if the Nation, and the world, to endure.
The Democrat Party is the enemy of America , and, as great as the Reagan -Bush Legacies are,..
None of them, recognized that fact.
Good men? Yes. But in war, in takes more than good men, win.
Sometimes it takes a Son of a Bitch, get the job done, and by all the gods,..President Trump is that Son of a Bitch, and a good man as well,..who, Reagan and Bush,..believes in Republican principles, with every fiber of his being,..and he also knows, that there is no more time for legacies , within legacies,..
Now,..there is only the mission,..
To Win,..always,..
To Win,..every battle,..
To Win,..every time,..
For, in the end,...Republican Victory is all there is,..the only Legacy that truly matters,..
To a World, on the edge if the abyss,..
And, by the Bristling Beard of Zeus, none may conquer Trump,..for he is power personified,..strength unequalled,..for his strength is the strength of his Republican Legions,..against which,..
No mortal Democrat can endure,..
He was the youngest fighter pilot of World War II, sef made oil tycoon,..Chsirman of the Republican National Committee, Ambassador to China,..CIA Director,.. Vice President of the United States under Ronald Reagan,..President himself,..for four years after Reagan,..Commander in Chief of the "Lightning Strike" of a War in Kuwait, against Saddam Hussein and his Iraqi forces,...and finally, ..the man who put into motion what President Reagan had begun, the final fall of the Iron Curtain,..and a new dawn of Freedom for Western Europe. Then came the elder statesman for the Reepublican Machine, ..and , ultimately, Advisor in Chief, the 45th President of the United States,..Grorge W. Bush.
Yes, George H.W. Bush wad indeed, all things in his day,..a warrior,..a risk taker,..a natural leader,..who never lost sight of the most important aspect of his life,....
Service to his fellow man,..
Service to his country,..that he loved with every fiber of his being,..
He was an easy going, unassuming man as well, despite all his accomplishments and family pedigree, ..and a man of humor as well,..whose love of a good joke,..or even a bad one,..never left him ,..even in his last hours.
And the love for this man? Incredibly bi- partisan, with both Republicans and Democrats alike praising him, as truly one of the greatest American figures of the 20th Century, and a good, likeable man as well. Yes,..even the Democrats loved him,..once he was defeated for re-election,..and no longer a threat to them that is. And as President, his accomplishments in the swift and effective Kuwait War, and Foreign Policy in general,..remain impressive,..even by today's standards, and in many ways,..unsurpassed as well.
Bush 41 orchestrated the bloodless fall of the Soviet Union, and a nearly casualty free , and supremely effective strike against the forces of Saddam Hussein , and opened new avenues of trade cooperation , with China and Saudi Arabia as well.
Yet, great as he was, ..loved as he is,..he failed to win a second term as President,..despite being the 2nd in Command of obe of the most popular Presidents in modern history,.. Ronald Reagan,..for eight years.
What was the fatal flaw that ended his Presidency after one term, leaving George H.W.Bush with the unenviable Legacy, of being the most popular one term President in History?
Actually, old 41' had the answer to this riddle himself, least partially. He once told Fox News pundit Chris Wallace , that he wished he had the charisma, and communication skills of his former boss , Ronald Reagan. H.W. felt that it was his inability to articulate the Conservative Republican message, to the people directly, that would, in the end,..prove to be his downfall.
In this, Bush was correct,..partially. But there was another fatal flaw that contributed as well, one that actually was the weakness of not just H.W.,..but every Republican Party representative , past or present. An unwillingness, see the Democrats for what they truly were,..and an unwillingness to treat them as the enemies of America , that they have always been. Bush senior always sought to work with the Democrats, always sought bipartisan solutions . So too did Reagan as well,..
What did it gain them?
Both men, as President, agreed to raise taxes , in exchange for a Democrat deal to cut government spending, and reduce the deficit at the same time. Both times it was a Democrat lie ,just put forth to gain the one thing Democrats can always be counted on to pursue relentlessly,...
Ever increasing taxes , ever increasing regulations,..and an ever weakening military as well,.. Both Reagan and Bush Sr,s Presidencies were marred by Democrat control in the House of Representatives .Reagan, however,..did have control of the Senate, and did eventually use this to push through the tax and regulation cuts that would create the economic boom that defined his Presidency. But, Bush Sr.suffered from Democrat control of both the House and Senate duribg his four years as Commander in Chief. This left him with little choice ,but to break his campaign promise of "no new taxes", order to obtain the funding needed to fight the War in Kuwait.
The war was sucessful,.and quick, with Saddam Hussein ultimately driven from the Kurdish regions ,.but the broken promise on taxes sealed H.W.'s fate in the coming election.
His son, George W. Bush, would fare better and win re-election , for one simple reason,..
From 2001,.to 2006,...President George W. Bush had a House and Senate that was controlled by Republican Super Majorities,..
This enabled him to create the greatest period of economic growth in American History , least until the coming Trumpian Age of Miracles that is. Even the Border Wall was being built,..finally,....going up as swiftly as the sails of a Pirate Vessel. The war on terror was working ,..with no terror attacks on American soil sibce 911,..and Sadam Husseins regime,. completely destroyed.
But then came 2007,..with the Democrats taking back control of both the House and Senate.
The result?
The economy spiraling downward, ..a new recession,..and the work on the border wall,..and the war on terror, stalled in !imbo,..indefinitely,.. Bush popularity polls at an all time low,..and ultimately ,.....the election of Barack Obama as President,..a President now armed with a Democrat controlled House and Senate , which resulted in two years of Democrat destruction ,.. including the tax scam pestilence known only as Obamacare.
The lesson of the Reagan-Bush Dynasty is clear,...
As great as they al were, strong as the Republican formed economies and military were,..all was eventually forgotten ,..and the Nation reverted back,..every time, destructive Democrat rule,...
Because they all refused to fight back,..and all sought to work with Democrats, instead of defeating them. Even Reagan , as great as a communicator as he was,....failed to see the folly, of working with Democrat House Speaker, Tip O'Neill,..on a raise taxes and cut spending deal,..
All failed to reinforce , irrefutable reality,..failed to ram home to We the People, inescapable fact,..
For the Nation to suceed,.
The Republican Party must suceed,...
It must control the House,..the Senate,..the Presidency,..and the Judiciary ,as well,..and preferrably by Super Majorities , that make all Democrat obstruction,.. virtually impossible.
Reagan,.Bush Sr.,..and Bush Jr., great as they all were,..
Failed to articulate this,..and often failed to even fight back, against the destructive Democrat Agenda.
All chose to rise above Democrat attacks , and play the statesmen,..
All failed to fight back effectively, against the real enemy,....
The Democrat Party.
All are considered Republican Party Statesmen, dignified,..reserved,..all carried themselves the way you would think a President should.
But all failed to stop the Democrat Machine from implementing its most destructive legislation,..Obamacare,..
All failed to stop them from weakening the military,..
All failed to stop the assault on our 2nd Amendment Rights,..
All failed to stop the erosion of our constitution,..
Because,..all failed to articulate the one, most important ,..most vital ingredient,..that must be there,..if America is to move forward,..and ultimately become that Shining City on a Hill,..that Reagan envisioned,...
Overwhelming Republican Victory,..
And Permanent Democrat Defeat,...
In every single election,..on a State and Federal level,..
Without this,..grest though they all may be,..all they created, will, in the end, forgotten.
All are indeed good men,..skilled men,..great leaders,..but , the end,..all lacked that edge, that will to win, all costs,..that fighters instinct, beat the enemy ,and to win, matter what the odds, matter,..what the sacrifice,..
To win,..because,.in the end,.victory over the enemies of this noble experiment,..this Free Republic,..
Is all that matters,..if the Nation, and the world, to endure.
The Democrat Party is the enemy of America , and, as great as the Reagan -Bush Legacies are,..
None of them, recognized that fact.
Good men? Yes. But in war, in takes more than good men, win.
Sometimes it takes a Son of a Bitch, get the job done, and by all the gods,..President Trump is that Son of a Bitch, and a good man as well,..who, Reagan and Bush,..believes in Republican principles, with every fiber of his being,..and he also knows, that there is no more time for legacies , within legacies,..
Now,..there is only the mission,..
To Win,..always,..
To Win,..every battle,..
To Win,..every time,..
For, in the end,...Republican Victory is all there is,..the only Legacy that truly matters,..
To a World, on the edge if the abyss,..
And, by the Bristling Beard of Zeus, none may conquer Trump,..for he is power personified,..strength unequalled,..for his strength is the strength of his Republican Legions,..against which,..
No mortal Democrat can endure,..
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