Will Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination be derailed by sexual misconduct accusations from 35 years ago? Not at all, for the accusations have no basis in reality. His accuser is a Democrat operative, a leftist college professor,.a Hillary Clinton supporter,.. Clinton foundation donor,..and one of those who marched in protest,.with pink hat proudly worn,...the day Trump was sworn in as President. Leftist activist Christine Blasey Ford's accusation against Brett Kavanaugh,.. is nothing more than a stall,..designed to stop Republicans from seizing control of the Supreme Court,..and that is all. There are no facts,..no dates, no witnesses,..no police report,..nothing at all,..to back up her story,..and nor will she agree to actually testify before the Senate,..for she is well aware, that she has nothing to tell, except a yarn that even Hans Christian Anderson would dismiss as a fairytale. And, despite all Democrat efforts,..there is one reality,..that cannot be altered,..
Brett Kavanaugh will be the next Supreme Court Justice,..very soon indeed,..while the politically motivated accusations of a Democrat agent of destruction,..Will evaporate,..like a sea born mist, before the coming light of dawn.
Aye, the Red Death of Republican Victory,..doth move ever closer,....and the stench of Democrat Doom hangs heavy in the air,..
With the Democrats alone,..refusing to breathe,..
Aye,..and with the critical November Midterms rapidly approaching,..the President is already basking in the glow of inevitable Republican Victory,..with all five of the first Republican candidates that he has personally backed and promoted in rally criss crossing the nation,..winning their Primary bids handily,..
The lesson ,..is clear,..to both Republican and Democrat foes alike,..
The American people, who elected this President, and back his MAGA Agenda 1000%,..also back the Republican Legions that the President hand picks,..to implement his agenda. There can no longer be any doubt, any question,..as to whether the Republican Party stands with this President and his mission,..
They do. Unequivocally,..1000%,..despite what the feckless liberal media might spin.
In truth, if they did not,..much of the Presidents Agenda would still stand as an unfulfilled campaign promises.
The evidence is clear,..except for a handful of Republican Double Agents such as Jeff Flake, Susan Collins,..Bob Corker,..Ben Sasse,..Lisa Murkowski,..and if couse,..the late John McCain,...this President,..the Republican Party,..and We the People, who elected all of them,..are all one and the same entity,..all dedicated to the same noble task,..the same grim purpose;..
Make America Great Again,..by destroying the Democrat Party permanently, in the November Midterms.
In truth, the Democrat Party is already finished as of now, virtually destroyed by their own hand. The Mueller Russian Probe has exposed nothing more than the sinister machinations of the Democrat Machine , while simultaneously absolving Trump and all those associated with his campaign,..and administration. The Republican Stars,..are now aligned. Now is the time to finish the Democrats ,..once and for all,..and to this end,..the November Midterms are well suited indeed.
The Blue Wave Democrats have predicted will, in reality, ..never happen, for the Democrats can no longer run on the lies they are used to hiding behind. Nay,..for the Trump Double Bladed Weapon of Tweet and Rally,..combined with the never ending emails and texts that expose the Clintons,..Democrats,..FBI,..CIA,..DOJ,...NSA,..IRS,...plot to destroy this President and his Party, have fully unmasked the Democrats permanently, .and shown their true,..ugly face. The face of socialism,..the face of Marxism,...the face of contemptuous, America hating ,..Communism,...
There are not more socialists in the Democrat Party now. They have always been socialists, always bordering on communists in nature,..since the very creation ,if their insipid Party.
The only difference now,.is a Republican President who attacks and exposes them relentlessly,..and a Republican controlled House and Senate,..that fully supports the President's slashing,..savage,..attacking style,..and has demonstrated this, by passing his agenda, and following the President's lead by increasing the pressure on the now exposed Democrat rogues , 1000lbs, per square inch,..day after day,..
Aye,..there will be no Blue Wave,..because this is not a nation that supports National Socialism,..or Nazism,..as the Germans called it. We are a Free Republic, where We the People,..rule ourselves. Where taxes and regulations,..are limited,..and minimal,..where our military is kept strong ,our Allies in freedom, and veterans, supported,..and our Right to Keep and Bear Arms,..is undisputed,..and sacrosanct.
The Coming of the Red Death,..is as inevitable , ..as the rising sun,..and all the Democrat Machine can do to survive,..is to accept their defeat, crawl back into the shadows of the political abyss,.. ..and wait ,..for, perhaps,..some future moment of weakness in this Republican stronghold,..which they can strike against.
This, however,..Will not happen anytime soon,..
The Republicans will win handily in November, and the Democrat controlled media, will, once again, sit stunned and bewildered, at one, singular,.. savage man's ability to defeat them at every turn, and in many cases,..even force them , to defeat themselves,..
They will have no answers, no explanation, for the coming, final defeat, of the Diabolical Democrat Party.
And while their confusion reigns , and continues to mount under the wave of Red Death that will soon engulf them,..
The President,..will not be idle,..
As he has already done with former CIA Director and Communist Party supporter John Brennan,..the security clearances of all those involved in the Fusion GPS , Russian Dossier facade,..
All,...will be revoked ,..one by one,..Comey,..McCabe,..Brennan,..Clapper,..Yates,..Bruce Ohr,..Nellie Ohr,..Rosenstein,...Peter Strzok,..and Lisa Page,..Susan Rice,..Eric Holder,..Hillary Clinton,..and yes,..even President Obama himself,...all,..will now fall beneath the gleaming Republican scythe,..of this conservative force of nature,..called Trump.
All security clearances of those who have, for decades now,..conspired to destroy the Republican Party ,and this Free Rep
ublic,..that they hate, ..with every fiber of their being,..
All members of this Democrat rogues gallery,..of spies,..saboteurs,..and urban terrorists,.. will now be stripped of a security clearance that they never should have had to begin with...
Just as their Party,..should have never existed,..
Was the Democrat Party hacked by the Russians?
Of course.
But, whether it was Russian , Chinese ,.or another rival, competing nation,..does not matter.
What matters is that the hacking exposed the true evil that has always been the essence of the Democrat Machine,..and one other truth as well,..
The Republicans were not hacked,..
No Republican Intel was exposed ,..
No Republican corruption was exposed,..for the Republican Machine protects its Intel ,..and the Democrats ,..do not.
That is the difference between the two Parties,..and this should come as no surprise,..
After all,..why should the Democrats protect the Intel ,..the security,..of a Nation,..that it despises, and is trying to destroy?
And therein lies the fatal flaw,..
How can the Democrats destroy America,..and all she symbolizes,..
Without destroying themselves as well?
How can Satan,..cast out Satan?
How can you destroy America,..and remain unscathed,..while pretending to be part of America?
Well,.the Democrats need pretend no longer,..
For the coming Red Death a'borning,....will leave no doubt in the minds of gods, mortals, demons,.or even Democrats,....
Who is the Victor,..
And who is the Vanquished,..
Sunday, September 23, 2018
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