Sunday, May 13, 2018

"If Time, Were Not A Moving Thing,.. !"

The President was, once again, conspicuous by his absence from the Annual Whitehouse Correspondence Dinner. Not surprising . Only a fool would enter a serpent's nest, to do battle with one of it's brethren. He chose instead, to test the befouled Democrat waters, by sending a decoy instead, in the form of noble Herald and Press Secretary Supreme, Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
Her mission? Give the frothing mad Democrat Press a well hated open target, to unleash upon fully, no holds barred, for over two hours , and thereby forcing them to expose the true face of the Democrat Machine, the true , mean spirited, foul mouthed monstrous beast, that calls itself , Democrat. They took the bait, and gave a shocking, offensive, profanity laced performance, mean spirited, malicious, humorless, and offensive, on a myriad of levels.
It had to be this way, for Trump's strategem here, was , once again,brilliant. For, besides himself, who is more hated by the Press, than Sarah Huckabee Sanders? She scolds them like disobedient children, cuts them off in mid sentence, and, like the President, calls them liars, directly and forcefully, and, even more recently, banned one of their more offending ilk, NBC correspondent Jim Acosta, from any future White House press gatherings, with one simple , cutting statement,.. "I'm done with you." Acosta was almost driven mad with rage, at his casual dismissal. As  was the Democrat controlled press in general,..perfectly setting the stage for the White House Correspondents Dinner. Perfectly setting the Democrats up again, for the President's special version of the Muhammad Ali "Rope a Dope" technique. A strategem, that allows your opponent a deceptively open target, ..seemingly defenseless , and vulnerable , but a target that waits patiently, for his attacker's efforts to wane,..waits, a coiled spring,...waits,...for the moment to counter strike against an enemy that has now exhausted all offensive maneuvers, and now stands weakened, and defenseless, against the opponent's perfectly timed , savage counter salvo.
Aye,.. "Rope a Dope" is indeed an apt analogy ,..for the President's strategem. Not just regarding the White House Correspondent's Dinner, but for his overall battleplan, since  taking  the Presidency, over a year and a half ago. The Mueller fueled, Russian Conspiracy Stratagem was destroyed by this same technique, ..with the President and his Administration allowing the witch hunt probe to go on,...and on,....and on,...month after month,....producing no evidence whatsoever.
And the Democrats, all  the while, taunting the President,trying to goad him into firing Mueller and Rosenstein,..the same way he fired Comey.
Trump refused to take  the bait,..and continued to hold Attorney General  Jeff Sessions in check, and  allowed the Witch Hunt, grow, and even  mutate in a sinister way,..with FBI  Agents finally raiding the home of Trump Attorney Michael Cohen, in a desperate attempt to find something..anything,...that could potentially lead to Trumpian Impeachment.
All  has failed, and, in fact, has now exposed Democrat Russian -FBI conspiracies , and illegal wiretapping of Cohen and Trump as well,..conspiracies that House Intel Chairman Devin Nunes , Attorney General Jeff Sessions,..and the President himself,.are poised to strike against, and investigate just as comprehensively, and thoroughy, the Democrats have investigated Trump, lo these many months.
Turnabout is fair play,..but make no mistake,..the coming Trump counter strike ,..against the now spent and defenseless Democrats will not be "fair"at all. Nay, will be as brutal and as merciless as the Democrats have been against him.
And, never one to rest on his well earned laurels,..while waiting for the moment to  strike down the entire Fusion GPS Democrat Machine,..and reduce it to rubble,..the President planned, not a counterstrike,..but a counter celebration.  Another Mass Rally,..this time in Michigan,..the very night of the White House Correspondents Dinner,., avalanche of ranting tweets against Comey's   public admission to leaking classified government information,....and another added dimension to the MAGA Attack strategem, the form of a new weapon to compliment the President's ever growing,..Democrat destroying arsenal,...
First came the mass rally, ..including the latest in Michigan,.that connects him to his base of power,...We the People,...and enables him to lay down battle plans to cone. Then came the Tweet,.which enables him to instantly counter every single Democrat attack, within seconds of the strike,..with an equally devastating counter strike of his own,.. thereby keeping the Democrats ever on the defensive ,..unable to effectively formulate a cohesive battleplan of their own.
A dangerous position to be in, strategically, with the November Midterms looming ever nearer, ..a guillotine blade,..ready to bring gleaming blue steeled finality, to the Democrat Legacy of Destruction. A blade, ready to fall,..thanks to the three dimensional chess moves of a man called Trump.
The President's choice for VA  Secretary may have been sabotaged by Democrat Operatives  within the Senate that still rankle at the memory of this Doctor's report on the President's physical health.
The VA  nominee in  question, then the President's personal physician,..declared the  Trumpian physique to be near perfection, despite a seemingly lethal combination of constant fast food intake, and a non-existent exercise regimen.
 "How can the President be in perfect physical health, when he  never exercises , and eats KFC constantly? " ,..asked the Democrat Press. The Doctor's answer? " Genetics". In other words, the President is not subject to the same physical laws that bind mere mortals. The President, more than man,...the President, special,... gifted  by the gods who favor him, with potential immortality.
Or, that's how the Democrat controlled press interpreted his answer,..and his answer made him the Democrat Machine's next target. A target for lies, slander, pubic smears, that would virtually assure that he would never be  the next VA Secretary.and
The President's  Doctor could have fought back,..against all the allegations and potentially won the nomination anyway,..but he chose the better part of valor,..and stepped aside , lest he create another unnecessary distraction for the beleaguered Commander in Chief,.. already at war with the universe.
No matter, for the President knows to win a war, must become war, itself,..and the President would do battle for him, with his Twitter feed, with his Mass Rally,..and with his newest weapon as well,..
The Fox and Friends early morning, live, on phone interview. In truth, the President used this weapon before,..frequently, as candidate Trump, and even before that as well. Only natural then, that he would pick up its mantle again, especially now, when every weapon possible must be utilized , to assure Republican Victory in November .
The President rant on Fox and Friends was epic, .. A primal scream , with a strategic expose and destroy the Democrat counterattack,..before it could even begin to take effect,..while touting his own Trumpian accomplishments as well.
He railed against the Witch Hunt Russian Probe,..
He raved against the Michael Cohen, Stormy Daniels faux spectacle .
He raged against the attacks of the Democrat Senate, against the New  VA Secretary nominee,..and promised savage counter strikes against one specific Democrat Senator, who initiated them.
He praised his own accomplishments, as  well,..a booming economy, a new alliance with France and England, United against the Syrian-Russian chemical attacks,..
The end,  of the Iran Nuclear deal, ..the end of the NAFTA trade imbalance , ...a new alliance with China,...that spawned the President's greatest potential achievement to date, ...
A meeting between newly appointed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un, which led to the historic meeting between the North and South Korean Leaders, to discuss many things,..once thought impossible,..
A new world, undreamed of, for countless decades,.
Which then led to this singular moment in time, History,..once thought impossible,...
Peace talks, between the President of the United States, and North Korean Leader Kim Jong  Un, ..ruthless Dictator, Tyrant, and Despot, ..a nuclear armed madman, now ready to talk peace , and unity,..and the complete de-nuclearzation,  of North Korea .
A potential Trumpian  miracle indeed,..and if fulfilled, one truly worthy of the elusive Nobel Peace Prize.
A prize, seemingly worthless, in many respects, since even Obama achieved it, for accomplishing virtually nothing more, than being elected President.
Yet, it is a prize that has meaning to the pretentious , self absorbed, liberal left, ..therefore, would be the ultimate coup,..for the President to snatch this Prize from the mantle of the feckless Obama, and place it in the Oval Office, right next to the portrait of Andrew Jackson.
Mission Accomplished,..
For, although Republican Victory in the November Midterms is necessary, for Trump to truly claim victory,...what better way to convince the Democrats themselves that they have been defeated,..than for Trump to snatch the vaunted Nobel Prize, from the hand of the left's socialist icon, ..Obama?
And now,..add to Trumpian Miracles, the sudden release of three American prisoners, from North Korea as well,..and New Trumpian Glory seems inevitable, ..with the Democrats only possible strategem, stop time itself.
Aye,.. "If Time were not a moving thing,.." as the song goes,...
only then,..would the Democrats stand a chance to reverse their grim fate,....and halt, their date with destiny,..
So Be It.
And, when asked about the possibility of achieving the Nobel coup? The President simply replied,..
 "Peace,.is the only Prize."