Tuesday, February 20, 2018

"Is There No Glory,..In Victory?"

As the Democrat Party implodes, a new Trumpian outrage has emerged, one that was no doubt a calculated, three dimensional chessmove, like the mass rally's and tweets,..a calculation designed, to accomplish one singular objective, ...move the Democrat Machine one step closer, to total defeat,..and irreversible madness.
While the Fusion GPS scandal continues to be exposed, by the raw power of a Republican Majority, and a savage, unrelenting President,..a new strategem is a'borning,.....formulated by the mind of a man who never misses an opportunity to press the advantage,..when the enemy is in retreat. The Russian conspiracy has indeed been proven reality, endless FBI and Democrat texts and redacted memos, expose the true conspirators, the true colluders.
It was always the Democrats ,..always.
The Clinton emails were never truly lost, nor were hidden communications between a Clinton Democrat hired British Spy, a shadowy Russian based think tank called Fusion GPS,...and the FBI Operatives ,who have, from day one of his candidacy , worked hand in hand with the Democrat Machine, to bring down a Republican nominee, and ultimately ,..a President as well.
The memos will continue to be released , as will the text messages, ..virtually sealing the fate of the Democrat Party,..leaving their corruption and malfeasance fully exposed, and their Party helpless before the coming Republican onslaught of the November Midterms.
The Democrats cannot win. Ever again. The Republican victory to come, will be a landslide, with the shell shocked Democrats still desperately clinging to their only weapon,...a barely concealed contempt, and scorn,...for the Shining City called, America.
All the Democrats and FBI operatives can do now, is resign , after another, they are exposed as being part of this treacherous scheme to destroy a President, any means necessary. The rats are fleeing the sinking ship,...victory seems assured,..especially in the wake of a record setting ,Trumpian first year.
Yet, the President has not relented before the fleeing enemy. Nay, he is pressing the attack, from another angle, ..ever increasing the Trumpian pressure upon the Democrat Machine, thousand pounds per square inch,...his warriors instinct telling him that,. when the enemy is mortally wounded, ..
No quarter must be given.
When the enemy is wounded,....
Finish him.
To this end comes the master Trumpian stroke, ..borne from the President's overseas tours, of our Western Allies military strongholds,...and having seen, .....seizing on the spark of an idea, that would bring new depths to the Democrat outrage.
The President would propose a Military Parade, ..pointing out,..rightly so, ..that if every socialist, communist, tin pot dictatorship, ..can have these parades of overblown ,exaggerated military strength, why not the Shining City?
Why not the Leader of the Free World?
Why not , the United States of America?
Why not indeed,...since our military deserves the accolades ,..being the Finest Military Fighting Machine,.ever assembled by mortal man.
If tyrants and despots can display their hollow strength,...why can't the United States display theirs?
Why not indeed?
Already Generals Kelly and Mattis are moving, to make the President's new Anti-Democrat strategem reality,..and no doubt they will succeed. For their will, Trump's will,..and the American people's will,..are all one and the same now.
This is the reason for the massive Democrat outrage, over this newly spawned Trumpian madness.
The Democrats know now, that to underestimate this President's ability to transform his whims, into living, working, reality, a monumental mistake indeed. The President's first year accomplishments, are living proof of that.
His very Presidency, living proof of that.
Hillary's ignominious defeat,...and looming Democrat destruction, proof of that.
To underestimate the Will of Trump,...
Is to invite death itself,...
For this man makes mission and accomplishment, ..
One and the same reality.
The Democrats have their endless parades, of doom, destruction, ddespair,....and desolation.
Occupy Wall Street,..Black Lives Matter, .Neo Nazi rallies,...Antifa,..Code Pink,..Communist Party, USA,....the Democrat Unions,..all these and more, Anti-American, ..destructive forces,...have their endless parades of doom,...
Should not the finest military fighting machine, ever assembled by mortal man,..the machine that makes freedom possible,..the machine that all but vaporized ISIS, a few scant months,..the machine that  represents the best of America, have theirs as well?
Is There No Glory, In Victory?

Sunday, February 11, 2018

"Who Speaks For The Sorcerer?"

The President's first State of the Union Address was another Trumpian miracle to behold, perhaps the best address ever given by any President, with even JFK and Reagan's efforts paling by comparison. It was soaring rhetoric, backed up by results that, after only a year , seem almost supernatural,..with Trump blending a sorcerer's touch with a barbaric, brutal, relentless, attacking style, that has resulted in a Free Republic restored, ISIS destroyed, and a Democrat Party decimated.
It was a lengthy address, with only two of former President Clinton's surpassing it. But, unlike those of Clinton, there was good reason for its length. President Trump has a massive inventory of accomplishments to tout, and many more to strive for, in the days to come. There will be no DACA deal, and the Wall will be built,..guaranteed,..for this President sees mission,..and accomplishment, one and the same. And all the while, as the President pontificated to constant applause , and chants of "USA,..USA,...".. the Democrats sat, staring in stoney silence, refusing to acknowledge even the most bipartisan accomplishment . No surprise there, since the Democrats have no more power ,..their fundraising dwindling to almost zero. They now know, they cannot win major elections, ever again. They are running on race card rhetoric, and open borders,..a strategem that ,if successful,..would transform illegal immigrant invaders, into the future Democrat voting base.
Of course they oppose the Pro-America Trump Agenda, for the Trump Agenda is the Republican Agenda , and Republican principles are the template that America was founded on,..a template that the Democrats oppose on every level. Ever increasing taxes and regulations, a weakening military, a gun ban agenda, and hatred for the Judeo-Christian values that are the foundation of our Constitution,.....this is the Democrat Agenda. Always has been, and it is designed to accomplish one goal,....Destroy America as Founded.
The President's speech may have been eloquent and powerful, but the Democrat's silence spoke even louder, as to just how effective this President's first year has been. So too, does the release of the controversial Devin Nunes memo, that finally proves, once and for all, two things beyond a shadow of a doubt.
One,...the President and his Administration are completely innocent of any collusion with Russia, ..and Two,....the FBI and Democrat Machine,..are guilty of illegally wiretapping a Presidential Candidate ,..and President as well.
Forget Democrat claims that the Trump Dossier was not the basis for the FISA warrant to spy on the President . Here are the facts,...former FBI Director James Comey,...FBI Director Andrew McCabe,....Deputy Director Peter Strzok,...FBI Agent Lisa Page,..FBI Agent Bruce Orr, and his Fusion GPS connected wife,...Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein,...all admitted in now released text and email messages, ...that the Trump Dossier that was created by a Trump hating , Ex-British Spy, nothing more than lurid gossip,....lacking in provable substance.
They all admitted that the Dossier was pure fantasy,...yet they still used that Dossier and a Yahoo review of the Dossier, the key evidence to obtain a FISA warrant, spy on a Republican Candidate for President. The fact that they used evidence that they themselves admitted was false as the basis for the entire Destroy Trump Agenda. This alone is reason enough to fire each and every one of them, ..end the Meuller investigation,...and make sure that they all,...all face prosecution for treason.
And there are even more damning memos to come. More proof, of the success of President Trump and his Republican WarGods. But, ..make no mistake,...without overwhelming  Republican Victory in the House , Senate, Presidency,...and most State Governments as well,...without total Republican control of our government,...none of this Clinton-Democrat malfeasance, would ever have come to light. Nor would any involved ever face charges , for any crime. The success Trump spoke of, in his bravura State of the Union Address, is the direct result of the awesome combination of Trumpian will, ..and Republican Victory at the polls,'s as simple as that.
Even more reason that the President continues to use his dual bladed weapon of tweet and mass rally, ram home the importance of overwhelming Republican Victory,..and permanent Democrat defeat, the November Midterms.
For without this, there is no Trump Agenda. If, by some evil miracle, the Democrats regain control of the House and, or Senate,..there can be but one result,...the Democrats will immediately move to impeach this President, any means necessary. If Democrats ever regain their power,..they will reverse all that Trump and the Republicans have accomplished this year,..and destroy the Trump Presidency as well.
Therefore, Trump must, in the coming months, surpass even his State of the Union Address in eloquence and savage conservative rhetoric,..and ram home the idea that the American people must, the months ahead,..elect every Republican running for any office,...either on a state or federal level.
No doubt the President can accomplish this. He has already proven his ability to energize his fiercely loyal base, into explosive, effective action. For Trump and We the People, are the right and left hand of the same body. Trump is the will of the people personified
For proof of this,..look no further than the State of the Union itself,..and the gathering of heroes that Trump had assembled.
A North Korean defector that moist his keg during his odyssey to escape tyranny,..his crutch held high above his head before the cheering assembly in triumph,..seemed to transform into a sword of victory,...a symbol for all men,who will live free, or not at all.
There was the police officer who adopted a heroin addicted woman's baby, ..because he believes that all life is precious, and all those created in God's image,...deserve a chance at life.
There was the family who lost their daughter to illegal invaders , .the pain etched on their faces, new, steely resolve to this President,..the Border will be sealed,...the Wall will be built,...the Nation,..will be secured,..once and for all.
There was the ten year old boy,..who felt that those who gave all too protect our nation,...should have the Flag they fought for,...adorning their final resting place.
Yes, all these and more, the State of the Union,...would speak on behalf of the Trump Agenda,..
Would speak for this political sorcerer called Trump.
The President's success,..and the people who reflect that success,. speak louder than any words that mortal man could assemble in any speech.
And this, the Democrats will discover,..much to their horror,...on the night of the November Midterms.
'In America,..You can dream anything, anything,...and be anything,.." The President proclaimed, rousing Republican cheers, ..
And stony Democrat silence.
So Be It,...
And first on the list of American Dreams to be achieved?
Destroy the Democrat Party,...