"When America grows, so grows the world."
The words of President Trump, as he addressed nations assembled, at Davos, Switzerland, for the annual World Economic Forum. The President's words, as always, have the ring of truth to them, for indeed, America is the only self governed, free market Republic in existence, besides Israel. And, like Israel, America is an island of freedom, surrounded by the evil of socialist and communist States, that now engulf the world. Tyrants and Despots may bluster and boast of their power, but in truth, all of them are dependent on the cash handouts of America, in order to survive. And , President Trump, standing before a gathering of communist, terror supporting, national socialist, second rate nations, made sure that all assembled understood this one undeniable reality , a reality carved in stone.
The Global Warming fantasy was pushed at this economic forum, by con artist business moguls and despots, looking to see more United States cash funneled to the terror supporting United Nations. Cash, that will not be used to stop a fictional climate problem, but to fatten the wallets of tyrants, fund Radical Islam, and enhance the retirement packages of corrupt Democrat Operatives.
It will not happen, under this President's watch. Nations that sponsor evil, will now be cut off completely, while our allies who stand with the Shining City, will reap the rewards exclusively.
"America First" , was the Trumpian theme at Davos, and this was the reason the President was given a rock star greeting , as Air Force One touched down on Swiss soil. Even the President's enemies can hardly ignore the overwhelming economic success his Republican Administration has had, in his first 100 days plus. The most successful 100 days, in Presidential History. His enemies now have no choice, but to admit that the record setting economic boom, at all levels, the crushing defeat of ISIS, and the restoration of our Military, and Veterans Administration, are the direct results of executive orders, and massive tax and regulation cuts, that the President and his Republican WarGods rammed through, just in time to be called a Christmas Miracle.
And yet, even with the dynamic will of Trump , all would not be possible, if another political reality were not in play. All is possible, because Republicans control the bulk of American Government, on a state and federal level, and only this fact, can Make America Great Again.
The Republican agenda is the only agenda that moves the nation forward, and the only agenda that honors our Founders original vision for this Free Republic. Therefore, for the MAGA strategem to work, there is one absolute, that must be in play, at all times. Republicans must continue to win elections ,all elections, on both state and federal levels, and they must win them all the time. The Democrats must be reduced to a powerless minority Party, trapped in the communist strongholds of New York, California, and New Jersey, but spreading their pestilence no further across the nation.
This is the Ultimate Key, to continuing this President's mission, and making its success an unstoppable fait accompli. And, the Republicans have, in fact, been winning steadily, since 2010, when they regained control of the House. Then, in 2014, they regained the Senate, most state legislative seats, and most governorships as well. Then, the final piece fell into place, as Donald Trump won the Presidency, in 2017, by a landslide.
Total Republican control, can accomplish all things, especially with a conservative force of nature like Trump in Command. And, thanks to the twin Trumpian weapons of tweet and rally, the American people now fully comprehend, what they sadly failed , for decades of Democrat destruction, to comprehend.
Only Republicans cut taxes and regulations.
Only Republicans support our Military, and fight Terrorism aggressively.
Only Republicans support our Second Amendment rights.
Only Republicans defend the Judeo-Christian values that are the foundation of our constitution.
Only Republicans support our Allies in Freedom, and our Veterans, who made freedom possible.
Only Republicans move the nation forward.
While Democrats, returned to power, can only destroy it.
This is the grim reality that cannot be dismissed.
Vote for Republicans, in all elections, create an unstoppable legion of Republican WarGods on a state and federal level, all across the nation,..
Or face the inevitable destruction of this Shining City, this earthbound Olympus, called America.
Super Majorities , in the Republican controlled House and Senate, would have given the President all he worked for, in far less time than 100 days. And Super Majorities we must have for the coning year, and the "nuclear option " of reducing necessary votes in both Houses, from 60 to 51, as well.
If both are accomplished, then there is no force in the Universe that can prevent Trump Mission, and Trump Accomplishment, from becoming one and the same entity. And, Republican victory , a united, overwhelming, Republican Legion, can accomplish other things, once thought unachievable , as well.
The missing emails, texts, and memos,..of the Anti-Trump Clinton-Democrat Machine, have now reemerged, like Lost Atlantis rising from the depths,..and soon, ..all involved in the true conspiracy to stop the Trump campaign, and Presidency,...and assure the Clinton coronation, at all costs, ...will face expulsion and prosecution for their treason. Why? How? All involved in this monument to Democrat evil, from the Uranium One scandal, to Benghazi, to Fusion GPS, to the I.R.S. targeting of conservatives, to the mistreatment of our veterans by the VA, to the endless texts and memos detailing the strategem to destroy the President,...would remain untouchable,..and in power, ..if the Republican Party had not won a landslide victory in November of 2017.
The FBI, CIA, DOJ, NSA, I.R.S., and VA,...all,...are controlled by Democrat Unions ,..period. And all employ only Democrat Operatives ,..until the Age of Trumpian Miracles, that is,...when President Trump and his Republican Legions , fresh from legislative victory,....vowed to "Drain the Swamp" of Democrat evil,..and replace each and every Democrat employee ,..in each and every government agency,...with anti union, ...Trumpian powered, Republican WarGods .
This transformation is now in effect,..and the results are staggering. All missing texts, memos, and email conspiracies, have now been found, ..and Robert Mueller, Andrew McCabe,...Peter Strzok,...Lisa Page,...and all other Democrat henchmen that have participated in this brazen act of treason,...will now face final judgement before Trump's Republican Legions, and We the People , who rule this land with an iron clad, Republican fist.
So Be It.
The Will of Trump and We the People, are one, ..an unbreakable , Olympian level bond, ..that needs but one thing to make this Trumpian Age of Miracles, an age not lost to the pages if History, ..an age,....that will span the endless centuries to come,....
Overwhelming Republican Victory,..
And permanent Democrat Defeat,...in the 2018 Midterms, and in every single election,...before, or after,...whether state or federal.
That is the true source of Trumpian power that must be there, ..always, ..if this Shining City on a Hill, ..is to endure ,..
If the World itself,..is to endure,...
This is the mission the American people must not shirk.
This is the mission that must be accomplished,
So, from this day forward,...let the Trumpian WarCry ring forth,...
"Republican Victory,....
And Democrat Death,....
The Commander in Chief will certainly do his part . He is a proven, relentless Democrat Destroyer ,and according to a recent medical checkup,..he is going nowhere, soon,...
Much to the horror of the Liberal Democrat Press,..
" How can a man who drinks 14 Diet Cokes a day, eats KFC all day long,...and never exercises, ..be in perfect health?" They exclaimed, ..as the Trump Doctor gave the President, a clean bill of health.
The Doctor replied,.."The President never drank, smoked, or did any drugs, ..and is blessed with good genes.""It comes down to genetics." "Who knows?" ,the Doctor smirked,...."Judging by his present condition, ..the President may live to be 200."
The Democrats found no amusement in this revelation, since they have already begun to wonder what demon could have sired thus hellspawn called Trump. The Democrats have already been driven to the point of madness by the President .
The speculation that he could also be immortal, may drive them to mass suicide as well.
But, whether immortal demon, demi-god, or mere mortal, ...one thing is certain,...
The Trump Agenda, shall remain eternal, as long as Republican Victory at the polls, remains,..like Caesar,.."As constant as the Northern Star."
So Be It.
Former Mexican President Vincente Fox recently resurfaced on Fox News, to again attack the Trump Border strategem , and its inevitable Wall,....
"God didn't create Borders!",.. exclaimed the exasperated Ex-Despot of Mexico.
But, by the Gleaming Gates of Olympus,...
The Son of God, ...Trump,..will,...
While casting a demon from a possessed man,..Christ demanded to know the hellspawn's name,...
" I am Legion",..."For We Are Many",...came the demon's reply,..as he retreated before the power of the Son of Man.
The demon's words had the ring of truth,..then,..and now as well,..
Evil is Legion, ..and whether Democrat Operative, ..Evil Tyrant, ..or or Islamic Terrorist, ..its numbers will always be there,....in the shadows,...and, even in defeat,...it will still grow,...and wait for its moment to strike.
But, Trump has Legions too, ..
Republican WarGods that now, in the light of conservative truth and triumph,...have grown ever stronger , and greater in number as well.
Great enough, to Make America Great Again,...
Great enough, ..to restore this Earthbound Olympus, and destroy the Democrat Machine , with one single , fatal sword thrust.
It's been said, that there is a special place in Hell, for Republicans backing the Trump Agenda.
Perhaps,...but why should they settle for a special place in the Stygian depths, when Trump's Republican Legions are now powerful enough to march down the scarlet throat of Hell itself,...
And take the Devil's Throne, in the name of Trumpian Glory,...
Monday, January 29, 2018
Sunday, January 21, 2018
"A Weapon Called, Madness!"
Who activated the false missile alarm that sent the citizens of Hawaii scattering like frightened mice?
Though the name of the individual remains a deliberately imposed mystery, his identity is, nevertheless, crystal clear.
He is a Hawaiian Democrat Operative, a Never Trumper, in a state of Never Trumpers, a state that, from day one of the Trump Presidency, has sought to block the Trump border and immigration policies, by court order.
The Hawaiian false alarm was no mistake. This was nothing more than another attempt to marginalize the President by inducing mass panic and fear, and then blaming that panic, on President Trump's irrational, and dangerous foreign policy dealings with nuclear armed despots.
Seem far fetched? Then why did Hawaiian Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, when asked on Fox News about the incident, immediately turn the conversation toward the President, demanding that he "negotiate" a nuclear disarmament deal, with Kim Jong Un? What has that to do , with the local failing of an emergency alert system? Why would Gabbard completely ignore the question regarding the error, and immediately start attacking the President's Foreign Policy Strategem?
Why did more than 30 minutes pass, before the Hawaiian citizens were told the truth?
Because, this "missile alarm error",... was no error. It was done deliberately , as part of the latest Democrat scheme to overthrow the Trump Presidency.
The Russian Conspiracy plot is over, and has failed to do anything, except expose the Democrat-Russian connection.
The Race Card , while still in play, is clearly not working, as even the daughter of Martin Luther King, Alveda King, defended the President, stating unequivocally that he is not a racist, in any way, shape, or form. And, with the economy and stock market booming from the effects of the Trump tax and regulation cuts , ISIS all but destroyed, by a resurrected military, and
the Obamacare Mandate vaporized, ..there is little else to attack this President on. Success of policy and executive order, speaks for itself. Democrats can debate the why's and wherefores of it, but the simple fact, and the only fact that voters will care about at the polls is simply this;...Trump was President when the greatest economic recovery since the days of JFK, and Reagan, was unleashed. That cannot be argued with,..and that nuts and bolts reality will no doubt, be reflected at the 2018 Midterms, when Republicans win by a crushing, overwhelming , landslide.
How then, to achieve the only goal that matters now to Democrats? How then, to remove this demon spawn of a President, from the Oval Office?
It's been written that Whom the Gods would Destroy, they would first make mad. But the Democrats are mere mortals , and in the grip of Trump induced madness themselves, ....what could be the best strategem, for creatures such as this?
Whom the Democrats would destroy,..they would simply accuse of madness.
That is the main Democrat battle plan, from this moment forward. Not surprising, really, since all Republican Presidents , at one time or another,...have had their sanity questioned , by Democrats desperate to regain their power, by any means necessary. This was the point of attacking the President's Diet Coke consumption, with Democrat medical charlatans claiming the drink can induce dementia.
This was the point of the recent tell all tabloid fantasy, "Fire and Fury",.. by hack Democrat writer Mike Wolf. The book was made possible by White House Chief Advisor, and Republican Double Agent Steve Bannon, who gave Wolf unlimited access to the White House, letting Wolf virtually set up camp in his office, and providing Wolf with the bulk of the material for a book, that even Hans Christian Anderson would dismiss as a fairytale.
Bannon, like Wolf, is a Democrat Operative, and as such, is equally dedicated to the only Democrat mission that matters now, ...Impeach the President, ...by declaring him mentally unfit for office.
The Wolf book is nothing more than a collection of fairytales that paint an image of a monarch gone mad. The book, however, has already been dismissed by the critics , along with Bannon and Wolf,...as fraudulent and worthless.
However, Chessmaster Trump never misses an opportunity to launch an effective counter attack against his enemies,..whether Democrat, Faux Republican,..or Terror Despot.
To this end, came the DACA debate in the White House, with Republicans and Democrats freely exchanging ideas before the bewildered liberal press, and their cameras. The President seemed poised, in command, and fully engaged with both Democrat and Republican representative alike, ...willing to listen to bipartisan ideas, while still deftly counterpunching with his own demands. Then came the President's master stroke,..forcing the Democrats to, once again, ...destroy themselves.
The President stated that he was "open too all ideas," and, "would sign anything they put in front of him". Those Democrats and Republicans, who lack basic intelligence , interpreted this statement as weakness, and so a bill was quickly slashed together by Senators Flake, Durbin, and Graham, and put before the President. Apparently, they were all eager to believe the Mike Wolf book description of the President's erratic mental faculties, .for the bill demanded DACA executive order renewal, defunding of the military, and contained only a faint promise of Wall Funding,. ..possibly in the distant future.
The President didn't know whether to laugh, or crush all their skulls , with a single, power packed, Republican punch.
These Senators failed to understand that the DACA meeting was a show, a stage performance for the cameras, done to mock the Wolf -Bannon book claims, of mental feebleness, and incompetance . " I'll sign anything you put in front of me",... the President said,... and Democrats and Faux Republicans alike, ...believed it,..for no other reason, than they wanted to believe it.
A desperate action, from a Party that has begun to realize, they cannot win against this man,...
They quickly rushed this garbage bill before the President, only to have him laugh at them, and ask the one, singular question,...that effectively destroyed the DACA argument altogether.
"Why are you so eager to bring people here, that are now benefit too the United States?"
They had no answer for the President ,..for the answer would expose the true Democrat Agenda. The answer is simply this;...
The Democrats want illegal invaders in America, en masse, ...so they can vote Democrat. That is the only reason they want open borders, ...that is the only reason they oppose Voter I D.
That is the reason they want deadbeat immigrant entitlement programs ever expanded.
The Democrat Party knows, that only a foreign invader, living free off the taxpayer's dime,....would ever vote for a Democrat, or support their evil policies.
And the President's "shithole" comment? He never said it. Senator Durbin, ..like all Democrats, has a long history of lying about what Republicans have said to him in meetings. But the President should have said it,...for it is the truth. A truth, that empohassizes the President's cutting question;.."Why does the U.S., need these people on our soil?
Answer;...We don't.
And,..we won't.
For, despite Faux Republicans like Ann Coulter, attacking Trump's DACA meeting as a sign of weakness ,..nothing could be further from the truth. The DACA meeting was pure theatre,...worthy of Shakespeare himself,..designed to demoralize the already defeated Democrats, and further expose Faux Republicans like Coulter,..who,. Strangely enough,...is good friends with Bill Maher, opposed the Trump tax cuts, and, in 2006, said it would be a "good thing", if Democrats took back control of the House and Senate.
Ann Coulter is just another Faux Republican, like Steve Bannon,...and the Trump strategem,...always exposes Democrats for what they truly are
Only a clueless, unintelligent Democrat would fall for Trump's DACA theatre morality play, ..but genuine Republicans know the truth,...
The President never used the term, " shithole", to describe any nation, .
The President's DACA deal,..is written in stone,...no DACA renewal , unless it includes the Wall, and Military funding,..period.
So Be It.
The Democrat strategem to prove the President mad, through tabloid fairytale,..or false Hawaiian alarms,..has failed as well,..and is only proving one absolute,...
It is the Democrat Party, itself,...that is sinking ever deeper,..into the dark abyss of madness.
For who, besides those lost in the mazes of their own minds, ..would dare to challenge a man who boasts the most successful first 100 days , in Presidential History?
Who, besides a Party gone Mad, would still dare to challenge the very elements themselves, personified in this singular force of nature called Trump?
A Force, that uses madness and mayhem, as weapons of choice,...
A Force,...that could do battle with the Gods themselves,...
And still remain,..undestroyed.
Though the name of the individual remains a deliberately imposed mystery, his identity is, nevertheless, crystal clear.
He is a Hawaiian Democrat Operative, a Never Trumper, in a state of Never Trumpers, a state that, from day one of the Trump Presidency, has sought to block the Trump border and immigration policies, by court order.
The Hawaiian false alarm was no mistake. This was nothing more than another attempt to marginalize the President by inducing mass panic and fear, and then blaming that panic, on President Trump's irrational, and dangerous foreign policy dealings with nuclear armed despots.
Seem far fetched? Then why did Hawaiian Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, when asked on Fox News about the incident, immediately turn the conversation toward the President, demanding that he "negotiate" a nuclear disarmament deal, with Kim Jong Un? What has that to do , with the local failing of an emergency alert system? Why would Gabbard completely ignore the question regarding the error, and immediately start attacking the President's Foreign Policy Strategem?
Why did more than 30 minutes pass, before the Hawaiian citizens were told the truth?
Because, this "missile alarm error",... was no error. It was done deliberately , as part of the latest Democrat scheme to overthrow the Trump Presidency.
The Russian Conspiracy plot is over, and has failed to do anything, except expose the Democrat-Russian connection.
The Race Card , while still in play, is clearly not working, as even the daughter of Martin Luther King, Alveda King, defended the President, stating unequivocally that he is not a racist, in any way, shape, or form. And, with the economy and stock market booming from the effects of the Trump tax and regulation cuts , ISIS all but destroyed, by a resurrected military, and
the Obamacare Mandate vaporized, ..there is little else to attack this President on. Success of policy and executive order, speaks for itself. Democrats can debate the why's and wherefores of it, but the simple fact, and the only fact that voters will care about at the polls is simply this;...Trump was President when the greatest economic recovery since the days of JFK, and Reagan, was unleashed. That cannot be argued with,..and that nuts and bolts reality will no doubt, be reflected at the 2018 Midterms, when Republicans win by a crushing, overwhelming , landslide.
How then, to achieve the only goal that matters now to Democrats? How then, to remove this demon spawn of a President, from the Oval Office?
It's been written that Whom the Gods would Destroy, they would first make mad. But the Democrats are mere mortals , and in the grip of Trump induced madness themselves, ....what could be the best strategem, for creatures such as this?
Whom the Democrats would destroy,..they would simply accuse of madness.
That is the main Democrat battle plan, from this moment forward. Not surprising, really, since all Republican Presidents , at one time or another,...have had their sanity questioned , by Democrats desperate to regain their power, by any means necessary. This was the point of attacking the President's Diet Coke consumption, with Democrat medical charlatans claiming the drink can induce dementia.
This was the point of the recent tell all tabloid fantasy, "Fire and Fury",.. by hack Democrat writer Mike Wolf. The book was made possible by White House Chief Advisor, and Republican Double Agent Steve Bannon, who gave Wolf unlimited access to the White House, letting Wolf virtually set up camp in his office, and providing Wolf with the bulk of the material for a book, that even Hans Christian Anderson would dismiss as a fairytale.
Bannon, like Wolf, is a Democrat Operative, and as such, is equally dedicated to the only Democrat mission that matters now, ...Impeach the President, ...by declaring him mentally unfit for office.
The Wolf book is nothing more than a collection of fairytales that paint an image of a monarch gone mad. The book, however, has already been dismissed by the critics , along with Bannon and Wolf,...as fraudulent and worthless.
However, Chessmaster Trump never misses an opportunity to launch an effective counter attack against his enemies,..whether Democrat, Faux Republican,..or Terror Despot.
To this end, came the DACA debate in the White House, with Republicans and Democrats freely exchanging ideas before the bewildered liberal press, and their cameras. The President seemed poised, in command, and fully engaged with both Democrat and Republican representative alike, ...willing to listen to bipartisan ideas, while still deftly counterpunching with his own demands. Then came the President's master stroke,..forcing the Democrats to, once again, ...destroy themselves.
The President stated that he was "open too all ideas," and, "would sign anything they put in front of him". Those Democrats and Republicans, who lack basic intelligence , interpreted this statement as weakness, and so a bill was quickly slashed together by Senators Flake, Durbin, and Graham, and put before the President. Apparently, they were all eager to believe the Mike Wolf book description of the President's erratic mental faculties, .for the bill demanded DACA executive order renewal, defunding of the military, and contained only a faint promise of Wall Funding,. ..possibly in the distant future.
The President didn't know whether to laugh, or crush all their skulls , with a single, power packed, Republican punch.
These Senators failed to understand that the DACA meeting was a show, a stage performance for the cameras, done to mock the Wolf -Bannon book claims, of mental feebleness, and incompetance . " I'll sign anything you put in front of me",... the President said,... and Democrats and Faux Republicans alike, ...believed it,..for no other reason, than they wanted to believe it.
A desperate action, from a Party that has begun to realize, they cannot win against this man,...
They quickly rushed this garbage bill before the President, only to have him laugh at them, and ask the one, singular question,...that effectively destroyed the DACA argument altogether.
"Why are you so eager to bring people here, that are now benefit too the United States?"
They had no answer for the President ,..for the answer would expose the true Democrat Agenda. The answer is simply this;...
The Democrats want illegal invaders in America, en masse, ...so they can vote Democrat. That is the only reason they want open borders, ...that is the only reason they oppose Voter I D.
That is the reason they want deadbeat immigrant entitlement programs ever expanded.
The Democrat Party knows, that only a foreign invader, living free off the taxpayer's dime,....would ever vote for a Democrat, or support their evil policies.
And the President's "shithole" comment? He never said it. Senator Durbin, ..like all Democrats, has a long history of lying about what Republicans have said to him in meetings. But the President should have said it,...for it is the truth. A truth, that empohassizes the President's cutting question;.."Why does the U.S., need these people on our soil?
Answer;...We don't.
And,..we won't.
For, despite Faux Republicans like Ann Coulter, attacking Trump's DACA meeting as a sign of weakness ,..nothing could be further from the truth. The DACA meeting was pure theatre,...worthy of Shakespeare himself,..designed to demoralize the already defeated Democrats, and further expose Faux Republicans like Coulter,..who,. Strangely enough,...is good friends with Bill Maher, opposed the Trump tax cuts, and, in 2006, said it would be a "good thing", if Democrats took back control of the House and Senate.
Ann Coulter is just another Faux Republican, like Steve Bannon,...and the Trump strategem,...always exposes Democrats for what they truly are
Only a clueless, unintelligent Democrat would fall for Trump's DACA theatre morality play, ..but genuine Republicans know the truth,...
The President never used the term, " shithole", to describe any nation, .
The President's DACA deal,..is written in stone,...no DACA renewal , unless it includes the Wall, and Military funding,..period.
So Be It.
The Democrat strategem to prove the President mad, through tabloid fairytale,..or false Hawaiian alarms,..has failed as well,..and is only proving one absolute,...
It is the Democrat Party, itself,...that is sinking ever deeper,..into the dark abyss of madness.
For who, besides those lost in the mazes of their own minds, ..would dare to challenge a man who boasts the most successful first 100 days , in Presidential History?
Who, besides a Party gone Mad, would still dare to challenge the very elements themselves, personified in this singular force of nature called Trump?
A Force, that uses madness and mayhem, as weapons of choice,...
A Force,...that could do battle with the Gods themselves,...
And still remain,..undestroyed.
Monday, January 8, 2018
"Puppet In The Shadows!"
What defines a conservative? Strong belief in the Constitution plays a part, and, of course the Judeo-Christian values that it was based upon. Belief in the natural law, which says that man was meant to rule himself, and therefore only a system of self government can ever lead a nation to wealth and prosperity. Belief in the right to live free, with no King, Queen, Dictator, or Despot, to impose their will, upon their fellow men. Belief in the right to defend that freedom, by individual force of arms, against any and all who would seek to take it away. Belief in a strong military force as well, funded voluntarily by We the People , who understand that there is no freedom, unless you are willing to defend that freedom, by any means necessary.
All these, are the factors that make a conservative, but without the will to fight for these values, the will to win against the Democrat threat, conservative values, the values of truth itself, are meaningless, and, in the end, worthless.
For decades now, this has been the primary dysfunction in the conservative movement. Whether politician , pundit, blogger, or political strategist, there has always been an element existing in conservatism, that has lacked the will to fight, the will to win, the will to beat the Democrats, at all costs.
For that is the game itself.
All your conservative values are for naught, if you lack the ability to defeat the Democrat Party, that opposes everything you stand for, and everything your country represents. Former White House Advisor, and Brietbart Senior Editor Steve Bannon, is one of these so called conservatives. He may rant ,rave, and pontificate on the letter of the constitution, he may call himself a strict constitutionalist, but, in reality, he is nothing , because he cannot beat the enemy. He cannot, or perhaps even,will not, beat the Democrats.
There is good reason for Bannon's dismissal from Trump's White House staff. Bannon attacked the President's family, accusing Donald Trump Jr. Of committing treason, and calling Ivanka Trump, " dumb as a rock". Trump son in law Jared Kushner was his target too, with Bannon placing him, and Don Jr., right in the middle of the Trump - Russian conspiracy fantasy. Every Republican candidate Bannon has backed ,has lost, badly, including former Democrat Roy Moore, who was weak on 2nd Amendment rights, opposed the President's tax reform and Obamacare repeal plan, and stands accused of pedophilia, and sexual assault, from multiple women.
Bannon also opposed the President's tax cut plan, insisting that taxes had to be raised on the wealthy.
Bannon said the President's foreign policy strategem was a disaster, and that Kim Jong Un, had the President right where he wanted him, and , in fact, had the upper hand, in the nuclear showdown with the U.S.
Bannon said the White House was in chaos, the President's mental stability was in question, and that the Trump MAGA Agenda, was finished.
Bannon gave White House access to a discredited leftist Democrat writer, Mike Wolf, whose sole mission is to destroy the President, for no other reason than he had the audacity to defeat Hillary and the Democrat Party.
Bannon is the main source material for this new tabloid character assassination against the President.
Bannon was the source of 99% of all White House leaks, guaranteed. The proof? Once Bannon was fired, the leaks stopped completely.
Bannon now stands to make a considerable amount of money, off a book called, "Fire and Fury" , that calls the President a dangerous madman, who needs to be impeached immediately.
Are these the actions , of a constitutional conservative?
And what of the other so called conservatives, who, after Trump secured the nomination for President, still refused to support him, despite the fact that the alternative would be a Hillary Clinton Presidency, a House and Senate under Democrat control again, and the permanent destruction of the Shining City that our Founders envisioned?
Conservative Icon Mark Levin refused to endorse Trump. Conservative Icon Glenn Beck, refused to endorse Trump.
Conservative Congressman Ben Sasse, refused to endorse Trump.
All the writers at Bill Buckley Jr.'s National Review , the number one conservative magazine, refused to endorse Trump.
Faced with a Clinton Presidency, that would have finished America, once and for all,
Still, these so called conservatives refused to endorse , and refused to vote for, the Republican Candidate for President.
Why? Why would they refuse to support the Party whose agenda was the only hope for a Free Republic?
Why would Breitbart Editor in Chief Steve Bannon , who was the President's Chief Advisor in the White House, betray him, with endless Intel leaks, and give White House access , to a sleazy, Trump hating , hack writer?
Because, they all lack the will ,to win. They all lack the guts, to beat the Democrats.
And therefore, are not really conservatives.
They are opportunists, who put their own promotion over the security of their country. They do not fear a Democrat takeover, because, deep down, they are Democrats at heart, double agent puppets, lurking in the shadows of the Republican Party, simply because they know they can make more money posing as conservatives, standing against both the ruling Democrats, and the establishment Republicans, who they equally despise.
Bannon now claims he still supports the President and his Agenda, but will not disavow the book he co-authored to attack him. What Democrat double agent would?
Bottom line?
There is a special place in the Pits of Hell, for the Democrat who wears the Conservative Republican mask. A special place, in the Dark, Stygian Depths, stoking the Devil's furnace, for all eternity.
So be it.
Bannon and his fellow Republican double agents have failed.
The Trump first year has been a record setting ,Olympian level miracle, with ISIS destroyed, the economy and stock markets booming, North Korea neutralized, tax cuts now law, and the Obamacare mandate, now destroyed. Nothing the Never Trump faux Republicans have done, has worked .Nothing.
And now, the President, back from Camp David, and still basking in the glow of his well earned , hard fought victories, has returned to his twitter feed warblade, his rage ignited, this time ,by the tell all book "Fire and Fury", made possible by White House Judas, Steve Bannon. In the days to come, no doubt the President's attack on Bannon and co author Mike Wolf, will be massive indeed, even as he simultaneously gives out mocking awards to the worst journalists of 2017.
This is how you beat the Democrats.
This is how you win.
You fight back, hard, and relentlessly.
Yes, Bannon and his fellow faux conservatives, may find in the months to come, that stoking the devil's furnace in the dark, stygian depths, a much preferrable fate,
Than facing the never ending assaults to come, from this earthbound devil,
This true conservative force of nature,
Called Trump.
It was Rudyard Kipling who once wrote, " It's not the critic who counts, but the man in the arena."
And, in the end, when the eight years of the Trump Presidency has come to an end, all the critics,..all the Democrats, all the Republicans, all who worked against this President and his Republican Legions, will have been forgotten by the dusty pages of history .
Aye, all will be forgotten indeed, save the man in the arena, and his Republican Wargods, who dared seize a brief moment in time, and used that moment to destroy the Democrat Machine,
And Make America Great Again.
All these, are the factors that make a conservative, but without the will to fight for these values, the will to win against the Democrat threat, conservative values, the values of truth itself, are meaningless, and, in the end, worthless.
For decades now, this has been the primary dysfunction in the conservative movement. Whether politician , pundit, blogger, or political strategist, there has always been an element existing in conservatism, that has lacked the will to fight, the will to win, the will to beat the Democrats, at all costs.
For that is the game itself.
All your conservative values are for naught, if you lack the ability to defeat the Democrat Party, that opposes everything you stand for, and everything your country represents. Former White House Advisor, and Brietbart Senior Editor Steve Bannon, is one of these so called conservatives. He may rant ,rave, and pontificate on the letter of the constitution, he may call himself a strict constitutionalist, but, in reality, he is nothing , because he cannot beat the enemy. He cannot, or perhaps even,will not, beat the Democrats.
There is good reason for Bannon's dismissal from Trump's White House staff. Bannon attacked the President's family, accusing Donald Trump Jr. Of committing treason, and calling Ivanka Trump, " dumb as a rock". Trump son in law Jared Kushner was his target too, with Bannon placing him, and Don Jr., right in the middle of the Trump - Russian conspiracy fantasy. Every Republican candidate Bannon has backed ,has lost, badly, including former Democrat Roy Moore, who was weak on 2nd Amendment rights, opposed the President's tax reform and Obamacare repeal plan, and stands accused of pedophilia, and sexual assault, from multiple women.
Bannon also opposed the President's tax cut plan, insisting that taxes had to be raised on the wealthy.
Bannon said the President's foreign policy strategem was a disaster, and that Kim Jong Un, had the President right where he wanted him, and , in fact, had the upper hand, in the nuclear showdown with the U.S.
Bannon said the White House was in chaos, the President's mental stability was in question, and that the Trump MAGA Agenda, was finished.
Bannon gave White House access to a discredited leftist Democrat writer, Mike Wolf, whose sole mission is to destroy the President, for no other reason than he had the audacity to defeat Hillary and the Democrat Party.
Bannon is the main source material for this new tabloid character assassination against the President.
Bannon was the source of 99% of all White House leaks, guaranteed. The proof? Once Bannon was fired, the leaks stopped completely.
Bannon now stands to make a considerable amount of money, off a book called, "Fire and Fury" , that calls the President a dangerous madman, who needs to be impeached immediately.
Are these the actions , of a constitutional conservative?
And what of the other so called conservatives, who, after Trump secured the nomination for President, still refused to support him, despite the fact that the alternative would be a Hillary Clinton Presidency, a House and Senate under Democrat control again, and the permanent destruction of the Shining City that our Founders envisioned?
Conservative Icon Mark Levin refused to endorse Trump. Conservative Icon Glenn Beck, refused to endorse Trump.
Conservative Congressman Ben Sasse, refused to endorse Trump.
All the writers at Bill Buckley Jr.'s National Review , the number one conservative magazine, refused to endorse Trump.
Faced with a Clinton Presidency, that would have finished America, once and for all,
Still, these so called conservatives refused to endorse , and refused to vote for, the Republican Candidate for President.
Why? Why would they refuse to support the Party whose agenda was the only hope for a Free Republic?
Why would Breitbart Editor in Chief Steve Bannon , who was the President's Chief Advisor in the White House, betray him, with endless Intel leaks, and give White House access , to a sleazy, Trump hating , hack writer?
Because, they all lack the will ,to win. They all lack the guts, to beat the Democrats.
And therefore, are not really conservatives.
They are opportunists, who put their own promotion over the security of their country. They do not fear a Democrat takeover, because, deep down, they are Democrats at heart, double agent puppets, lurking in the shadows of the Republican Party, simply because they know they can make more money posing as conservatives, standing against both the ruling Democrats, and the establishment Republicans, who they equally despise.
Bannon now claims he still supports the President and his Agenda, but will not disavow the book he co-authored to attack him. What Democrat double agent would?
Bottom line?
There is a special place in the Pits of Hell, for the Democrat who wears the Conservative Republican mask. A special place, in the Dark, Stygian Depths, stoking the Devil's furnace, for all eternity.
So be it.
Bannon and his fellow Republican double agents have failed.
The Trump first year has been a record setting ,Olympian level miracle, with ISIS destroyed, the economy and stock markets booming, North Korea neutralized, tax cuts now law, and the Obamacare mandate, now destroyed. Nothing the Never Trump faux Republicans have done, has worked .Nothing.
And now, the President, back from Camp David, and still basking in the glow of his well earned , hard fought victories, has returned to his twitter feed warblade, his rage ignited, this time ,by the tell all book "Fire and Fury", made possible by White House Judas, Steve Bannon. In the days to come, no doubt the President's attack on Bannon and co author Mike Wolf, will be massive indeed, even as he simultaneously gives out mocking awards to the worst journalists of 2017.
This is how you beat the Democrats.
This is how you win.
You fight back, hard, and relentlessly.
Yes, Bannon and his fellow faux conservatives, may find in the months to come, that stoking the devil's furnace in the dark, stygian depths, a much preferrable fate,
Than facing the never ending assaults to come, from this earthbound devil,
This true conservative force of nature,
Called Trump.
It was Rudyard Kipling who once wrote, " It's not the critic who counts, but the man in the arena."
And, in the end, when the eight years of the Trump Presidency has come to an end, all the critics,..all the Democrats, all the Republicans, all who worked against this President and his Republican Legions, will have been forgotten by the dusty pages of history .
Aye, all will be forgotten indeed, save the man in the arena, and his Republican Wargods, who dared seize a brief moment in time, and used that moment to destroy the Democrat Machine,
And Make America Great Again.
Monday, January 1, 2018
"Behold, A Savage Miracle!!"
The ancient legends say, that Christmas is a time for miracles. A time, when the impossible can become living, working reality.
So it was written.
And the words spoke truth.
A truth, that is here, now, in this Trumpian Age, where a miracle, has indeed come to pass.
For, President Trump and his Republican Legions, have finally united, become one in body, mind, purpose, and will , transforming their tax reform strategem, from mere legislation, into nuclear fused law itself.
A Law, the likes of which , had not been seen since the days of Kennedy or Reagan,
A Law, that would restore America to its former greatness,
A Law, that would return the ruling power, to its rightful owners, We the People.
It would do this, by simply returning the wealth of this nation, to those who had worked for it,....to those, who had earned it.
For in wealth, there is power, and the simple truth is, those who represent us, on a state or federal level,....have no wealth.
They produce no product, or service, that generates wealth. Their power comes from confiscating the wealth of hardworking Americans, and placing it in their own pockets , through excessive taxation. For decades now, this has been almost exclusively, a Democrat legacy of destruction , for it is the Democrat Party that has always demanded ever higher taxes, and an ever weakening military as well.
The Democrat Party, left unfettered,...would quickly turn any Free Republic, into a socialist nightmare , utilizing their one simple weapon of choice,...ever increasing,....ever multiplying,....taxes and regulations , that force a free market republic, to work under the boot heel of an ever oppressive , totalitarian government.
Since the dawn of time itself, nations around the globe have been destroyed this way,...
Until,...the Birth of Freedom,...
Until,....the Coming of America,..and its system of self government, ....self rule.
An experimental system, based on the natural law , that says man can only be governed by himself,..with no King, Queen, Dictator, or Despot, ..to impose his will upon them.
Since its inception, the Democrat Party has sought to shift this balance of power into their hands, through heavy taxation , which would reduce the fledgeling free republic, to its former status, ...nothing more than a collection of states, . working to support a corrupt British Monarchy.
The election of Barack Hussein Obama in 2008,...combined with the Democrats controlling both Houses in the first two years of his Presidency, ...very nearly destroyed America.
The election of Hillary Clinton in 2017,....combined with the Democrats regaining control of both Houses as well,.....would have surely finished the sinister job that Obama had started.
This, however, would not come to pass,...
For, the election of Donald Trump as President, sealed the fate of the Democrat Party, and assured their continued defeat in the years to come. A defeat, that had begun in 2010, when Republicans regained the House, and continued in 2014, when they regained the Senate,..and most state legislative seats as well.
The newly elected President would waste no time in taking full advantage of the awesome power that Republicans possess, when they hold the reigns of power in Washington.
Trump unleashed slashing executive orders almost immediately after being sworn in, ..hacking away at the Obama agenda,...until , after less than a year in office, ..that agenda would be no more.
Indeed,...the first 100 days plus of the Trump Presidency have been the most productive of any President in history,...beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Regulations were destroyed, our military was restored,...the economy boomed. Our Allies and Veterans were now fully supported, ..ISIS was driven from Iraq,..and all but vaporized,...
The basic principles of a Free Republic resurrected,..before our very eyes,...for all the world to see.
All that remained as the year came to a close, was Tax Reform, and ending the scourge of Obamacare as well,...but this seemed to be a bridge too far,...even for this Savage President,..with the Republican Senate hopelessly divided against itself,...a handful of Republican Senator holdouts keeping the passage of this vital legislation, ..always at arms length, ..always just out of reach.
In failed Senate vote after Senate vote, ..Tax Reform and Obamacare Repeal,.....
Seemed an impossibility.
But then,...what is genius,..except that which is balanced,..on the edge of impossibility?
And, the Genius of Trump?
His double bladed weapon ;...the mass rally, and the savage twitter feed,..would take his message of conservative truth, directly to those who truly rule,...
Those who elected him, and his Republican Legions,...
We the People.
This strategem worked,...slowly, but surely,..the liberal media and the Democrat Party on the whole,..crumbled beneath the Will of Trump,..
All that remained were a handful of Republican obstructionists in the Senate. They too, would now give way, and join Trump's Republican Legions in supporting the President's agenda , as it became ever clearer, with each passing day,...that the Democrat's Russian strategem to destroy the President,...
Had come to naught,....and had, instead,...formulated their own defeat,...
As Christmas approached,..a miracle had indeed come to pass,...
The Republican Party ,..House and Senate en masse,....now realized that the President could not be defeated, nor could those Republican Legions , who were willing to fight for him.
Indeed, the Republicans now knew,....there was no longer a need to fear the Democrats.
They now finally knew,...
They were winning, and their Commander in Chief,..was all but invincible as well.
And so, it had come to pass, that with but a week before Christmas, the historic Tax Reform bill was passed , along with the Repeal of the Obamacare Mandate as well.
As quick as a cobra strike,...as fatal as a rapier thrust,...
It was done,...and in it's wake,...the Democrats would sink ever deeper into madness and despair, as the full impact of their ignominious defeat, had now become clear,...
The 2018 Midterms,...were out of Democrat reach.
The Republicans, had won everything .
The Democrat Party, was finished.
And, even as the Republicans celebrated their hardwon victory in the Rose Garden, ..hand clasping, ..fists raised in triumph,..other miracles still,..would make even this one pale by comparison.
Our Military, in the space if but a few months,..has defeated ISIS completely, driving them from Iraq, ..scattering their remnants back into the desert wilderness , from whence they came.
And then, before this seeming miracle could be fully absorbed, U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley stood before a gathering of terror supporting nations, and put the word on notice, ...
Jerusalem was the Capital of Israel.
The U S. embassy, would be moved to Jerusalem, ...
And all those nations who would not support this,.would soon find themselves in the depths of political hell,...cut off from all U.S. financial aid,...
Aid,..without which,...no terror state can long endure.
As President Bush said, in September of 2001, ...while standing on a smoking pile of rubble that was once the Twin Towers,...
"Those who are not with us,...are against us."
And, those who are now against us,..are, by Trumpian Decree, being put on notice,...
The Message, in this Trumpian Age of Miracles is clear,....
If you stand against the United States and her Allies,...
You Stand Alone.
And, alone,...stripped of support from this New Olympus,..
This Last, Best Hope for Humanity itself,...
You Cannot Survive.
So Be It.
Behold, friend and foe alike, this Trumpian truth,...
Behold ,...A Savage Miracle,....
So it was written.
And the words spoke truth.
A truth, that is here, now, in this Trumpian Age, where a miracle, has indeed come to pass.
For, President Trump and his Republican Legions, have finally united, become one in body, mind, purpose, and will , transforming their tax reform strategem, from mere legislation, into nuclear fused law itself.
A Law, the likes of which , had not been seen since the days of Kennedy or Reagan,
A Law, that would restore America to its former greatness,
A Law, that would return the ruling power, to its rightful owners, We the People.
It would do this, by simply returning the wealth of this nation, to those who had worked for it,....to those, who had earned it.
For in wealth, there is power, and the simple truth is, those who represent us, on a state or federal level,....have no wealth.
They produce no product, or service, that generates wealth. Their power comes from confiscating the wealth of hardworking Americans, and placing it in their own pockets , through excessive taxation. For decades now, this has been almost exclusively, a Democrat legacy of destruction , for it is the Democrat Party that has always demanded ever higher taxes, and an ever weakening military as well.
The Democrat Party, left unfettered,...would quickly turn any Free Republic, into a socialist nightmare , utilizing their one simple weapon of choice,...ever increasing,....ever multiplying,....taxes and regulations , that force a free market republic, to work under the boot heel of an ever oppressive , totalitarian government.
Since the dawn of time itself, nations around the globe have been destroyed this way,...
Until,...the Birth of Freedom,...
Until,....the Coming of America,..and its system of self government, ....self rule.
An experimental system, based on the natural law , that says man can only be governed by himself,..with no King, Queen, Dictator, or Despot, ..to impose his will upon them.
Since its inception, the Democrat Party has sought to shift this balance of power into their hands, through heavy taxation , which would reduce the fledgeling free republic, to its former status, ...nothing more than a collection of states, . working to support a corrupt British Monarchy.
The election of Barack Hussein Obama in 2008,...combined with the Democrats controlling both Houses in the first two years of his Presidency, ...very nearly destroyed America.
The election of Hillary Clinton in 2017,....combined with the Democrats regaining control of both Houses as well,.....would have surely finished the sinister job that Obama had started.
This, however, would not come to pass,...
For, the election of Donald Trump as President, sealed the fate of the Democrat Party, and assured their continued defeat in the years to come. A defeat, that had begun in 2010, when Republicans regained the House, and continued in 2014, when they regained the Senate,..and most state legislative seats as well.
The newly elected President would waste no time in taking full advantage of the awesome power that Republicans possess, when they hold the reigns of power in Washington.
Trump unleashed slashing executive orders almost immediately after being sworn in, ..hacking away at the Obama agenda,...until , after less than a year in office, ..that agenda would be no more.
Indeed,...the first 100 days plus of the Trump Presidency have been the most productive of any President in history,...beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Regulations were destroyed, our military was restored,...the economy boomed. Our Allies and Veterans were now fully supported, ..ISIS was driven from Iraq,..and all but vaporized,...
The basic principles of a Free Republic resurrected,..before our very eyes,...for all the world to see.
All that remained as the year came to a close, was Tax Reform, and ending the scourge of Obamacare as well,...but this seemed to be a bridge too far,...even for this Savage President,..with the Republican Senate hopelessly divided against itself,...a handful of Republican Senator holdouts keeping the passage of this vital legislation, ..always at arms length, ..always just out of reach.
In failed Senate vote after Senate vote, ..Tax Reform and Obamacare Repeal,.....
Seemed an impossibility.
But then,...what is genius,..except that which is balanced,..on the edge of impossibility?
And, the Genius of Trump?
His double bladed weapon ;...the mass rally, and the savage twitter feed,..would take his message of conservative truth, directly to those who truly rule,...
Those who elected him, and his Republican Legions,...
We the People.
This strategem worked,...slowly, but surely,..the liberal media and the Democrat Party on the whole,..crumbled beneath the Will of Trump,..
All that remained were a handful of Republican obstructionists in the Senate. They too, would now give way, and join Trump's Republican Legions in supporting the President's agenda , as it became ever clearer, with each passing day,...that the Democrat's Russian strategem to destroy the President,...
Had come to naught,....and had, instead,...formulated their own defeat,...
As Christmas approached,..a miracle had indeed come to pass,...
The Republican Party ,..House and Senate en masse,....now realized that the President could not be defeated, nor could those Republican Legions , who were willing to fight for him.
Indeed, the Republicans now knew,....there was no longer a need to fear the Democrats.
They now finally knew,...
They were winning, and their Commander in Chief,..was all but invincible as well.
And so, it had come to pass, that with but a week before Christmas, the historic Tax Reform bill was passed , along with the Repeal of the Obamacare Mandate as well.
As quick as a cobra strike,...as fatal as a rapier thrust,...
It was done,...and in it's wake,...the Democrats would sink ever deeper into madness and despair, as the full impact of their ignominious defeat, had now become clear,...
The 2018 Midterms,...were out of Democrat reach.
The Republicans, had won everything .
The Democrat Party, was finished.
And, even as the Republicans celebrated their hardwon victory in the Rose Garden, ..hand clasping, ..fists raised in triumph,..other miracles still,..would make even this one pale by comparison.
Our Military, in the space if but a few months,..has defeated ISIS completely, driving them from Iraq, ..scattering their remnants back into the desert wilderness , from whence they came.
And then, before this seeming miracle could be fully absorbed, U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley stood before a gathering of terror supporting nations, and put the word on notice, ...
Jerusalem was the Capital of Israel.
The U S. embassy, would be moved to Jerusalem, ...
And all those nations who would not support this,.would soon find themselves in the depths of political hell,...cut off from all U.S. financial aid,...
Aid,..without which,...no terror state can long endure.
As President Bush said, in September of 2001, ...while standing on a smoking pile of rubble that was once the Twin Towers,...
"Those who are not with us,...are against us."
And, those who are now against us,..are, by Trumpian Decree, being put on notice,...
The Message, in this Trumpian Age of Miracles is clear,....
If you stand against the United States and her Allies,...
You Stand Alone.
And, alone,...stripped of support from this New Olympus,..
This Last, Best Hope for Humanity itself,...
You Cannot Survive.
So Be It.
Behold, friend and foe alike, this Trumpian truth,...
Behold ,...A Savage Miracle,....
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