Sunday, September 17, 2017

"Alone, Against The Tempest!!"

The ancient legends say, that when man dares to do battle, against the forces of nature, it is man that will always be, the inevitable loser.
So be it.
But, what if that man, is a force of nature, unto himself?
To this end, comes the man called Trump;..a man who has been all things in his day; ...Playboy Industrialist, American Ideal, Capitalist Icon, Commandeer in Chief of the Armed Forces,..and finally,...Conservative Force of Nature,..personified.
Could not a man such as this, stand alone against nature's tempest,..and somehow emerge victorious?
It would seem so. For now, as in moments of crises in the past, Trump seems to always be there, prepared to do battle with nature, and tyrannical terror forces alike, when they endanger the innocent. He did it when Syrian President Mahmoud Assad targeted his own people with deadly Sarin Gas.  Trump raged at the sight of innocent Syrian children near death, from the gas effects, and showed that he too, could deal death,..hurling from the heavens Olympian Thunderbolts that rained down upon the Tyrant's head, in the form of Tomahawk missiles,..that all but destroyed Assad's air forces and fuel reserves, a matter of minutes.
He rose to the challenge again, when the socialist medical system of Britain, refused to give a terminally ill child a chance at life, by denying him access to an experimental procedure in America,...that could have given the embattled infant, at least a fighting chance. Once again, while the world was silent, Trump acted, contacting young Charlie Gard's parents , and British authorities alike, offering to clear away the red tape, and get Charlie the treatment he needed.
Now again,  as storm systems Harvey and Irma ravaged Texas and beyond,..the President is there, ..slashing away the red tape, committing billions to the relief effort, ...including a million of his own dollars,..mobilizing Red Cross and Rescue Forces at the speed of light,...while simultaneously ordering Air Force One, to take him instantly ,...into the heart of the malestrom.
Once again, when people were in need, the President acted swiftly, ..doing what he does best,..making Mission;..and Accomplishment, and the same.
In the heart of flood ravaged Texas, and Louisiana as well,...the President was there, ....talking to the homeless at emergency shelters, serving meals, loading supply trucks,...hugging parents and babies,...playing with children,...
Trump's speeches were, like those of his rallies, the cuff, and heartfelt. In fact, they may have been the best of his Presidency to date. Not surprising, for once again,..Trump was in his element, ..doing what he does best;.....forging an unbreakable bond with We the People, who elected him, to work our will, but one end,...Making America Great Again,...
In truth, despite accomplishing more in his first 100 plus days, than most Presidents accomplish in eight years,....Trump's lightning fast, military precise response to Harvey and Irma storm systems, is, beyond any shadow of doubt,..his finest moment as President,..defining him, not only as Commander in Chief,..but as a man as well.
Trump is not a creature of liberalism, offering mere soft, sympathetic platitudes , and hugging ,..for endless replay on MSNBC,...nay,...he is a man of action, who sees a problem,....demands quick solution ,...and has no time for empty emotional displays that accomplish naught. Look to the Liberal Democrats for hugs and sympathy, if you will,..but when in battle with the forces of Harvey, Irma, ISIS, Al Queda,..or even North Korea,...
Trump only has time,...
For solutions.
And, as always, it is the plight of children that turns this man into the living embodiment , of instantaneous, effective, action.
As the President stated, ...
"Texas, not alone",...
Nor Louisiana, or Florida, for that matter,...
For the President, and the American People,...are one,..
And united in one , singular mission:
Helping our fellow Americans in need,...
Making Texas, Louisiana, Florida,..and all storm ravaged states, Great Again, blazing, warp speed.
And, as for Repeal, Replace, Tax Reform, and the Wall,...
They too, will be accomplished,..soon,....despite both Republican and Democrat obstruction in the Senate.
For Trump, like Reagan before him, has the formula to overcome all obstacles, all barriers, constructed by his political enemies,..
Just as Reagan did , when Democrat House Speaker Tip O'Neill blocked his proposed tax cuts , and reneged on the Deal, to cut Washington spending,...
Trump will take his message, his agenda,...his noble mission,...directly to We the People.
The President will define his mission, at rally after rally, tweet after endless tweet,...
And, most importantly, he will define the means to accomplish it,..and call out the enemies who oppose it.
Therein lies the time tested formula, for Republican Victory.
After his return from flood ravaged Texas and Louisiana, the President was asked by a White House reporter, if a military response was possible, in the wake of  North Korea's ever increasing threat, of Nuclear Armageddon.
"We'll See",... came the President's measured, ominous  response.
So Be It,...and Kim Jong Un, ...will no doubt, see as well,..what We the People,..have already confirmed, beyond a shadow of doubt,....
That, for this man called Trump,...
Mission, ..and Accomplishment,....
Are one and the same,....
And,...unlike the North Korean Despot,...
Trump,.. does not stand alone,....