The Russian Conspiracy Strategem has failed. Despite the combined efforts of the still largely Democrat controlled FBI, DOJ, and NSA, despite the special investigation conducted by James Comey's leftist henchman Robert Mueller, ..the Trump Presidency endures,...and the President remains , undestroyed. But, the Democrat mission remains. From now until the last day of his Presidency, the Democrat Machine will have but one goal; ...find a way to end the Trump Presidency, while regaining Democrat control of the House and Senate as well.
But how? If the race card failed, the Russian card failed, claims of mental instability failed, ...what conspirator dagger is there, that can bring down this new Caesar?
Perhaps, a dagger called Nazism. That has become the new weapon that the Democrat Machine is gambling its future on.
The mission? Simple. Tie this President to the Neo-Nazi and KuKluxKlan forces that still exist in our nation, and watch the Trump Administration implode upon itself. And, make no mistake, the Nazi-Antifa riots in Charlotte, West Virginia, were nothing more than the implementation of this sinister strategem.
The riot was nothing more than a Democrat manufactured fraud, with out of state , professional anarchists, and urban terrorists, bussed in and paid by the Democrat Machine, to do exactly what they did, do exactly what all terror forces do,....create chaos and fear, destroy, damage, burn, maim, and yes, even kill , an Oregon based terrorist eventually did, ...ramming his van into the warring leftist factions, injuring many, and killing one young woman. Their bodies were hurled into the air like ragdolls, like broken puppets, sacrificial pawns in a sinister game, to usurp the Trump Presidency, by connecting him directly to the chaos, destruction, and death that occurred this day in Charlotte, West Virginia. The irony is that despite the reality of a lost life,..all the rest was mere facade, ..the leftist Democrat Mayor of Charlotte, through the Democrat Machine, paid the terror forces of Nazism, KKK, and Antifa, to collide with brutal finality, by the statue of Civil War General Stonewall Jackson, knowing full well that no matter what the President's response to the violence would be, would not be enough to acquit him of direct responsibility for this madness.
Yes, even though President Trump has repeatedly disavowed the KKK, David Duke,...and Nazism, going back to the early nineties, despite clear rejection of racist based hate, that can easily be verified , with a simple search on YouTube, ...despite all the evidence that proves Trump is no racist, no Nazi sympathizer,...the Democrat media moved swiftly, in the wake of this clash of evil, to insist that the President refused to condemn the Nazi Party, refused to condemn the KKK, on the grounds that they are his strongest supporters ,....the evil voting base,....that handed him the Presidency on a silver platter.
Utter nonsense, and the President has neither the time, nor the patience, to play this new Democrat Game,..quickly dismissing all racism as evil, dismissing all involved in this brutal conflict, as equally reprehensible, ..for the President knows ,..the truth.
All of us, are brothers , who bleed the same blood, ..share the same humanity. All skin , the same. All blood, the same. All humanity, the same. It is only hate that separates us, not color. Did the President refuse to solely blame Nazi-KKK factions? Of course. There is much of the Asgardian God of mischief, Loki, this man called Trump. And, make no mistake,...there is nothing this President enjoys more, than tweaking the nose of his enemies, and angering any who lack the intelligence, and character, see the method behind his seeming madness.
Trump knows, the two things all leftists lack, a sense of humor, and a sense of irony,..for these qualities are the product of intelligence and empathy, ..qualities all Democrats,..are sorely lacking.
President Trump deliberately thumbed his nose at the Democrats, yet again, by simply refusing to call out the Nazis directly. The result?
They raged, they called for his resignation,...and, in the case of one congresswoman,...they even called for his assassination.
Yet, despite all this outrage, despite all Democrat effort to now link Trump to Nazi-KKK extremists,...despite all relentless efforts to reduce the Trump Agenda to a burnt out cinder,..
Trump and his Republican WarGods endure,..and remain, undestroyed.
Yes, another Democrat plot had failed to do anything , except further erode Democrat credibility. Chief Strategist Steve Bannon may be out, Terror Advisor Sebastian Gorka may be out as well,...but this matters little. Bannon called for higher taxes, and believed North Korea held the upper hand. Gorka opposed expansion of the Afghanistan War. This is not the Trump agenda, on both counts, so they are out. They could all fall,...and Trump would still endure,..because Trump and the American people, are one and the same. His power, is their power. His agenda, is their agenda. The agenda of truth. The agenda of conservatism.
The agenda, that cannot be defeated, by any force of terror or Democrat machinations.
Both sides were to blame in Charlotte, as Trump said,..and both sides were bought and paid for, the Democrat Party.
The Democrats next move? Go beyond attacking the indestructible Trump, and begin, in earnest, to attack America directly. Pull down all her statues, all her monuments, for all are linked to slavery, and racism. Pull down this nation, bit by bit, and leave Trump the King of an empty, desolate , Desert Kingdom.
The Democrats will continue this agenda to destroy the America Trump rules, ...but it is a false agenda,..a self inflicted mirage, ..with no reality,....doomed to failure,..before its even begun.
The True Reality?
The Republican Party is winning,..and will continue to win, well after their landslide 2018 Midterm Victory, which is now virtually a fait accompli, in the wake of the Democrat endorsed Charlotte madness. For, despite all their hysteria, all their outrage, all their warcry's of racism, and Nazi bigotry,...
The grim reality is,...the Democrat Party is done.
They have lost all power, well before the critical 2018 Midterms.
They could not even win special elections in South Carolina and Georgia, despite weak Republican opposition, and spending millions on both campaigns. They can no longer raise money. Donations to the DNC have dropped to nearly zero. They no longer have a voting base, since the new Sessions crackdown on border security, and illegal immigrant voting. After all, what legitimate hard working American, would vote for a Party that promises to take more of their hard earned money, while heaping contempt and scorn, on our Military, Veterans, Police, Allies in Freedom, 2nd Amendment Rights, and even the Constitution itself?
Trump has exposed this farce called the Democrat Party. Trump has tweaked them, forced them to frustration, rage, and ultimate madness.
And the result?
Their true Communist face is exposed, ..making them,..unelectable.
Making them,..obsolete, as a political party in America.
Nazi? Bigot? Homophobe?
"I embrace all these epithets heaped upon me, by the Democrat enemy, and use their power, to formulate their own defeat." ,..Trump seems to say,.."I embrace their hate, chaos, violence, and wade into the fray of battle, for I am a force of conservative nature, born on the battlefield of a Free Republic, and I ask for nothing more,.. than the thrill of the battle, itself.
The Democrats are destroyed, but the chaos of war, will go on, as it should, in a Free Republic,..for we must always remember,...
A world, where all men, agree with each other,..
A world, where there is no conflict, no dispute, no heroes, no villains, no battles to fight, no crowns to conquer, no freedom to protect, ..
No Shining City, secure,...
Is the pale, grey world, of Socialism, Marxism, ..Communism,..
And that, is not a world fit for those born into conflict,
Born into Freedom,..
And dedicated, to the never ending battle against the forces of terror, and the now powerless Democrat Party.
A Party, that has followed in the footsteps of the Nazi Party they reflect, by destroying themselves, ..rather than admit bitter , lasting defeat, the hands of Trumpian Legions.
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Sunday, August 27, 2017
"Target : Indestructible!!"
It was aviator Charles Lindberg who once proclaimed, "A life, without risk, is not worth living."
He was correct.
For, without risk, there is no conflict, no obstacle, no burden, no conflict, no cause to fight for, no enemy to overcome, nothing to make us stronger, nothing to entrust us, with one noble purpose,...
Make America Great Again,....
By confronting the evil among us, and ultimately,..destroying it.
To this end, comes the latest threat to the Shining City On A Hill,..a threat in the form of a man called Kim Jong Un,..Despot, Tyrant, Childish Buffoon,..and Supreme Ruler of North Korea. Like the forces of Islamic terror, North Korea represents a long standing menace to world peace, one that has been made infinitely worse, by decades worth of Democrat appeasement and weakness in the face of the enemy.
Giving billions of dollars to communist regimes is hardly the way to reduce their threat, let alone turn them into a functioning Free Republic, yet for decades, America under Democrat rule, has followed that self a destructive path,.President Clinton, in particular, giving billions to the Kim Jong Ill regime.
The result?
A madman, now armed with nuclear missiles .
Their target?
America, and the Free World.
Even detonated in the atmosphere above their targets, they would still have devastating consequences ,..shutting down electromagnetic systems, and unleashing deadly radioactive fallout, that could last for decades.
The only force in the universe that can stop Kim Jong Un from making his mad vision reality, is the American Military, ...the finest fighting force yet assembled by mortal man. Fully unleashed, it could crush Un's evil regime, like a bug , reducing his arrogance, his evil, his weaponry,..his very nation itself,... to charred ash, in a matter of minutes,..before Un could even blink.
And yet, has not. It has let evil grow around the world. Islamic evil, Communist evil, Socialist evil, Marxist evil. It has all grown stronger, for one reason, ..the Democrat Party has ruled Washington for far too long,...for far too many decades, and, consequently, has kept the American Military that they despise, on a leash, ...refusing to let them do, what they do best,....destroy evil. Not surprising, for the Democrat Party has always believed one thing above all others,....
America , is the true terror state.
America, has stolen the wealth, the power, the resources, the freedom,..from other nations, and left them second rate and poverty stricken,..dependent on the handouts and subsidies of Infidel America , to sustain themselves.
That is the brazen lie, that the Democrat Party accepts as truth.
Their solution? Secure permanent power in Washington, and use that power to weaken America .
Weaken her economically, militarily, ...weaken her so that her enemies can grow stronger . That was always the goal, and the result now, a Middle East in terror stricken turmoil, the resurgence of the Soviet threat, ..and a Mad Tyrant , with his finger poised on a nuclear button.
Democrat appeasement of evil, has now sown the seeds of permanent American defeat, at the hands of a nuclear madman.
Nothing, it seems,...can now alter the course of the Shining City's grim destiny,....
Unless,..of course,...the unexpected intervenes.
For, in the midst of the maelstrom, ....a celestial storm has been gathering,...
A storm, that started in 2010,..when the Republicans finally regained control of the House, ...a storm that continued to build in intensity,...into 2014, as the Republicans then regained control of the Senate, and most State level legislatures as well.
A storm, whose Thunder and Lightning finally ripped the very heavens asunder,...when the Republicans finally seized the Presidency for their own,...and by so doing,...unleashed fire, fury, ...the very forces of Hell itself,....upon the enemies of the Free World.
That Figure,..that Fury,...that Hellspawn, ..wouldst come in the form of Donald Trump, .the 45th President of the United States, ....a Force of pure conservatism,...a Force with one mission,...
Win, all the time,....
Win, at all costs,....
Make America Great Again,....
And the enemies in his path, whether Democrat conspirator, Islamic Terrorist, or Foppish, Pot-Bellied, North Korean Despot,..
Would tremble in his wake, ....
For, he has proven himself , so far,....against all opponents, be,....
Unconquerable, ...
The Mueller Russian Probe will only expose the Democrat conspirators themselves,....
The Repeal and Replace of Obamacare, will be accomplished, very soon,...
The Wall will be built,....
The Economy will continue, to grow stronger,....
The Supreme Court,...ever more conservative,...
Our Military, ...ever more powerful,.....
And, We the People, ever more dedicated, ever more determined, make the Trump vision of an America Reborn,....
A Living, Working,..Reality.
And therein, lies the key to the Trump success .
The key, that will bring total , inevitable Republican Victory.
Forget weak Republicans that vote against Repeal and Replace.
Forget Never Trumpers.
Forget the Democrat Machine and the Washington Elite, dedicated to derailing the Trump agenda, and ending his Presidency in impeachment and disgrace,....
Forget Democrat enabled , nuclear powered madmen, who hold this President, in the crosshairs of atomic fusion,...
Forget all this,....
And Remember,...
That this President, and the People,....are one.
And that, is the secret weapon, that makes him indestructible,...
And Unbeatable.
For this man called Trump, has reasoned it out.
America is Great, because, for the first time in History,....
We the People Rule.
The greatest system of government, yet devised by man, great indeed, only because it is a system if self government.
For, man is a creature , fashioned by the Gods, to be free, and must live free, or face self destruction.
America, is the only nation on earth, to make this God-Spawned system work, and that is the Greatness of America.
Washington knew this,
Jefferson knew this,
Adams knew this,
Hamilton, knew this,
Teddy Roosevelt, knew this,
Lincoln knew this,
Kennedy knew this,
Reagan, knew this,
Bush knew this,
And now, Trump knows it as well, ...
Perhaps, even better than his predecessors .
Trump and the American people, are one and the same.
This is why all obstacles, all enemies, will be overcome, and the Trump agenda, will be fully realized.
The Trump rallies will continue, unabated.
The Trump Tweets will increase exponentially.
And, the Trump threats leveled against America's enemies?
The Fire, the Fury, he promised to unleash?
Already, a Fait Accompli,...
For one simple reason, ...
This singular force of nature that men call Trump, has returned the ruling power, to the hands of We the People.
And, We the People, have made this man, our noble herald, that works only our will,...
Make America Great Again?
No. America has always remained Great,....
For, it's People are Great.
Trump's noble task was always to simply force us, to remember this,....
And so he has, with a booming voice and vision, that rumbles like thunder.
DPRK Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un, has warned our President, to cease his threats and insults, or he will target America and her Allies, and "Reduce them to Jelly."
Trump and his WarGods disagree with Un's vision, and have issued a counter threat,....
Continue to threaten America, her Allies, and the Free World, with nuclear annihilation, ....
And your Regime,
Your People,
Your Nation,....
Your petty, tinkertoy weapons,....
Will be, no more.
Is there much risk in this dangerous rhetoric?
But, America was born from risk, from conflict. Indeed, the Patriot is a creature born on the battlefield, of risk itself. A creature, that knows , a life without risk, is not worth living, and a fight for Freedom and Liberty, is always worth the risk.
He was correct.
For, without risk, there is no conflict, no obstacle, no burden, no conflict, no cause to fight for, no enemy to overcome, nothing to make us stronger, nothing to entrust us, with one noble purpose,...
Make America Great Again,....
By confronting the evil among us, and ultimately,..destroying it.
To this end, comes the latest threat to the Shining City On A Hill,..a threat in the form of a man called Kim Jong Un,..Despot, Tyrant, Childish Buffoon,..and Supreme Ruler of North Korea. Like the forces of Islamic terror, North Korea represents a long standing menace to world peace, one that has been made infinitely worse, by decades worth of Democrat appeasement and weakness in the face of the enemy.
Giving billions of dollars to communist regimes is hardly the way to reduce their threat, let alone turn them into a functioning Free Republic, yet for decades, America under Democrat rule, has followed that self a destructive path,.President Clinton, in particular, giving billions to the Kim Jong Ill regime.
The result?
A madman, now armed with nuclear missiles .
Their target?
America, and the Free World.
Even detonated in the atmosphere above their targets, they would still have devastating consequences ,..shutting down electromagnetic systems, and unleashing deadly radioactive fallout, that could last for decades.
The only force in the universe that can stop Kim Jong Un from making his mad vision reality, is the American Military, ...the finest fighting force yet assembled by mortal man. Fully unleashed, it could crush Un's evil regime, like a bug , reducing his arrogance, his evil, his weaponry,..his very nation itself,... to charred ash, in a matter of minutes,..before Un could even blink.
And yet, has not. It has let evil grow around the world. Islamic evil, Communist evil, Socialist evil, Marxist evil. It has all grown stronger, for one reason, ..the Democrat Party has ruled Washington for far too long,...for far too many decades, and, consequently, has kept the American Military that they despise, on a leash, ...refusing to let them do, what they do best,....destroy evil. Not surprising, for the Democrat Party has always believed one thing above all others,....
America , is the true terror state.
America, has stolen the wealth, the power, the resources, the freedom,..from other nations, and left them second rate and poverty stricken,..dependent on the handouts and subsidies of Infidel America , to sustain themselves.
That is the brazen lie, that the Democrat Party accepts as truth.
Their solution? Secure permanent power in Washington, and use that power to weaken America .
Weaken her economically, militarily, ...weaken her so that her enemies can grow stronger . That was always the goal, and the result now, a Middle East in terror stricken turmoil, the resurgence of the Soviet threat, ..and a Mad Tyrant , with his finger poised on a nuclear button.
Democrat appeasement of evil, has now sown the seeds of permanent American defeat, at the hands of a nuclear madman.
Nothing, it seems,...can now alter the course of the Shining City's grim destiny,....
Unless,..of course,...the unexpected intervenes.
For, in the midst of the maelstrom, ....a celestial storm has been gathering,...
A storm, that started in 2010,..when the Republicans finally regained control of the House, ...a storm that continued to build in intensity,...into 2014, as the Republicans then regained control of the Senate, and most State level legislatures as well.
A storm, whose Thunder and Lightning finally ripped the very heavens asunder,...when the Republicans finally seized the Presidency for their own,...and by so doing,...unleashed fire, fury, ...the very forces of Hell itself,....upon the enemies of the Free World.
That Figure,..that Fury,...that Hellspawn, ..wouldst come in the form of Donald Trump, .the 45th President of the United States, ....a Force of pure conservatism,...a Force with one mission,...
Win, all the time,....
Win, at all costs,....
Make America Great Again,....
And the enemies in his path, whether Democrat conspirator, Islamic Terrorist, or Foppish, Pot-Bellied, North Korean Despot,..
Would tremble in his wake, ....
For, he has proven himself , so far,....against all opponents, be,....
Unconquerable, ...
The Mueller Russian Probe will only expose the Democrat conspirators themselves,....
The Repeal and Replace of Obamacare, will be accomplished, very soon,...
The Wall will be built,....
The Economy will continue, to grow stronger,....
The Supreme Court,...ever more conservative,...
Our Military, ...ever more powerful,.....
And, We the People, ever more dedicated, ever more determined, make the Trump vision of an America Reborn,....
A Living, Working,..Reality.
And therein, lies the key to the Trump success .
The key, that will bring total , inevitable Republican Victory.
Forget weak Republicans that vote against Repeal and Replace.
Forget Never Trumpers.
Forget the Democrat Machine and the Washington Elite, dedicated to derailing the Trump agenda, and ending his Presidency in impeachment and disgrace,....
Forget Democrat enabled , nuclear powered madmen, who hold this President, in the crosshairs of atomic fusion,...
Forget all this,....
And Remember,...
That this President, and the People,....are one.
And that, is the secret weapon, that makes him indestructible,...
And Unbeatable.
For this man called Trump, has reasoned it out.
America is Great, because, for the first time in History,....
We the People Rule.
The greatest system of government, yet devised by man, great indeed, only because it is a system if self government.
For, man is a creature , fashioned by the Gods, to be free, and must live free, or face self destruction.
America, is the only nation on earth, to make this God-Spawned system work, and that is the Greatness of America.
Washington knew this,
Jefferson knew this,
Adams knew this,
Hamilton, knew this,
Teddy Roosevelt, knew this,
Lincoln knew this,
Kennedy knew this,
Reagan, knew this,
Bush knew this,
And now, Trump knows it as well, ...
Perhaps, even better than his predecessors .
Trump and the American people, are one and the same.
This is why all obstacles, all enemies, will be overcome, and the Trump agenda, will be fully realized.
The Trump rallies will continue, unabated.
The Trump Tweets will increase exponentially.
And, the Trump threats leveled against America's enemies?
The Fire, the Fury, he promised to unleash?
Already, a Fait Accompli,...
For one simple reason, ...
This singular force of nature that men call Trump, has returned the ruling power, to the hands of We the People.
And, We the People, have made this man, our noble herald, that works only our will,...
Make America Great Again?
No. America has always remained Great,....
For, it's People are Great.
Trump's noble task was always to simply force us, to remember this,....
And so he has, with a booming voice and vision, that rumbles like thunder.
DPRK Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un, has warned our President, to cease his threats and insults, or he will target America and her Allies, and "Reduce them to Jelly."
Trump and his WarGods disagree with Un's vision, and have issued a counter threat,....
Continue to threaten America, her Allies, and the Free World, with nuclear annihilation, ....
And your Regime,
Your People,
Your Nation,....
Your petty, tinkertoy weapons,....
Will be, no more.
Is there much risk in this dangerous rhetoric?
But, America was born from risk, from conflict. Indeed, the Patriot is a creature born on the battlefield, of risk itself. A creature, that knows , a life without risk, is not worth living, and a fight for Freedom and Liberty, is always worth the risk.
Sunday, August 6, 2017
"Forged In Battle, Tempered By Victory!"
The Trump Administration has accomplished more in it's first 100 days, than any other administration in history. Regulations destroyed, a conservative Supreme Court Justice secured, our Military restored, our Veterans and Allies in freedom supported, the economy and stock market rebounding, our borders secured, and the terror forces of AlQueda and ISIS now broken, and on the run, with the State of Iraq, no longer in their control.
And yet, with all this, still tax cuts remain undone, and Obamacare still endures. Why? With the House, Senate, and the Presidency in Republican hands, all things should be possible.
The destructive Democrat Agenda should, by all rights, be a distant memory now. Yet, it is not, for one basic reason;
Despite belief in basic conservative values, despite a Republican agenda designed to move the country forward, despite strong support for the President's aggressive ,"America First" agenda, despite a winning record that saw the Republicans take back the House in 2010, the Senate in 2014, and the Presidency in 2017, and handing the Democrats a loss of over 1000 legislative seats across the country,.....
Still the Republicans lack the will, fight,..
The killer instinct,..
The will to win, all costs,..
The will to destroy all things Democrat, no matter what the cost.
For this reason, the Repeal and Replace of Obamacare still remains undone, the border wall still mere concept,...and tax cuts -tax reform, still waiting to be brought to a vote.
There is no excuse for this inaction. The engine that drives the free market economy is the concept of limited taxes and regulations. Only the Republican Party supports this concept. Only the Republican Party understands that limited taxes are the rock, upon which a system of self government is built.
Yet, the Repeal of Obamacare has failed to pass in repeated votes brought before the House and Senate,...with another vote, soon to come.
"Failure, is not an option",.. the President has said,...
Yet, glaring weakness still remains in a Party that has won everything it could possibly win, outside of a Super Majority.
A Party that has made winning look easy,..still lacks the confidence, of a winner.
The reason is simple; ....
You can teach conservative values, but you cannot teach a fighting will,...a fighting spirit,...
The Will, Win,...
But, within the Republican ranks, such men do exist, and, in the end,...Trump shall have them,..
This is the President's new strategem. Drain the Swamp,.to be sure,...purge all Democrat infiltration within the Republican ranks,...but also restructure the Republican Party ,..turn it into a savage, conservative fighting machine, that will not only continue to win handily, but will also take the battle to the Democrat Enemy, with a new found aggressiveness.
Destroy the Democrats,...
Before they can destroy you.
This new strategem is clear to see;....
The President openly criticizes Attorney General Sessions recusal in the Russian investigation.
The President brings in Wall Street entrepreneur Anthony Scaramucci as the new, but short lived Communications Director, ,conservative firebrand Sarah Huckabee Sanders, as the new Press Secretary, and Homeland Security Director John Kelly, to replace Reince Priebus as the President's Senior Advisor and Administration Director. All three are aggressive, bar room brawlers, with no tolerance for Democrat machinations.
All three have the will to win, all three would take the battle, to the enemy, and take no Democrat prisoners. And, despite the ousting of Scaramucci because of a foolish New Yorker interview laced with foul mouthed invective aimed at Preibus,..Ted Cruz still remains, still endures,....and has the same fighting spirit ,same conservative purity, and has vowed to push through the Repeal of Obamacare, and Tax Reform, at all costs.
The fighting will Cruz has displayed since winning his 2012 Senate seat, and brutal Primary battle with Trump, still intact.
And, so called conservatives such as Mike Lee , Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, and John McCain, have now been put on notice, by both Trump and Cruz,...
Your so called conservative values mean nothing,...
Your dedication to conservative principles , means nothing,...
If you cannot win,...
If you cannot beat, the Democrats,...
If you cannot destroy Obamacare and all things Democrat, no matter what the cost.
Conservatism, is the very essence of truth,...
Therefore,...conservatism must win.
If you cannot win, then you are no conservative, and have failed to work the will of We the People,..who sent you to Washington.
The Trump rallies still remain the standard by which all Republicans representatives, must be measured.
The President and the will of We the People,...are one and the same,..
They are the right and left hand, of the same body.
The Republican House and Senate must implement that will, make its legislation reality,..or they must step aside, and pass the political baton, to those who can, and will.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has been put on notice, with the new shift, in the Trump Agenda,...
Failure on Obamacare repeal, not an option.
The President, will have it now, no matter what the cost.
McConnell has responded to both Trump and Cruz pressure, and called for still another rushed vote, to Repeal and Replace.
The Republican holdouts are now on notice,...
Pass this bill, ...or be destroyed along with the now powerless Democrats.
Failure, is not an option.
Winning, isn't everything,...
It is the only thing,...
And winning, is what this President , Ted Cruz, General Kelly, Dr.Sebastian Gorka, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and Steven Miller, do best. And this is why they are now leading this war against the Democrats,..why Sean Spicer is out,..why Scaramucci is out,...why Reince Priebus, out,...
Why others, may soon be out as well,...
Forget the Russian conspiracy,..
Forget the Mueller Witch Hunt,...
And remember, O' Republicans, ..the will of this one man, who has made winning a way of life, and will tolerate nothing less, than victory for his country as well.
Victory, forged in the fires of his own will, and the will of We the People, who made him President, and will tolerate no other.
President Trump stood on the deck of the newly commissioned USS Gerald R. Ford,...a 33 Billion Dollar Destroyer,..capable of bringing death and destruction to America's enemies in every corner of the globe. A virtual military city unto itself, it's power awesome, unrivaled and symbolic, of the Trump Agenda itself.
As the President stated on that ship's deck; ....
"War,...against America's enemies, should never be a fair fight,"...
America, should always have the unfair advantage, ..
The enemy, must always be reminded,..that it stands no chance against the greatest fighting force yet devised by man.
Their defeat and destruction, is always inevitable,....
This President will tolerate, no other outcome.
John Kennedy was once asked why he wanted to be President,..
His reply?
" Because,..I want it,.."
So Be It.
Contemplate this well, Republican House and Senate, yet another vote on Repeal looms,..ever nearer,...before the August recess,...
Kellyanne Conway, Sarah Huckabee Sanders,..Steven Miller,...Sebastian Gorka,...John Kelly,...and yes,..MS 13 Destroyer Attorney General Jeff Sessions as well,..are the savage new WarGods, who will take no prisoners in their mission to destroy all things Democrat,...and advance the President's Republican Agenda.
Senators McCain, Collins, and Murkowski, the Democrat double agents who voted against the repeal bill,..are now in their crosshasirs, and targeted for termination.
Obamacare will be destroyed, and those Republicans working against this President shall be condemned to the dark Stygian depths of Democrat Hell Eternally. Their cushy healthcare subsidies will be stripped from them, and the 51 Vote Nuclear Option,...shall be employed, to pass all things Republican,...
To paraphrase JFK,...
We the People want it,....
And,..We the People,...will have it.
Failure, not an option, and the unfair advantage, must always belong ,..
To the American Military,...
And,..the Republican Party.
And yet, with all this, still tax cuts remain undone, and Obamacare still endures. Why? With the House, Senate, and the Presidency in Republican hands, all things should be possible.
The destructive Democrat Agenda should, by all rights, be a distant memory now. Yet, it is not, for one basic reason;
Despite belief in basic conservative values, despite a Republican agenda designed to move the country forward, despite strong support for the President's aggressive ,"America First" agenda, despite a winning record that saw the Republicans take back the House in 2010, the Senate in 2014, and the Presidency in 2017, and handing the Democrats a loss of over 1000 legislative seats across the country,.....
Still the Republicans lack the will, fight,..
The killer instinct,..
The will to win, all costs,..
The will to destroy all things Democrat, no matter what the cost.
For this reason, the Repeal and Replace of Obamacare still remains undone, the border wall still mere concept,...and tax cuts -tax reform, still waiting to be brought to a vote.
There is no excuse for this inaction. The engine that drives the free market economy is the concept of limited taxes and regulations. Only the Republican Party supports this concept. Only the Republican Party understands that limited taxes are the rock, upon which a system of self government is built.
Yet, the Repeal of Obamacare has failed to pass in repeated votes brought before the House and Senate,...with another vote, soon to come.
"Failure, is not an option",.. the President has said,...
Yet, glaring weakness still remains in a Party that has won everything it could possibly win, outside of a Super Majority.
A Party that has made winning look easy,..still lacks the confidence, of a winner.
The reason is simple; ....
You can teach conservative values, but you cannot teach a fighting will,...a fighting spirit,...
The Will, Win,...
But, within the Republican ranks, such men do exist, and, in the end,...Trump shall have them,..
This is the President's new strategem. Drain the Swamp,.to be sure,...purge all Democrat infiltration within the Republican ranks,...but also restructure the Republican Party ,..turn it into a savage, conservative fighting machine, that will not only continue to win handily, but will also take the battle to the Democrat Enemy, with a new found aggressiveness.
Destroy the Democrats,...
Before they can destroy you.
This new strategem is clear to see;....
The President openly criticizes Attorney General Sessions recusal in the Russian investigation.
The President brings in Wall Street entrepreneur Anthony Scaramucci as the new, but short lived Communications Director, ,conservative firebrand Sarah Huckabee Sanders, as the new Press Secretary, and Homeland Security Director John Kelly, to replace Reince Priebus as the President's Senior Advisor and Administration Director. All three are aggressive, bar room brawlers, with no tolerance for Democrat machinations.
All three have the will to win, all three would take the battle, to the enemy, and take no Democrat prisoners. And, despite the ousting of Scaramucci because of a foolish New Yorker interview laced with foul mouthed invective aimed at Preibus,..Ted Cruz still remains, still endures,....and has the same fighting spirit ,same conservative purity, and has vowed to push through the Repeal of Obamacare, and Tax Reform, at all costs.
The fighting will Cruz has displayed since winning his 2012 Senate seat, and brutal Primary battle with Trump, still intact.
And, so called conservatives such as Mike Lee , Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, and John McCain, have now been put on notice, by both Trump and Cruz,...
Your so called conservative values mean nothing,...
Your dedication to conservative principles , means nothing,...
If you cannot win,...
If you cannot beat, the Democrats,...
If you cannot destroy Obamacare and all things Democrat, no matter what the cost.
Conservatism, is the very essence of truth,...
Therefore,...conservatism must win.
If you cannot win, then you are no conservative, and have failed to work the will of We the People,..who sent you to Washington.
The Trump rallies still remain the standard by which all Republicans representatives, must be measured.
The President and the will of We the People,...are one and the same,..
They are the right and left hand, of the same body.
The Republican House and Senate must implement that will, make its legislation reality,..or they must step aside, and pass the political baton, to those who can, and will.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has been put on notice, with the new shift, in the Trump Agenda,...
Failure on Obamacare repeal, not an option.
The President, will have it now, no matter what the cost.
McConnell has responded to both Trump and Cruz pressure, and called for still another rushed vote, to Repeal and Replace.
The Republican holdouts are now on notice,...
Pass this bill, ...or be destroyed along with the now powerless Democrats.
Failure, is not an option.
Winning, isn't everything,...
It is the only thing,...
And winning, is what this President , Ted Cruz, General Kelly, Dr.Sebastian Gorka, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and Steven Miller, do best. And this is why they are now leading this war against the Democrats,..why Sean Spicer is out,..why Scaramucci is out,...why Reince Priebus, out,...
Why others, may soon be out as well,...
Forget the Russian conspiracy,..
Forget the Mueller Witch Hunt,...
And remember, O' Republicans, ..the will of this one man, who has made winning a way of life, and will tolerate nothing less, than victory for his country as well.
Victory, forged in the fires of his own will, and the will of We the People, who made him President, and will tolerate no other.
President Trump stood on the deck of the newly commissioned USS Gerald R. Ford,...a 33 Billion Dollar Destroyer,..capable of bringing death and destruction to America's enemies in every corner of the globe. A virtual military city unto itself, it's power awesome, unrivaled and symbolic, of the Trump Agenda itself.
As the President stated on that ship's deck; ....
"War,...against America's enemies, should never be a fair fight,"...
America, should always have the unfair advantage, ..
The enemy, must always be reminded,..that it stands no chance against the greatest fighting force yet devised by man.
Their defeat and destruction, is always inevitable,....
This President will tolerate, no other outcome.
John Kennedy was once asked why he wanted to be President,..
His reply?
" Because,..I want it,.."
So Be It.
Contemplate this well, Republican House and Senate, yet another vote on Repeal looms,..ever nearer,...before the August recess,...
Kellyanne Conway, Sarah Huckabee Sanders,..Steven Miller,...Sebastian Gorka,...John Kelly,...and yes,..MS 13 Destroyer Attorney General Jeff Sessions as well,..are the savage new WarGods, who will take no prisoners in their mission to destroy all things Democrat,...and advance the President's Republican Agenda.
Senators McCain, Collins, and Murkowski, the Democrat double agents who voted against the repeal bill,..are now in their crosshasirs, and targeted for termination.
Obamacare will be destroyed, and those Republicans working against this President shall be condemned to the dark Stygian depths of Democrat Hell Eternally. Their cushy healthcare subsidies will be stripped from them, and the 51 Vote Nuclear Option,...shall be employed, to pass all things Republican,...
To paraphrase JFK,...
We the People want it,....
And,..We the People,...will have it.
Failure, not an option, and the unfair advantage, must always belong ,..
To the American Military,...
And,..the Republican Party.
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