"An attack on one of us, is an attack on all of us." The Warcry of Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan, in the wake of the assassin's strike on Republican House Members, as they prepared for a charity baseball exhibition.
A Warcry long overdue, indeed, for long before the rifle bullets of a Bernie Sanders supporter ripped into the flesh of House Republicans, including the critically wounded House WHIP Steve Scalise, there has been a sinister plot 'aborning, a malevolent Democrat strategem being formulated, ..a strategem, borne out of panic, desperation, and the ever growing madness of a political party that now realizes,....they cannot win, ever again. In fact, they have known this for years now.
Since 2010, the Democrat Party has been steadily losing seats, and therefore power, and now with the coronation of Trump and Republican takeover of both Houses and most state legislatures as well, their defeat has been confirmed, even in the minds of the most addled Democrat agent. In 2010, the Republicans took back the House. In 2012, more Republican seats , Governorships, and state legislatures. In 2014, the Senate fell into Republican hands as well. And then, the final sword stroke came in the form of the 2016 Presidential triumph for Trump, that also gained a nearly unbeatable Republican House and Senate majorities, while bringing the Democrat loss of seats nationwide tally, to well over 1000, since 2010.
It's over for the Democrat Party , and no one knows it better, than the Democrat Machine itself.
The truth of Trump has awakened the sleeping giant of silent Republican Majority, and shown them the glaring hypocrasy of a Party that is now, and has always been, Communist in nature.
It took the savage persona of Trump to show Americans that yhoy never elect a Party dedicated to taking your hard earned money from you, in the name of third world invader votes. You never elect a Party that shows contempt and disdain for our military, police, and emergency personnel ,that risk all, ..to secure our nation from the terror enemies that seek our destruction. You never vote for a Party that shows contempt for our allies in freedom, our Judeo-Christian principles, and our right to arm ourselves, in defense of that freedom .
You never vote for a Party that sees itself , as superior to its fellow man, and seeks nothing more than to rule over them, with a bootheel upon their necks, for all eternity .
That is Tyranny.
That is Despotism.
That is the Democrat elite, that now seeks to destroy Trump and his Republican War Gods, by the sinister assassin's bullet.
For they now know, in the area of ideas, they can never win against Republican principles, ..
This is why a Shakespeare in the Park play, depicted Trump as Caesar, being struck down , by the daggers of Senatorial conspirators. This is why the email and phone threats against Republican Representatives has increased dramatically, since the Trump election .This is why, there were calls for President Bush's assassination as well, for all eight years of his Presidency.
The Democrats know, they have always known,....that once We the People were fully awakened to the reality that only a Republican controlled nation, can be made Great Again, ...
They have no choice, but to use terror tactics, and yes, .the assassins bullet,..to stop Republicans and regain their power.
They Will Fail.
Just as the Democrat who killed Alexander Hamilton failed,...
Just as the Democrat who killed Abraham Lincoln failed,..
Just as the Democrat who killed President Kennedy failed,..
Just as the Democrat who tried to kill Reagan failed,....
They will all fail,...
For the Republican War Gods are now united, under the Republican War Banner ,..and by the gods, America will be Made Great Again,...and no Democrat Assassin's bullet, can alter the course of this Nation's Destiny.
For, as Speaker Ryan said,.."An attack against one ,..is an attack against all,..
All Americans,..
ISIS, AlQueda, the Taliban, and the Democrat Party.
They are all terror groups, all equal threats now,.to the security of our nation.
Extreme? Tell that to Steve Scalise and his family, as they spend Father's Day, and the Fourth of July, in the emergency room , wishing away a bullets damage , that turned a healthy ,vigorous man, into an invalid, with one evil stroke.
The Democrat Party is a terror party. That has been proven . Whether Black Lives Matter, Communist Party USA, Climate Change activists, Occupy Wall street, or attempts to bring down the President ,with the false flag of Russian Conspiracy, ..they are all terror personified,..and the Republican's grim task now, is to destroy , .or be destroyed,..
To this end, the Republicans are now,.fortunately,...well armed indeed,...
For they know the secret to defeating them, and have the weapons that will accomplish the task.
The Trump rallies , the Trump tweets,..the Trump calls for unity among Republican War Gods,..the Republican Agenda of tax cuts, and a strong military,..this will bring down the Democrat tyrants no doubt.
For the Republicans know, that while the steel of the assassins bullet may be strong, ....
Flesh, is stronger.
For, what is the knife, the sword, the gun, the bomb, ..compared to the hand that wields it?
A Republican hand, clasping another Republican hand,...in brotherhood , in tribal friendship, ....united as one, and dedicated to bringing the Trump vision to reality.
Make America Great Again?
Nay, Make America Great Eternally,..
And the World, will be the better for it.
The assassin's bullets have turned Republican hesitation now, into steely determination , and We the People who elected them, stand united with them, in the face of fire .
The Republican Machine, united now as War Brothers, will bring their ultimate weapon into play, the 2018 Midterms,...and end the farce of the Democrat Party forever.
For the hand that wields the Republican polling lever, is stronger than any assassins bullet, and will bring massive, overwhelming Republican Midterm Victory, and permanent Democrat defeat.
There lies the Republican power now,...
Every election, State or Federal, will be won by Republicans, with Democrats condemned forever,..to the political wilderness .
And the Democrats now know, this is coming.
They know, with the 2018 Midterms, their fate is preordained, and inevitable. Their stunning defeats in the Georgia and South Carolina special elections , confirms the grim truth;...the Democrat Party , can no longer win,..ever.
All they have now is, the Assassin Strategem,..and, as history has shown,. That's all they ever had to recommend them,..
All they ever had,...to gain and hold power,...
But now they face a Republican Army United,..under an NRA backed, Trumpian Warbanner.
And, they are no longer afraid.
For they know now, .
Whosoever wears the Blood Red MAGA Warcrown,..
If Worthy,...
Shall possess the power,.
Of Trump,....
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Sunday, June 18, 2017
The coup has failed. The Democrat Party's strategem to use pretended Russian-Trump conspiracy to bring down the Trump Presidency, has finally been exposed to the light of truth, and shown to have no substance at all . A mere political phantom, concocted by a Party desperate to restore its lost power base.
This was an inevitable outcome, once former FBI Director James Comey was forced to testify under sworn oath, as to the details of his shadowed investigation. Even the deceptive , double agent Comey was now forced to admit what the President had already stated as fact;...President Trump was not under investigation for possible Russian collusion. Nor was his Administration. Nor was his Party. Comey had, in fact, admitted to such, in a private meeting with the President, and repeated this fact to him, three times since. As Senator Marco Rubio would point out during his excellent cross-examination of Comey, this was the one fact of this investigation, that,..strangely enough,...was never leaked to the press. What was leaked, was an endless series of accusations by anonymous sources, that, for months now, pushed a scenario that painted the President, and his Administration, as mere puppets of Vladimir Putin.
Utter nonsense, and Comey was now forced , under threat of perjury,..to admit it.
General Flynn may have been fired by Pence for failing to reveal portions of an encounter with the Russian Ambassador, but there was nothing improper about his conversations with any Russian official,..ever. Nor was there anything improper about any Republican encounter , with any Russian officials,..ever.
No evidence, period.
There never was. All that has ever really existed, was the Democrat Party's desperate attempt to destroy the Trump Presidency, and regain their power by gaining seats in the 2018 Midterm elections.
This will not happen.
Trump is, once again, victorious over the forces of the Democrat Machine. He has outmaneuvered them again, forcing Comey into a desperate move to counter a potential tape recording of his private meeting with Trump. The move has doomed Comey, and turned him from the hunter, into the hunted. Comey admittedly leaked a memo of his private conversation with the President, to a leftist law professor friend, at Columbia University. The reason? He knew this fellow anti- Republican activist, would then leak the memo , to the New York Times, guaranteed. This would, in turn, give Comey the excuse he needed, to call for the appointment of a Special Council to the investigation,...namely,...FBI Director Robert Meuller,..also friend and leftist confident,..to James Comey. A startlingly brazen strategem, for the former FBI Director has now fully exposed himself,..as the man behind the endless series of government leaks. It was,..apparently,...Comey all along.
A Hillary Clinton supporter and donor to the Clinton Foundation, ..a man openly hostile to this new President,...Comey now admitted,..under oath,..to committing treason,..by releasing government property to a fellow leftist radical and leftist newspaper ad well.
Game, Set,..and Match,..
Trump and his Republican War Gods.
Its been said that you should be careful what you wish for,...
The Democrat Party is about to see the wisdom in this old adage,...
For, the Russian Conspiracy investigation they wished for, is about to begin in earnest,..with one difference,...
The Target,...
If turnabout is truly fair play,...then the Democrat Party has nothing to complain about,...for the Trump investigation had now morphed into the Democrat Party investigation,...
As Chessmaster Trump has always known,...for months now,..it is the Democrats who are the true Russian Conspirators.
It is the Democrat Party that has rigged elections,..
It is the Democrat Party that had sought to undermine our system of self government,..for decades now,...
And the now Republican controlled investigation,...will now confirm it,...
FBI Director James Comey,..Attorney General Loretta Lynch,..CIA Director James Clapper,...House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi,...Senate Minority Leader, Charles Schumer,...
Are the true conspirators,..practicing malevolent subterfuge,..for eight long years, of the Obama Administration, and beyond,...
The Benghazi Scandal,...
The I.R.S. Scandal,...
The NSA Scandal,...
The Clinton Server, and Clinton Foundation Scandal,...
The Fast and Furious Scandal, .
The Clinton Russian Uranium Scandal,...
Now, thanks to this witch hunt, started by the Democrat Machine,..this quartet of Democrat Conspirators,..will now be forced , by subpoena,..to answer all questions put to them regardung these,..."matters",...as Lynch would phrase it,....
Their inquisitors?
The Republican controlled House and Senate , of course.
Will actual incarceration be the ultimate punishment , for these Democrat Conspirators?
But, the true punishment will come in another form, ..
A massive Republican Victory, in the 2018 Midterms, President Trump domestic and foreign agenda brought to fruition, .
And, most importantly,...the full realization now, by all those within the Democrat ranks,...
That this Demon,..
This Devil,....
This Hellspawn, called Trump, ..
Is going nowhere,..
He will remain President,...for the next eight years, and Hillary will remain , in bitter political exile,...knowing full well that her power, and Party,...are no more,...
And, this Hellspaswn called Trump, ..stands once more triumphant ,..over the Dark Forces, of the Democrat Party,...
Without evern breaking a sweat,....
And, in the wake of this most devestating,..most destructive Trumpian Victory,...
Can ever increasing Democrat Madness,...be far behind?
This was an inevitable outcome, once former FBI Director James Comey was forced to testify under sworn oath, as to the details of his shadowed investigation. Even the deceptive , double agent Comey was now forced to admit what the President had already stated as fact;...President Trump was not under investigation for possible Russian collusion. Nor was his Administration. Nor was his Party. Comey had, in fact, admitted to such, in a private meeting with the President, and repeated this fact to him, three times since. As Senator Marco Rubio would point out during his excellent cross-examination of Comey, this was the one fact of this investigation, that,..strangely enough,...was never leaked to the press. What was leaked, was an endless series of accusations by anonymous sources, that, for months now, pushed a scenario that painted the President, and his Administration, as mere puppets of Vladimir Putin.
Utter nonsense, and Comey was now forced , under threat of perjury,..to admit it.
General Flynn may have been fired by Pence for failing to reveal portions of an encounter with the Russian Ambassador, but there was nothing improper about his conversations with any Russian official,..ever. Nor was there anything improper about any Republican encounter , with any Russian officials,..ever.
No evidence, period.
There never was. All that has ever really existed, was the Democrat Party's desperate attempt to destroy the Trump Presidency, and regain their power by gaining seats in the 2018 Midterm elections.
This will not happen.
Trump is, once again, victorious over the forces of the Democrat Machine. He has outmaneuvered them again, forcing Comey into a desperate move to counter a potential tape recording of his private meeting with Trump. The move has doomed Comey, and turned him from the hunter, into the hunted. Comey admittedly leaked a memo of his private conversation with the President, to a leftist law professor friend, at Columbia University. The reason? He knew this fellow anti- Republican activist, would then leak the memo , to the New York Times, guaranteed. This would, in turn, give Comey the excuse he needed, to call for the appointment of a Special Council to the investigation,...namely,...FBI Director Robert Meuller,..also friend and leftist confident,..to James Comey. A startlingly brazen strategem, for the former FBI Director has now fully exposed himself,..as the man behind the endless series of government leaks. It was,..apparently,...Comey all along.
A Hillary Clinton supporter and donor to the Clinton Foundation, ..a man openly hostile to this new President,...Comey now admitted,..under oath,..to committing treason,..by releasing government property to a fellow leftist radical and leftist newspaper ad well.
Game, Set,..and Match,..
Trump and his Republican War Gods.
Its been said that you should be careful what you wish for,...
The Democrat Party is about to see the wisdom in this old adage,...
For, the Russian Conspiracy investigation they wished for, is about to begin in earnest,..with one difference,...
The Target,...
If turnabout is truly fair play,...then the Democrat Party has nothing to complain about,...for the Trump investigation had now morphed into the Democrat Party investigation,...
As Chessmaster Trump has always known,...for months now,..it is the Democrats who are the true Russian Conspirators.
It is the Democrat Party that has rigged elections,..
It is the Democrat Party that had sought to undermine our system of self government,..for decades now,...
And the now Republican controlled investigation,...will now confirm it,...
FBI Director James Comey,..Attorney General Loretta Lynch,..CIA Director James Clapper,...House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi,...Senate Minority Leader, Charles Schumer,...
Are the true conspirators,..practicing malevolent subterfuge,..for eight long years, of the Obama Administration, and beyond,...
The Benghazi Scandal,...
The I.R.S. Scandal,...
The NSA Scandal,...
The Clinton Server, and Clinton Foundation Scandal,...
The Fast and Furious Scandal, .
The Clinton Russian Uranium Scandal,...
Now, thanks to this witch hunt, started by the Democrat Machine,..this quartet of Democrat Conspirators,..will now be forced , by subpoena,..to answer all questions put to them regardung these,..."matters",...as Lynch would phrase it,....
Their inquisitors?
The Republican controlled House and Senate , of course.
Will actual incarceration be the ultimate punishment , for these Democrat Conspirators?
But, the true punishment will come in another form, ..
A massive Republican Victory, in the 2018 Midterms, President Trump domestic and foreign agenda brought to fruition, .
And, most importantly,...the full realization now, by all those within the Democrat ranks,...
That this Demon,..
This Devil,....
This Hellspawn, called Trump, ..
Is going nowhere,..
He will remain President,...for the next eight years, and Hillary will remain , in bitter political exile,...knowing full well that her power, and Party,...are no more,...
And, this Hellspaswn called Trump, ..stands once more triumphant ,..over the Dark Forces, of the Democrat Party,...
Without evern breaking a sweat,....
And, in the wake of this most devestating,..most destructive Trumpian Victory,...
Can ever increasing Democrat Madness,...be far behind?
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
"Operation: Atomize!!!"
The President did not withdraw from the Climate Change Alliance. He couldn't. Because, there is no Climate Change Alliance. They're is only a gathering of third world, second rate , socialist nations, that have but one goal;..fleece American citizens of as much of their hard earned cash, as possible. That's all this " Global Warming" , "Climate Change" issue is, just another leftist con-job , designed to do but one thing; take money out of the pockets of those who earned it, and give it, to those who didn't.
Global Warming may be a pseudo-religion to the left, but it has no science on which to base its premise. Carbon Emissions are not pollution. They are a natural part of the earth's basic function. Humans exhale carbon dioxide, volcanoes spew carbon forth, from the depths of the earth, the ocean belches it forth, in the form of crude oil, and yes, mass corporate level production creates it as well. It's fortunate that carbon emissions do exist in such overwhelming levels , for without them, life on earth would be impossible. All vegetation around the globe, breathe in carbon emissions, and, in turn, exhale the oxygen that every sentient creature on earth, needs to survive. It's called photosynthesis. Its a basic scientific principle of biology that the left conveniently ignores when searching for scientific data to justify higher taxes and regulations on the American people.
President Trump understands what the Democrat Party has tried to conceal; ..climate change legislation is designed , not to save the planet, ..but to weaken America, while strengthening her enemies.
This is why Trump withdrew from this farce. This is why President Bush refused to sign the Kyoto treaty. Both men understand, that the only nation foolish enough to weaken their economy, damage their free market growth, by imposing draconian restrictions and regulations on its industry,...is the United States. Not one other nation that has signed the Kyoto treaty, or joined the Climate Change Alliance, will cut back on their carbon pollution, even the tiniest bit. Why should they? They all know the true purpose of this climate agenda;...weaken America , strengthen her enemies, and assure that the Democrat Party that created this con-job, remains in power, permanently. In truth, the power of the left, and the Democrat Party in particular, has always flowed from one source;...the money earned by the sweat of We the People, who are the true rulers of this Shining City on a Hill.
President Trump has made it clear;..he will not strengthen other nations while weakening America ,in the name of a flawed pseudo - science hypothesis, that even Hans Christian Anderson, would dismiss as a fairytale. But, despite the complete lack of any real scientific data to back up their claims of melting polar ice caps, and rising seas, ..despite having no proof whatsoever,..the Democrat Party still brazenly lists Climate Change, as the number one threat to humanity. Not ISIS, not All Queda, not the Taliban, not Iran, not North Korea,....but Global Warming. Their reason is clear; ...they want the American taxpayers money. For, controlling their money, gives them control of the American citizens as well, and assures that the Democrat Party remains a permanent ruling power .
President Trump understands this, and his rejection of this international rogues gallery of cheap con artists, demonstrates this quite effectively. As the President has stated, he was elected to govern Pittsburgh,...not Paris,...
It's America that will be made Great Again, not third world tyrants, and it will be accomplished, by a Republican Majority, and Trumpian will alone. America will strengthen itself first, both economically and militarily,..and by so doing, the world will be the better for it. For, without a strong America, the world would quickly return to the dark, Stygian depths of despair. Without America as founded, the world, would quickly devolve, into the pit of evil, disease, poverty, and despair, that it had been before its creator could endure no more, and destroyed all mankind,...that which he had created, ..in his own image,...
America is the last, best hope for humanity. Reagan said it,..and Trump has confirmed it,..with one bold, brash, brazen stroke,..the withdraw,..from a gathering of madmen,...who deem themselves gods,..the Climate Change Alliance,...
Trump rejects this fantasy, ..
Trump rejects this threat,...
For, it is mere shadow,..mere phantom,...with no real substance at all.
Trump understands where the real threats to mankind lie.
To deal with one, he has strengthened the greatest military force ever assembled by man, and given them the freedom to use their awesome skills, to destroy Islamic Terror, once and for all.
To deal with the other threat, Trump has taken his message of truth, consistently,..to We the People, in the form of capacity crowd rallies, and endless tweets,..that keep the pressure on those who would work against the Judeo-Christian principles that America was founded on. Trump has taken the basic principles of truth, the principles of conservatism, and unleashed them on a forgotten America, that had allowed its right to rule to be snatched from them, by falling prey to ignorance and apathy. A system of self government, requires self participation, and,..failing this, tyranny and despotism,..will surely follow.
Trump awakened the American people with basic, simple truths, ...Truths,..they had forgotten,..
The money you earn,..is the money you keep,...
The military, that defends our freedom,..must be supported, and defended as well,..by the American People.
Our Judeo-Christian values, are the root of liberty,..
Our Allies in freedom, must be supported, and defended,..
And, ...our enemies,..must learn to fear us,...
In rally after rally,..tweet after tweet,...Trump took the message to We the People,..and continues to do so,
And that is the formula to defeat,..not fictional Global Warming,..or even the formidable menace of ISIS and All Queda,..
But the true, number one threat,..to America,..and all mankind as well,..
The Democrat Party,..
Since the days when it turned its back on the Declaration of Independence, ..turned its back on men and women who sought freedom from the slavery imposed by their fellow men,..
The Democrat Party has done nothing , but seek to damage America, and ultimately, destroy America,..
Our America,..that the Democrats recognized,..as the true terror nation.
For such an opponent, mere political defeat, is not enough.
They must be reduced,..to scorched earth cinders,..by a massive 2018 Midterm Republican Victory,..that will finally break their will,..and scatter their very atoms, to the bitter political winds,..forever.
Forget the fantasy of Global Warming,..
Man is no threat to the earth, for he is part of the earth, and given, by his creator, dominion over all that dwell upon it.
It is man himself, not the earth, that is under seige, by the twin pronged threat of Islamic Terror, and the Democrat Party.
One has struck again, in Great Britian, mere days after the Manchester concrrty attack, on children.Using bombs, knives, and trucks as deadly battering rams,..this grim, global threat,...now virtually controls Western Europe, as a whole. And, all the while, the left of England and the Democrat Party of America, blame Trump, and the Republicans,..for the carnage .
The terror of Islam,..and the terror,..of the Democrat Party,..
These are the true enemies ,..
The true threat,..
That imperils humanity,..
And, President Trump, is preparing for the battle to come, against the true enemies,..that, as he proclaimed before the Saudi Arabian gathering of Muslim nations,..
" Must be driven, from the earth itself,.."
Global Warming may be a pseudo-religion to the left, but it has no science on which to base its premise. Carbon Emissions are not pollution. They are a natural part of the earth's basic function. Humans exhale carbon dioxide, volcanoes spew carbon forth, from the depths of the earth, the ocean belches it forth, in the form of crude oil, and yes, mass corporate level production creates it as well. It's fortunate that carbon emissions do exist in such overwhelming levels , for without them, life on earth would be impossible. All vegetation around the globe, breathe in carbon emissions, and, in turn, exhale the oxygen that every sentient creature on earth, needs to survive. It's called photosynthesis. Its a basic scientific principle of biology that the left conveniently ignores when searching for scientific data to justify higher taxes and regulations on the American people.
President Trump understands what the Democrat Party has tried to conceal; ..climate change legislation is designed , not to save the planet, ..but to weaken America, while strengthening her enemies.
This is why Trump withdrew from this farce. This is why President Bush refused to sign the Kyoto treaty. Both men understand, that the only nation foolish enough to weaken their economy, damage their free market growth, by imposing draconian restrictions and regulations on its industry,...is the United States. Not one other nation that has signed the Kyoto treaty, or joined the Climate Change Alliance, will cut back on their carbon pollution, even the tiniest bit. Why should they? They all know the true purpose of this climate agenda;...weaken America , strengthen her enemies, and assure that the Democrat Party that created this con-job, remains in power, permanently. In truth, the power of the left, and the Democrat Party in particular, has always flowed from one source;...the money earned by the sweat of We the People, who are the true rulers of this Shining City on a Hill.
President Trump has made it clear;..he will not strengthen other nations while weakening America ,in the name of a flawed pseudo - science hypothesis, that even Hans Christian Anderson, would dismiss as a fairytale. But, despite the complete lack of any real scientific data to back up their claims of melting polar ice caps, and rising seas, ..despite having no proof whatsoever,..the Democrat Party still brazenly lists Climate Change, as the number one threat to humanity. Not ISIS, not All Queda, not the Taliban, not Iran, not North Korea,....but Global Warming. Their reason is clear; ...they want the American taxpayers money. For, controlling their money, gives them control of the American citizens as well, and assures that the Democrat Party remains a permanent ruling power .
President Trump understands this, and his rejection of this international rogues gallery of cheap con artists, demonstrates this quite effectively. As the President has stated, he was elected to govern Pittsburgh,...not Paris,...
It's America that will be made Great Again, not third world tyrants, and it will be accomplished, by a Republican Majority, and Trumpian will alone. America will strengthen itself first, both economically and militarily,..and by so doing, the world will be the better for it. For, without a strong America, the world would quickly return to the dark, Stygian depths of despair. Without America as founded, the world, would quickly devolve, into the pit of evil, disease, poverty, and despair, that it had been before its creator could endure no more, and destroyed all mankind,...that which he had created, ..in his own image,...
America is the last, best hope for humanity. Reagan said it,..and Trump has confirmed it,..with one bold, brash, brazen stroke,..the withdraw,..from a gathering of madmen,...who deem themselves gods,..the Climate Change Alliance,...
Trump rejects this fantasy, ..
Trump rejects this threat,...
For, it is mere shadow,..mere phantom,...with no real substance at all.
Trump understands where the real threats to mankind lie.
To deal with one, he has strengthened the greatest military force ever assembled by man, and given them the freedom to use their awesome skills, to destroy Islamic Terror, once and for all.
To deal with the other threat, Trump has taken his message of truth, consistently,..to We the People, in the form of capacity crowd rallies, and endless tweets,..that keep the pressure on those who would work against the Judeo-Christian principles that America was founded on. Trump has taken the basic principles of truth, the principles of conservatism, and unleashed them on a forgotten America, that had allowed its right to rule to be snatched from them, by falling prey to ignorance and apathy. A system of self government, requires self participation, and,..failing this, tyranny and despotism,..will surely follow.
Trump awakened the American people with basic, simple truths, ...Truths,..they had forgotten,..
The money you earn,..is the money you keep,...
The military, that defends our freedom,..must be supported, and defended as well,..by the American People.
Our Judeo-Christian values, are the root of liberty,..
Our Allies in freedom, must be supported, and defended,..
And, ...our enemies,..must learn to fear us,...
In rally after rally,..tweet after tweet,...Trump took the message to We the People,..and continues to do so,
And that is the formula to defeat,..not fictional Global Warming,..or even the formidable menace of ISIS and All Queda,..
But the true, number one threat,..to America,..and all mankind as well,..
The Democrat Party,..
Since the days when it turned its back on the Declaration of Independence, ..turned its back on men and women who sought freedom from the slavery imposed by their fellow men,..
The Democrat Party has done nothing , but seek to damage America, and ultimately, destroy America,..
Our America,..that the Democrats recognized,..as the true terror nation.
For such an opponent, mere political defeat, is not enough.
They must be reduced,..to scorched earth cinders,..by a massive 2018 Midterm Republican Victory,..that will finally break their will,..and scatter their very atoms, to the bitter political winds,..forever.
Forget the fantasy of Global Warming,..
Man is no threat to the earth, for he is part of the earth, and given, by his creator, dominion over all that dwell upon it.
It is man himself, not the earth, that is under seige, by the twin pronged threat of Islamic Terror, and the Democrat Party.
One has struck again, in Great Britian, mere days after the Manchester concrrty attack, on children.Using bombs, knives, and trucks as deadly battering rams,..this grim, global threat,...now virtually controls Western Europe, as a whole. And, all the while, the left of England and the Democrat Party of America, blame Trump, and the Republicans,..for the carnage .
The terror of Islam,..and the terror,..of the Democrat Party,..
These are the true enemies ,..
The true threat,..
That imperils humanity,..
And, President Trump, is preparing for the battle to come, against the true enemies,..that, as he proclaimed before the Saudi Arabian gathering of Muslim nations,..
" Must be driven, from the earth itself,.."
Friday, June 2, 2017
"This Flag, Unfurled!!"
First came the journey to Saudi Arabia, to form a new muslim alliance against the forces of terror around the globe. Then came the journey to Israel, to strengthen an already existing alliance with our partner in liberty, while still pushing for a peace deal with the Palestinians, a deal that , if reached, would be nothing short, of a miracle. But then, this is the Trumpian Age of Miracles, where the word impossible , no longer exists at all.
Then came the journey to western Europe, for the G 7 Summit, which brought a promise of a re - imagined version of NATO, where all nations within this alliance would participate equally, no longer leaving the financial burden of world security, on the shoulders of America alone.
Then came the journey to Italy, and Vatican City, where President Trump would seek Pope Francis's guidance, and blessing, as he prepared for a grim mission, that must be accomplished, if the world is to survive. The mission? Destroy ISIS at all costs, drive them out into the wilderness, and reduce their evil forces to the nothingness, from whence they came.
Indeed, the President's Globe Trotting Odyssey to every corner of the earth, has but one purpose:....
Unite the world against terror, against the slaughter of innocent men , women, and children, by the forces of All Qiueda, and ISIS, ..unite the world against the beheadings , burnings, crucifixions, drownings , and bombings, ...unite the world against Islamic Extremism,..that implements its evil, now, in virtually every corner of the globe,..unite the world against an evil, that has now left the children of Manchester England dead, at the hands of a cowardly suicide bomber, whose final reward will not be seventy virgins, but an eternity, stoking the fiery furnaces, of Hell itself.
A world, finally united, against evil. A world , finally united, in one mission, one grim task, ...
Destroy ISIS, ..
Destroy AlQueda,..
Destroy the Taliban,..
Destroy all traces of Radical Islam,..
And bring a new dawn of peace and brotherhood,..to the world.
To move mankind, that one step closer to fulfilling the potential given, by a God,..who created us, in his own image.
Move mankind, one step closer , to the day when Man and God,...
Are one.
This is the mission , the reason behind President Trump's global odyssey.
Can it be done?
Can this new President, barely in office over 100 days, achieve what all others before him, found impossible ?
Of course. For Trump has already achieved the impossible .
He has accomplished more in his first 100 days, than any President in history, with the burden of excessive Democrat taxes and regulations, now but a distant memory. Obamacare will be vaporized, the Wall,..built, ..our military strengthened, and our economy now restored ,and returned to the hands of We the People.
The Republicans now control all three branches of Federal Government, most State Governments, and are destined to sweep the 2018 Midterms, reducing the Democrats to a permanent minority Party. What other result can there be, when the only strategem the Democrats can muster, is fake news, fantasized Russian Conspiracies, and George Soros funded street riots, that only serve to further alienate their already dwindling voting base.
So Be It.
The impossible has indeed already been achieved, by the Trump Administration, barely 120 days in, and Trump and his War Gods, made it look easy.
But, a World Alliance against terror?
Can this conservative force of nature , called Trump, make this impossibility , reality as well?
Of course, because he does not stand alone, or fight alone.
Standing with Trump and the Republicans , is the finest fighting force yet assembled by man, a force,..dedicated not only to protecting American interests, but also dedicated to spreading freedom and liberty around the globe. They are the best of America. Men and women at the peak of mental, physical, and spiritual perfection, ..living engines of destruction, that are armed with weaponry that gives them the ability , to level the entire surface of the earth, in less than a week,...
If fully unleashed, that is.
Their sacrifice and service , unmatched, their dedication to preserving our Free Republic,....
Beyond all Doubt.
This is the American Military.
This is who they are.
Men and women who live by the words of Christ, to his Apostles,
"The greatest gift a man can give, is to lay down his life for a friend."
But,..the American Military, would lay down their lives, for anyone, friend or foe,..
And that, has always been,..their true measure.
And now, finally, they have a Commander in Chief , that will give them all they need, to accomplish their noble task, to proclaim liberty, and freedom, around the globe.
A Commander in Chief, as dedicated to their mission, as they are determined, to follow where he leads,....
And, as the President honors our fallen heroes this Memorial Day, he also has made a silent vow , to all those who serve this Great Nation,....
They did not fall in vain,....
Nothing is Impossible,...
To this Flag Unfurled,..
To this Power Unleashed,...
To this America ,..Made Great Again,..
Then came the journey to western Europe, for the G 7 Summit, which brought a promise of a re - imagined version of NATO, where all nations within this alliance would participate equally, no longer leaving the financial burden of world security, on the shoulders of America alone.
Then came the journey to Italy, and Vatican City, where President Trump would seek Pope Francis's guidance, and blessing, as he prepared for a grim mission, that must be accomplished, if the world is to survive. The mission? Destroy ISIS at all costs, drive them out into the wilderness, and reduce their evil forces to the nothingness, from whence they came.
Indeed, the President's Globe Trotting Odyssey to every corner of the earth, has but one purpose:....
Unite the world against terror, against the slaughter of innocent men , women, and children, by the forces of All Qiueda, and ISIS, ..unite the world against the beheadings , burnings, crucifixions, drownings , and bombings, ...unite the world against Islamic Extremism,..that implements its evil, now, in virtually every corner of the globe,..unite the world against an evil, that has now left the children of Manchester England dead, at the hands of a cowardly suicide bomber, whose final reward will not be seventy virgins, but an eternity, stoking the fiery furnaces, of Hell itself.
A world, finally united, against evil. A world , finally united, in one mission, one grim task, ...
Destroy ISIS, ..
Destroy AlQueda,..
Destroy the Taliban,..
Destroy all traces of Radical Islam,..
And bring a new dawn of peace and brotherhood,..to the world.
To move mankind, that one step closer to fulfilling the potential given, by a God,..who created us, in his own image.
Move mankind, one step closer , to the day when Man and God,...
Are one.
This is the mission , the reason behind President Trump's global odyssey.
Can it be done?
Can this new President, barely in office over 100 days, achieve what all others before him, found impossible ?
Of course. For Trump has already achieved the impossible .
He has accomplished more in his first 100 days, than any President in history, with the burden of excessive Democrat taxes and regulations, now but a distant memory. Obamacare will be vaporized, the Wall,..built, ..our military strengthened, and our economy now restored ,and returned to the hands of We the People.
The Republicans now control all three branches of Federal Government, most State Governments, and are destined to sweep the 2018 Midterms, reducing the Democrats to a permanent minority Party. What other result can there be, when the only strategem the Democrats can muster, is fake news, fantasized Russian Conspiracies, and George Soros funded street riots, that only serve to further alienate their already dwindling voting base.
So Be It.
The impossible has indeed already been achieved, by the Trump Administration, barely 120 days in, and Trump and his War Gods, made it look easy.
But, a World Alliance against terror?
Can this conservative force of nature , called Trump, make this impossibility , reality as well?
Of course, because he does not stand alone, or fight alone.
Standing with Trump and the Republicans , is the finest fighting force yet assembled by man, a force,..dedicated not only to protecting American interests, but also dedicated to spreading freedom and liberty around the globe. They are the best of America. Men and women at the peak of mental, physical, and spiritual perfection, ..living engines of destruction, that are armed with weaponry that gives them the ability , to level the entire surface of the earth, in less than a week,...
If fully unleashed, that is.
Their sacrifice and service , unmatched, their dedication to preserving our Free Republic,....
Beyond all Doubt.
This is the American Military.
This is who they are.
Men and women who live by the words of Christ, to his Apostles,
"The greatest gift a man can give, is to lay down his life for a friend."
But,..the American Military, would lay down their lives, for anyone, friend or foe,..
And that, has always been,..their true measure.
And now, finally, they have a Commander in Chief , that will give them all they need, to accomplish their noble task, to proclaim liberty, and freedom, around the globe.
A Commander in Chief, as dedicated to their mission, as they are determined, to follow where he leads,....
And, as the President honors our fallen heroes this Memorial Day, he also has made a silent vow , to all those who serve this Great Nation,....
They did not fall in vain,....
Nothing is Impossible,...
To this Flag Unfurled,..
To this Power Unleashed,...
To this America ,..Made Great Again,..
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