Monday, January 23, 2017

"The Angels Trumpet!"

In a time before time itself, a war was waged among the cosmos,between the divided forces of the heavenly kingdom.Two sons of the all Father,King of the Universe,would pit themselves against each other.One to defend his Father's realm,one to usurp his Father's rule,and claim the crown for his own.
The battle raged for eons,until at last ,the forces of the son,Jesus, led by the Archangel Michael,,did drive out the armies of Lucifer,the son of light,who had destroyed himself in the eyes of the realm,with overweening pride, arrogance,and lust for power.
His rebellion now crushed, his army broken,and in retreat, Lucifer now stood before final judgement of the All Father,who then cast him from the heavens,to the realm of Midgard,where mortals dwell.There he would have his reign,his rule,below the earth,in the dark Stygian depths of Hades itself,with his crushed army,now the demons who would serve his sinister purpose,in the fiery bowels of the earth,for all eternity.
And,as for the other Son, he who had sat at his Father's right hand,he too,would be cast out ,for though he stood in great favor in his Father's eyes,for his righteous virtue that was his mantle, he was also found lacking in the humility that must walk hand in hand, with all power.
And so,for the sin of waging reckless arrogant battle in the realm against his own brother,he was cast down,like his brother, to the earth as well, but not to dwell in the dark depths,but to cast off Godly rainment,and Heavenly pride,and to dwell among the mortals ,made in the Father's image.To dwell among them,as a man himself,,to bestride humanity, part man,part god,to live ,work,and bring the message of truth ,that would save all mankind,from the All Father's still unabated wrath.He would heal the sick,the crippled,raise the dead,feed the hungry,cast out demons,give sight,to the blind,all while spreading a message of peace,love,and the brotherhood of man,amongst an occupied land,that was gripped in violence,tyranny,and despair.
And,in the end,he would lay down his own mortal life,to save mankind from its sins, to save mankind from his Father's judgement, to save mankind,from itself.
And in his final days before facing his cross of crucifixion,he left his followers with a final request.To love one another,as he had loved them,and a reminder that the greatest gift a man can give,is to lay down his life for another. And,in his final moments on his cross of ultimate sacrifice,the heavens did split the earth asunder,and the voice of his Father rang clear,"This is my beloved son,in whom I am well pleased."
So it was written,
So it was done,
And man,created in the Father's image, would be the better for it.
So be it.
And now,today,on this earthly realm,another Son of the Father ,a mortal son,created amongst other men,in the image of the gods themselves,
A man of wealth,a man of privilege, a man of power,but a man of mortal pride and arrogance as well.
A man possesed of many virtuous qualities,yet mixed with that fatal flaw the ancient Greeks called Hubris, a flaw that had brought down many demi-gods, many heroes,as quickly as their  prowess had lifted them to greatness.
A man who,like the sons of the heavenly realm, would also be cast out,to work his Father's will.
He too, would first wage a battle ,but his would be against the earthly forces of the Democrat Party,that sought to usurp the power of We the People,of this Free Republic,and claim it for Marxist tyranny and eternal despair,the masses ruled over by a liberal elite,that would ,with one election,secure their power base forever, and assure that their boot heel remain on mankind's neck forever.
This Son of Man called Trump, would do battle to stop this, a savage battle twixt both Republican and Democrat alike,and,in the end, drove out the Democrat forces led by their Champions,Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, and reducing their armies to a permanent political minority.Their power and control  broken by  the spirit of truth ,the spirit of conservatism,with power personified,in this singular force of nature,called Trump. The Democrats would be cast out,as were the heavenly armies of  Lucifer were,
But,in the end,so too would the man called Trump be cast out as well,by heavenly decree,and would ,in the wake of furious battle, glorious victory, willingly cast off all god-like rainment,cast off pride, cast off ego,cast off bravado, cast off bluster, cast off childish temper, cast off vast wealth ,cast off reckless vanity,
Strip himself bare,of all mortal trappings,and  take up his cross. Crucified by enemies, but also self crucified willingly,
To save the Shining City  by his sacrifice,to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous misfortune,and,by opposing,end them.
And,once ended, after much pomp and ritual ceremony,he would stand on that dais, hand upon the Lincoln Bible,stripped of all his mortal vanities, stripped bare, self crucified willingly,
Giving that Greatest Gift,
To lay down one's life,for another.
This man,Trump,wouldst stand  there before the gathering Washington throng,and with his predecessors gathered around him,
Would now return the power,
The wealth,
The prestige,
The glory of this land,
This Free Republic,
To where it must always be,
The Hands of We the People,
At this ,the Inauguration of the 45th President of the United States.
And,as for the deposed armies of Democrat power,now cast down from their glory,by their own pride and arrogance,which they will never abandon,
Their angst ,their anger,will always be reflected in the words of Milton's Lucifer,who was also cast from the light, and condemned to eternal darkness.
"Better to rule in Hell,than to serve in Heaven."
So Be It.
Lucifer is,no doubt,a member of the Democrat Party, and,no doubt,joined them in the wilderness of riot and anarchy on Inauguration Day,
Choosing to rule the Stygian depths,rather than serve the will of We the People.
And,all the while, the siren song  of Noble Herald,Jackie Evancho, wouldst ring out true,like an Angel's Trumpet, across Washington Square,
Proclaiming the coming glory.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

"Lo,There Comes A Conqueror!"

 Did Vladimir Putin hack DNC Intel? of course,but it matters little.Every major world power attempts to obtain the secrets of other nations,it's as simple as that.It's called espionage.It's called the Cold War.It's what maintains a balance of power between rival nations.It's what wins wars. it's what keeps the world from falling into chaos.However,an imbalance is created,when you allow a political party like the Democratic National Committee to control America's Intel ,for decades now.  The Democrat Party has shown nothing but contempt and disdain for America's classified intelligence,and our military that uses it. The result is the greatest system of self-government yet devised by man, left woefully vulnerable to any and all attempts to compromise it's top secret operations.
America under Democrat control has been hacked constantly at all levels of government,and infrastructure related systems as well, for countless years,yet nothing was ever done to correct the situation. The Democrat Party never gave a damn,until they needed an excuse for the Hillary loss ,and a way to delegitimize the Trump victory. The NSA has now come forward with an official statement, by Director James Clapper,saying that they have actual evidence that proves the Russians sought to influence this Presidential election,but still have yet to reveal that evidence to We The People. But again,whether this Russian conspiracy is fact or fantasy,does not matter,in this universe,or any other. Russia always meddles in our elections,just as the United States has sought to influence the elections of other nations as well.Obama's direct attempt to stop Netanyahu's reelection as Israel's Prime Minister is the most recent example of this.
None of it matters.
Not at all.
No voting machines were hacked,so there was really no actionable interference in anything. The Wiki-Putin release of Clinton-Podesta emails was nothing more than the release of the truth.Truth that We The People have a right to review before we make any decision regarding our next Commander In Chief. Truth revealed,by any means fair or foul ,is always a good thing,for the very foundations of our Free Republic,are based on truth, and what is conservatism,if not truth?
There are no Republican hacks,simply because according to Julian Assange,there was nothing to reveal.The Republicans had no corruption,no malfeasance, no racism,no evil to expose.Otherwise,Assange would have surely exposed it,since WikiLeaks cares nothing for political maneuverings ,and has no loyalty to any party, or politician ,seeks no power,no wealth,no political gain. No, WikiLeaks seeks only one thing; the truth.
For Assange understands that with truth,all things are possible. Assange,like the Greek Philosopher Plato,believes in only two things; truth and beauty.And,like Plato,he understands they are often the right and left hand,of the same body.
WikiPutin's actions exposed the truth behind the mask of the Democrat Party .Exposed an evil corruption that pursued an evil agenda.Nothing less,than the destruction of America as founded. The destruction of an America,they have nothing but contempt for.An America that would be transformed into a socialist Marxist parody of its former free republic glory. An America that must be punished for its imperialist crimes against the world,by reducing it to a third world status,no better,or worse,than the terror funding,second rate nations that only survive ,because of US. Taxpayer funded subsidies.
And therein lies the flaw in the Democrat plan.For,with the U.S. reduced,made equal with other nations, who will now fund the socialist nations that have no sustaining economy of their own?
Who will use the military to protect the world ,from Islamic terror invaders? Who will become the new ,last best hope for humanity,and keep the world from falling into the Stygian depths ,of eternal tyranny,poverty,disease,and despair?
Answer; No one.
No other nation is willing or able,to take up the mantle of liberator,of freedom fighter,for the oppressed around the globe. No,on the contrary, a world left with a powerless America will soon be a world in the grip of eternal war,a world ultimately ruled on every continent by tyrants dictators,and despots,who will all seek only one thing; total power,total control,total world domination,total oppression,of their fellow man.
That is the world the Democrat Party seeks to make reality.
Assange and Putin,have no doubt,pondered this,and instinctively understand, that if mankind is to survive, no Democrat can hold the Crown of Commander in Chief,of the Armed Forces of the United States.
For in a world devoid of free market capitalism,that all socialist states depend on for economic survival, can any tyrant long endure?
No, WikiPutin had to insure the Democrats defeat;now.
And,to defeat them, the only weapon needed, was truth. For,once truth is revealed,for all the word to see,no evil can endure,when also aggressively countered by a force of good,that is.
For the ultimate truth of this Presidential election campaign,is that Hilary Clinton's email hacks are ,in the end,meaningless,for they had no real bearing on the ultimate outcome of this election.
Hillary Clinton did not lose the Presidency.
Trump won it.
For the corruption of the Democrat Party was already well known by We the People, and seemingly accepted as the inescapable reality of modern day politics.After all,of what use,is exposing corruption,if that corruption,is not opposed? Of what use,is a battle against evil, if all are infected with it?
No,what truly mattered was not only exposing Democrat corruption,but also revealing the conservative truth,of the Republican Party.
In fact,that truth had been slowly moving toward overwhelming Republican victory, for many years now,and needed only Trump,to finalize it. In 2010, the Republicans regained control of the House of Representatives.In 2012,even more seats were won back,by Republicans,on both a State and Federal level. In 2014,Republicans now took control of the Senate ,and most state legislatures as well. Now,in 2016,the circle was completed,with all three branches and most state governments ,under the control of the Republican Party. All that remains are the FBI, CIA, NSA, DOJ, IRS, and VA, all still controlled by the Democrat Machine, and all soon to be cleansed as well.
This was an inevitable victory,that was made even easier than expected,by the charismatic Trump, who used constant capacity crowd rally appearances,and relentless attacks on the Democrat Machine, to crush any and all in his way.
Trump's weapons in destroying both Republican and Democrat alike? A savage,brutal truth,and a relentless will to win,at any cost.
In truth,what other weapons ,would any man need,to win any battle,in any areana?
Trump used these weapons to build an ever growing mass of loyal disciples who followed him from rally to rally,across the nation,hypnotized by Trump's charismatic presence,his brutal humor,his boundless energy,his will to fight,his will to win.
His will,to Make America Great Again,
Trump's words had the ring of truth,and that truth awakened a sleeping America that had sat home for far too many  elections,and let outnumbered Democrats win repeatedly.
A truth,that exposed an even greater truth,that has driven the Democrats to the brink of madness.
The truth that,the Democrat Party has always been,the minority party.
America is a center right nation.A center right free republic.A Republican Party dominated nation that needed only to show up at all polls,and vote in every election, to insure that America remains great, for all time.
That,s really all it took.
And,Trump was the savage conservative fighting machine that drove his loyal followers to the polls, to confirm this political reality,once and for all.
A pity,it took a force of nature like Trump,to motivate a populace that seemed not to grasp the grim reality that defined all politics,whether state or federal.
When Republicans win elections,America prospers, and is secure from our enemies.
When Democrats win,America is weakened economically, militarily, and our nation is left at the mercy of enemies emboldened,by Democrat weakness and appeasement.
So be it.
Hillary lost nothing.
For,she never had anything,to begin with.
This was not a Hillary loss.
It was a Trump Victory.
A Republican victory.
A victory for conservatism.
A victory for truth.
A victory for beauty as well,for what greater beauty can there be,than the savage glory of Republican victory?
And,to the victor,shall go the spoils,of war.
Taxes and regulations including Obamacare,savagely cut and slashed ,which will enable our free market to grow, and our nation,to prosper.
Enable free trade.
Create energy independence.
Our border sealed,and a nation secured,from an enemy among us,who will,no doubt,flee to other lands,before this trap,is sealed completely.
A judeo christian constitution ,embraced,a Supreme Court conservative dominated,
And a Second Amendment right,protected, for all time.
Our Allies in freedom,supported and defended,
And a terror enemy reduced to ashes,by a relentless overwhelming military might,that strikes down all foes, without mercy,
Leaving the flag, the embassy, the military might,
Of America ,firmly entrenched on its conquered soil,
Yet,in the end,will always leave the conquered,in liberty and freedom,
Free from the oppression,despair,and poverty,that was their daily lot,
Free to rule themselves,if they have the will, to make it so,
And,if not,
Lo, there shall come the conqueror America,again, now at  full power under a Trump-Republican rule, to defeat ISIS, and all terror forces,by a simple,direct method, kill them,by combined overwhelming ,blitzkrieg style forces overseas, and at home ,to become the nation that General Yamamoto of Japan feared to invade, a nation where a rifle his behind every tree,every blade of grass, a nation of armed citizens, prepared,at every moment,to stand against the forces of evil that dwell among them. Prepared,to show them,that America is the hand of God personified,,and will obliterate them,with one wave of that hand.
An America at war.An Infidel America,An Imperial America,indeed,where every man,woman,and yes,even child,is armed and ready to kill those,who would dare threasten our freedom.Against such an America,how could any force of terror endure?To depose yet another  despot,and another,and another,endlessly,by right of Manifest Destiny ,of Imperial will,that says all men,by Olympic decree,have the right ,to freedom,to liberty, to self rule, if they have the courage,to snatch it from the tyrants hand,
But,until that day, unto every land,around the globe,
There must come a conqueror, who seeks no power,
No gain,
No glory,
A conqueror,who bows before the conquered,
And has but one request,
Join us.
Stand by our side,
For We the People,
Of this free republic,
Swear by all the gods,
That America will be Great Again,
And we ask all nations, around the globe,
To stand by our side,
And be part it's glory.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

"Sleeper In The Shadows!"

A New Year is upon us, and with it comes a new dawn, breaking over a turbulent sea.And to sail that sea,a new ship, a new crew, and a new Captain at the wheel, steering, to a new day for America.
But this ship's journey ,will have to wait until the 20th of January, Inauguration Day,for the President-Elect Donald J.Trump. Until then, a shadow still remains upon the throne.A shadow cast,by the man who still wears the crown of Commander in Chief, Barack Hussein Obama. Less than three weeks remain to his socialist rule, and with that ending, comes a new Republican rule, one that Obama did not anticipate. For despite the gradual erosion of Democrat control of both Houses, starting in 2010,the President nevertheless, firmly believed that it would be Hillary Clinton who would stand as his successor , a fellow Democrat who would continue his agenda , his quest, to transform America into the Marxist utopia that he had always envisioned.A utopia, that would erase the sins of Imperialist America, by destroying it from within.This has been the dream of the Democrat Party since the days of Woodrow Wilson.
Punish America for the theft of land and resources from other nations ,and cultures. Punish America for its Imperialist war on lesser nations for profit.Punish it, by reducing it, economically and militarily,while simultaneously erasing the Free Republic stain of Judeo-Christian values; values that were the blueprint for the greatest system of self government, yet devised by man. Punish it, by replacing that system with a totalitarian government , where the liberal elite rule over their fellow man , who they deem inferior.
A Marxist based system, that confiscates the wealth and property of those who earned it, in order to secure Democrat power,and control. This has been the Democrat Party dream that seemed just a month ago,to be a fait accompli, with their candidate,Hillary Clinton needing only to go through the ceremonial motions of a Presidential campaign,including three debates ,and then, the crown would be hers.
Once done,all that had been started during the reign of Obama,would now become sacrosanct, permanent legislation, never to be undone.Legislation, that would leave America a mere shell of her former Free Republic Glory. Obamacare, two stimulus bills , a housing market crash, a downsizing and weakening of our military,a withdraw from the war on terror, the appeasement of our Islamic enemies, the open border policy designed to create an unbeatable Democrat voting base, a never ending increase in taxes and regulations that destroy our free market economy, anti gun legislation designed to weaken and finally destroy our 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms , the one right that makes all others possible, the steady erosion of Judeo-Christian values and ever increasing restrictions and regulations on domestic carbon based energy production, which leaves America vulnerable to foreign terror enemies,  and,..a DOJ, FBI, CIA, and Supreme Court, all on the brink of total Democrat control.
All this, that was put into motion during during eight years of Obama-Democrat destruction,would now become immovable, irrefutable reality, carved into granite, a permanent monument , to a U.N.controlled ,socialist America,that would banish the outdated idea of a self-governed Republic, to the ash heap of history.
All this, would become reality, once former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, was sworn in as the President of the United States. But, this media promoted, preordained destiny of the unstoppable Democrat Party, was simply not to be.
Not in this Universe.
For, even inevitable destiny, can be altered,when the unexpected intervenes.
That unexpected would come in the form of a singular being, a force of conservative nature known only as Trump.A being, as undefinable, as unpredictable, as the weather itself.A being,who throughout the entire Republican Primary season , seemed to baffle even his own fellow Republicans, who looked at his past record of Democrat Party allegiance, and quickly wrote him off, as a mere pretender, a self promoting huckster, simply using his Presidential campaign as a means to promote the Trump brand.So too, for his media backed Democrat opponents,who likewise dismissed Trump as nothing more than a rodeo clown that had become addicted to the media spotlight after 12 years as the star of his hit reality show, "The Apprentice".
Trump, they thought, sought only to promote Trump, and cared nothing about Making America Great Again. To the Liberal Democrat media, Making Trump Great Again,was always the true, hidden agenda , and an avalanche of bullying, blustering, late night tweets, outrageous rally boasts, and leaked Access Hollywood audio tapes, would do the Democrat Machine's work for them,and clear the path to an easy Hillary landslide victory, and permanent Republican defeat.
It was, however, not to be, for the Democrat Party had failed to comprehend the true nature of the Trump phenomenom, failed to comprehend the meaning of the ever growing Trump rallies that showed no sign of waning.Trump was the untapped Id of America, the voice of Primal Conservatism, the voice of truth, the voice of We the People personified,in this singular force of nature, the man-child called Trump.
In First Century Judea, Pontius Pilate once asked of Christ, "What is Truth?"
The inevitable answer, was one beyond Pilate's comprehension,
And the Democrat Party's as well.
For truth, to a tyrant, dictator, despot, or Democrat, is an alien concept, one that they can never hope to understand, or defeat, for that matter.
And so, once faced with incomprehensible landslide defeat, at the hands of Republican truth, a seemingly permanent, irreversible defeat, could the dark depths of  Democrat rage, madness,and despair be far behind? Indeed,it would appear not, for in the wake of Trump victory, overwhelming  fear would strip away the last vestige of Democrat mask, and reveal the true face of liberalism, a face of madness personified.
First, there would be stunned refusal to accept the election numbers. This would lead to a Soros funded, Jill Stein promoted, "recount", which only served to increase Trump's margin of victory. Then there would come a rejection of the electoral college system itself, with Democrats insisting Hillary was the true victor, because of a popular vote that favored Democrat controlled coastal states, like California and New York. Then came a media onslaught of celebrities, seeking to bully state electors into changing their votes. And, all the while, there was the Russian strategem, which promoted the conspiracy theory that the sinister forces of Vladimir Putin hacked Clinton emails, and even the actual election polling machines themselves,to insure a Russian friendly Trump Administration.
No evidence, however, has ever been presented to confirm this, and Washington sources seem divided on the issue, with the CIA claiming the theory valid, while the FBI claims it has no credibility whatsoever.
But, whether true or false, one thing is certain, Julian Assange and the forces of WikiLeaks, did expose Hillary Clinton and John Podesta emails, and in so doing, exposed the long suspected truth,behind the mask of the Democrat Party. They exposed corruption, malfeasance, misuse of taxpayer dollars on a public and private level, and, most importantly, they exposed the lie of Benghazi, a shameful failure to protect an American Embassy, during the Anniversary of 911, a refusal to answer an American Ambassador's 600 emailed cries for help, and a politically motivated lie, to cover it all up.
In the end, it matters little who hacked American Intel. For espionage, is a constant flow between all superpowers, it has to be. It's called the Cold War. Obtaining the enemy's secrets maintains a balance of power between rival nations, keeps the world from falling into chaos, and can often mean the difference between victory, or defeat , in time of war. Russian espionage is not the unforgivable crime. Democrat contempt for America's secrets and a blatant failure to protect those secrets, And, if the Democrat Party's punishment for this crime, is the loss of the Presidency,
So be it.
For, in the end, it matters not how truth was revealed,
Only that it was, in fact, revealed,
And brought destruction to the Democrat Party.
For, all Democrat rage,claims of Russian conspiracy, and threats to electors, would , in the end, avail them not.Trump's victory would be made official, with final electoral certification, making the New Year Inauguration of Donald Trump as President, virtually unstoppable. But, if the Trump Presidency could not be stopped, then it must be sabotaged, and doomed to failure,before its even begun. To that end, comes President Obama who,now faced with the grim reality of a Republican revolution, a revolution dedicated to destroy his legacy, a revolution determined to reverse every bit of legislation, and executive action, enacted over the past eight years of his Presidency,  and unwilling to accept this total defeat, has chosen the same path, as Hitler , at the end of World War Two.
If the war is lost,
If I must fall,
Then the world will fall as well.
Obama, now in his last few weeks of his Presidency, has now entered into scorched earth mode.If he must fall, if his legacy must fall, then his Party must fall as well.
Obama now seeks , not only to sabotage the Trump Presidency, before it's even begun, but also seeks to bring down the Democrat Machine , as punishment for failing to stop Trump and the Republicans.
To this end, he has reverted to angry petulant child, insisting that , unlike Hillary, he could beat Trump, if allowed to run again, ejecting Russian officials from Washington,for the imagined sin of helping to elect Trump, releasing a record number of Gitmo Bay terror combatants, approving a mass migration of Syrian refugees across our borders,and refusing to stand with Israel,against a U.N. vote designed to take their land away from them. Indeed, by refusing to cast a vote , for or against the proposed block on Israel's Western settlements, and sending Secretary of State Kerry before the U.N.,to give a speech that favors Palestinian terrorists , over the only Democracy in the middle east, Obama has ended his bitter, self-absorbed Presidency, the way he began it, with a "no vote" to add to his extensive "no vote " record, in the Senate.
Like a sleeper cell, hiding in the shadows of the White House,
Obama has refused to stand, with an ally in freedom,
Refused to stand for anything ,
Or for anyone,
Except America's enemies.
That, is President Obama's true Legacy.
And, Obama's plan to scorched the earth in defeat?
I will be fulfilled.
But not the way he thinks.
For, while Obama may finish off his own Party, by betraying our ally in freedom, the final scorched earth strategem, will be Trump's, as he systematically removes every last trace of Obama -Democrat policy enacted over the last eight long years,
And replaces it , with the will, of We the People .
If Obama wants scorched earth, to be his final legacy,
Then, by all the gods,..
He'll have it,..