Tuesday, November 29, 2016

"Who Speaks For The Usurper?"

During the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus was asked by a follower, 'We have heard the voices of false messiahs before, how do we know you are not sent by Satan? Jesus answered, "If a Kingdom is divided against itself, it cannot stand.""If Satan's Kingdom be divided against itself, how can his Kingdom stand?" "How can Satan, cast out Satan?"
So it was written, and the words had the ring of truth.Evil , though deceptive, cannot in the end, portray itself as good. It cannot sustain a mask of good deeds and a message of peace, love, and the brotherhood of man,for very long,without eventually exposing itself. Satan, by his very nature, will always , eventually,let the mask fall,and reveal his true face.It is, in the end, the nature of evil, to promote only evil.It cannot do otherwise.
There is no more irrefutable proof of this eternal axiom,than the aftermath of  Donald Trump's victory over Hillary Clinton. For many months,the liberal left , whether media, pundit, or politician related,all convinced themselves that victory for Hillary Clinton was a fait accompli, virtually assured, and so, the deceptive mask, of the Party that encourages "diversity", "freedom of speech", cares for the planet, opposes all racism, supports illegals, and cares for the poor and the sick, all at taxpayers expense, was suddenly ripped away as the election night tallies rolled in, and they were forced to face the reality that false polls and media deception would not be enough , to give them the landslide Democrat victory they needed to survive. Faced with the reality of crushing, permanent defeat,the evil that is the Democrat Party let fall its thin veneer of civilization , and fully revealed , for the first time in history,the true face of their evil. While America celebrated the Trump Republican victory that had to be, if the universe was to endure, Satan's forces were mobilized across the nation. His legions, now driven mad with their fall from grace,flooded streets with violence, hatred and hysterical rage.They are, indeed, a people possessed by the same dark entity that once told Christ, "I am legion, for we are many."
And, in many ways, this legion called the Democrat Party,is far worse than even their master, Satan himself, for at least he accepted his defeat at the hands of the Archangel Michael, and even as he was cast from the heavens into the dark nether pit, rationalized his defeat , his failed coup of the Heavenly Kingdom,with the words , "Better to rule in Hell, than to serve in Heaven".
A gracious acceptance of defeat by the Dark Lord, that the Democrat Party would do well to emulate, in the wake of their defeat at the hands of Trump and his legions.But, the illogic , the irrationality of the Democrat Party is something that even Lucifer must shake his head at in disbelief.
And, even now, new plots have arisen to contest the Trump victory, with a nationwide recount urged on by Ex-Nazi George Soros, Green Party candidate Jill Stein, and the Clinton Machine as well. No, the Democrat Party will not, as Shakespeare said, "Go quietly into this goodnight." Though the recount will amount to nothing more than another fundraising scam for the Democrat Party, and the now waning Clinton Foundation, as well. The Democrats will nevertheless, spend the next four years of the Trump Presidency trying to destroy a conservative force of nature, whose power they can barely comprehend.
No surprise there, for the Democrat Party has never fully understood  even the simple fact that America is not the Democracy they speak of. It is, in reality, a Free Republic,where the people themselves rule, with the representatives we send to State and Federal service , nothing more than temporary servants , elected for only one purpose, to reflect the will of We the People , and the Constitution, that is the living symbol of our rule.
Losing to Trump is not what has driven the Democrats to mad, frothing rage. No, it is the stunning realization that they are the Minority Party. Always have been, and always will be.America is a center right nation, in concept, and reality as well. The liberal media promoted illusion of a socialist dominated populace , was partly the fault of Democrat promoted Goebbels -like propaganda, and partly the fault of the American people themselves. For decades, there was always one factor that was consistent in every Republican Party defeat, in every election ,whether State of Federal. 80 to 85% of all registered Republican voters stayed home for all elections.They simply never showed up to vote, no matter what the stakes, no matter what the extent of Democrat created destruction.
No matter at all. 85% of Republicans simply refused to fight, and surrendered to an enemy inferior in numbers and evil in nature. Republicans, lacking the will to fight, for decades, slowly but surely surrendered the forces of evil , the forces of communism. While flawed as all mortals are, McCain, and Romney, both would have been excellent Republican Presidents,both would have prevented the decay that now grips the nation.Indeed, one of the reasons Trump has picked Romney for Secretary of State is his recognition of the fact that the man had accurately predicted all that has now come to pass , in Foreign Policy matters. Whether ISIS, Syria, Russia, or middle east in general, Romney, in 2012, accurately foretold the current state of world affairs , under the Obama Administration. And, besides, what better way to annoy the Democrat Machine,than to appoint the 2012 Republican Presidential candidate, to Hillary's position?Forget those who oppose Romney because of his criticism of Trump. They are either Primary opponents Romney defeated, Republican voters who sat home in 2012, or Democrat Trump voters who voted Obama in 2012. They are all wrong, and still haven't learned their lesson second guessing a man who has yet to be defeated.The Romney pick, for Secretary of State, is simply another master stroke, from a proven master political strategist, whose candidacy for President was only made necessary by  apathetic Republican voters who sat home, and surrendered their rule to an evil legion that has but one goal;..Destroy Imperial America.
Trump ended this apathy, just as Reagan and Bush had before them, by using the force of their personality , the will to fight, and win, to awaken that will in the American people as well.
The Truth of Conservatism? It only has value , if it can win elections. And for that, it must have a spokesman, who will accept nothing less than complete victory, ans will never surrender to evil, no matter what the odds. Washington, Lincoln, Churchill, Truman, Reagan, Bush Jr, ..all had this rare quality, and now,..Trump as well.All had this quality, this conservative fighting spirit, and the world is the better for it, for this spirit has always acted as the catalyst to awaken the sleeping spirit of We the People as well.
Donald Trump will be sworn in , as the 45th President of the United States. No pretended recount, designed only to fatten Democrat wallets,will ever change that fact. Nor will a pretended popular vote, that never has and never will exist in a Free Republic, that gives all states equal representation, in all elections. This is how it must be , in a nation where the people rule,a people who relegate Kings, Queens, Dictators, and Tyrants, to the ash heap of History.
Republicans, now awakened by the fighting spirit of Trump, showed up at the polls, en masse, finally, and revealed a long forgotten truth to the shell shocked Democrat forces. They may be Legion,but, they are not many.They are badly outnumbered, by another legion,
The legion of truth,
The legion called conservatism.
And the Democrats, now knowing this, now faced with this truth, this reality, has been plunged into a deep pit of despair and madness, that they will never recover from.
"Those who the conservative gods would destroy, they would first make mad."
So be it.
And now, if there be any remaining who would still have doubt, and still pose the question that was posed to Christ, a thousand years ago, on a rocky hill , by the Sea of Galilee,
There stands a simple resolution,that will erase any doubt as to who has sent the messenger that stands before them.
Two questions, that will reveal all. Two questions, that when posed to any Democrat, will instantly expose their true face ,their true purpose, instantaneously.
"Who is Fidel Castro?"
"What is the State of Israel?"
Two questions, that, despite all Democrat deceptions,and masquerades,will instantly reveal their true nature.For the Democrats will always see the fallen Castro as a force for good,..
And the Free Republic Israel, as a force for evil .
Being evil themselves, they cannot do otherwise,
For Christ was right.
A Kingdom divided against itself, even Satan's,
Cannot long stand, or long endure.
Especially in the face of pure truth, the face of conservatism, now fully unleashed, at full fighting strength, and embodied in one single entity,called Trump,..
The Usurper of the Democrat Throne, who no longer needs to stand alone,
For We the People , the true rulers of this Republic, this shining city,
Now stand with him.
Just as the Democrat Party, now driven mad in the wake of crushing defeat, stand with another Usurper,now finally fallen, crushed by his many murders, his decades of tyranny,
Fidel Castro, will still nonetheless, have the Democrat Party to speak in his behalf, to stand with him, even as he falls to the cheers of a Cuban people , now celebratory at the thought of  this pure evil , returning to the dust, from whence he came.
"Who Speaks For The Usurper?"
The answer to this singular question,
Will always define the forces,
Of both Good, and Evil,...


Monday, November 21, 2016

"A Weapon Forged, A Blade Tempered!"

"A weapon forged, a blade tempered, a warcrown won,a kingdom crushed, and a rightful rule restored,to "We the People".
Now, the game begins, as President Elect Trump and his wargods gather at Trump Tower to divide the spoils of war,and assign duties to the field generals that will become his Cabinet.The picks so far?Senator Jeff Sessions,a hardcore, savage conservative, who crafted the Reaganesque Trump tax plan,that slashes all taxes and regulations to no more than 15%.A plan that gods and minstrels will, no doubt,sing songs in tribute to, a thousand years from now .Sessions will serve as Trump's Attorney General.
Congressman Mike Pompei, West Point Graduate, Benghazi committee member, a savage , take no prisoners conservative, who will now serve as the new Director of the CIA.
General Mike Flynn, a savage conservative, and strong supporter of the Bush Anti-Terror Machine, will stand as Security Advisor. A wise choice indeed.
General "Mad Dog" Mattis, retired Marine Commander of the American forces during the Iraq War. A no nonsense, take no prisoners savage conservative, who follows a simple philosophy of war;"Kill the enemy, before he kills you".A man who puts fear in his enemies, while spouting quotes worthy of Churchill himself. He will serve as Secretary of Defense. This , is the crowning jewel, of Trump's wargods, for, with Mattis fully unleashed by the right Commander in Chief, no force of terror, can long endure.
Reince Priebus, Head of the Republican National Committee, a strong supporter of all the Republican Primary candidates ,especially Trump,and has never waivered in his belief, that the true secret to making America Great Again, is all Republicans united, against the true enemy, the Democrat Party. Reince will serve, as Chief of Staff.
Former New York Mayor Rudy Guiliani, the man who knows Trump best, as a lifelong friend and mentor,.The man who restored law and order to a crime ridden city, the man who stood strong in the face of the 911 Twin Tower terror attack, will, no doubt , serve in some capacity, as yet unknown, but serve he will.
Mitt Romney, former Massachusetts Governor, 2012 Presidential candidate, and strong critic of Trump,has nonetheless, has put aside Party infighting, answered Mike Pence's call for all Republicans to "come home', and now, seemingly, will serve as our new Secretary of State.
Senator Ted Cruz, a truly savage conservative, and bitter rival of Trump during the Republican Primaries, .The perfect conservative fighting machine, who, like Trump, never backs down ,and never surrenders, in the face of Democrat evil. He may serve as the heir apparent to conservative icon and legend, Chief Justice Atonin Scalia .If so, the conservative gods themselves could not have chosen a better man.
Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House under President Clinton,the master conservative strategist that ended the fifty year reign of Democrat control in the People's House, by winning Republican control of both e House and Senate , by super majorities. Massive, slashing tax and regulation cuts followed, including a new Welfare reform act, and massive cuts in Federal spending as well. The result?A balanced budget, a non existent deficit, a massive Federal surplus, and an economic boom, that would save the Clinton Presidency from the inevitable implosion it was headed for, in its first two years.Gingrich, seemingly, seeks no office, no title, no official position, and will,instead seemingly stand as a power behind the throne advisor, in the tradition of Cardinal Richleau.
Steve Bannon, Editor in Chief of Brietbart News, a pure, almost Nietzschein conservative, who suffers no liberal fools ,takes no socialist prisoners, served as Campaign Manager of Team Trump,and now stands as  the unofficial  leader of the so-called,"Alt Right". There is no human on earth, that is as hated by the left, as Steve Bannon is. That alone is reason enough to keep him right where he is,in the fray of battle,as a Trump wargod. Bannon will now stand as Chief Personal Advisor to the President Elect, and there could be no finer choice for an administration the seeks Republican creation, from the ashes of Democrat destruction. Bannon is a man born to this task, since the very root of Alt-Right philosophy rests in the concept that Republican rebirth, can only come from Democrat death. And, with Bannon at the helm,there will be no change in position, no ambiguity, in the Trump Agenda. The mission will be crystal clear, Destroy all things Democrat, with extreme prejudice,for every aspect of the Democrat Agenda has done nothing but damage our nation.
All Democrat imposed taxes and regulations , on a corporate, small business, and individual level, across the board, must be slashed,permanently, to no more than 15%,for all Americans, whether rich, middle class, or poor. This, above all else, is the rock upon which,all economic prosperity is built.
The elaborate tax con known as Obamacare , must be completely repealed,every single word of it. In truth, there was never a reason to create this socialist abomination to begin with.Under our constitution, We the People rule , and cannot be forced , by the representatives we send to Washington, to purchase anything ,ever. How could it be otherwise?They are our employees, not our masters. Obamacare was just another tax, no more, no less,but a far reaching , ambitious tax,designed by the left to seize control of the free market completely,and force it to operate under Federal government control. And , there was another reason for it existence as well. Obamacare would put illegal immigrants in a position where they could now be officially registered as Democrat voters. This is crucial for the survival of the Democrat Party that realized back in 1965,that its voter base would soon disappear,unless illegals were brought in , to become the new voting base of the Democrat Party.Illegals who have no skills, intelligence,ambition ,or work ethic,..illegals who are criminals, rapists, drug dealers, and murderers,will consistently vote Democrat ,for decades to come , if they know that only Democrats will give them the taxpayer funded entitlement packages they need to survive
This, above all else, must end, and be replaced with , nothing.Absolutely nothing. There is no need for a government controlled Health Care system. We the People have Free Market competition  instead.And, with taxes and regulations reduced to 15%, the market can prosper, competition will expand, new Health Insurance markets will be created, and the American people can potentially do as they please on the issue.But Health Insurance if they want it, choosing from the 1, 750 existing companies, or choose not to buy it at all, and simply pay cash to the hospital or doctor for services rendered, with no government regulations to artificially inflate the costs for treatment .Under a Republican driven Free Market system, Health Insurance becomes just another commodity to shop for, the same way you would shop for a loaf of bread.
America needs no government controlled Health Insurance program. All other nations come to America ,when they need health treatment , for one reason,America already has the best Health care in the world .Why would we ever give that up , for the failed socialist systems of inferior nations?
Next, destroy the Iran Nuclear Deal, completely,and replace it with strict economic sanctions designed to force Iran into economic disaster that will make them to submit to America's disarmament demands.
Destroy the Veterans Administration, as it currently exists, by firing every Democrat Union controlled employee that works there , and replacing them with former military, proud veterans, who devote their lives to helping their brothers and sisters in arms .This will be funded by the tax dollars of We the People, ,who have a profound duty and obligation to insure that each and every vet who suffers from the scars of battle,is taken care of, for the rest of their lives. They defended our freedom, and now,We the People will defend and protect them, with no corrupt ,contemptuous Democrat Union to disrespect their service.
Strengthen our military on all levels, increase military salaries, increase equipment and supplies,end the Pentagon attempt to cheat National Guard soldiers out of the bonuses they were promised and deserved. Return respect for our military and its heroes ,to the White House,and most importantly,get out of the way , and allow this, the finest fighting force yet devised by man, to do the job they were born to do , quickly and efficiently, as only they can. That job? Destroying all enemies of freedom, in every corner of the globe, and letting them do it their way,not the way of Democrat politicians, that have nothing but contempt for them and their service to our country. Destroy all attacks on our 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms, that is nothing more than the God given right of free men, ,to defend that freedom, from those determined to take it from us. End the regulations and restrictions that prevent citizens from arming themselves , allow open carry across all state lines,and make it clear to all Democrats, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not , and will not,be infringed , ever.
Arrest international terror sponsor and former Nazi George Soros, for funding domestic Democrat terrorists,who seek America's destruction .There can no longer be any doubt as to Soros and Democrat Party motives, for, in the wake of overwhelming Republican victory, they have dropped all masks, ended all pretentions, and revealed their true face .The face of pure evil.We the People must never look away from this ugly madness, for this is the true face, of the Democrat Party.
End all trade restrictions and return our trade system to the free trade concept that Alexander Hamilton created. No tariffs, no taxes on any goods, imported, or exported, ever.
Support our allies in freedom, especially Israel , unwaiveringly.
Seal the border vacuum tight, completely, and end all entitlement programs for illegals permanently.This will cause a mass self-deportation of America hating invaders,living off the tax payers dollars. Round up and deport or arrest, all criminal, drug dealing, rapist, murdering illegal aliens, once and for all, and put the rest on notice; You are trapped here,now, without entitlements.Come forward, or live in shadowed misery forever.
End America's dependence on foreign oil,by opening drilling rights on all available American land,whether public or private. , and end the restrictions on off shore drilling as well. Once done, America will truly be energy independent , and will force all middle eastern tyrants to bow to the power and control of America. This will be the key to the Trump Administration's success, for Trump understands the truth behind the facade of Dictators, Despots, and Tyrants,that threaten America's security.
Trump and his wargods see the truth , that all tyrants , whether  socialist, communist, Islamic Nazis, or Marxists all have one thing in common,..
All are dependent on the American economy, to survive. A dictatorship has no free market economy. All wealth, is created,to enrich the status of the dictator and his elite ruling class.Nothing more, nothing less. All tyrants have this in common. Their people starve, while they live in luxury.This is always the result of any system where one man deems himself superior to his fellow men, and fit to rule over them , by divine right.
Poverty , disease, and despair.
This is the result of all socialism ,of all Marxism, of all communism, for all these pretended systems create no prosperity, generate no wealth, create no product, or service, create no opportunity for its citizens to grow and strive, and reach full potential.
All are designed for one purpose, to make the self appointed elite wealthy, off the toil and labor of those they rule over  by military force.
Self destructive systems, all,
And all doomed to failure and starvation .All survive, however, for only one irrefutable reason,
The Democrat Party, takes money from hard working , free market Americans, and gives it to these tyrants, so they will continue to live in opulence , at the expense of their people.
Without American handouts, tyranny cannot endure. And the Trump Administration, understands this, all too well,
And is prepared to do something about it.
To stop Putin, you cut off all American money, period.
To stop Iran, you cut off all American money, period.
To stop ISIS,you cut off all American money, period.
To stop North Korea, you stop giving evil the money it needs to live in luxury, while plotting to destroy us.
Trump will do this guaranteed. , because he knows one thing that all other Democrat predecessors have failed to recognize.
The money that We the People earn with our sweat, is ours, all of it.Every last penny. And We the People voluntarily give only 15%to our military and police, that defend our freedom, and to those we send to represent us, in State and Federal governments. Not a penny more.
All government programs are unneeded, and useless, since We the People , left to our own devices, can run them all far better than any corrupt Democrat ever could.  
Entitlement programs?
The Free Market, and Free Competition, is all you will ever need , and Trump knows this.
Pontius Pilate once asked of Christ;
"What is Truth?"
The answer was then, and is now, rooted in mankind's God given nature,
Created to live free, or not at all,..
That is the truth.
The truth, of conservatism.
And, all during the reign of Obama and the Democrats, that truth has been slowly, but steadily, growing,spreading, and winning.
In 2010, the Republicans won a landslide Midterm , took back control of the House for the first time since 2006.In 2012, the Republicans won again, picking up even more seats in congress, the senate, and most state governments as well, ever increasing their power base.
In 2014, the inevitable occurred,with the Republicans seizing control of the Senate as well, finally giving them the ability to stop the Democrat Agenda, all save the veto, of the President himself.
And now, 2016, the final piece of the conservative puzzle falls into place, with the landslide Republican Presidential Victory, giving the Party of Lincoln, finally, at long last,the Presidency, the House, the Senate, and most state and city governments as well.All under the command of a Republican President, who knows how to fight hard, how to win, never admits defeat and accepts nothing less than overwhelming victory, at all costs.
We the People, under the Trump Administration, now have all that is needed, to finally and permanently , make America what it once was,
What it should always be,
The Shining City on a Hill, that Reagan envisioned,
By all the gods, America Would Be Great Again.
But, what of the Democrats still in power?
Yes, Republicans now control all three branches, and control most of America as well, but the Democrat Machine never relents, never waivers, in its efforts to destroy the true terror state;;Arrogant, Imperial, contemptuous, America.
Republicans hold the Senate , but not by a Super Majority. The Democrats could still cling desperately to the filibuster, desperately attempting to block every bill , every appointment, every piece of legislation, everything the Republicans would attempt to do, for the next four years.
Without a Super Majority, or a Presidential executive order, the defeated Democrats can still create problems for the Trump agenda,
Unless, Trump and the Republicans stick to what has worked to secure their overwhelming victory.
The strategem that Reagan had used, when his tax and regulation cuts were blocked by the Tip O'Niell, Democrat controlled House.
Trump and his wargods must take their message , always, directly to We the People, and explain to them , what they seek to accomplish, and who is standing in the way of their accomplishment.
The ones who always stand in the way of any accomplishment, or achievement, of free people, striving to make not just America great, but the world as well. , the Democrat Party.
It worked for Reagan, and stopped the Tip O;'Neill, Democrat block on his tax and regulation cuts.
Reagan went on t.v, and told his employers, that the enemies of freedom stopping the tax and regulation cuts that We the People demanded,
Were indeed , the Democrats, pure and simple.
Reagan got his tax cuts because he reminded the Democrats of a simple truth, that they had forgotten;
The perceived Democrat elite, is mere illusion,a fiction, created by the liberal media.
It was always a lie.The Democrats were never the majority.
We the People, the Center Right, the Republican Party, have always held the majority , and always will.
And now, awakened by the fighting will of Trump , they will never again relinquish it to a Party that has nothing but contempt for everything America stands for.
We the People,the Republican Party, are the center right, majority, and always have been. And, we will dictate policy , now, and forevermore.For now, we have a Leader ,and a Party that will follow the Reagan example, and always take the message directly to the true rulers of this nation.
Therein lies the unbeatable formula, for overwhelming Republican success, during the years of the Trump Presidency, and beyond. It's really that simple.
Take the message, the agenda, the strategem, directly to the people who, when united, create the greatest system of self government, yet devised by man.
A system based, on truth;
The truth, of conservatism.
It was the German Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, who wrote in "Thus Spake Zarathustra",
"That which does not kill us, makes us stronger".
So be it.
But, as a Catholic by birth,
A Christian by choice,
And a Nietzschein by nature,..
I say thee nay,..
"That which does not kill us,...makes us conservative!"      

Monday, November 14, 2016


"Sundown!, I shall carve their man, at the holy hour of sundown!!",bellowed the golden armored giant known only as Goliath of Gath, hellspawned warrior of the Philistine armies. For 40 days the battle had raged between the nation of Israel, and the Philistine states, and had now reached the point of eternal, immovable stalemate .To resolve this, the Philistine warrior Goliath had, twice a day, put forth a challenge to Saul, the King of Israel.Both armies would choose from among them, a champion , who would fight, man to man, to the death, with both armies agreeing that if their chosen champion is defeated,so too will that fallen warriors army,and nation, submit to unconditional surrender.
Goliath had strode forth to the walls of Israel's fortress city , and given his brazen prediction of savage victory at days end."Send forth your man, dogs of Israel!, I, Goliath, make a solemn vow, that my blade will be swift, and merciful!",..laughed the giant.And, upon hearing only the echo of his own bellow off the walls of the Israeli fortress, turned with a sneer, and strode back towards the Philistine encampment.
But, before he could stride ten paces, a voice pierced the uneasy silence,A voice, that would decide the fate of a people, of a nation, on this bloodstained desert battlefield. "Hold Giant!"came the reply. Goliath turned with a start,his huge muscled arm instinctively reaching for the scabbard of his gleaming, skull handled sword. , only to stop before blade could clear hilt, and stare in disbelief. For, before his widening eyes, stood not a warrior, but a mere stripling , dressed in the garments of a shepard,unarmed ,no warcrown, no weapon, no armour, near naked on the battlefield, save a small leathern pouch, slung across his slim shoulders.
"What manner of jest is this?" laughed Goliath, his dark scarred face and raven black beard. now split in hideous grin."Is the King of Israel so bereft of reason, and the armies of Israel,so lacking in courage ,that they would send a mere boy to the slaughter, rather than meet my challenge?",cried Goliath, thrusting his gleaming sword deep into the hardened sand, both arms now gripping the skull faced hilt,with barely contained rage.
With this, the boy, seizing moments opportunity,did pivot on sandaled heels, and drew forth from his leathern pouch, the instrument of the giant's destruction. "Stand where you are, you misbegotten troll!", cried the boy,"I am no sheep to be slaughtered , no altar sacrifice for your heathen gods, nay, for my God stands in battle beside me,and I, am your opponent, your destiny, and your death!"cried the youth, even as his left arm now began to spin above his head, and in his clenched fist, the whirling , whistling instrument of the massive Philistine's destruction. Smooth stone,firmly planted in its pouch, the sling now gained speed,as this boy ,..called David,now ran toward the giant, who still struggled to free his blade that he had embedded firmly in the sun cracked earth. Scarred muscles bulging, eyes wide now, with panic, Goliath pulled at the encumbered blade ,that would in a moments time ,give him swift victory with but one slashing stroke.
But, that moment would never come , as the shepard boy now released one leathern thong, and sent the spinning stone forward, kinetic energy turning mere pebble into death's instrument,that struck with crunching finality on splintering skull, between the dark, deep st eyes of the man-demon from Gath. Blood spurting from mortal wound,eyes now rolled heavenward,Goliath now surrendered all struggle with entombed sword, and, like a crumbling mountain, fell face forward, to the desert earth, arms now limp, like a puppet suddenly freed from the strings of the marionette, for all eternity.
And young David, now poised with another stone pressed into sling, ran towards his fallen foe,and wrenching mightily at the giant's imprisoned sword, freed it from rocky tomb, and , with his slim hands gripping the skull-faced hilt of the blade , straining, brought it high above the giant's prostrate form, and then, flashed down,ending forever the challenge of Goliath of Gath ,and the Philistine armies as well. And then, David reached down , and lifted the severed trophy of his victory, high above his head, the gristly symbol of his triumph. David's hand ,gripping the blood matted mane of the beheaded giant, would become the symbol of his battlefield victory , a crown won, a Kingdom to rule, and a nation secured.
The head of the slain Goliath, held aloft, by the boy-King David, before the cheering armies of Israel, would shift now, in time and space, to another Goliath slain, and another triumph , in this the 21st Century.The battlefield trophy held aloft this time?A small child , handed to Republican Presidential candidate Donald J.Trump, by a cheering supporter, attending one of his many rallies.With the election night mere hours away, this, one of Trump's last capacity crowd rallies, would now become a symbol for the victory to come, as Trump would take the child from mother's arms, and, striding forth to center stage, would raise the child high before him, A Warmonkey triumphant, with the future Lion King, a child, the symbol of all Trump had fought for,lo these many years now, held aloft , trophy like, on this, the eve of final victory, of ultimate glory. Indeed, this would have to be the one moment that must symbolize Trump's David-like battle , and Odysseus-like journey, to the Presidency.
For ultimately, was not his battle for the Presidency,in truth, a battle to secure the future Republic for our children?
The victory itself, despite all media spin and deceptive polls ,was a relatively easy one. How could it not have been?The Trump rallies , after all, from day one, had been massive, in size and enthusiasm while his Democrat opponents could barely fill a gym auditorium. It was clear what had transpired here. The silent majority, the 80% of registered Republicans who routinely stayed home on election night, and the so called Reagan Democrats,had been awakened from a seemingly eternal slumber, by the promise of a restored America, personified in the playboy industrialist known only as Trump. The reason for Trump's easy landslide triumph was clear, Trump had been challenged to combat, just as Goliath had challenged David, and like David, Trump accepted the challenge. Almost two years ago, a mocking President Obama had targeted Trump at a Washington Press Dinner, with an endless series of satirical barbs , before a drunken, jeering dinner crowd.The gauntlet, had been thrown. There are pivotal moments in time and space, moments that , not only decide the destinies of men, but define them as well.
This, was one of them.
Trump sat there, in tight lipped, stony silence, and while enduring the mocking attack of Obama, had already formulated his ultimate revenge ,for being so disrespected by this failed Commander in Chief.Not only would he snatch the Presidency from Obama's grasp, but he would take away the Democrat Party's hold on power as well. At that Washington Press Dinner, Trump had decided the Presidency would be his, and the power returned to We the People and the Republican Party that represents us. And, almost two years later, all this has come to pass. It had to be this way. There were 17 Republican Primary contenders , all solid conservative Republicans , any of whom would make fine Presidents, far superior to any Democrat. But, as one after another fell in debate defeat, it quickly became clear that the contest would come down to only two men, Trump and Cruz. Ted Cruz is the perfect conservative fighting machine , a lifelong Republican who always believed in a sealed , secure border , massive tax and regulation cuts, and a strong military, whereas Trump had once been a Democrat, whose political agenda seemed to vary not only day to day, but sometimes hour to hour as well. But, both men kept winning, for one basic reason; Both had shown the one quality that all the others seemed to lack.Both were willing to fight against all odds,not only to win the Presidency, but to defeat a perceived evil, that only the two of them seemed to fully understand.That evil is the Democrat Party, and, from day one, both Cruz and Trump understood that it must be destroyed, once and for all, if the Republic was to survive. Both would endure all attacks, fight any foe, enrage any opponents, challenge all enemies, battle against the collective forces of the universe itself, to win the crown, and destroy the Democrats permanently.
So be it. Trump had not forgotten that Washington Press Dinner.The gauntlet had been thrown by a mocking Obama, and Trump , accepting challenge, would now see Obama and all mad Democrat dreams destroyed. Few men have the fighting spirit.
Churchill had it,
So did George W.Bush.
All were willing to endure what Shakespeare called "the slings and arrows of outrageous misfortune , and by opposing, end them".
Therefore, in the end, it came down to two men, and then to one, as Cruz was forced to suspend his campaign, under the grim avalanche of Trump enthusiasm that showed no signs of waning, ever.
Ted Cruz may be a pure conservative force of nature, who stood alone , on a filibuster floor, for days, to stop Obamacare, but it was Trump who matched him in ferocity , and excelled him in charisma as well. Trump could connect , as Reagan had, with We the People, because he has no pretense and no fear .Like him or hate him, Trump is genuine, and seemingly fearless. His message mirrors that of his good friend, Muhammad Ali, "I don't have to be what you want me to be, I'm free to be what I want". And, like Ali, Trump , even more than Cruz, knew how to turn fighting spirit into assured victory.The truth of conservatism means nothing, if it cannot win. Trump knows how to win, simple as that.
The Primary win for Trump became inevitable .The election win mere ceremony , since it had really been won, many months before.The rallies were the indicator. Always capacity crowd filled, always enthusiastic , never waning , even with Trump doing more than six a day, in the last few weeks before election night.
Trump was a real person, with no pretentions. Like Reagan and Churchill, he is the perfect vessel to convey the truth. The truth, of conservatism. For Trump is a man with no fear, and, to such a man, We the People would always listen.
Even with the press promoting false polls showing Hillary well ahead, or at best close,.even with both Republicans and Democrats opposing him in unison , even with manufactured slanders, of sexual assault, and tax related malfeasance, even with Fox News finally turning away,
Trump has endured, because he could see the truth of the rallies, growing ever larger, ever stronger in intensity,even as Hillary and Democrat Party scandals continued to be exposed to the light of reality, by the combined forces of Assange and Putin.
And, as election night stretched on, still the media ignored reality, announcing exit polls of sheer Democrat fantasy, still claiming the inevitable Hillary victory. But, it was all illusion. In truth, weeks earlier, Trump had already won in a massive, Reagan style landslide that the fates and the gods had demanded. And, toward the end, a miracle had come to pass, as even Republican rivals began to sense what was about to occur. Heeding the Mike Pence call to fellow Republicans to "come home", former rivals and bitter enemies now donned the blood red war crown of Trump, inscribed with his war cry;.."Make America Great Again", and hit the campaign trail with him. Ryan, McConnell, Cruz, and even Boehner,now joined the Trump Army in final battle, for the soul of the Republic.
Now, the nation would see what the Republican Party can do, when fully unleashed, and in control, of not only all three Federal branches, but most state governments as well.
Conservatism has always dominated this country, and now, the Trump machine has proven it.
And, all the while, the Democrat Party, now forced to confront the grim reality of lost power and control, would lose all hold on sanity and reason, as well. Soros funded riots filled all Democrat states, as the Democrat controlled media continued to disbelieve the reality confronting them, holding onto the faint hope of a popular vote victory, that simply will not exist at all, once all votes are tallied, and all illegal votes discounted as well.
Trump proved himself the master of what Kipling called, "The Great Game".He outwitted and outmaneuvered all opponents , liberal media, Democrat, and Republican alike, and answered all attacks with equally savage attacks of his own. In the end, he won, by simply doing the one thing Republicans had always seemed unwilling to really do, ever.
He fought back, hard.
And fought to win.
And , as for Hillary, she is undone permanently.
Trump surgically dissected her, in three brutal debates, and left her dark soul stripped bare,for all the world to see.
In many respects, Hillary had destroyed herself, long ago, but it took the combined forces of Trump, Assange , and Putin, to have the guts to finish her off, permanently, and the Democrat Party as well.
The Clinton Machine,and the Democrat Party, have for decades, achieved nothing except destruction, and that has finally been exposed , for all the world to see. Sunlight is the best disinfectant after all. For vampires, and Democrats as well.
The Democrats will, no doubt, rant and rave, and riot, and ultimately blame their historic defeat on the ever present spectre of racism, and in one respect, they are correct.
Racism is the reason for their loss. But, it is the racism that exists only in the heart, mind, and soul, of the Democrat Party.
It was there to stop Thomas Jefferson from ending slavery with his Declaration of Independence. It was there to fight a war against fellow Americans to keep President Lincoln from freeing the slaves .It was there to assassinate Lincoln for freeing the slaves. It was there to create anti gun laws designed to prevent the freed slaves from having the right to defend that freedom. It was there to block the passing of the Richard Nixon-Martin Luther King Civil Rights Act, that would eventually be passed, overwhelmingly, by the Republican Party. It was there to create the perversion of Christianity called the Ku Klux Klan .It was there to create and protect Jim Crow laws.It was there to prevent African Americans, and women from voting.
Racism was always there, in the Democrat Party, to keep the plantation handouts going to African Americans and all minorities, in exchange for Democrat votes.
The Democrat Party does not fear racism, because it is racism.What it really fears , is the loss of power and control of the American people. But, what it does not understand, is that its power was only mere illusion. Its status as the "liberal elite",mere pretense.
For the power has always rested with We the People.
The election of Donald Trump is the living symbol, of that power,and a reflection of one simple truth as well. A truth, that Trump knows well,
Racism does not exist, for there is only one race, created in God's image, clasping hands, all across the globe,
It's called the Human Race.
What should the Trump agenda be, the first day of his Presidency?
Massive tax cuts, reducing the top rate, for all, to a mere 15% permanently.
Repeal every single word, of Obamacare, and remove the mandate and tax penalty, immediately.
Repeal the Iran nuclear deal, and immediately impose strict , massive, and permanent, sanctions on Iran.
Arrest George Soros, for consistently funding domestic terrorism around the globe.
Fire all Democrat Union connected employees from the Veterans Administration.
And, most importantly, call the British Prime Minister Nigel Farrange, and ask him to return the bust of Winston Churchill, that Obama had sent back to him. That bust, belongs in the Oval Office,
For, Churchill's legacy has now been fulfilled, in the fighting will and spirit, of President- Elect Donald J.Trump,
Who, like young shepard boy, a thousand years ago, stood triumphant on a lonely battlefield.
His victory trophy? Not a giant's severed head,
But a small child, held aloft,
A small child,
A promise for the future,
A Warmonkey ,Triumphant,...            

Monday, November 7, 2016

"Children Of The Black Death!"

"Ring around the rosey, a pocketful of posey,..ashes ashes,..we all fall down!"
A chant, sung by the children of the Middle Ages,the Children of the Black Death, a rat born plague that swept across Europe,leaving in its wake,streets littered with rotting corpses.And in the pockets of the corpses, a gathering of flowers , to fight the odor of death that permeated the cities, the streets, everything, everywhere, while the sky was darkened with the billowing smoke of purifying flame.The charred ashes, in the end, all that would remain of the millions ravaged by the relentless scythe of the Dark Rider ,who sat eternally, upon a Pale Horse,and left behind in his wake,all across Europe, a deadly harvest of damned souls ,of rotting, decaying flesh,..
And, all the while, the children, oblivious in their ritual play, held hands in a circle, and chanted their song of death. And then, at the end of verse, they would collapse in unison, a child's mock tribute to the pale rider's grim harvest.
And now,centuries later,in the Shining City on a Hill,  the children's chant, their macabre pantomime ,may be renewed .The Pale Rider, may ride again, in two days hence, if Hillary Clinton is elected President. There can no longer be any doubt, any question, any indecision, for those who still possess a soul.This is a clear battle between the forces of good and evil, pure and simple. The Wiki-Putin email revelations have grown more damning with each passing day. The latest linking Bill and Hillary Clinton to pedophilia, a sex trafficking ring, and satanic rituals on convicted child rapist Jeffrey Epstein's private island of evil.And, even more damning, the long standing question to the mystery of Benghazi, has finally been answered, by Wikipedia as well. Who ordered the stand down,and where was the President ,during the seven hour terror attack upon an American embassy?Thanks to Assange, to Putin, we now have the answer.President Obama was, surprisingly, where he should have been, and responded to the reported attack on the Libyan Embassy , by authorizing any and all military assistance necessary .It was Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, alone, who has now been exposed,finally, as the one who defied the President's commands, and ordered the stand down in Benghazi. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton refused to send the help that the President authorized, to an American embassy under terror attack, on the Anniversary of 911. And the result? A scorched, charred Embassy, and four dead heroes , who, though abandoned by their countrymen, never lost their courage, never surrendered, never admitted defeat, and fought to the end , to defend the American soil that all our Embassies represent. Wiki-Putin exposed the reason for the Clinton abandonment as well. The Clinton Foundation pay to play operation, was distributing weapons to the Muslim Brotherhood rebels of Libya,in exchange for cold , hard cash. This is the final indignity, committed by this evil woman and her corrupt Foundation, that exists solely to sell American secrets to our enemies.
Hillary Clinton left our heroes to die, in order to protect an illegal gun running operation involving the terror supporting Muslim Brotherhood. And, then, lied to the families of the fallen, blaming their deaths, on a YouTube video .
The history of this woman and the Democrat Party , now fully revealed,by Wiki-Putin, for all the world to see, is nothing more than an endless collection of monstrous evil, and Anti-American corruption.If Hillary Clinton becomes President, no doubt, a new Black Death, will indeed come to pass, in the form of an Iranian based nuclear fusion and fire, that will one day soon, light the sky. And then, in the aftermath of charred, corpse ridden  ruin,the Children of the Black Death will , once again, begin their slow chant, hands clasped, circling clockwise, until they fall in a ritual death that will , no doubt, soon become their reality. And, all the while, the Pale Rider watch and wait, his skull face cracked in hideous smile, at the thought of Clinton Democrat final victory, and permanent Republican defeat.
This cannot happen.And, it will not, thanks to the will and political skill of one man, who,unlike the Republicans of the past, will not surrender,will not admit defeat, will not accept anything, except overwhelming, and permanent Republican Victory.For months now, he has stood alone in his fight, first against his fellow Republicans, in a bitter , brutal Primary battle.All 16 would eventually fall before him,and, in its wake,only Cruz, Carson, Huckabee, and Christie would honor their GOP pledge,and stand with him, at the Republican convention. Then ,in the months to come,the liberal press and the Democrat Party, united against him, attacking relentlessly with false sex and abuse scandals, and charges of tax malfeasance.He endured all, struck back hard against all enemies, and,in three epic debates, emerged triumphant.
Each time his polls waned, he would be reborn, polls ever rising, his tallies across America growing ever larger in number and intensity, while Clinton became almost non-existent, in rally and rhetoric alike, except for the standard Democrat smear tactics employed against all Republican threats to Democrat power.
The women abuse allegations,were proven false.The tax return issue, proven to be no issue at all.How could it be otherwise? For the I.R.S., and the Liberal Press, are the right and left hand of the Democrat Party, and if they had anything, any indication, of true malfeasance, or sexual abuse, they would have confirmed it by now .They haven't.
Trump has endured all attacks, from both pretended Republican ally, and Democrat foe alike, and remains undestroyed.
And, even more, has refused to accept any outcome except Republican Victory.
And now, days before election night, with his rallies growing ever larger, ever more enthusiastic, this last man standing, this man alone,
Is now, finally, no longer alone in his fight to save the Republic.
In truth, he never was.
For his team of Wargods have endured, and never waivered in their support of this man, who must be President, if freedom is to  survive.
Pence, Gingrich, Sessions, Carson, Flynn, Clarke, Guliani, Huckabee, and now, even Cruz as well, standing with Pence in rally after rally, and now proudly wearing the blood red war crown of Trump,..that reads, "Make America Great Again".
Trump is not alone, never really was, despite deceptive, false, Democrat polls that say otherwise,
We the People, stand with him,against the now proven evil of the Democrat Party, and that is why he will be victorious.
And those who have hesitated , lo these many months, have been reluctant to stand with this man, in his fight to save the soul of our nation, now see the truth.
They see the truth of this man's unwaivering commitment, to a solid conservative message, and they can now clearly see, he will not quit, and will never, admit defeat, even if he has to fight alone.
That will, that relentless determination ,to save our Republic,and the ever increasing exposure of Democrat evil,  has awakened the undecided, the weak of  spirit, and those lacking resolve.
Those Republicans who simply do not know how to win, now see this ability in Trump, and they will now indeed stand with him.All Republicans responded to Mike Pence's call to fellow Republicans, the call, to come home, and join the fight, this final battle, to save this, the new Olympus. Forget the DOJ, FBI, or CIA. They are all part of the Democrat corruption. No,look not to James Comey, or Loretta Lynch  to achieve final justice, for that task is left to the voters, to We the People. Only Democrat defeat in this election, can bring the justice, that must be there, if the Republic is to endure.
Tax and regulation cuts,
A strong military and police,
Support for our veterans,
A border secured,
Obamacare repealed,
The 2nd Amendment protected,
A Judeo-Christian Constitution, defended,
A Democrat corruption , finally exposed to the light of conservative day,
And ended, once and for all.
The Wargods have answered the clarion call of Pence, to come home.
Cruz stands with Trump now, blood crown proudly worn,
McConnell stands with Trump now, blood crown proudly worn,
Ryan stands with Trump now, blood crown proudly worn,
Boehner stands with Trump now, blood crown proudly worn,
All  now wear the blood red war crown of Trump, that bears the inscription,
"Make America Great Again".
They have all finally come home, and now see, what We the People have always seen, since his Primary victory,
This man, Trump, will risk all, to achieve final, lasting, Republican Victory,
And will never back down , and never admit defeat.
For he knows, the all encompassing evil he battles, he knows he is the Children's Champion,
And he knows, the grim fate that awaits them , if he should fall in final battle.
He will not,
For the Wargods are home now, finally, and stand with him, prepared to plunge into the final fray of battle, and like Trump, will accept no outcome, except Overwhelming Republican Victory, and Everlasting Democrat defeat.
The scent of Republican victory now fills the air, and only the dark denizens of the Democrat Machine, refuse to breathe.
Election night looms ever nearer, now,
The Trump rallies still massive and undiminished,
And , all the while, the grim dark rider astride his pale horse , will watch, and wait, his scythe poised to strike, to bring the new black death,
Waiting , watching, for the signal to act.
The Rider looks for the children, in chanting circle, performing their dark ritual play, their ring of mock death.
The Rider , upon the Pale Horse, will watch, and wait,
But this time, by all the gods, he will be denied his final victory.
For this time, he faces a man who knows not the ashes of children's death ritual,
Nor the ashes of defeat.