Sunday, October 30, 2016

"The Ghosts of Herod!"

Herod the Great,an Arab of the Bedouin Tribe, the false and tyrannical King of  First Century Judea, suddenly woke with a start , bathed in a cold sweat, and staggered forth ,down the dark corridors of his marbled palace.The ghosts of his past,were,once again,in the midst of restless sleep,weighing heavily upon his blackened soul.Their voices seemed to wail and echo throughout Herod's silk laden  bedchamber, the shadows playing tricks with the wind swept tapestry that hung about the room, creating spectral accusers that seemed to close about his hunched and sweat drenched form.They were the ghosts of the first born of Judea,that Herod had ordered slaughtered, to escape a wizard's prophecy of a new King of Judea being born amongst his populace.To preserve the sanctity of realm and rule, the pretender had to be destroyed,and Herod put Caesar's Legions to this grim task that wouldst live in infamy, the shrieks and wails of imperiled mother and child,..still echoing down through the ages.But now, many months later,the ghosts of the slaughtered innocent ,rose up, to seek vengeance upon this puppet King. And Herod, chest now heavy, breath strangled,by the weight of his evil deeds,now lurched forward into his gold laden throne room, his body, racked with a crushing, unearthly pain, that now caused his trembling knees to buckle.And Herod , glassy eyes turned heavenward,shrieked once,only once,before all breath wouldst leave his body , clutching desperately , in his final death throes,foaming blood bubbling upon his pale lips, desperately clutching , groping for, a throne, a crown, a sceptre, that his body, now crushed by his many murders,was no longer able to reach. "A King, who can no longer ascend his throne, is no longer King",whispered a spectral child's voice, in Herod's blood spattered ear. In response, Herod gurgled blood  from crushed lungs, and fell forward, self crucified  by the weight of ignominius evil, of monstrous slaughter.
And now,centuries later, Donald J.Trump, the playboy industrialist, the American Ideal,was giving children rides on his helicopter during the Republican Primaries, when a small boy asked him,"Are you Batman?"The Trump reply? "Yes, I am Batman!"
Well, maybe he is, to them.
After all, when he cast himself as a defender of our constitution, he also inadvertently cast himself as protector of children as well. For of what use is the constitution , if it does not protect the freedom of future generations?What use is the constitution, if it does not protect the children who are that future?Hillary Clinton has defended late term abortion, saying that the fetus,"Has No Human Rights".This, is nothing less, than monstrous evil. Late term abortion is the killing of a fully formed child , with a knife to the brain.This is infanticide , on the level of King Herod.This is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, Herod's Legacy of Evil.Hillary Clinton supports this Legacy, enthusiastically, in the name of Margaret Sanger style, socialist eugenics.
Fortunately, Donald Trump and Pope Francis oppose this madness.Both have called this concept , pure, unadulterated evil, that must be stopped. Trump has vowed to fight this evil,and end it,by securing Republican Victory, on November 8th. Pope Francis has warned all Catholics , not to vote for Hillary Clinton. For, if they do, they will face immediate excommunication , and a fiery fate, in the afterlife, as well.
So Be It.
"The unborn, have no human rights?"
President Trump, disagrees.
Trump has truly become the Children's Champion, their protector, and has shown the will to fight for them, and, above all else, the will to win for them.
Donald Trump has never drank, never smoked, never did drugs, works hard, from dawn to dusk, has a strong , unbreakable, work ethic, stays physically fit, is a skilled athelete, has the stamina of a Samson, and has passed these qualities on to his exceptional children. Is Trump a role model for children? You betcha.For not only has he fought for them, but he has captured their spirit as well. The spirit of youth, of rebellion, of freedom. The spirit that says, "I don't have to be what you want me to be, I'm free to be what I want".  The spirit of our founders, the spirit that will not obey the rules of hapless, socialist adults, the spirit of the arrogant Republican teenager, who will not listen, to the Democrat grownups who are destroying this country.The spirit , that once whispered the fallen Herod's grim fate, into his bloodied ear.
Is Trump Batman?
The children seem to think so,
And that's all that matters,.now.
Because, in the end, Trump is their champion.He fights for them. To save their future, their America,..not yours.
And, he will not be defeated.
Sounds like Batman to me.
Christ once told his followers that if they wished to enter his Father's Kingdom, they must possess the innocence of a child. And, he gave them a warning as well; " Any who would harm a child, it would be better for them, if they had never been born at all, or a millstone tied to them, and flung into the sea."
So it was written.
But, there is no sea deep enough , no millstone, heavy enough, no oblivion endlessly dark enough, erase the memory of the Democrat Party's evil.
God may have mercy ,
President Trump will not.
And nor will his Wiki-Putin based dark allies, who continue to expose the boundless evil of the Democrat Party, day by day. Even now, these dark allies Vladimir Putin and Julian Assange, have forced the hand of FBI Director James Comey to re-open the Clinton email-server investigation, with only nine days to go till the ballots are tallied. The coming Wiki-Putin revelations are, no doubt, damning indeed,to have forced the hand of the deceptive double agent Comey. For, he no doubt realizes,that there is no honor among thieves, and  if Clinton goes down,she will try to take all her operatives with her, including Comey. The rats are now indeed, fleeing the sinking ship, with Huma Aberdeen, Anthony Wiener,James Comey, and Joe Biden, chief among them. And so far, the blustering, buffoonish Biden, has not responded to Trump accepting his challenge to fight him.Nor will he,..ever.
Even the villainous Vladimir Putin,  recognizes , one simple truth;
The Democrat Party, left unchecked, will destroy the world.
For Communist KGB rogue though he may be;
He knows instinctively that,.
If America Falls,...
No Dictator,
No Despot,..
No Tyrant,..
Who dreams of new conquests, new glories,..
Can endure,..
In a world where the eternal balance between the forces of good and evil,..
No longer exists.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

"And, A Savage Shall Lead Them!"

The final debate is now over, and in its wake, a metamorphosis has occurred.The evolution of a President, the evolution of a man, in four stages of rebirth, four stages of debate. A miracle has come to pass,and Donald J.Trump,the Playboy Industrialist, the American Ideal, hath been transformed into the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States. The metal hath endured the flames, been tempered in the inferno,and now,at last, was ready for the hand of its maker.
It started with the Matt Lauer  Townhall Debate on Foreign Policy, with Trump easily outpointing the overmatched Clinton, who could never hope to seem credible on military strategem and objectives ,as long as the ghosts of the Benghazi four still cried out from the grave, demanding to know why Hillary Clinton had forsaken them, why she ignored 600 email requests for help.Six hundred pleas,for additional security ,at a lonely Embassy in Benghazi, Libya,as the 2012 Anniversary of the 911 attacks on America, loomed ever nearer. Hillary Clinton had failed.Failed to answer the call .Failed the ultimate test for any potential President, and instead , froze like a deer in the headlights,more concerned with Presidential re-election fallout than than securing the American soil that all our Embassies represent overseas.
By ignoring 600 requests from Ambassador Chris Stevens for security increases in Benghazi ,Hillary Clinton had failed to protect American soil and American personnel , the the name of securing political power.And by so doing, was left defenseless against Trump's aggressive anti-terror ,secure border strategem.Trump would strengthen the military , secure our border ,and fight an aggressive war on terror , while Hillary could offer only a proven record of foreign policy failure, allowing ISIS to be created out of the U.S. withdraw from Iraq,a withdraw that created the first terror state in history, a weakening of our military,and an appeasement of our terror enemies that left America vulnerable to extremist attack, both at home and abroad. There could be only one result;Trump, the easy victor over Clinton, in this, their first debate encounter. In the second debate, Trump was content to play the pure counterpuncher, rejecting an offensive strategem ,in favor of a defensive mode that left Trump content to polish his footwork, his defensive skills, deftly parring and deflecting the Clinton attacks with brisk counterpunches, but no sustained offense to speak of. It seemed as if Trump was content to merely test the strength, stamina ,and will of Hillary,by allowing her unlimited opportunity to unleash her full arsenal upon him,while he simply countered, just enough to win on points. Trump had remained in the mouth of the cannon, at the heart of atomic fusion, absorbed it all,and had emerged undestroyed, yet again.
Trump had proven durability under siege, and in the third debate, Trump would now take the offensive, weighing the previous Clinton attack, and countering now, with a savage , unrelenting counterattack ,that no Republican candidate had ever dared unleash upon the Clinton Machine before;..the Clinton Foundation money laundering malfeasance, the Bill Clinton rape scandals and subsequent cover ups, the Benghazi failure,the selling of America's secrets and security for a profit,the endless lies and empty record of accomplishments,..all were on display, as the shell shocked Clinton could only glare defiantly at her hated foe,and, in desperation,unleash her only two weapons,the Trump woman comments and accusations, and unreleased tax returns.
Not enough. Not enough for Hillary to survive, let alone win. Another easy victory for Trump, who, in this debate, demonstrated the will to fight, and the determination to win. Indeed, in many respects this was not even a debate , but a surgical autopsy, on the still living corpse of Hillary Clinton's political career. The fourth and final debate was a tour de force,a textbook blueprint for Republicans on how to win , while displaying the calm, cool stage presence, of a man poised for Presidential victory.
These were not debates, for there can be no debate .Clinton's criminal malfeasance has not only disqualified her for the Presidency, but virtually assured that she face Federal prosecution as well, for the treason , fraud ,and incompetence ,that has left our nation vulnerable to our terror enemies.
Trump's performance was less debate and more exhibition of ever evolving Presidential skill, with Trump growing stronger and more assured with each passing debate .Now, the time for debate was over. , and Trump was poised to assume the mantle, to begin his mission,..
To Make America Great Again.
One question remained, and it was brought forth in the final debate by Fox News debate moderator Chris Wallace;..
"Will Trump accept the results of the election, no matter who wins?"
Trump gave the only answer possible ,for a man who is battling to keep America from the abyss;..
He will accept the results, long as he wins.Pure,simple, and direct. How could he do less?This isn't a game. Trump is battling against evil for the soul of the nation. There can be no acceptable outcome, except Republican Victory, and a Trump Presidency secured.
There must be victory, , or let no Republican come back from the polls alive. This isn't a game where the players shake hands at the end.This is war,and in war,you play to win, or you don't play at all. Republicans must have overwhelming victory, and inflict permanent Democrat defeat. Nothing else can ever be acceptable to Donald Trump, and We the People, of the United States.
No. Trump will not accept a Hillary Clinton victory, for there can be no such victory, if America is to endure. If Hillary Clinton wins, America is over , pure and simple. No, Trump will never accept defeat.He has always found the will to win for his own personal interests.Can he do less, for an America in peril?And, if Clinton wins by electoral points, how can she serve as Commander in Chief?With her Wikileaks exposed , 30 year record of criminal fraud, theft, treason, incompetence, and America hating indifference,how can she possibly have the support of the House , the Senate, the FBI, the CIA, the Military, and We the People, to serve effectively as the President of the United States?
Answer; she can't.
Hillary faces possible indictment for perjury, and fraud, so a victory in the polls on November 8th, would simply delay the inevitable impeachment of a woman who should be in chains, not in the Oval Office. Hillary Clinton's 30 year record is one of corruption, failure, and undisguised contempt for America. .
Hillary winning the Presidency, would simply seal America's fate,and finally make her socialist utopian nightmare, a reality. The title, Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces exists only to protect and secure our nation and its citizens from the enemies of freedom.
Who has Hillary protected?
What has Hillary, secured?
She has failed to protect our economy, supporting ever increasing taxes and regulations including the tax con Obamacare. She has failed to protect our armed forces , by allowing our Embassies to remain unsecured, and vulnerable during the Anniversary of 911. She supported the withdraw from Iraq, that created ISIS ,and appeased our terror enemies, in exchange for donations to the corrupt Clinton Foundation. She left our nation's secrets vulnerable by using a private server designed to conceal Clinton Foundation corruption.She sold our nation's secrets, to our enemies, for personal monetary profit. She has failed to protect our nation's borders, leaving our shores vulnerable to foreign criminals, rapists, drug dealers, and terror sleeper cells alike. She has failed to protect our 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms,, the right that makes all other rights possible. And, most importantly, she has failed to protect the very future of America itself;..our children, by creating gun free zones, that leave school children defenseless against armed mass murderers, all in the name of  promoting the Democrat Party's anti gun agenda. And, most importantly, she has failed to protect even the unborn, as she promotes Planned Parenthood sanctioned, Margaret Sanger sanctioned late term abortions, that allow a fully formed child to be ripped from its mothers womb, and a knife driven into its skull. The slaughter of the innocents, the continuation of the infamy of King Herod,all part of the evil that is socialist eugenics by taxpayer funding.
This issue alone disqualifies Hillary and all Democrats, for the office of the Presidency.Support for abortion is one thing,but support for full term abortion, is monstrous murder, nothing more, nothing less. Hillary's defense of this procedure?A fetus has no human rights, period.
This is the evil we face, if Hillary Clinton wins the Presidency.
Pope Francis has forbidden all Catholics from voting for Hillary Clinton, under threat of excommunication. The Pontiff has also announced his enthusiastic support , for Donald Trump as President. Even the Pope, a socialist leaning Jesuit, still recognized the evil of a woman who claims that the unborn have no human rights. In fact, Hillary insists they are not human at all.
Like the Pope who supports his bid for the Presidency, Trump also recognizes this evil, and is ready, willing, and able, to fight to the death to destroy it.
Good and Evil, often use the same methods, to achieve the same results. The difference between them, has always been in what they fight for.
Therein lies the true nature of the Trump campaign, and the reason for his success thus far. Trump, above all else, Is the Children's Champion. He fights for their future , for without the children, how can the Republic endure?The Children are America's future, and Trump has condemned their slaughter in the womb,for the unspeakable evil that it is. And, all the while, Clinton reveals her true nature , reveals all, with one single statement;
"The unborn, have no human rights".
None, whatsoever.
That statement alone, is reason enough, to destroy Hillary Clinton's bid for the Presidency.
Christ once told his followers that those who seek to enter his Father's Kingdom, must have the innocence of the children, and woe be unto those who would deliberately harm a child.It would be better if they had never been born, or a mill stone tied to them, and flung into the sea.
Yes, Trump fights for the Constitution.His rally speech in Gettysburg confirms this, as Trump laid out his agenda for his first 100 days in office as President. But, what is the constitution, if not the Judeo-Christian that are its foundation?And, of what use is that foundation, of peace, love , freedom, and the brotherhood of man, if it does not protect the future?If it does not protect the children,who are the future?
Trump will be their Champion.
Trump is the last man standing,
He defeated sixteen Primary opponents, defeated the liberal press, defeated the Democrat Party, defeated the Republican Party,
Even defeated Fox News, and most conservative pundits as well.
All predicted his downfall.
Yet, he still stands undestroyed, and poised to usurp the Presidency, from the grasp of Democrat evil. Trump stands alone now, in his fight , as both Democrat and Republican alike, have turned against him, as false accusations continue to hurt his poll numbers.
No matter.
Trump, the proven consummate , conservative fighting machine, is fully prepared and determined to stand alone, to fight alone, and to win, alone.
But, he is not alone. Not quite.
For the children stand with him.
During the primaries, while giving them rides on his helicopter, a boy asked him, "Are you Batman?"Trump's reply?"Yes;..I am Batman!"
To the children,..maybe he is. For he has captured their spirit.
And, for all those who would oppose them, and their champion,
No millstone heavy enough, no sea deep enough, no oblivion eternal enough, to erase their evil, their infamy, from the memory of god or man,
No, to achieve this, there is but one way, overwhelming Republican victory, and permanent Democrat defeat.
Forget the siren song of false polls,
Victory is here;..all we need do, is reach out and take it.
Stand in battle with Trump, this one last time, on November 8th,
And bring final, lasting defeat to the evil that is the Democrat Party.
God may have mercy upon them,
Trump will not.    

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

"This Demon,Unleashed!!"

What does it take to be a fighter?Muscles, of course play a part,and special training in armed and unarmed combat ,and military strategem,are important as well.But, without spirit,all these attributes will be for naught.
Donald Trump has this spirit, and more. He has a fierce pride in this land where freedom was born,and a relentless determination to defend it, against the forces of evil now conspiring to destroy it. Trump is, at this moment in time, the indespensible man,the one man left standing after a fierce primary battle, the man who is now enduring attacks from all sides, from friend and foe alike,opponents who, even at this critical moment in history,cannot see what Trump can see, cannot perceive evil, and more importantly,cannot seem to summon the strength, the spirit, the will to do battle with it, in order to save the very universe itself.Trump however, has found this will,this resolve within him.The will,to fight to the end,against all , to win at all costs,because he knows, what is at stake.
Trump sees evil, in the form of the Democrat Party, a profound evil, that he knows will destroy this nation if it is not stopped now, once and for all. He will not weaken, will not relent, will not hesitate to lash out at all who would dare attack him, all who would seek to deny him a victory, and a Presidency, that must be there, if the Republic is to endure. A fighting will of this nature , combined with an instinctive ability to recognize evil, is a rare thing in a man.Indeed, since the dawn of time,only a handful of men have been gifted by the gods with this ability, and in the case of each, fate and destiny have conspired to place these men at pivotal points in history, at times when the abyss itself beckoned , when the future of mankind itself hung in the balance.
Whether sent by demons , gods, or devils to alter the grim course of history, alter it they did, and the world is the better for it.
Moses was one,and with his coming, the concept of freedom was born,as he led an entire nation out of bondage , and then,gave that same nation a mission;"To proclaim Liberty throughout the Land, and to all the inhabitants thereof".
Christ was another, and whether god , man, or both, he brought with him a message, a message of peace, love, and the brotherhood of man, a message that would change the world.
George Washington was another, the Founding Father of freedom itself, a man who took the Declaration of Independence set forth by Thomas Jefferson,words founded on the Judeo-Christian faith , and made these words reality , by refusing to accept anything other than victory against the tyranny of Empirical England.
Abraham Lincoln was another, a man who recognized the evil of slavery, a man who knew he must rip this new Republic asunder,in order to make the words of Jefferson, finally a reality, by ending slavery on a blood stained battlefield that pitted American against American,brother against brother,in order to finally assure that all men could truly live free.
Churchill was another, for he was the lone voice, in the days before World War Two, who recognized the evil of the Nazi Party , and had the will to stand fast against all opposition , and destroy it. The Nazi Blitzkrieg could not endure against the will of one man who would never surrender, never admit defeat. Harry Truman was another, who, in the last days of World War Two, made the grim decision to unleash the power of the atom, in order to bring an end to the evil Empire of the Rising Sun , an evil that vowed to never surrender.
John Kennedy was another, whose strong stance against the Soviet-Cuba alliance, saved the world from nuclear armageddon.
Ronald Reagan was another, who brought down the Soviet Empire , with a single , determined strategem; "Peace through Strength".
George W.Bush was another , who , on the days after 911, waged an unrelenting war on the terror enemies of America , and kept our nation safe and terror free for the eight years of his Presidency, by crushing terrorist and terror sponsor alike. Indeed, without George W.Bush, America would not exist today ,at all.
And now, after eight subsequent years of Obama-Democrat destruction ,Donald Trump stands ready,to join his predecessors at this pivotal time and place in history, with the fate of the free world, once again, hanging in the balance. Indeed, here ,now, at this point in time,
Like Moses,
Like Christ,
Like Washington,
Like Lincoln,
Like Churchill,
Like Truman,
Like Reagan,
Like Bush,
Trump is that indispensible man , chosen by fate, to save mankind from itself.
Like all his predecessors, Trump has the fighting qualities needed for the challenge ahead, and most importantly, like those chosen before him,he has that most important quality, the ability to recognize evil, and the strength , will and spirit, to defeat it.
The Democrat Party is the profound evil that Trump faces ,and since the days of Woodrow Wilson, it has conspired to weaken our nation with massive taxes and regulations,a weakened military, an appeasement of our terror enemies,unsecured borders, attacks on our 2nd Amendment rights, attacks on our Judeo-Christian values , and attacks on our allies in freedom.
The world is in chaos, on the brink of the abyss, because of this evil that has too long controlled the fate of our nation, an evil that has nothing but contempt for our nation as founded.
An evil,that seeks elitist , socialist rule,
An evil that wishes to bring an end to this Shining City ,this Great Republic, and turn mankind back to the days of Kings Queens,Dictators , Tyrants,and Despots,the days when all mankind, suffered under the bootheel of endless oppression and tyranny.
Trump sees all this, and is fighting like a demon possessed, to stop it. And now, his fight is against not only Democrats, but many Republicans as well. So be it.
Trump will accept nothing less than victory, and his first three debates against Democrat rival Hillary Clinton confirm this.
The first, was a Matt Lauer hosted townhall event, on national security.Trump destroyed Clinton; not even close. But then, how could it be otherwise,in a debate against a woman who ignored 600 requests for security during the 911 anniversary , thereby sealing the grim fate of the four lone defenders of an Embassy in Benghazi?
The second debate?Trump easily parried the Clinton personal attacks regarding women and taxes,and won the debate, even without much offense on his part. It was a mere sparring match ,with Trump curious to test the overmatched Hillary 's strength, nothing more, nothing less.He would save the real attack, for the next encounter.The third debate?Trump now fully unleashed all hell, and created a debate masterpiece. In fact, there was no debate, since Hillary offered no real opposition. It was, in reality, an autopsy, on a still living corpse.Trump dissected Clinton,attacking relentlessly, from all angles,daring to go where no Republican has gone before;the Clinton rape scandals,the email and server security malfeasance, the Benghazi treason, the thirty years of socialist deception and incompetance , the Clinton Foundation fraud, money laundering, and theft, of American taxpayer wealth;
All were unleashed on the shell shocked Clinton, whose feeble counterpunches were met with game ending Trump retorts, referring to the jailing of Clinton for her crimes, and marveling at the brazen audacity of Hillary's attempt to actually blame Abraham Lincoln for her uncovered Wikileak lies. Again, a textbook masterpiece of a debate, one for the ages,one that not only secured the Presidency for Trump, but, effectively ended the political career of Hillary Clinton, once and for all.
Mike Pence was equally masterful in his clinical dissection of the hapless , pretended Catholic counterpart of Clinton, Tim Kaine,who, against an onslaught of Reagan style,conservative truth, could offer nothing to counter,except for the standard Trump women and tax return issues. Another masterpiece of a debate,with Pence, like Trump, using the savage, brutal truth of conservatism, to expose, once and for all, the decades concealed evil of Hillary and the Democrat Party.
Now, the fourth debate looms, with the Clinton campaign clearly on the ropes , despite Democrat manipulated polls that now have Clinton with a inexplicably commanding lead despite ever increasing Wikileaks exposed Democrat corruption.
How can Clinton prevail against the grassroots phenomenom called Trump, that continues to grow ever stronger, now that Trump has finally abandoned all pretended strategems, in favor of the unrelenting three dimensional chess attack he used throughout the Primaries?Even the recent flood of abuse accusations are evaporating  like ephemeral spectres,under the relentless counterattack of the Trump machine that now, has exposed them all, as mere Democrat agents being used puppets, to destroy this last man standing, this one indispensible man,chosen by the fates , by the gods, by devils, by demons, by the cosmic forces of the universe itself,to save the last, best hope for humanity from the eternal abyss, from permanent oblivion.
The Clinton attack?The Clinton argument?
Trump is a crude,arrogant , womanizer,who has used words and actions to offend both men and women alike, a man of arrogance, a man of boorish bluster, a man of childish temperment, who is simply unfit to assume the mantle ,
Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces,
Of the United States.
But, if Trump is unfit, how then could British Prime Minister Winston Churchill have been acceptable ,when his outrages made Trump's pale by comparison?Churchill, like Trump, was that indispensible man,who stood alone against the forces of Nazi evil,and the free world endured, because of it.
But Churchill was hardly the perfect man, let alone the perfect conservative.
Churchill drank like a fish, smoked like a chimney, swore, and spent money, like a drunken sailor,was burdened with massive debt, most of his life, and went to his grave owing money, to virtually everyone.Churchill also insulted who he pleased, without much restraint, women included. Lady Astor , in particular, was a favorite Churchill sparring partner, and their exchanges were indeed reminiscent of Trump-Clinton for their brutal ferocity.Astor once accused Churchill of being drunk at an official government function , and Churchill, in response, reminded Astor that he would be sober in the morning, but she would still be ugly."If you were my husband, I would put poison in your coffee!", Astor shot back.Churchill, without batting an eye , replied,
"Madame, if you were my wife,I would drink it!" In all, the Churchill-Astor war of words made Trump-Clinton look like a church social.
Churchill made comments about India and British Empire colonization that could only be interpreted by modern liberals as racist in the extreme.
Churchill once jokingly threatened to shoot some of his Generals, in order to inspire the others.
Churchill was childish,bad tempered,and stubborn, always insisting  that he was right .
Churchill switched parties, back and forth, from conservative to socialist, so frequently it seemed almost like a bodily function.
And, most importantly, Churchill, like Trump,allied himself with the Russians, in order to bring down an even greater evil.
Churchill's evil?The Nazi Party.
Trump's evil?The Democrat Party.
In essence, Trump has exploited the Democrat disregard for intel security , by promoting the Wikileaks Democrat email exposures that have been encouraged by  Trump ally,Vladimir Putin himself .
Trump has said for months now,that an alliance between America and Russia, could end the threat of ISIS.
In response, Putin is paving Trump's path to the Presidency.
The comparisons are obvious.Both Churchill and Trump are unafraid to use evil , to defeat an even greater evil.
Trump and Churchill; both the indispensible men of destiny who saw evil in their midst,
And, would stride down the scarlet throat of hell itself,
And dice for the devil's throne,
To defeat that evil.
Both had the will to oppose all those who oppose them, and the will to do what is necessary,
To win.
For such is the nature of these men of destiny, chosen by the gods to save mankind from itself.
Is Trump man, or devil?
Other Republican candidates have been in lifeless pieces by now, yet Trump endures, and grows ever stronger.
No matter,
For, whether hell spawn, or heaven sent,
Trump , this day, stands ready to do battle against the forces of Democrat Evil,
To the Death!

Sunday, October 9, 2016

'Straight On Till Morning!"

A new revelation has come to pass,one that threatens to derail the Trump Train, once and for all.The revelation?It comes in the form of an audio tape, recorded eleven years ago,during a Trump interview with Access Hollywood's Billy Bush .It was an off the record,frat boy discussion about" scoring with chicks" , pure and simple.Trump discusses his successes and failures, while on the hunt, with plenty of the fratboy sophomoric language one would expect to be part of such a discussion , freely bandied about haphazardly. Two frat guys,all alone ,in an off the record interview,talking about picking up girls ,with Trump in full bluster and braggadocio mode,spoofing his own celebrity "chick magnet "status,with the tongue in cheek, cartoonish, over the top language that two schoolboys might use sitting in their treehouse fort, or hanging out in the playground during recess.
Nothing unusual for the man-child Trump,who despite crude over the top rhetoric about his playboy lifestyle,has, in reality,been restrained,even reserved in his actual dealings with women. Indeed, the girl Trump bragged to Billy Bush about,who was actually a collegue of Bush's,was greeted by Trump with nothing more than a formal handshake,and an air kiss that made no physical contact whatsoever. Trump's conversation with her was also reserved,as it is with most of the women he deals with, whether in a business setting, or the dating scene. The proof of the pudding is the fact that ,despite all his crude language and braggadocio about sexual conquests,there are no Clintonesque stories from women about Trump. In fact, the majority of women who have dealt with him over the years have, for the most part, nothing but words of praise and respect for the man,and regard him as a friend.
Remember, this is no Hugh Hefner Playboy. Trump,in reality, has no vices.He doesn't drink, doesn't smoke,doesn't do drugs.Never has,and never will,and Trump has imposed these values on his children as well. The results are obvious, as Trump's children are all model citizens , even role models for young people to admire and look up to. The bottom line?Trump may like women, Trump may appear on Howard Stern and Access Hollywood,bragging about conquests with sometimes crude language, but,unlike Bill Clinton , there is no assault, or rape scandal.It simply doesn't exist.Despite boyish frat boy hijinks, Trump will simply ask a girl out, and if she shows no interest,he just simply, and respectfully, moves on.There is no harassment , no assault,no rape allegations .Trump does not force himself on any women ,ever. If a woman indicates to Trump she is not interested, then Trump is also not interested. In other words, Trump is just an ordinary , red blooded American guy, who likes women. and has tried to score with them. And, like most normal guys, if he fails he shrugs, and moves on with his life. Even the collegue of Billy Bush, who was the verbal target of Trump's behind the scenes discussion, now has nothing but words of respect for the man,who to her face,treated her with nothing but the respect and shy reserve that is always , surprisingly in stark contrast,to the often childish "chick talk",Trump engages in with his cronies. In other words, like most American guys, Trump is ,essentially, all talk and no action, afflicted with the same shyness and reserve that all normal guys have in dealing with women face to face. To paraphrase Shakespeare, the Access Hollywood revelation is , ultimately,.."Much ado, about nothing".
And, in fact,there are many more of these Trump stories and tapes to come,with Trump's Stern appearances in particular, being vast and varied,and always centering around one thing;"scoring with chicks".Fratboy talk,between two guys that, like Peter Pan, simply refuse to grow up. And, like Trump, the Howard Stern of the radio show, is quite different from the Stern of private life.Quiet, reserved, and introverted, are the qualities that have always defined Stern, and even Trump as well, when the cameras are off them. This issue on the day of the second debate , will , in fact, amount to nothing. In fact, the entire incident, and others to be revealed, may, in fact, help Trump wrap up his victory even sooner than expected.
Skeptical? Then,contemplate this one question; "Who released the Access Hollywood Tapes?"
Answer; Trump did.
Trump controls all publicity surrounding himself to the most minute detail, and has always subscribed to the Marilyn Monroe theory,that there is no such thing as "bad publicity".It's all good, as long as it keeps your name and image in the public's eye, and your brand , in the media's daily storyline. And, in Trump's case, the Access Hollywood publicity serves another , more important purpose as well. It sets up the strategem that Trump will employ , for the 2nd debate.
This is vital, for at the end of the 1st debate, Trump faced  a seemingly insurmountable dilemma. When confronted by Hillary on the Miss Universe issue, Trump was, in effect, set up perfectly for the knockout blow of the debate. Trump could have easily responded with the Bill Clinton rape allegations ,and the Hillary attacks on the women victimized by her husband. After all, they had not only been abused and raped by Bill, but were also then smeared and humiliated in the press by Hillary , in the name of preserving their wealth and political power.Hillary Clinton also laughed about her successful defense of a child rapist, back when she was a practicing lawyer.Trump could have unleashed ,could have counterpunched, with all of this,but, he did not, for one simple reason;..Character.
For, despite all bluster and bully, Trump remains at heart, a decent, reserved man, respectful to all, a man who only attacks when he has been attacked. In political discourse, and social as well, Trump remains the defensive counterpuncher, seeking only to attack those who attack him.Chelsea Clinton sat at ringside in debate one, and Trump , out of respect, simply could not bring himself to attack her parents in front of her.
This is the Trump image that friends , family, and business collegues,have always  said reflected the real man, beneath the mask of showman bluster.
The 2nd Debate looms,..with Trump polls dropping slightly.How can Trump unleash fully, as he must,in order to seal the deal, and put the final nail in the coffin of Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party?
Answer; he must have a cause to fight for, a right to wrong, an attack, to counterpunch off of.
The solution?The Access Hollywood Billy Bush tapes that reveal reprehensible , inexcusable mysogynistic behavior on the part of Trump. Offensive?Outrageous? Indeed.And, the release of this bombshell, all part of the Trump plan.For now, Trump has a wrong to right, a new cause to fight for, an indignity, to set right.
And, ultimately, an excuse now, to fully unload on both Hillary and Bill Clinton, , on their rape and abuse of women. Thanks to the Bush tape, Trump. the pure counterpuncher, now has the attack he needed, to inspire a vicious , unrelenting attack of his own. He now has a new cause ,a new reason, to unleash all hell on the Clinton Machine, and finish her and the Democrat Party as well, in this, the 2nd Debate.
Childish, fratboy talk about girls is one thing, but, in reality, Trump has shown nothing but respect and reserve to the women he deals with, , in both private and business settings.
Contrast this with Bill and Hillary Clinton, who have left an extensive trail of abused and damaged women in their wakes ;..raped, both physically and mentally,by this malevolent pair of political opportunists,with even an underage girl,raped;..and then laughed at, scorned, then Attorney Hillary Clinton,who portrayed this child abuse as a case of "asking for it"..a case of .leading adult men on,,a case of sexual entrapment, a child,..according to Hillary Clinton.
Disgusting, disgraceful, pure evil,on the part of both Bill and Hillary Clinton.And then, add to this,..the security breaches for cash, Clinton Foundation malfeasance, Benghazi,..and, now ,a new revelation from Wikileaks,..showing Hillary supporting Wall Street corruption,..and cronyism,..and open border madness.
A cause to fight for?
A reason to win?
Trump has them, in spades.
Good vs.Evil.
Trump and the Republican Party must win,
Good must triumph over evil, now, this time in history,..or America,.as a concept,..and a reality,..
Is finished forever,..
The history of Bill and Hillary Clinton, and the Democrat Party, indeed one of evil, whether rape allegations, security breaches , appeasement of our enemies,..and alienation of our allies.
Heavy taxes and regulations, that destroy economies, weakening our military,..attacking our 2nd Amendment rights,..keeping our borders unsecured,..and our nation unprotected,..against a determined terror enemy.
Attacks against our Judeo-Christian values that are the foundation of the Greatness that is America .
This is the record of evil that defines the Clintons, and the Democrat Machine, they work for.
But, who is this man called Trump? Who is this man who is determined to bring defeat to the Clintons and the Democrat Machine?
He is a braggart, and a bully, a business owner, a builder,..and a job creator,..a mysogynist,..and defender of women,..childish and sophomoric, , and reserved business man,..dedicated father,..reckless cowboy,..and calculating political strategist.
Shameless self promoter, ..and self sacrificing defender,..of his employees,our military, our police,..our nation,..
Greedy business opportunist,..and generous benefactor, the poor, the needy,..and our veterans,..
Who is Trump?
He is, American.
No word more clearly defines this quixotic man, of contradictions,..this reckless,childish,..cowboy,..who now stands ready to defend this Freedom, this Republic,..this America.
How to define Trump?
You can do it easily through the team that supports him.
Trump is Mike Pence, crushing Tim Kaine, in a Vice Presidential debate last week, with an avalanche of Reagan style conservative truth.
He is Newt Gingrich, standing with Trump on conservative values and Republican strategem.
He is Rudy Guiliani, standing with Trump on defense of our police, and the security of our nation,..
He is Jeff Sessions,..standing with Trump , on Reagan style tax and regulation cuts,
He is David Clarke,standing with Trump on conservative style law and order,
He is Walid Phares, and Sebastian Gorka,..standing with Trump on anti terrorism strategem,..and sealed borders,..
He is Ben Carson,..standing with Trump on intellectual conservatism,..that destroys all racial barriers,..and prejudice ,..
He is Mike Flynn,..standing with Trump on a strong military , and an aggressive war on terror.
He is, in essence,all that we have been, and all that we could be,..
He is,..America.
He is all the Good, Bad, and Ugly,..that We the People,..embody,..reckless and childish,..but in the end,..always finding the mark,..always doing good,..always standing ,..always ready, do battle,..against the forces of evil.
Vain and Childish?You bet.
But, that is part of Trump's appeal ,..and America's appeal as well.
For, who among us, hasn't wished that we didn't have to grow up,..and bury the devilish Trump that dwells in all of us?
Who among us, hasn't wished to remain a Lost Boy, Trump's Neverland,..forever,..
Growing up,..
Is for Socialists , Marxists, Communists,..
And the world has enough of these grownups already,..
America is the Spirit of Youth,..
Of Freedom,..
Of Truth,..
Of Conservatism,..
America is the Spirit of the Children,..
Who shall inherit this Republic,..
The Spirit that refuses to obey the adults , the grownups,..that have damaged this world,..
The Spirit that says no to authority,..
The Spirit that created Freedom,..
The Spirit that created America,..
Trump and the Republican Party,..has drawn a line in the sand,..
And given us ,..a clear choice,..
Stay with the grownups in socialist hell,..or  ,..
Refuse to grow up,..
To obey,..
And join him and his Lost Boys ,who are bound and determined,.
To make America Great Again,.
Trump and his Lost Boys ,seem to say,..
We the People,..don't have to be what you want us to be,..
We are Free, to be what we want to be ,..
And,..we will not obey
Freedom beckons from the abyss,..
Neverland beckons,...
Trump , and the Republican Party,..have a place there,..for all of us
Donald Trump, fighting for it.
All he asks, for We the People, stand with him,..and join his Lost Boys,..this November,8th..for Republican Victory,....a victory that can only be achieved , if We the People, find our spirit,..again.
How do we find it?
That's Easy.
Freedom, Conservatism,..always is,..
For it's within us,..
The spirit of eternal youth, of eternal rebellion,..
Our Legacy as Americans,..It's part of us.
To find it again,...
Just follow the second star on the right ,..
And  then,..straight on  till morning,.....
Morning, in America,..

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


Prizefighter, Boxing Trainer,Philosopher, Poet,Artist, Sports Commentator, Author, Actor, ..former Light Heavyweight Champion Archie Moore was all these in his day. Moore was a true Renaissance Man,whose slick counterpunching style catapaulted him to champion status, and earned him the nickname ,"The Mongoose".But, it was as philosopher that Moore truly shined. Indeed, he was the first pugilist to lift a sport of sweat and technique, ,into the realm of philosophy, not only with his unorthodox fighting style, but also with his writings and musings on the sport as well. In fact, Moore believed that his own boxing style had transcended  technique and crossed into pure philosophy. So much so, that once, while discussing ring strategem, Moore stated that not all heavy punches were heavy,..not all traps worth avoiding,..nor all openings there, be taken,not all exhaustions should be thought depleting,..nor all ring ropes constricting to one's back, corner had to be without room to fight, knockdown was like any other,..and no paradox could ever press upon you,..without offering it's compressed power.
Indeed.Archie Moore was to boxing ,what Kasparov is to Chess. Moore excelled as an instructor of the sweet science as well, ..and had even trained a young Cassius Clay ,..for future greatness,before their clashing egos made future alliances as teacher-student;..virtually impossible.Young Cassius, who would later become Muhammad Ali, had nonetheless been the sorcerer's apprentice at one time,and, whether in the realm of poetry, boxing philosophy, or blustering self-promotion and braggadocio,it became obvious that Ali was indeed a practitioner of an art , a science, and a philosophy, that the Mongoose,has perfected.
Indeed, Ali would use all he had learned from Moore, not only to defeat him soundly as an opponent in the squared ring, but to also defeat Moore's young protege George Foreman as well.
Foreman had won the title by dispatching Ali nemesis and Heavyweight Champion Joe Frazier with frightening ease, and then compounding  the insult to Ali's ego, by defeating contender Ken Norton as well, using sledgehammer power to destroy all the Norton style , technique, and yes, philosophy,that had given Ali fits, in a 12 round split decision fight, that went to Norton. This did not bode well for Ali's chances to regain the title from Foreman. After all, how could Ali hope to survive against an opponent who had dispatched his two deadliest rivals, with the ease of a man swatting flies?
Indeed, it seemed an impossible task for the aging Ali,who could no longer fully depend on the weapon that had won him the title from Sonny Liston, his Hermes-like speed. To a man, virtually every boxing pundit, expert, commentator,sports writer, and yes,..even Ali's own Trainer Angelo Dundee as well, ..all agreed Ali's only chance against Foreman ,..the only way to avoid the fate of Frazier and Norton,was to employ his blinding hand and foot speed ,and stay in lateral motion ,..jabbing, dancing, moving continuously,from the first bell to the last.Speed, speed, and more speed,..was the only way Ali could survive , let alone win, encounter with Foreman. No small task indeed. Ignominious defeat, and possibly permanent injury, seemed almost a certainty as fight night in Zaire Africa, loomed ever nearer.
But, Ali, employing the Moore philosophy,..saw the truth behind the myth of Foreman invincibility ,..and understood how Frazier and Norton had been destroyed. To run from a truck,..only gives it momentum, and feeds its destructive power. You must , instead deflect, turn, and stall the power,compress it upon itself,..until its own power, destroys it. Ali, the sorcerer's apprentice, had learned from the master well, and against the monster that was Foreman, he would now employ that knowledge , to regain a crown unjustly taken from him.
Not all heavy punches were, in fact,..heavy. Not all traps worth avoiding,..nor all openings there, be taken,..and no paradox,..could be pressed upon you,..without offering its compressed power.
So it was written, it would be done, Ali ignored all advice all council,..and relied instead on that which he had learned,..from the Old Mongoose. Ali would not dance,..would not run,..would not be the elusive,.. ephemeral target he had been, a decade earlier, against lesser opponents.No, employing the old master's philosophy, Ali would stay in the mouth of the cannon, the center of atomic fusion itself,..Ali would not run ,..but would not stand and freeze , Frazier and Norton either,..he would instead go to the ropes and allow Foreman what he wanted, a stationary target,..frozen in time,..waiting for the crushing destruction carried in Foreman's lightning fast, sledgehammer fists. Ali would wade into the tempest, and test his own strength against this force of nature ,..while he was still fresh,..and use the rings ropes to absorb and dissipate the impact of  the Foreman attack. Then, in brief moments when Foreman would pause,..Ali would strike strike from the ropes with lefts and rights fast as karate strokes,..their power multiplied, the forward momentum ,..of Foreman.
The strategem was obvious,..let my opponent unleash all hell upon me,..while I wait and strike at the very instant  all muscles relax,..and breath is drawn deeper. Pure philosophy,..a masters psychological  strike,..designed to break a fighter,..not physically,..but mentally.For,..once a man's mind is gone,..his body cannot endure. Round after round,..Foreman's reward for his savage bombardment,..were lightning fast strikes to his head,..that not only drained strength,..but will as well.
Indeed, Ali's strategem seemed to say "All your strength ,..all your power,..all your relentless fury,..are for naught .I will absorb it all into myself,..and make your strength, strength,..and, the moment of full realization,..of  your inevitable defeat,..then,..I will strike,..
And so Ali did,....In the eighth round,after enduring all that Foreman could muster,..Ali saw exhaustion and confusion personified , the form of Foreman,..and volleyed a five punch salvo ,..that sent Foreman staggering forward,..head and body falling, disconnected segments to the resin stained canvas,..unable to fully comprehend,..what had transpired,..unable to fathom, his only weapon,..overwhelming power,..had destroyed him,..and left him easy prey for the slashing punches of a man who did not recognize his power,..ignored his traps,..disregarded accepted strategems,..and, instead employed the Mongoose  strategem ,..the paradox of absorbing crushing force,..and converting it into a compressed , powerful counterattack.
You do not avoid the yawning chasm of destruction,..but instead wade into it,..and force it to turn its destruction upon itself, close range implosion.
The student,..Ali,..had become the master in this battle,..
And decades later,..on another battlefield,..another student of the new master,..Ali,..would use this self same philosophy to destroy another determined foe, a far different arena of conflict.
Donald J.Trump , longtime apprentice to the sorcerer Ali,..would use all he had learned ,..through years of study at the feet of this master, overcome his determined rival  in the quest for the Presidency,..Hillary Rodham Clinton. Like with Ali, all Trump confidants and critics alike had encouraged him to avoid all Clinton tricks and traps,..prepare relentlessly,..stay on message,..ignore all distractions and disruptions,..control temperment, Presidential restraint, ignoring all personal attacks ,that were surely to be Clinton's only viable weapon. It seemed to be the way to go. Even adviser and confidant Newt Gingrich encouraged Trump to disregard all Clinton baiting and traps , and simply stay on message .That , they said, would insure Hillary defeat,..since thirty years of political failure gave her no strategic options .To win,Clinton must attack all Trump weak points and keep the focus on him exclusively.
This strategem seemed to work, the days following the Democrat Convention , Clinton's poll numbers continued to rise in the wake of the Kaiser Khan, "Gold Star Family" trap that Trump willingly,..even eagerly,..fell into. Yet,..Trump counterpunched effectively,..exposing the Khan family's Sharia Law hypocrasy,..while still pivoting to policy agenda seamlessly, capacity crowd rally after rally. It was obvious. Trump saw the truth. Trump knew what Ali knew,..when facing Foreman,..running,..and defensive minded caution,..was a formula for defeat. To win,..he must simply do what he did in the Primaries,..absorb the attacks of his opponents,..and counter effectively,..stay on the attack,..constantly,..relentlessly,.. forget prevent defense,..and stop the Clinton attack,..with a lightening quick counterattack of his own.
The debate at Hofstra University started as predicted ,with Clinton on the attack,..using the Trump birther issue, women issues, and unreleased tax returns, her main ammunition. For his part, Trump treated Clinton as a mere sparring partner , a Champion boxer preparing for the real battle to come,a Champion who knows if he dared unleash fully on his overmatched opponent,..a quick KO would be the inevitable result. But, from the opening minutes,..Trump treated this debate as if it was mere exhibition, not battle,..and essentially stayed in the sparring mode,..parrying and countering Clinton's attacks well,..with quick reminders of her destructive agenda that includes unending tax and regulation increases,..and email and server security breaches,..that left our nation vulnerable to our enemies,..and her thirty years of public service,.. that accomplished nothing,..except a collapsed economy,..a weakened military,..and personal profit,..through the fraud and malfeasance of the Clinton Foundation.
Yet, despite effective moments,..Trump, like Ali,..seemed to stay on the defensive,content to allow Clinton to attack unfettered, seemingly curious to test the limits of her strength. Trump understood that to respond and attack aggressively throughout the debate,..would leave Clinton with untapped reserves,..weapons that could be deployed, later debates. Trump knew, he had to test her strength from the start,..and let Hillary fire away,..let her try, take him down,..
The birther and tax return issues were easily deflected,..Hillary surrogate Sidney Blumenthal created the Obama birther conspiracy,..and Trump merely used the existing bankruptcy laws to avoid certain taxes, as any businessman worth his salt would do.
However, the Hillary secret weapon was harder to deflect, and ignore. A Miss Universe contestant from the nineties ,..accusing Trump of "fat shaming" her, and racist comments about her in general,..seemed to take Trump by surprise,..and kept him on the defensive until the end of the debate,where ironically ,..Trump's instinctive sense of chivalry prevented an all out counterattack against Clinton.Trump could have easily crushed her, with the documented abuse Hillary had unleashed upon women who had dared accuse her husband of sexual harrassment,..and rape. It was an easy opening,..Clinton's slow jab,..had left her vulnerable to the Trump overhand right,..but employing the Moore philosophy ,..Trump ignored the opening,..calculating that restraint, the face of Bill and Hillary's daughter Chelsea,..seated in the front row,..would demonstrate the compassion and level headedness that all Commander in Chiefs must have, in order to survive the pressures of the office. In fact,..Along with exposing Hillary's thirty years of failure, and her plans for massive new tax and regulation outrages,..Trump's refusal to throw the KO punch, against a helpless opponent,..out of respect for her daughter,..was perhaps one of Trump's finest moments of the night,
We already knew that Trump has political skill, charisma,..and a powerful stage presence,..but now,..we know he has the empathy,....the heart,..   that defines all Great Leaders.
Did Trump win the debate?Of course,..for there is no debate,..on the issue of Clinton's qualifications to be President.
This isn't a children's game. As Trump pointed out,..
In her thirty years of public service,..Hillary Clinton has accomplished nothing. Nothing.
Clinton and the Democrat Party have done nothing,..except damage this country,..with their never ending agenda of increased taxes and regulations,..a weakened military and police force,..attacks on 2nd Amendment rights,..contempt for our allies in freedom, and appeasement of America's enemies,..attacks on the Judeo-Christian values that are the foundation of our constitution,..and refusal to secure our border against the enemies of freedom.
As Trump stated during the debate;.."You had thirty years to change things, and you did nothing."
So be it.
Two debates remain,..and while Hillary has already unleashed her full salvo,..Trump has yet, to attack in earnest, on email and server security violations, on the Benghazi outrage,..and the crimes of the Clinton Foundation.
Once he does, it's all over.
All pretense of debate details will then, fall away, the face of the grim reality,
The savage truth,..
Hillary Clinton can never win any political debate,..against any Republican opponent,..because her entire political existence is one of lies, corruption,..contempt for our military and allies,..and security breaches in the name of personal monetary profit.
Weigh all this;..against the Trump offences;..
Abrasive comments about women,..,..and failing to release his tax returns,..
Even with two more debates to go;..
The debate is over;..
The battle lines clearly drawn,..and Trump, using the Mongoose strategem;..allowed his opponent to simply destroy herself;..
Self Crucified, her own lies and deceptions,..
Crushed ,..beneath the weight of her own sinister ambitions,..
Now , there comes the counter attack;..the emails,..the sever,..Benghazi,..the Clinton Foundation,..and the exposure of the Miss Universe attack, that of a politically motivated opponent with a criminal past,.
All this,..will seal Hillary's fate.
The debates mean nothing,..because the debate is over,..
This is a fight , for the soul of the nation.
Good versus Evil. Pure and Simple.
The Republican Agenda is one that cuts taxes and regulations , strengthens our military, protects our Second Amendment rights, secures our border, defends our constitution, and our allies in freedom. and will elect conservatives to our Supreme Court,..who will interpret our constitution , as it is written.
Democrats raise taxes and regulations,..on all Americans ,..guaranteed.
Democrats weaken our military,..guaranteed.
Democrats will leave our border unsecured, guaranteed.
Democrats will attack or 2nd Amendment rights,..guaranteed.
Democrats will attack our Judeo-Christian values, and Constitution;..guaranteed.
Democrats will attack our allies in freedom, while appeasing our enemies that seek to destroy us,,..guaranteed.
And,..most importantly,..Democrats will appoint Liberal Supreme Court Justices, that will end our 2nd Amendment right,..the one right,..that protects all others,the right.that makes all freedoms possible,...guaranteed.
Forget all debate pretense.
This is Good versus Evil;..the Eternal Battle;..with the fate of the nation and the world itself,..hanging in the balance,..
Trump has withstood the tempest,..and still remains,..undestroyed.
We the People,..must choose,
Stand with Trump and the Republican Party,..the greatest force for freedom yet devised by man,..or back down, and be damned forever, the children you condemned ;..
To Eternal,..Democrat imposed darkness,...