On the eve of a battle that will determine the fate of America, for decades to come,in this the 21st Century, one question still remains.A question that continues to rip the very fabric of our Free Republic asunder , a question that will , no doubt, be the focus of this, the first debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton , at Hofstra University.
Does racism still exist in America?
Trump and Clinton will, no doubt, have differing opinions..Republicans and Democrats are essentially ,mattter, and anti-mattter;..separated eternally by basic laws of political physics.
But, beyond all politi-speak, here is the truth;..
No, racism does not exist, in this,the Shining City on a Hill.,..this Free Republic , this experiment in self governance called America.
Except,..as a myth,.that is,...kept alive by the Democrat Party ,for the dual purpose of gaining power and profit. The Democrat Party virtually defines the concept of racism in America,because it created racism in America , from its very inception , from its very founding.
When Founding Father Thomas Jefferson put forth on parchment the basic principles of freedom,that would become known as the Declaration of Independence, he ended the concept of racism,..of slavery,..with the very first words set to that document;..
"When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station,to which the laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent Respect to the opinions of Mankind, requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to separation".
"We hold these truths to be self evident, that All Men, Are Created Equal, that they are endowed , by their Creator, with certain inalienable rights , that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness,..that to secure these rights , governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the Consent of the Governed, that, whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends,..it is the right of the People, to alter or abolish it,..and to institute new government ,..laying its Foundation on such principles and organizing its Powers in such form , as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety, and Happiness".
So be it.
And, as it was written, so it was done,..
With one caviat however,..
Among the Founding Thirteen Colonies,..there were members of the First Continental Congress, who refused to sign this document ,and consecrate its authority amongst this army of rebels.They would not sign this document , ..they would not stand with freedom,..against British tyranny,..until Jefferson removed all references to the End of Slavery.
The Birth of Freedom would be be forced , at its inception,into outrageous compromise, of its basic principles,..by the Democratic Party,..the very party, that now claims to be the Champion of the Oppressed.
Slavery would remain intact, untouched amongst the colonies, ..or America's rebellion against English oppression,..would be over, before it had even begun. Slavery would remain an institution in this new Republic, or the Democrats would oppose the rebellion,and ally themselves with England , once again.
There was no turning back .To save the fledgling Republic, Jefferson would agree to remove all anti-slavery rhetoric from his sacred document, delaying the inevitable for another decade,delaying the Emancipation Proclamation of a people, created free,..a proclamation that should have always been there , from the moment Jefferson touched pen to paper.
To find racism , and the scourge of slavery in America, one need look no further than the Democrat Party,..then ironically called,.. Democratic Republicans .
It was they who refused to approve America as a concept, as an experiment in self governance,..unless the oppression of slavery remained,..unless Jim Crow Laws remained,..unless segregation remained,..
It would take the Federalist Party, ..the Party that founded the Constitution,..the Party that would become the Republican Party,..to finally end slavery under the Presidency of Lincoln,..and even then,..the Democrat Party would go to war against its fellow Americans,..to preserve the right to keep their fellow man,in bondage.Yes, racism still exists, slavery still exists,..in America,..but only in the hearts, minds,..and souls,..of the Democrat Party.
They fought a war to keep slavery , and killed the Republican President who freed them. They fought to keep Jim Crow Laws. They fought to keep segregation .They fought to keep the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms ,out of the hands of newly freed African American slaves,.because they knew that a man cannot truly be free,unless he has the right , and the power, to defend that freedom.
That is the root of the Democrat anti-gun agenda that exists even unto this day.It's only true purpose, was to keep freed slaves from having the ability, to defend that freedom, against the Democrats determined to take it away from them,..
Racism does not exist as an American concept.
Slavery does not exist as an American concept.
The Federalists who would become Republicans made sure of that at its inception. It exists only as a well crafted myth, created and promoted , for many decades , by the Democrat Party, in order to secure liberal elitist wealth and power ,..
For the Democrat Party,..
The Party of the Ku Klux Klan,..
The Party that has always fought to end the rebellion of the Continental Congress , the Continental Army,..and return America to rightful British rule,..
With slavery its permanent institution.
The Democrats fight for slavery continues to this day with its push for higher taxes and regulations , a weakened military,.repeal of 2nd Amendment rights, open borders,..and endless entitlements for illegal welfare bums , that are used to expand the Democrat voting base.
All that Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party sought to eliminate ,..
All that Jefferson sought to destroy,..with America's creation,..
The Democrats would still seek to continue now, in a new plantation called ghetto,..in cities controlled by their Party,..Poverty stricken, and crime infested, and controlled by the Democrat Machine for decades ,..
Cities where criminals have guns, and citizens do not,..
Cities where Democrat Unions keep our school children stupid enough and dependent enough,..to keep voting Democrat ,..while simultaneously promoting the Democrat manufactured lie that it is the Republican Party,..that truly symbolizes racism.
This is the reason for increased taxes and regulations that promote welfare dependence .This is the reason for a weakened military that leaves America vulnerable to all enemies,..while keeping Democrats in power.
This is the reason for open borders that leave us vulnerable to our enemies, in exchange for Democrat votes. Cities crumbling under Democrat rule, require taxpayer bailouts, which make Democrat politicians rich.
Cities crumbling under Democrat rule , require endless entitlement programs for welfare recipients,..that always vote Democrat, in order to survive.
Wealth and Power,are the two reasons for all the destruction Democrats have unleashed upon America, from the very moment of its founding.
And, it remains the reason for the Party 's existence even unto this day.
Racism and Slavery were abolished by the Republicans when America was first created,..in order to assure that all men could live free, as God created them,..
And from that beginning , the Democrats fought to keep men slaves, as they had been,..since the dawn of time, in order to keep freedom and power ,and wealth,..in the hands of only those they saw as fit,..to rule other men.
Racism is the myth that the Democrats created ,..that the Democrats promote,..that the Democrats survive by;..
Racism is the myth that the Republicans have always sought to destroy, once and for all.
Democrat unions,..Occupy WallStreet, Black Lives Matter, Ferguson and North Carolina race riots, looting, burnings,.. the destruction of Democrat controlled cities ,..all exist only as tools of the Democrat Party,
The Democrat Machine,..and their ultimate goal is indeed, to keep money and power ,..and our nation itself,..
In the hands of the Democrat Party.
Police are demonized by the Democrats as racist, just as the military has been,.. because both secure freedom and protect liberty, against all enemies. This is not a goal, that benefits the Democrat agenda,..that sees freedom and liberty , as restrictions to their power.
This agenda must be stopped.
And, it can be stopped,by the man chosen by We the People, to represent the Republican Party ,..
The Party of Lincoln,..
The Party of Freedom,..
He stands prepared to do battle in his first debate with his Democrat opponent,..
The Prize?
The Soul of the Nation.
The rules of the debate are set in stone.
There will be no breaks,..no commercial cutaways,..no escape,..no retreat,..for 90 minutes,..the two combatants Trump and Clinton, must engage , with no let or hindrance.
Trump must battle alone,..and all that he has learned, lo these many months , during combat with his fellow Republicans, will now be put into play, in order to win him the ultimate prize,..An America made Great Again,..
In the end, there can be only one winner,..and Trump must unleash all the savagery at his command, to draw blood early, and finish Clinton, in this, the first debate.
To save the Republic, to save the universe itself,..Trump must stand alone, and fight alone,..for ninety minutes,..against a master of deception,.. malfeasance, and political trickery,..
But it is the just cause he fights for,..that will enable him to endure, and in the end,..prevail,..The just cause , and the fact that his fight is backed by the will of We the People, who chose him, out of seventeen formidable contenders,..as our Champion.
Yes, Trump may have to fight alone tomorrow night,..
But he does not stand alone,..
For now a newly united Republican Party stands with him,
His team of Pence, Gingrich, Carson, Phares, Gorka, Sessions, Clarke, Flynn, and yes,..now finally,..Cruz as well,..stand with him,..united as conservative brothers,..for a worthy cause,..against a common foe.
Separately,..all these men are formidable opponents indeed,..
Together,..they are invincible,..for they are the truth ,..
They are conservatism,..personified.
And they will stand, or fall , as one army,..united , in the cause of freedom, in the truth of conservatism.
Against such an army, united under one God, one nation, one constitution,..
How can Clinton , the Democrats,..or the myth of racism,..endure?
For, these brothers in arms know the truth.
There is only one race;..The Human Race,..
Made in God's own image,..its great purpose ,..its true potential,..yet to be realized.
Tomorrow night, a man called Trump will stand ,..poised to do battle on the edge of the abyss,..
One man,..stands against all ,.... , with the fate of the universe, hanging in the balance,..
But this time,..by all the gods,...
He will not stand alone,..
Monday, September 26, 2016
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
"The Master Sinister!!"
Donald J.Trump;
Master Builder,..
Master Showman,..
Master Self-Promoter,..Master trickster,..
Master Manipulator,..
And now,..seemingly,..Master of Politics as well.
For almost two years now, from the Republican Primary Season , to the Main Election Campaign,..Trump has ,beyond a shadow of a doubt,proven himself to be an almost instinctive master of what Rudyard Kipling called, "The Great Game".He took on sixteen experienced Republican politicians,and, as an untutored amateur with no Republican credentials to speak of, nevertheless defeated all rather handily ,with only conservative icon Ted Cruz even coming close to offering a challenge. And now, after an uneven start against Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton,he has steadily gained in the polls, even overtaking Clinton in key states such as Ohio , Florida, and North Carolina. And, this has all transpired, before the candidates have even met on the battlefield of the first debate.
There was, however, a portent of things to come, in an off the cuff Townhall debate,on National Security, hosted by Matt Lauer. Trump easily defeated Clinton.He was poised ,Presidential, and yes, suddenly knowledgeable on the subject,fielding Lauer's attacks and audience questions with ease,..while Clinton could only fumble with Lauer for answers on the issue of Benghazi. An issue that will not go away, and an issue that will, no doubt,be a key to the inevitable Trump victory. After all, how can this woman be President, if she failed to protect an American Embassy, during a time of war, on the Anniversary of 9-11? Forget email and private server deceptions and treasons,....600 times Libyan Ambassador Chris Stevens requested additional security from Clinton's Statehouse ,as the anniversary of 911 approached in 2012,..and 600 times ,..his request was ignored.The result? A scorched Embassy,..and four dead heroes,..men who dared to stand alone against the forces of evil,..the forces of AlQueda,..even as their nation abandoned them, in the name of political expediency.
President Obama had to be re-elected ,..and therefore Al Queda needed to appear defeated,..and all terror attacks during the campaign season, had to be deflected, and ignored.And so it was with Benghazi.But, the ghosts of fallen heroes would not be silent.They cry out ;..let no one contemptuous of our nation, our military,...our America,..wear the crown of Commander in Chief. Even now, in the wake of three new domestic terror attacks , in New York, New Jersey, and Minnesota,..and the Presidency hanging in the balance,..Clinton still cannot bring herself to denounce Radical Islam,..or even admit that it exists.Nor will she formally endorse our Police,.even.refusing to even meet with them. This is why the Democrats must always lose in the end.Their hatred of America,..will always Trump,..their hatred of its enemies.
And Trump,ever mindful of the Clinton failings and vulnerabilities, took full advantage ,..refusing to wait for debates,..or political attack ads,..to make his point. Trump, like a master chessman,..would take his message directly to the people,using his greatest weapon,..his innate ability to connect with the common man,..to full advantage.Indeed,..after the brief Democrat Convention bounce in the polls for Clinton, Trump went to work like a machine,tirelessly ,..relentlessly moving from one capacity filled rally after another,..crisscrossing the country,..appearing on every news outlet,..touring flood ravaged Louisiana,..meeting with black leaders in Michigan,..meeting with the Mexican President,..in Mexico itself,....shifting then to Arizona to confirm his border wall agenda,..and Mexico's obligation,..to fund it.
He was poised, statesmen-like,..Presidential,..and focused on policy ,..both domestic and foreign.Yet, through it all, he still remained Trump the trickster,..the Huck Finn of politics,..who never misses an opportunity to tweak his enemies ,..to distract,..to misdirect,..all toward one end,..to keep the media focus,..always on him.
The media is the message,..and the message is Trump. Always. And, ultimately, the Trump machine's adherence to this strategem virtually assures his victory. No politician,..including Reagan,..has ever used the media more effectively .Only P.T.Barnum could even come close to Trump in bombastic self -promotion.And, like with Barnum, the press will do anything to keep Trump in their daily news feed,..even to the point,..of electing him President.
Trump's latest manipulation of them showcases his skill once more, and virtually confirms the media's addiction to his showman antics.
Trump announced a press conference that would finally ,..once and for all,..put to rest the issue of the Obama birther conspiracy.Trump promised that his announcement would be a shocker,..and that he would answer all questions ,.but,..would not reveal anything,..until the actual conference,..in order to "build suspense".
Then came the announcement,....Standing before a breathless, mesmerized press,..Trump spent the next half hour parading a series of Generals onstage,..all men who were backing him for President. Then,..in the last few minutes of the conference,..Trump simply stated that Obama was a citizen of the United States,..and that the birther conspiracy ,..started by the Hillary Clinton campaign,..had finally been ended,..and put to rest,..once and for all,..by him. Trump took no questions,..and simply walked off the stage.
The aftermath?
The press was collectively enraged at this obvious trick,..Trump received more free publicity,..while justly blaming Hillary for the entire birther conspiracy. And all the while,..Trump's poll numbers,..continued to climb,..ever higher,..even as Clinton's scandals,. and mysterious health issues continued to grow as well.
A seeming miracle,..had come to pass,..
Trump seemed to no longer be campaigning for President.Instead , he seemed to have simply assumed the role, assigning Clinton the secondary role of willing foil,..and health impaired sparring partner.
Indeed. While Clinton sought to explain email security breaches with concussion related memory loss,..and sudden pneumonia manifestations,..Trump had simply seized the Presidency for his own.
Why battle for a crown,..that is there for the taking,..that has already been won,..by an overwhelming political blitzkrieg of conservative words and deeds?Trump was now the President,..and Hillary was once again defeated,.by another charismatic amateur , whose ability to connect with We the People,..cannot be denied.
And, more than mere Obama like charisma,..Trump has another weapon as well,..the weapon of conservatism,..the weapon of truth,..that when properly articulated and aggressively promoted,..cannot be defeated,..ever.
Trump ,..the quintessential political outsider and amateur,..has nevertheless shown remarkable skill and savvy in political strategem,..and, in the space of a few short years,..has effectively reversed their roles between himself and Clinton. The student has truly become the master,..well before the first debate,..a debate that now seems more ceremonial artifice,..than actual political contest.
A Consecration of a King,..already crowned,..
A Throne already conquered,..
A Kingdom already made Great Again,..
By the newly resurrected We the People,..the true rulers of this nation,..that have finally found their voice , their will , and their resolve again,..
Embodied in one man ,..
One singular entity,..
The one constant ,in an ever changing universe,..
Forget #NeverTrump,..
For #NeverTrump ,..means always Hillary,..
Always Democrat,..
And the destruction of the Free Republic,..
Called America,..
The Death of all Dreams,..
And the end of all hope,..
For our children,..and their future.
Against all this,..stands one man -child,..Trump.
To see the man,..you need only look at the mission,..and the conservative team of Pence, Gingrich, Guiliani, Phares, Gorka, Sessions,Clarke, Carson,..who will carry out that mission,..
Tax and regulation cuts for all Americans,..
A strong support for our military,..
An aggressive war on the terror forces of ISIS,..
Strong support for our 2nd Amendment right,..the right that makes all others ,..possible.
Strong support for our Judeo-Christian values,..that are the rock, upon which our constitution was built,.
Strong support for Israel,..and all Allies in Freedom and Liberty,..
Strong support for a secure border,..a secure , and safe nation,..
And,..most importantly,..of all, ..a relentless determination to appoint the conservative Supreme Court Justices, that will unwaiveringly protect and defend the constitution,..against all tyrants dictators or despots,..against all enemies of freedom,..who seek to alter it.
This is the essence of the man called Trump.
Master Builder,..
Master Showman,..
Master Promoter,..
Master Conservative,.,.
And now,..Master of the Great Game itself.
To his determined enemies , however,..Master Sinister,.. would be more appropriate,..
Even Trump's newly released health records inspire fear in the left. Trump now seems to be all but indestructible ,..not just politically,..but physically as well,..
Against such a being,..
How can any Democrat ,..long endure?
But,..despite all failing polls and failing health as well,..
Hillary and her Democrat conspirators will not simply go quietly into their good night,..
And accept inevitable defeat.
They will, until November 8th,..use every trick,..every plot,..every deception,..within the Democrat Machine's playbook,..to bring Trump down and complete the Democrat mission ;..
The destruction of America.
Can Trump win?
Can this eternal sophomore,..this vain,..childish,..blustering ,..self -absorbed,..self-promoting,..Barnum-like braggart,..
Really beat Hillary Clinton,..and the Democrat Machine?
Yeah,....he can beat "em,.....
He's the best there is,....
Master Builder,..
Master Showman,..
Master Self-Promoter,..Master trickster,..
Master Manipulator,..
And now,..seemingly,..Master of Politics as well.
For almost two years now, from the Republican Primary Season , to the Main Election Campaign,..Trump has ,beyond a shadow of a doubt,proven himself to be an almost instinctive master of what Rudyard Kipling called, "The Great Game".He took on sixteen experienced Republican politicians,and, as an untutored amateur with no Republican credentials to speak of, nevertheless defeated all rather handily ,with only conservative icon Ted Cruz even coming close to offering a challenge. And now, after an uneven start against Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton,he has steadily gained in the polls, even overtaking Clinton in key states such as Ohio , Florida, and North Carolina. And, this has all transpired, before the candidates have even met on the battlefield of the first debate.
There was, however, a portent of things to come, in an off the cuff Townhall debate,on National Security, hosted by Matt Lauer. Trump easily defeated Clinton.He was poised ,Presidential, and yes, suddenly knowledgeable on the subject,fielding Lauer's attacks and audience questions with ease,..while Clinton could only fumble with Lauer for answers on the issue of Benghazi. An issue that will not go away, and an issue that will, no doubt,be a key to the inevitable Trump victory. After all, how can this woman be President, if she failed to protect an American Embassy, during a time of war, on the Anniversary of 9-11? Forget email and private server deceptions and treasons,....600 times Libyan Ambassador Chris Stevens requested additional security from Clinton's Statehouse ,as the anniversary of 911 approached in 2012,..and 600 times ,..his request was ignored.The result? A scorched Embassy,..and four dead heroes,..men who dared to stand alone against the forces of evil,..the forces of AlQueda,..even as their nation abandoned them, in the name of political expediency.
President Obama had to be re-elected ,..and therefore Al Queda needed to appear defeated,..and all terror attacks during the campaign season, had to be deflected, and ignored.And so it was with Benghazi.But, the ghosts of fallen heroes would not be silent.They cry out ;..let no one contemptuous of our nation, our military,...our America,..wear the crown of Commander in Chief. Even now, in the wake of three new domestic terror attacks , in New York, New Jersey, and Minnesota,..and the Presidency hanging in the balance,..Clinton still cannot bring herself to denounce Radical Islam,..or even admit that it exists.Nor will she formally endorse our Police,.even.refusing to even meet with them. This is why the Democrats must always lose in the end.Their hatred of America,..will always Trump,..their hatred of its enemies.
And Trump,ever mindful of the Clinton failings and vulnerabilities, took full advantage ,..refusing to wait for debates,..or political attack ads,..to make his point. Trump, like a master chessman,..would take his message directly to the people,using his greatest weapon,..his innate ability to connect with the common man,..to full advantage.Indeed,..after the brief Democrat Convention bounce in the polls for Clinton, Trump went to work like a machine,tirelessly ,..relentlessly moving from one capacity filled rally after another,..crisscrossing the country,..appearing on every news outlet,..touring flood ravaged Louisiana,..meeting with black leaders in Michigan,..meeting with the Mexican President,..in Mexico itself,....shifting then to Arizona to confirm his border wall agenda,..and Mexico's obligation,..to fund it.
He was poised, statesmen-like,..Presidential,..and focused on policy ,..both domestic and foreign.Yet, through it all, he still remained Trump the trickster,..the Huck Finn of politics,..who never misses an opportunity to tweak his enemies ,..to distract,..to misdirect,..all toward one end,..to keep the media focus,..always on him.
The media is the message,..and the message is Trump. Always. And, ultimately, the Trump machine's adherence to this strategem virtually assures his victory. No politician,..including Reagan,..has ever used the media more effectively .Only P.T.Barnum could even come close to Trump in bombastic self -promotion.And, like with Barnum, the press will do anything to keep Trump in their daily news feed,..even to the point,..of electing him President.
Trump's latest manipulation of them showcases his skill once more, and virtually confirms the media's addiction to his showman antics.
Trump announced a press conference that would finally ,..once and for all,..put to rest the issue of the Obama birther conspiracy.Trump promised that his announcement would be a shocker,..and that he would answer all questions ,.but,..would not reveal anything,..until the actual conference,..in order to "build suspense".
Then came the announcement,....Standing before a breathless, mesmerized press,..Trump spent the next half hour parading a series of Generals onstage,..all men who were backing him for President. Then,..in the last few minutes of the conference,..Trump simply stated that Obama was a citizen of the United States,..and that the birther conspiracy ,..started by the Hillary Clinton campaign,..had finally been ended,..and put to rest,..once and for all,..by him. Trump took no questions,..and simply walked off the stage.
The aftermath?
The press was collectively enraged at this obvious trick,..Trump received more free publicity,..while justly blaming Hillary for the entire birther conspiracy. And all the while,..Trump's poll numbers,..continued to climb,..ever higher,..even as Clinton's scandals,. and mysterious health issues continued to grow as well.
A seeming miracle,..had come to pass,..
Trump seemed to no longer be campaigning for President.Instead , he seemed to have simply assumed the role, assigning Clinton the secondary role of willing foil,..and health impaired sparring partner.
Indeed. While Clinton sought to explain email security breaches with concussion related memory loss,..and sudden pneumonia manifestations,..Trump had simply seized the Presidency for his own.
Why battle for a crown,..that is there for the taking,..that has already been won,..by an overwhelming political blitzkrieg of conservative words and deeds?Trump was now the President,..and Hillary was once again defeated,.by another charismatic amateur , whose ability to connect with We the People,..cannot be denied.
And, more than mere Obama like charisma,..Trump has another weapon as well,..the weapon of conservatism,..the weapon of truth,..that when properly articulated and aggressively promoted,..cannot be defeated,..ever.
Trump ,..the quintessential political outsider and amateur,..has nevertheless shown remarkable skill and savvy in political strategem,..and, in the space of a few short years,..has effectively reversed their roles between himself and Clinton. The student has truly become the master,..well before the first debate,..a debate that now seems more ceremonial artifice,..than actual political contest.
A Consecration of a King,..already crowned,..
A Throne already conquered,..
A Kingdom already made Great Again,..
By the newly resurrected We the People,..the true rulers of this nation,..that have finally found their voice , their will , and their resolve again,..
Embodied in one man ,..
One singular entity,..
The one constant ,in an ever changing universe,..
Forget #NeverTrump,..
For #NeverTrump ,..means always Hillary,..
Always Democrat,..
And the destruction of the Free Republic,..
Called America,..
The Death of all Dreams,..
And the end of all hope,..
For our children,..and their future.
Against all this,..stands one man -child,..Trump.
To see the man,..you need only look at the mission,..and the conservative team of Pence, Gingrich, Guiliani, Phares, Gorka, Sessions,Clarke, Carson,..who will carry out that mission,..
Tax and regulation cuts for all Americans,..
A strong support for our military,..
An aggressive war on the terror forces of ISIS,..
Strong support for our 2nd Amendment right,..the right that makes all others ,..possible.
Strong support for our Judeo-Christian values,..that are the rock, upon which our constitution was built,.
Strong support for Israel,..and all Allies in Freedom and Liberty,..
Strong support for a secure border,..a secure , and safe nation,..
And,..most importantly,..of all, ..a relentless determination to appoint the conservative Supreme Court Justices, that will unwaiveringly protect and defend the constitution,..against all tyrants dictators or despots,..against all enemies of freedom,..who seek to alter it.
This is the essence of the man called Trump.
Master Builder,..
Master Showman,..
Master Promoter,..
Master Conservative,.,.
And now,..Master of the Great Game itself.
To his determined enemies , however,..Master Sinister,.. would be more appropriate,..
Even Trump's newly released health records inspire fear in the left. Trump now seems to be all but indestructible ,..not just politically,..but physically as well,..
Against such a being,..
How can any Democrat ,..long endure?
But,..despite all failing polls and failing health as well,..
Hillary and her Democrat conspirators will not simply go quietly into their good night,..
And accept inevitable defeat.
They will, until November 8th,..use every trick,..every plot,..every deception,..within the Democrat Machine's playbook,..to bring Trump down and complete the Democrat mission ;..
The destruction of America.
Can Trump win?
Can this eternal sophomore,..this vain,..childish,..blustering ,..self -absorbed,..self-promoting,..Barnum-like braggart,..
Really beat Hillary Clinton,..and the Democrat Machine?
Yeah,....he can beat "em,.....
He's the best there is,....
Sunday, September 11, 2016
"I am as constant as the Northern Star",..declared Julius Caesar, before the treacherous daggers of Senatorial Conspirators would lay waste to his claim.
Or, did they? Did Caesar speak of himself, or of his legacy of tyranny,that would indeed remain constant for decades, until another Caesar,. by the name of Constantine,. would make Christianity the one true faith of the Empire , thereby sowing the seeds that would save mankind from itself.
Emperor Constantine,alone among the hundreds of despots before him, would see the truth in Christ's message,and slowly, but surely,make that message a part of his rule. ,..of Rome,..and of the world. For, was not the world , at this time,..Rome personified? Did not the world follow where it lead?
But now, in this the 21st Century,...a new Caesar has arisen in the form of Barack Hussein Obama , who wouldst see this nation;... based on the same Christ doctrine that Constantine's Rome had embraced ,..turn back to the days of tyranny and despotism,..a tradition of Empirical rule that Julius Caesar did personify. Indeed,..eight years of Obama-Democrat destruction imposed on this Shining City,..have moved it ever closer to the decadence,..the despotism,.. that was Rome. A third world socialist system of government,..a system where the ruling elite control all markets,..all citizens,..suppress all freedoms,..destroy all hope ,..all dreams,..and embrace the disease,..the poverty,..the dismal despair,..that is the only legacy of Socialism,..of Marxism,..of Communism.
Yes,Obama ,..after eight years ,..has indeed moved America closer to the day when this mad vision wouldst become reality.And now, in the last months of his Presidency, Obama would take steps to insure his legacy would remain, would endure, would become the only future for America. To this end, he has campaigned hard for his former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, even to the point of allowing her to use Air Force One on the campaign trail, while standing beside her,..defending her against all scandals all malfeasance,..all security breaches,all email server and Clinton Foundation outrages, that have weakened our nation, in the eyes of our enemies.
Make no mistake, Hillary Clinton is Obama .His Legacy is her Legacy.Her Presidency would indeed be the third term of Obama All that he is,..she will be.In truth,..Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton,..are the left and right hand,..of the same Marxist body.
Cast aside all doubt,..what Obama has begun,..Hillary will finish,..
Sealing the fate of America, for all time.
To a Free Republic, to a nation based on the Judeo-Christian principles of self government,the very concept of a Hillary Clinton Presidency is an unthinkable abomination that must never become reality, if the nation,and the world itself,..is to survive.
There is but one, viable solution,..one way to prevent the Obama Legacy from becoming as constant,..as Caesar's Northern Star,..
Donald J.Trump and the Republican Party,must achieve sweeping, overwhelming,and permanent victory in November. To prevent the fall of this,..the New Rome,..Trump must become President.
But, can he do it? For weeks after the Democrat Convention in Philadelphia, Trump committed gaffe after gaffe,..driving his poll numbers ever lower, making the concept of another Clinton Presidency,..seemingly inevitable,..all that remained,..was the coronation itself,..
Trump's lack of focus and inability to articulate and maintain a consistent policy agenda, would seem to be his ever present Achilles Heel,that would insure defeat.
It started right after the Democrat convention, when Trump allowed himself to be baited by a Sharia Law embracing, Gold Star Family,that ironically challenged Trump's knowledge of the Constitution itself. Trump responded to the attack, as he does to all attacks,and his poll numbers continued to fall,..
The truth is,..this is no longer the Republican Primary. This is the main election campaign,and the liberal media will do whatever is necessary to manipulate polls ,..just enough,..to convince Trump supporters that the game is over,..and a Hillary victory,..already assured.
Forget poll numbers. Forget perceived Trump gaffes and look at the evidence of cold , hard reality. Trump rallies continue to break all attendance records, in every part of the country,..while Hillary has been all but invisible,..her campaign trail,..all but non-existent.Going nearly 300 days since her last press conference,Hillary was in hiding , no doubt calculating that the focus must remain on attacking Trump, since her own deplorable record of scandal and pay for play security breaches can only hurt her chances , if fully addressed,..before a raw, unvetted gathering of reporters.
Target Trump's instability and perceived racism , especially on border issues, and the game , set,..and match,..are hers.
Meanwhile, Trump will play right into this media augmented trap,by responding to all attacks against him, real or imagined,..in petty ,childish ways,...while refusing to focus his attacks on the Clinton record itself.
The flaw in this strategem?
Trump has changed,..the rules of the game.
Indeed, Trump has decided that his unorthodox approach to politics requires no fine tuning,..and must instead,.. once again,..move into uncharted waters.That is, after all,..the root of Trump's genius. After all, what is genius, except that which is balanced,...on the edge of impossibility?
Indeed,..why run for the Presidency,..when ,..with brazen audacity,..he could simply,..take the Presidency?
In truth,..usurping a crown, from a failing King,..is not a new concept .History is replete with examples,..
But,..who would dare do it,..within the confines of a Free Republic?
Trump would dare, and for weeks now, he has,..in effect,.. ceased to run for President .Trump has, in reality,..suspended his Presidential campaign,....and has simply ,..
Become the President.
His speeches have been Reaganesque in soaring, Patriotic, detailed conservative content.His conservative Republican agenda becoming clearly defined, not only by his rhetoric, but by the conservative team of advisors he has assembled about him, lo these many months. Tax and regulation cuts, a strong military,a secure border, and support for Second Amendment rights, are the core principles of his agenda.And, despite Democrat attempts to portray that agenda as mercurial,.. ever changing ,..it has, in reality,..remained constant and and detail oriented during the main election campaign, even as the Clinton scandals continue to be exposed to the light of day.The latest revelations , in fact, have virtually assured the defeat of Clinton by Trump. After all, how can a woman who has shared American intelligence with our terror enemies for profit,..entertain any notion of being Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces?How can a woman whose very assistant is tied to the Muslim Brotherhood and Sharia Law,ever be Leader of the Free World?How can a woman, who now claims she cannot remember even receiving security briefings as Secretary of State, due to a concussion,..possibly be trusted with the fate of the Shining City?And,finally,....how can a woman who let military heroes die in Benghazi,on the Anniversary of 911,...who was beaten easily by Trump in a Matt Lauer Townhall on National Security..., and who callously dismissed Trump supporters as almost subhuman,..possibly possess the strength, resolve,.. intelligence,..and sound,measured judgement,.. . to lead our nation against our terror enemies during a time of war?
Answer;..She cannot.
In fact, the very moment that Hillary Clinton admitted that she could not remember critical security meetings ,possibly due to a head injury,....she, in effect,..had conceded the election to Trump. After all, should the nuclear codes be entrusted to a woman who simply cannot remember receiving instructions that must be followed,..if the world is to endure?
Her admission of memory lapse,,..due to declining health,..is ,..in effect,..an admission of defeat ,...
And Checkmate as well,..
To Trump.
There can be no other way to interpret her using a brain injury,..of all things,..as an excuse for her incompetence and malfeasance.
And Trump, his political instincts finely honed by a years worth of Primary battle ,..saw the opportunity ,..and seized upon it.
Trump now,is no longer running for President.
Trump has now seized the Crown, ..
Usurped the Vacant Throne,..
And become the President.
It started in Louisiana.After several strong conservative policy speeches before capacity crowds,..Trump traveled to flood ravaged Louisiana , banning all press and photo-ops,..and, along with VP pick, Mike Pence, proceeded to unload trucks, comfort the homeless, clear debris, and hand out much needed water and food. All attempts to interview him were met with the simple refrain,"I'm just here to help."
And, so he did,..like a President,..while Obama and Hillary were conspicuous in their absence. There were more conservative policy speeches, more attacks on the criminal record of Hillary,..more massive rally turnouts,..all across the nation.
Trump journeyed to Mexico, to meet with its President,..then brazenly journeyed to Arizona,and made it clear,..to the capacity crowd,..the Wall will be built,..and Mexico,.one way or another,...will indeed pay for it.
Trump journeyed to Detroit,..and,along with advisor Ben Carson, met with black families suffering under decades of Democrat rule in their state, and explained again,..the Republican Party ties to freedom, to civil rights, to the end of slavery,..and the Democrat ties to defending slavery, to Jim Crow laws, to the Ku Klux Klan. Lincoln freed the slaves, and, by so doing,..created the Republican Party. What other Republican Presidential candidate,..had ever dared bring this message of brutal truth,..directly to black communities?
What other Republican candidate had stood face to face with African Americans, and told them that decades of Democrat rule had destroyed their towns and cities, and left them in poverty and despair?
The message was clear;..
Trump and the Republican Party, will change all this, guaranteed.,..
And,..you have nothing to lose,..by letting him try.
Trump advisor Newt Gingrich's campaign prophecy may become reality;..
Trump may, in fact, receive more African American votes,..than any Republican in History.
And, all the while, the polls continue to close ,..and grow ever tighter,as Trump continues to spread the message of conservatism , the message of truth,..across the nation ,on his campaign trail. And again, the false and malevolent pretender to the throne,..
Remains absent by comparison.
Trump will not wait until November .Trump has seized the Presidency, deposed the false gods of the New Rome, and returned the nation's rule to We the People.
The Northern Star has fallen,..
The days of Tyrants, Emperors, and Pretended Glories ,..over,..
And the Heroes of September 11th, cry out, from their twisted metal tomb,..
The King is Dead,....
Long Live,..the Usurper!!!
Or, did they? Did Caesar speak of himself, or of his legacy of tyranny,that would indeed remain constant for decades, until another Caesar,. by the name of Constantine,. would make Christianity the one true faith of the Empire , thereby sowing the seeds that would save mankind from itself.
Emperor Constantine,alone among the hundreds of despots before him, would see the truth in Christ's message,and slowly, but surely,make that message a part of his rule. ,..of Rome,..and of the world. For, was not the world , at this time,..Rome personified? Did not the world follow where it lead?
But now, in this the 21st Century,...a new Caesar has arisen in the form of Barack Hussein Obama , who wouldst see this nation;... based on the same Christ doctrine that Constantine's Rome had embraced ,..turn back to the days of tyranny and despotism,..a tradition of Empirical rule that Julius Caesar did personify. Indeed,..eight years of Obama-Democrat destruction imposed on this Shining City,..have moved it ever closer to the decadence,..the despotism,.. that was Rome. A third world socialist system of government,..a system where the ruling elite control all markets,..all citizens,..suppress all freedoms,..destroy all hope ,..all dreams,..and embrace the disease,..the poverty,..the dismal despair,..that is the only legacy of Socialism,..of Marxism,..of Communism.
Yes,Obama ,..after eight years ,..has indeed moved America closer to the day when this mad vision wouldst become reality.And now, in the last months of his Presidency, Obama would take steps to insure his legacy would remain, would endure, would become the only future for America. To this end, he has campaigned hard for his former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, even to the point of allowing her to use Air Force One on the campaign trail, while standing beside her,..defending her against all scandals all malfeasance,..all security breaches,all email server and Clinton Foundation outrages, that have weakened our nation, in the eyes of our enemies.
Make no mistake, Hillary Clinton is Obama .His Legacy is her Legacy.Her Presidency would indeed be the third term of Obama All that he is,..she will be.In truth,..Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton,..are the left and right hand,..of the same Marxist body.
Cast aside all doubt,..what Obama has begun,..Hillary will finish,..
Sealing the fate of America, for all time.
To a Free Republic, to a nation based on the Judeo-Christian principles of self government,the very concept of a Hillary Clinton Presidency is an unthinkable abomination that must never become reality, if the nation,and the world itself,..is to survive.
There is but one, viable solution,..one way to prevent the Obama Legacy from becoming as constant,..as Caesar's Northern Star,..
Donald J.Trump and the Republican Party,must achieve sweeping, overwhelming,and permanent victory in November. To prevent the fall of this,..the New Rome,..Trump must become President.
But, can he do it? For weeks after the Democrat Convention in Philadelphia, Trump committed gaffe after gaffe,..driving his poll numbers ever lower, making the concept of another Clinton Presidency,..seemingly inevitable,..all that remained,..was the coronation itself,..
Trump's lack of focus and inability to articulate and maintain a consistent policy agenda, would seem to be his ever present Achilles Heel,that would insure defeat.
It started right after the Democrat convention, when Trump allowed himself to be baited by a Sharia Law embracing, Gold Star Family,that ironically challenged Trump's knowledge of the Constitution itself. Trump responded to the attack, as he does to all attacks,and his poll numbers continued to fall,..
The truth is,..this is no longer the Republican Primary. This is the main election campaign,and the liberal media will do whatever is necessary to manipulate polls ,..just enough,..to convince Trump supporters that the game is over,..and a Hillary victory,..already assured.
Forget poll numbers. Forget perceived Trump gaffes and look at the evidence of cold , hard reality. Trump rallies continue to break all attendance records, in every part of the country,..while Hillary has been all but invisible,..her campaign trail,..all but non-existent.Going nearly 300 days since her last press conference,Hillary was in hiding , no doubt calculating that the focus must remain on attacking Trump, since her own deplorable record of scandal and pay for play security breaches can only hurt her chances , if fully addressed,..before a raw, unvetted gathering of reporters.
Target Trump's instability and perceived racism , especially on border issues, and the game , set,..and match,..are hers.
Meanwhile, Trump will play right into this media augmented trap,by responding to all attacks against him, real or imagined,..in petty ,childish ways,...while refusing to focus his attacks on the Clinton record itself.
The flaw in this strategem?
Trump has changed,..the rules of the game.
Indeed, Trump has decided that his unorthodox approach to politics requires no fine tuning,..and must instead,.. once again,..move into uncharted waters.That is, after all,..the root of Trump's genius. After all, what is genius, except that which is balanced,...on the edge of impossibility?
Indeed,..why run for the Presidency,..when ,..with brazen audacity,..he could simply,..take the Presidency?
In truth,..usurping a crown, from a failing King,..is not a new concept .History is replete with examples,..
But,..who would dare do it,..within the confines of a Free Republic?
Trump would dare, and for weeks now, he has,..in effect,.. ceased to run for President .Trump has, in reality,..suspended his Presidential campaign,....and has simply ,..
Become the President.
His speeches have been Reaganesque in soaring, Patriotic, detailed conservative content.His conservative Republican agenda becoming clearly defined, not only by his rhetoric, but by the conservative team of advisors he has assembled about him, lo these many months. Tax and regulation cuts, a strong military,a secure border, and support for Second Amendment rights, are the core principles of his agenda.And, despite Democrat attempts to portray that agenda as mercurial,.. ever changing ,..it has, in reality,..remained constant and and detail oriented during the main election campaign, even as the Clinton scandals continue to be exposed to the light of day.The latest revelations , in fact, have virtually assured the defeat of Clinton by Trump. After all, how can a woman who has shared American intelligence with our terror enemies for profit,..entertain any notion of being Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces?How can a woman whose very assistant is tied to the Muslim Brotherhood and Sharia Law,ever be Leader of the Free World?How can a woman, who now claims she cannot remember even receiving security briefings as Secretary of State, due to a concussion,..possibly be trusted with the fate of the Shining City?And,finally,....how can a woman who let military heroes die in Benghazi,on the Anniversary of 911,...who was beaten easily by Trump in a Matt Lauer Townhall on National Security..., and who callously dismissed Trump supporters as almost subhuman,..possibly possess the strength, resolve,.. intelligence,..and sound,measured judgement,.. . to lead our nation against our terror enemies during a time of war?
Answer;..She cannot.
In fact, the very moment that Hillary Clinton admitted that she could not remember critical security meetings ,possibly due to a head injury,....she, in effect,..had conceded the election to Trump. After all, should the nuclear codes be entrusted to a woman who simply cannot remember receiving instructions that must be followed,..if the world is to endure?
Her admission of memory lapse,,..due to declining health,..is ,..in effect,..an admission of defeat ,...
And Checkmate as well,..
To Trump.
There can be no other way to interpret her using a brain injury,..of all things,..as an excuse for her incompetence and malfeasance.
And Trump, his political instincts finely honed by a years worth of Primary battle ,..saw the opportunity ,..and seized upon it.
Trump now,is no longer running for President.
Trump has now seized the Crown, ..
Usurped the Vacant Throne,..
And become the President.
It started in Louisiana.After several strong conservative policy speeches before capacity crowds,..Trump traveled to flood ravaged Louisiana , banning all press and photo-ops,..and, along with VP pick, Mike Pence, proceeded to unload trucks, comfort the homeless, clear debris, and hand out much needed water and food. All attempts to interview him were met with the simple refrain,"I'm just here to help."
And, so he did,..like a President,..while Obama and Hillary were conspicuous in their absence. There were more conservative policy speeches, more attacks on the criminal record of Hillary,..more massive rally turnouts,..all across the nation.
Trump journeyed to Mexico, to meet with its President,..then brazenly journeyed to Arizona,and made it clear,..to the capacity crowd,..the Wall will be built,..and Mexico,.one way or another,...will indeed pay for it.
Trump journeyed to Detroit,..and,along with advisor Ben Carson, met with black families suffering under decades of Democrat rule in their state, and explained again,..the Republican Party ties to freedom, to civil rights, to the end of slavery,..and the Democrat ties to defending slavery, to Jim Crow laws, to the Ku Klux Klan. Lincoln freed the slaves, and, by so doing,..created the Republican Party. What other Republican Presidential candidate,..had ever dared bring this message of brutal truth,..directly to black communities?
What other Republican candidate had stood face to face with African Americans, and told them that decades of Democrat rule had destroyed their towns and cities, and left them in poverty and despair?
The message was clear;..
Trump and the Republican Party, will change all this, guaranteed.,..
And,..you have nothing to lose,..by letting him try.
Trump advisor Newt Gingrich's campaign prophecy may become reality;..
Trump may, in fact, receive more African American votes,..than any Republican in History.
And, all the while, the polls continue to close ,..and grow ever tighter,as Trump continues to spread the message of conservatism , the message of truth,..across the nation ,on his campaign trail. And again, the false and malevolent pretender to the throne,..
Remains absent by comparison.
Trump will not wait until November .Trump has seized the Presidency, deposed the false gods of the New Rome, and returned the nation's rule to We the People.
The Northern Star has fallen,..
The days of Tyrants, Emperors, and Pretended Glories ,..over,..
And the Heroes of September 11th, cry out, from their twisted metal tomb,..
The King is Dead,....
Long Live,..the Usurper!!!
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