In the Star Trek Universe, there is a test that all Starfleet cadets must undergo, before graduating.The test is called the Kobayashi Maru. It is a computer simulated attack scenario on a Starship that the cadet commands.It is a command decision test that ,seemingly,leaves no path to victory.A no win situation.Every cadet fails the test,except one.Cadet James T.Kirk.He beats the "no win scenario",by simply refusing to accept the premise.By refusing to lose.By rejecting the rules of the game,by rejecting the concept of the "no win scenario",and finding a way to win.
The Washington delegate tally is in, and Donald J.Trump ,Presidential candidate and presumptive nominee,has now reached the necessary delegate count to secure the nomination, with a handful to spare,and there are still several states yet to be tallied.Make no mistake about it, Donald Trump is now the Republican nominee.He is the Republican candidate who will face off against either Hillary Clinton, or Bernie Sanders, to win the Presidency, and shape America's destiny.
Forget #NeverTrump. #NeverTrump means always Democrat, and that is an unacceptable outcome. No matter the flaws and many failings of the Democrat Double Agent called Trump, victory must be secured for him in November,if our Free Republic is to survive. Most assuredly,Trump must be vetted aggressively,as he has been,thus far, by conservative Republicans. The man's grasp of reality, and conservatism, for that matter, is tenuous, to say the least. But, he has put forth 11 solid Supreme Court picks, a workable ,Jeff Sessions crafted tax plan,and seemingly stands behind the NRA,and our Second Amendment rights. For the moment anyway.
However,Trump's forty year past support of the destructive Democrat Agenda cannot be overlooked, and it won't be. It is the job of every Conservative Republican to hold the Republican nominee to task for past sins,and make sure he understands that once he is President, he will be made to adopt the Republican Party Agenda,or he will be destroyed and replaced by someone who will.
Conservative Republicans now face their own "Kobayashi Maru",their own no win scenario, if they continue to foolishly embrace the #NeverTrump movement. #NeverTrump means Republicans lose in November, and Democrats win, perhaps permanently. #NeverTrump means a Supreme Court stacked with Liberal Democrats , including 2nd Amendment opponent Merrick Garland,who has waited decades for his chance to end the right to keep and bear arms, and move this nation one step closer to socialist tyranny.
#NeverTrump means massive increases in taxes and regulations across the board,which will further erode our collapsing free market economy.
#NeverTrump means expansion of Obamacare, and eventually a single payer , government controlled healthcare system, that will reduce our Self-Governed, Free Republic, to nothing more than a charred, burnt out cinder.
#NeverTrump means a continuation of the destructive Obama agenda.
#NeverTrump means a virtual third,and possibly fourth term for Obama guaranteed.
#NeverTrump means the loss of the House and Senate, to the Democrat Party,which will be the final nail, in the Republican Party's coffin, and the end of America as we know it.
And, never forget ,#Never Trump means the families of the Four Heroes who were killed in Benghazi,by Democrat contempt,disdain, and indifference, will never get the Justice they deserve.
#NeverTrump means the woman directly responsible for the Benghazi Embassy deaths of Shawn Smith, Glenn Dougherty, Tyrone Woods, and Ambassador Chris Stevens, will be allowed to inflict more pain and anguish, upon their families, by becoming Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States.
#NeverTrump is the" Kobayashi Maru",the "No Win Scenario",
And Republicans, must refuse to accept it.
Refuse to accept defeat,
Refuse to lose to the Democrats.
I don't like losing to Democrats, ever, and I will not accept it now.
Republicans have control of the House and Senate, and most state governments as well.
They are winning.
All they need now, is the Presidency, and Super Majorities in both Houses.
I will not sit back, and watch a bunch of self-destructive, faux conservatives embrace defeat with smug, self-satisfied, self-absorbed arrogance,
Refuse to fight,
Refuse to do battle,
Refuse to accept the fact that Republican Victory is the only hope for the Future of America.
#NeverTrump is for losers who accept the "No Win Scenario",and simply surrender .
#NeverTrump is for the weak willed,the narrow minded, the timid, who refuse to see the ultimate truth;
That Republicans represent Good,
And Democrats represent Evil.
#NeverTrump is for those who lack the will ,and the guts, to fight, and to win, at all costs, no matter what.
#NeverTrump is for those who simply do not understand what conservatism really is, because they are not conservatives, and, in most cases, not even Republicans.
Real Conservatives never accept defeat at the hands of a Democrat , because they know Democrat Victory is defeat for America.
They know the Democrat Party is the Party that rejected the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution, and sided with the British Empire, in the plot to conquer the colonies, and end their rebellion against the Crown.
They know the Democrat Party represents high taxes and regulations , ever expanding government, slavery, the KKK, contempt for our military, and our allies in freedom, and weakness ,in the eyes of our terrorist enemies.
Republicans represent Good, and Democrats represent Evil.
Conservatives know this, accept it, and embrace it proudly, without fear or hesitation,
And, because of this, they have dedicated their lives to destroying Democrats,
Destroying their Party,
Destroying Liberalism,
And reducing them to a powerless minority party, permanently.
Real Conservatives do not accept the "No Win Scenario"of #NeverTrump.
They adapt, adopt, change strategy, and always find a way to win, to beat the Democrats, in every single election.
Real Conservatives know, you never work with Democrats,
You work to defeat them, permanently, .
Conservative Icon William Buckley Jr. said we must always choose the most conservative candidate,who can also win.
Ted Cruz was that man, on both counts. But,.with crossover Democrat voters, 80% of traitorous Registered Republicans still sitting home for all Primaries,and Cruz withdrawing prematurely after Indiana , out of frustration, he failed to win the nomination that, by all conservative rights, should have been his.
The willful ignorance, and smug indifference of 80% of Registered Republicans sealed Cruz's fate,and gave us, yet again, another RINO Republican nominee.
No matter. There is a special place in hell, for Democrats and those Republicans who sit home for elections,
And, hopefully, it involves a pitchfork in their nether regions, and shoveling coal, into an eternal furnace.
But, enough of that.
Now, we have a brand new RINO nominee, and we have our mission.
Trump must Win,
Or America is finished, simple as that.
I will accept nothing less, than overwhelming Republican Victory in November, and will personally come to the homes of every Republican who sits home this time,and steal all your Christmas presents, while you sleep.
Unlike the false conservatives of #NeverTrump,
I refuse to lose to Liberal Democrats in November.
Conservatism will find a way to win.It always does, in the end,
For conservatism is nothing more, than truth.
Donald Trump will be the President,despite all his flaws failings, and Liberal Democrat leanings. His strategy has been perfect.Combining Huckleberry Finn style antics with a P.T.Barnum promotional strategem, Trump saturated the media with endless interviews , constant tweets, and always made himself the center of attention throughout the entire Republican Primary season.
He never turned down an interview.
He never allowed the spotlight to shift away from him .
He defied all established political science and strategies , and won,
Not by promoting conservatism,
Not by promoting the Republican Agenda,
Not by promoting the Judeo-Christian values of the Constitution,
He won, by promoting himself.
Trump is the childish ID, of America's fractured psyche, and it has embraced him for it.
Self promotion, self-marketing,of the Trump Brand, has always been where his true genius lies.
Cult of Personality is hardly a new phenomenom, but, I must admit, Trump does it better than anyone , and has the potential to win in a landslide.
But, he cannot depend on his Democrat Union supporters in the main election, however.The Unions want Hillary, not Trump, and their members could abandon Trump in the general election, simply because their union leaders are telling them to.If Trump is to win the Presidency, it will most likely have to be on the strength of Republican votes.
The mission for Conservative Republicans?
Simply to win, at all costs,
Victory at all costs, as Churchill once said.
Trump must still be attacked and vetted aggressively by conservatives every single time they see him straying from the principles of the Party he now leads.
Indeed, it is the responsibility , and solemn duty of all Republicans to continue to expose inconsistencies in Trump policy and agenda.
Once elected President,Trump must be made to understand that he will follow the policies and agenda of the Republican Party, or that same Party is obligated to destroy him.
Ryan Cruz, and Lee, are the Conservative Leaders of the Republican Party,and will, no doubt,serve to keep Trump in check, when he strays from the conservative principles that must always be there, if he is to lead the Party, or the Nation, effectively.
But, for now, the mission is to win in November , at all costs.#NeverTrump is for losers and traitors who willingly surrender our nation to Democrat tyranny, in order to hold on to pretended conservative principles that they cannot comprehend, and in the end, mean nothing,
Without Conservative Victory.
A Roman General , in the time of Caesar, once said,
"If it is possible, is done",
"If it is impossible, will be done".
Can conservatives continue to vet Trump, and yet, at the same time , lead him to victory?
Of course.
Nothing is impossible.
Republicans always find a way to win.
Reject the no-win scenario of #NeverTrump,
And replace it with the always-win scenario of #Republican Victory.
For with Republican Victory,
All things are possible.
And with Republican Victory, Justice for the families of our fallen Heroes , the Benghazi Four,will finally be served on Hillary and the Democrats.
Let the Last Republican War Cry be sounded, throughout the Land, and to all the inhabitants thereof,..
Republican Victory in November,
Republican Justice, for the Benghazi Four,..
Or let no Republican come back alive!
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Sunday, May 22, 2016
"The Devil's Game!"
The Law of Averages has finally caught up with the presumptive Republican nominee, Donald Trump.The one deceptive , devious, contradictory constant, in an ever changing universe,has finally made a statement that was clear, concise, and undeniably accurate.
Trump, in dual interviews with Fox News pundits Megan Kelly and Sean Hannity ,stated that there is no alternative. He must win the Presidency, for if Hillary wins, America, as we know it,will no longer exist. Truer words, hath ever been uttered by mortal man. The main reason for this potential crises is the issue of Supreme Court Justice appointees, who are directly nominated by the President, and the President alone. It's his call,and he can nominate any candidate he wishes, , any candidate that he believes will best support his Administration's Agenda.
And, with several current Justices inching ever closer to retirement , either by choice, or by death's final embrace,the next President may well get the chance to nominate more than just a replacement for Antonin Scalia. The next President may, in fact be responsible for appointing two, or even three ,new Supreme Court Justices, more than enough to either save the Republic, or to alter the course of earth's destiny forever, by destroying it. As Trump pointed out, there is no mystery as to the type of Justices Hillary will appoint , or Sanders ,for that matter. Both are Liberal Democrats , bound and determined to advance the Democrat Agenda .
Both support Obamacare, and want it eventually expanded into a European style, government controlled,single payer system that will place the free market, completely under Federal control.
Both support ever increasing restrictions and regulations on our Second Amendment rights,and an eventual Australian style mass gun confiscation, which is always the starting point, for all fledgling socialist states.
In addition to the tax scam known as Obamacare, Both support massive, across the board, tax and regulation increases,that will continue to erode free market capitalism,and force it to operate under strict government control.
Both support massive cuts to our military,a complete withdraw from the middle east, continued appeasement of our terror enemies,and the voluntary abdication of America as the leading superpower and last best hope for humanity.
Both reject the concept of unwaivering support for our Allies in Liberty, and both favor Hamas grievances over Israel's .
Both have nothing but contempt for our Constitution,and the Judeo-Christian values it's founded on.
Both view America as guilty of war crimes against the world,
Both oppose domestic carbon based energy production that would give America energy independence and make America a stronger Superpower.
Both view America , as the true Terror State, and a far bigger threat to the world, than ISIS could ever be.
And both will, beyond a shadow of a doubt, appoint a Supreme Court that will make their mad vision of America ,a reality.
Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders .The election of either one guarantees the end of America as we know it.
But,What of Trump?
What does a Trump Presidency, portend for America?
The question,like the Riddle of the Spinx,must, for the moment, remain unanswered, for the Trump Agenda has proven a most elusive , most ephemeral , most mercurial spectre indeed,often changing from week to week, day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute.
One moment, Trump is a hard core conservative firebrand, sporting a Senator Jeff Sessions crafted tax cut plan, that rivals Reagan himself. And the next moment, Trump is calling increased taxes on the rich , to stimulate the economy, while also criticizing Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker ,for not raising taxes, to grow his state's economy. What real Republican would ever suggest tax increases as a way to economic prosperity?
One moment Trump demands a sealed border,the deportation of criminal illegals by the thousands,and the ban of all muslims from our shores, and the carpet bombing of ISIS.
And the next moment,Trump calls for a touchback illegal re-entry system, flexibility on the issue of the border wall,a complete withdraw from NATO, and the middle east in general. Trump shows a willingness to let America's enemies, Russia and Syria,and our untested muslim allies, take the lead in the fight against ISIS and AlQueda , while, in the same breath, praising Saddam Hussein as a "great killer of terrorists".
Trump opposes Planned Parenthood, or supports Planned Parenthood,..depending on the hour of the day.
Trump supported the Iraq War,..and then,..
Trump condemned both the Iraq and Afghanistan War,
Trump accused Bush of lying about the existence of WMD's in Iraq,
Trump accused McCain of bombing innocent Viet Nam civilians, while mocking his POW status at the same time,
Trump blamed Bush, not Bin Laden, for the 9-11 attack ,and blames the deposement of evil Tyrants, like Gaddaffi and Hussein, for the loss of stability in the Middle East,
Trump has a 40 plus year history of being a Liberal Democrat and financially supporting the Liberal Democrat Agenda,
Trump praises both Lincoln and Reagan,
Yet,at the same time, Trump called Bill Clinton,"Our Greatest President", Hillary,"A Great Secretary of State",..and without missing a beat,called on his personal friend ,House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, to impeach President Bush, for War Crimes.
Trump wants to "Bomb the Hell" out of ISIS,
Yet refuses to reveal any battle strategy,for defeating them, and calls for our withdraw from NATO.
Trump criticized ADFI's President Pamela Geller, for holding a "Draw Muhammed contest" in Garland Texas ,to show her opposition to Sharia Law ,
Trump continues to maintain a steady twitter stream of personal attacks against his opponents, even accusing Ted Cruz's Father of conspiring with Lee Harvey Oswald, to kill President Kennedy.
Trump demanded that Mitt Romney release his taxes, in 2012,
Yet, Trump refuses to release his, in 2016.
Trump is caught on a 1990's era phone recording using two different aliases, John Miller , and John Barron, and later admits to doing so, in court,
Yet now, Trump denies ever using any aliases, and denies either phone interview, ever happened.
Trump promises to "Make America Great Again", using his business skill and savvy,
Yet, Trump has bankrupted four casinos, and faces racketeering, and fraud charges, in the coming months.
Trump claims to be a business genius, yet must go to overseas banks,to obtain a business loan.
Who can truly predict, what this man will do, as President?
Would a Hillary Presidency, be any different, than a Trump Presidency?
Yet for all this uncertainty,there was the release of Trump's list of potential replacements, for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, and beyond.
There are eleven names altogether.
All of them are hard core,constitutional conservatives,with solid conservative judicial records.All of them are, like Scalia, "originalists" who believe that the constitution should be followed, as written, and cannot be altered by the whims of mortal man.
Dianne Sykes, Steven Colloton, Raymond Kethledge, Allison Eid , Raymond Gruender, Thomas Hardiman, Joan Larson, Thomas Lee, William Pryor, David Stras, Don Willet.
An impressive list for Trump, to say the least,and a convincing selling point to those still refusing to support him. Vote Trump and you get solid conservative Supreme Court Judges, in place for decades, protecting our constitutional rights,
Or, you can stay home, vote third party, or even vote for Hillary or Bernie,and you get leftist Supreme Court Judges that will most certainly disregard the constitution, and as Trump said, "End America, as we know it".
But, what of the Trump agenda?Will he revert back to full liberal Democrat, once securely in office?
Is his Justice list just a ruse to lure in waivering Republican voters?
Perhaps.But, Trump is right. We have no choice. Trump will most certainly reach the 1,237 delegate count, and therefore is the nominee, for all practical purposes.To save the Republic, We the People,must support Trump and assure him a victory in November.
We must never forget, that a Trump victory is not just about the Republicans winning the Presidency.All Presidential elections are part of a Presidential election ticket, with Republican candidates, seeking congressional, and senatorial seats as well. We the People, must always remember that the ultimate goal is total Republican control of government , at both State and Federal levels, and the permanent defeat of the Democrat Party, and its destructive agenda.
A permanent Republican Majority, and a permanent Democrat minority. That is the goal , and it must be achieved, here, now, this election, if the Republic is to be saved.
But, to accomplish this, the Republican Presidential nominee must be supported, no matter how many questions remain, about this political enigma, called Trump.
For although Trump's agenda may remain a mystery, there is absolutely no mystery about the agenda of Hillary Clinton, or Bernie Sanders.
Both have contempt for the American taxpayer.
Both have contempt for the American military.
Both have contempt for our Allies, and our Second Amendment rights.
Both have contempt for our Judeo-Christian values and our Constitution.
Both have contempt for the very concept of America,
And nothing but praise for her Islamic enemies.
These are the choices.
The Devil you know, versus the Devil you don't.
In order to win this Devil's Game, Republicans must gamble , and throw their support behind the Devil unknown, in order to secure the Victory that gives the Republican Party ,
The Party of Lincoln,
The Party of Reagan,
Total control of all three branches of the Federal Government , and control of most state governments as well.
This Victory, is the only way to avoid being cast into the Hellish Pit that America will become under Democrat Rule.
In Milton's "Paradise Lost", it was Lucifer who said, "It is better to rule in Hell, than to serve in Heaven".
So be it.
Lucifer, no doubt, is a Member of the Democrat Party.
Trump, in dual interviews with Fox News pundits Megan Kelly and Sean Hannity ,stated that there is no alternative. He must win the Presidency, for if Hillary wins, America, as we know it,will no longer exist. Truer words, hath ever been uttered by mortal man. The main reason for this potential crises is the issue of Supreme Court Justice appointees, who are directly nominated by the President, and the President alone. It's his call,and he can nominate any candidate he wishes, , any candidate that he believes will best support his Administration's Agenda.
And, with several current Justices inching ever closer to retirement , either by choice, or by death's final embrace,the next President may well get the chance to nominate more than just a replacement for Antonin Scalia. The next President may, in fact be responsible for appointing two, or even three ,new Supreme Court Justices, more than enough to either save the Republic, or to alter the course of earth's destiny forever, by destroying it. As Trump pointed out, there is no mystery as to the type of Justices Hillary will appoint , or Sanders ,for that matter. Both are Liberal Democrats , bound and determined to advance the Democrat Agenda .
Both support Obamacare, and want it eventually expanded into a European style, government controlled,single payer system that will place the free market, completely under Federal control.
Both support ever increasing restrictions and regulations on our Second Amendment rights,and an eventual Australian style mass gun confiscation, which is always the starting point, for all fledgling socialist states.
In addition to the tax scam known as Obamacare, Both support massive, across the board, tax and regulation increases,that will continue to erode free market capitalism,and force it to operate under strict government control.
Both support massive cuts to our military,a complete withdraw from the middle east, continued appeasement of our terror enemies,and the voluntary abdication of America as the leading superpower and last best hope for humanity.
Both reject the concept of unwaivering support for our Allies in Liberty, and both favor Hamas grievances over Israel's .
Both have nothing but contempt for our Constitution,and the Judeo-Christian values it's founded on.
Both view America as guilty of war crimes against the world,
Both oppose domestic carbon based energy production that would give America energy independence and make America a stronger Superpower.
Both view America , as the true Terror State, and a far bigger threat to the world, than ISIS could ever be.
And both will, beyond a shadow of a doubt, appoint a Supreme Court that will make their mad vision of America ,a reality.
Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders .The election of either one guarantees the end of America as we know it.
But,What of Trump?
What does a Trump Presidency, portend for America?
The question,like the Riddle of the Spinx,must, for the moment, remain unanswered, for the Trump Agenda has proven a most elusive , most ephemeral , most mercurial spectre indeed,often changing from week to week, day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute.
One moment, Trump is a hard core conservative firebrand, sporting a Senator Jeff Sessions crafted tax cut plan, that rivals Reagan himself. And the next moment, Trump is calling increased taxes on the rich , to stimulate the economy, while also criticizing Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker ,for not raising taxes, to grow his state's economy. What real Republican would ever suggest tax increases as a way to economic prosperity?
One moment Trump demands a sealed border,the deportation of criminal illegals by the thousands,and the ban of all muslims from our shores, and the carpet bombing of ISIS.
And the next moment,Trump calls for a touchback illegal re-entry system, flexibility on the issue of the border wall,a complete withdraw from NATO, and the middle east in general. Trump shows a willingness to let America's enemies, Russia and Syria,and our untested muslim allies, take the lead in the fight against ISIS and AlQueda , while, in the same breath, praising Saddam Hussein as a "great killer of terrorists".
Trump opposes Planned Parenthood, or supports Planned Parenthood,..depending on the hour of the day.
Trump supported the Iraq War,..and then,..
Trump condemned both the Iraq and Afghanistan War,
Trump accused Bush of lying about the existence of WMD's in Iraq,
Trump accused McCain of bombing innocent Viet Nam civilians, while mocking his POW status at the same time,
Trump blamed Bush, not Bin Laden, for the 9-11 attack ,and blames the deposement of evil Tyrants, like Gaddaffi and Hussein, for the loss of stability in the Middle East,
Trump has a 40 plus year history of being a Liberal Democrat and financially supporting the Liberal Democrat Agenda,
Trump praises both Lincoln and Reagan,
Yet,at the same time, Trump called Bill Clinton,"Our Greatest President", Hillary,"A Great Secretary of State",..and without missing a beat,called on his personal friend ,House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, to impeach President Bush, for War Crimes.
Trump wants to "Bomb the Hell" out of ISIS,
Yet refuses to reveal any battle strategy,for defeating them, and calls for our withdraw from NATO.
Trump criticized ADFI's President Pamela Geller, for holding a "Draw Muhammed contest" in Garland Texas ,to show her opposition to Sharia Law ,
Trump continues to maintain a steady twitter stream of personal attacks against his opponents, even accusing Ted Cruz's Father of conspiring with Lee Harvey Oswald, to kill President Kennedy.
Trump demanded that Mitt Romney release his taxes, in 2012,
Yet, Trump refuses to release his, in 2016.
Trump is caught on a 1990's era phone recording using two different aliases, John Miller , and John Barron, and later admits to doing so, in court,
Yet now, Trump denies ever using any aliases, and denies either phone interview, ever happened.
Trump promises to "Make America Great Again", using his business skill and savvy,
Yet, Trump has bankrupted four casinos, and faces racketeering, and fraud charges, in the coming months.
Trump claims to be a business genius, yet must go to overseas banks,to obtain a business loan.
Who can truly predict, what this man will do, as President?
Would a Hillary Presidency, be any different, than a Trump Presidency?
Yet for all this uncertainty,there was the release of Trump's list of potential replacements, for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, and beyond.
There are eleven names altogether.
All of them are hard core,constitutional conservatives,with solid conservative judicial records.All of them are, like Scalia, "originalists" who believe that the constitution should be followed, as written, and cannot be altered by the whims of mortal man.
Dianne Sykes, Steven Colloton, Raymond Kethledge, Allison Eid , Raymond Gruender, Thomas Hardiman, Joan Larson, Thomas Lee, William Pryor, David Stras, Don Willet.
An impressive list for Trump, to say the least,and a convincing selling point to those still refusing to support him. Vote Trump and you get solid conservative Supreme Court Judges, in place for decades, protecting our constitutional rights,
Or, you can stay home, vote third party, or even vote for Hillary or Bernie,and you get leftist Supreme Court Judges that will most certainly disregard the constitution, and as Trump said, "End America, as we know it".
But, what of the Trump agenda?Will he revert back to full liberal Democrat, once securely in office?
Is his Justice list just a ruse to lure in waivering Republican voters?
Perhaps.But, Trump is right. We have no choice. Trump will most certainly reach the 1,237 delegate count, and therefore is the nominee, for all practical purposes.To save the Republic, We the People,must support Trump and assure him a victory in November.
We must never forget, that a Trump victory is not just about the Republicans winning the Presidency.All Presidential elections are part of a Presidential election ticket, with Republican candidates, seeking congressional, and senatorial seats as well. We the People, must always remember that the ultimate goal is total Republican control of government , at both State and Federal levels, and the permanent defeat of the Democrat Party, and its destructive agenda.
A permanent Republican Majority, and a permanent Democrat minority. That is the goal , and it must be achieved, here, now, this election, if the Republic is to be saved.
But, to accomplish this, the Republican Presidential nominee must be supported, no matter how many questions remain, about this political enigma, called Trump.
For although Trump's agenda may remain a mystery, there is absolutely no mystery about the agenda of Hillary Clinton, or Bernie Sanders.
Both have contempt for the American taxpayer.
Both have contempt for the American military.
Both have contempt for our Allies, and our Second Amendment rights.
Both have contempt for our Judeo-Christian values and our Constitution.
Both have contempt for the very concept of America,
And nothing but praise for her Islamic enemies.
These are the choices.
The Devil you know, versus the Devil you don't.
In order to win this Devil's Game, Republicans must gamble , and throw their support behind the Devil unknown, in order to secure the Victory that gives the Republican Party ,
The Party of Lincoln,
The Party of Reagan,
Total control of all three branches of the Federal Government , and control of most state governments as well.
This Victory, is the only way to avoid being cast into the Hellish Pit that America will become under Democrat Rule.
In Milton's "Paradise Lost", it was Lucifer who said, "It is better to rule in Hell, than to serve in Heaven".
So be it.
Lucifer, no doubt, is a Member of the Democrat Party.
Sunday, May 15, 2016
"The Praetorian Strategem!"
What's all this Anti-American, traitorous nonsense,called, #NeverTrump? Let me be clear;the purpose, clueless ones,of a Republican Primary is to nominate the candidate with the most Constitutionally Conservative legislative record,and then to make sure that candidate wins in the general election,because Republican control at all levels of government, is the only way to save our Free Republic. Destroying all Democrats, destroying all Liberalism, complete and permanent Republican Victory is always the goal.Donald J.Trump is the presumptive nominee, and must be supported to achieve that goal.When Republicans win, Conservatism wins, it's as simple as that.
Being a Conservative means you follow the Constitution, to the letter,with no pretended interpretations that only serve the destructive liberal agenda. Conservatism is the engine that runs the Republican Machine, and what has made us the greatest Nation on earth.
The simple reality is that pure conservatism, when properly articulated and aggressively promoted, wins every time. In the general election that is. However, in a Free Republic, individual states have sovreign rule,and are allowed to conduct their Primary voting system, any way they want to. Unfortunately, most states have chosen an Open Primary system that permits Democrats to vote for Republican candidates. Combine this with the fact that 80% of registered Republicans still sit home for every Primary election, like third world morons, and you have a recipie for disaster.I'm sure these same lazy louts that can't find the energy to show up and vote, still manage to show up at WAWA every week, for their carton of cigarettes.The priorities of the willfully ignorant, undeserving of freedom.
The result of these misplaced priorities, has been decades of Republican Candidates hand picked, by the Democrat Party, to lose to their candidate in the general election.
That's how we got McCain.
That's how we got Romney.
And now, that's how we got Trump.
Trump is the new, paper lion Republican, chosen by Democrat crossover voters, to lose , and lose royally,nothing more nothing less. The solution is glaringly obvious, to any fifth grader who isn't addicted to "medical marijuana", or some other mind numbing nonsense.The Republican Party base, in each state, must insist on closed Republican Primaries from this day forward, that will not only prevent Democrats from voting in our elections,but will also prevent lifelong Liberal Democrats who register as Republicans, the day of the Primary, from voting as well. Shut out all Democrat influence in the Republican Primary process, and the best nominee will be chosen, guaranteed. Or, keep the existing system, and continue to suffer the consequences of Democrat contaminated Republican elections.
But, this solution is for the future.The solution, right now, is to simply support the Republican nominee and assure his victory in November, no matter who he is. For,contrary to popular belief, the key to saving our Free Republic, is not electing the perfect conservative .There is no such animal. Even Reagan, despite all his conservative splendour, was quickly forgotten and replaced with eight years of Bill Clinton, who weakened our military, emboldened our terror enemies, and allowed the evil of AlQueda to grow, prosper,and ultimately,implement attacks on the U.S.S. Cole, the Kenyan Embassy, and two separate terror attacks on the World Trade Center.
In the end, Reagan's greatness and conservative principles meant nothing to the clueless masses. So, the solution is not to merely elect a Conservative President, the solution is, was, and always will be, to elect Republican candidates at all levels of government, to secure the House and Senate for Republicans , by veto-destroying Super Majorities , and to secure the Presidency for the Republican Party as well. All three Federal branches of Government, must be under Republican control,permanently,
The Democrat Party, reduced,to a powerless Minority Party, permanently,
And all States must be controlled by Republican Majorities,permanently.
This, and only this, is the path to a growing, prosperous Free Republic, nothing more, nothing less.
Only Republicans cut taxes and regulations for all Americans, thereby allowing the Free Market engine to prosper.
Only Republicans strengthen our Military, and let them use their deadly skills to destroy our enemies.
Only Republicans support our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, which makes all other rights possible.
Only Republicans defend our Allies in Freedom, and defend the Judeo-Christian principles that are the foundation of our freedom.
Make no mistake, those that now say they will never support Trump ,in the general election,are virtually assuring a Democrat Party victory,assuring the inevitable destruction of our Nation;
and are nothing more than Anti-American, Democrat traitors to our Republic, who must be defeated,and ultimately destroyed.
If you are not actively seeking to defeat Democrats, in all elections,then you are the enemy, period.
Republican Party control at all levels of Government,
That is the only way to preserve our system of self-government;the greatest system of government yet devised by man.
And, with the Republican Party now in control of both Houses and most State governments as well, the next logical step in the plan, the final piece of the puzzle, must be to secure the Presidency for the Republican Party as well.
Donald Trump has won the Republican Nomination, , and there is nothing that can change that, except perhaps the unpredictable,unstable Trump himself.
His constant presence in the media, and his long reign as a popular reality show T.V. Star, has rendered him, all but indestructible, in the eyes of the low information Democrat voting base, and no amount of conservative outrage will alter that fact.
In truth, it is too late for pretentious outrage.
The time to be outraged, was when you found out your state allowed Democrats to vote in Republican Primaries, and when you found out that 80% of Republican voters stay home for most Primary Elections.
Outrage now, is too little,
Too late,
And quite frankly, pathetic.
Trump is a lifelong Liberal Democrat, who has supported the destructive Democrat Agenda, for over 40 years , and has only switched recently to Republican, in order to run for President.His spectral, gossimar, incoherent policies, baffling calls for tax increases, condemnation of Bush and McCain as war criminals, and plan to implement a government mandated, single payer,healthcare system, reveal what he really is .
But, he is the Presumptive Republican Nominee, and, it is the duty of all Republican voters to assure his victory in the Presidential Election,for the Republican Party, or America is finished, as a Self -Governed Free Republic.Always remember, a Presidential election, is not merely the election of one man, but the election of an entire Party ticket, as well. A Democrat Presidential victory will also mean a Democrat controlled,House and Senate as well, virtually assuring the end of our Second Amendment rights, massive tax increases,for all Americans, continued erosion of our military, and the expansion of the tax fraud known as Obamacare.
There is really no choice. Trump must be supported.
But, this does not mean conservatives abandon their principles, or accept Trump's Populist nonsense.
Quite the contrary.
Just as it is the responsibility of Conservative Republicans to assure a Trump victory in November,
So too, is it the responsibility of Conservative Republicans to continue to take Trump to task, for every insane rant, every insulting tweet,and Liberal Democrat policy he may propose, from now till November. The Conservative Republican Base, must make it clear to Trump, that he will be relentlessly attacked, and aggressively challenged,every time he does or says anything that does not fit the conservative mold that all Republican Presidents must fit, if they are to survive as Commander in Chief.
So ,the Republican Strategem must be to assure the Trump victory in November,no matter what, and then make sure he obeys the will of the Republican House and Senate, who directly represent the will of ,"We the People".
And, if he does not?
If Trump does attempt a Democrat coup, within the Republican Party, and press for a Liberal Democrat Agenda,as now suspected,
Then, just as the Praetorian Guard of the Roman Empire did dispatch the Emperor Caligula , when his madness and debaucheries could no longer be endured , by gods or men,
So too, must the Praetorian Guard of the Republican House and Senate, dispatch the Mad Liberal Democrat Trump, and replace him with a nominee that follows the conservative principles of our Free Republic,
And the conservative principles of true rulers of this Nation,
" We the People".
Trump's meeting with House Speaker Paul Ryan, is a start in determining what action the Republican Party should take, regarding this most unpredictable,
Most irreverent,
Most unusual,
Presumptive Nominee.
Republican Victory in the 2016 Presidential Election , and in all elections thereafter, must be the only goal ,now, and forevermore.
But, once the Presidency is secured for Trump,
Then and only then,
Can the Praetorian Guard of;..
Ryan, Cruz, and Lee,...
Decide whether they come to praise this New Caesar,...
Or to Bury Him.
Being a Conservative means you follow the Constitution, to the letter,with no pretended interpretations that only serve the destructive liberal agenda. Conservatism is the engine that runs the Republican Machine, and what has made us the greatest Nation on earth.
The simple reality is that pure conservatism, when properly articulated and aggressively promoted, wins every time. In the general election that is. However, in a Free Republic, individual states have sovreign rule,and are allowed to conduct their Primary voting system, any way they want to. Unfortunately, most states have chosen an Open Primary system that permits Democrats to vote for Republican candidates. Combine this with the fact that 80% of registered Republicans still sit home for every Primary election, like third world morons, and you have a recipie for disaster.I'm sure these same lazy louts that can't find the energy to show up and vote, still manage to show up at WAWA every week, for their carton of cigarettes.The priorities of the willfully ignorant, undeserving of freedom.
The result of these misplaced priorities, has been decades of Republican Candidates hand picked, by the Democrat Party, to lose to their candidate in the general election.
That's how we got McCain.
That's how we got Romney.
And now, that's how we got Trump.
Trump is the new, paper lion Republican, chosen by Democrat crossover voters, to lose , and lose royally,nothing more nothing less. The solution is glaringly obvious, to any fifth grader who isn't addicted to "medical marijuana", or some other mind numbing nonsense.The Republican Party base, in each state, must insist on closed Republican Primaries from this day forward, that will not only prevent Democrats from voting in our elections,but will also prevent lifelong Liberal Democrats who register as Republicans, the day of the Primary, from voting as well. Shut out all Democrat influence in the Republican Primary process, and the best nominee will be chosen, guaranteed. Or, keep the existing system, and continue to suffer the consequences of Democrat contaminated Republican elections.
But, this solution is for the future.The solution, right now, is to simply support the Republican nominee and assure his victory in November, no matter who he is. For,contrary to popular belief, the key to saving our Free Republic, is not electing the perfect conservative .There is no such animal. Even Reagan, despite all his conservative splendour, was quickly forgotten and replaced with eight years of Bill Clinton, who weakened our military, emboldened our terror enemies, and allowed the evil of AlQueda to grow, prosper,and ultimately,implement attacks on the U.S.S. Cole, the Kenyan Embassy, and two separate terror attacks on the World Trade Center.
In the end, Reagan's greatness and conservative principles meant nothing to the clueless masses. So, the solution is not to merely elect a Conservative President, the solution is, was, and always will be, to elect Republican candidates at all levels of government, to secure the House and Senate for Republicans , by veto-destroying Super Majorities , and to secure the Presidency for the Republican Party as well. All three Federal branches of Government, must be under Republican control,permanently,
The Democrat Party, reduced,to a powerless Minority Party, permanently,
And all States must be controlled by Republican Majorities,permanently.
This, and only this, is the path to a growing, prosperous Free Republic, nothing more, nothing less.
Only Republicans cut taxes and regulations for all Americans, thereby allowing the Free Market engine to prosper.
Only Republicans strengthen our Military, and let them use their deadly skills to destroy our enemies.
Only Republicans support our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, which makes all other rights possible.
Only Republicans defend our Allies in Freedom, and defend the Judeo-Christian principles that are the foundation of our freedom.
Make no mistake, those that now say they will never support Trump ,in the general election,are virtually assuring a Democrat Party victory,assuring the inevitable destruction of our Nation;
and are nothing more than Anti-American, Democrat traitors to our Republic, who must be defeated,and ultimately destroyed.
If you are not actively seeking to defeat Democrats, in all elections,then you are the enemy, period.
Republican Party control at all levels of Government,
That is the only way to preserve our system of self-government;the greatest system of government yet devised by man.
And, with the Republican Party now in control of both Houses and most State governments as well, the next logical step in the plan, the final piece of the puzzle, must be to secure the Presidency for the Republican Party as well.
Donald Trump has won the Republican Nomination, , and there is nothing that can change that, except perhaps the unpredictable,unstable Trump himself.
His constant presence in the media, and his long reign as a popular reality show T.V. Star, has rendered him, all but indestructible, in the eyes of the low information Democrat voting base, and no amount of conservative outrage will alter that fact.
In truth, it is too late for pretentious outrage.
The time to be outraged, was when you found out your state allowed Democrats to vote in Republican Primaries, and when you found out that 80% of Republican voters stay home for most Primary Elections.
Outrage now, is too little,
Too late,
And quite frankly, pathetic.
Trump is a lifelong Liberal Democrat, who has supported the destructive Democrat Agenda, for over 40 years , and has only switched recently to Republican, in order to run for President.His spectral, gossimar, incoherent policies, baffling calls for tax increases, condemnation of Bush and McCain as war criminals, and plan to implement a government mandated, single payer,healthcare system, reveal what he really is .
But, he is the Presumptive Republican Nominee, and, it is the duty of all Republican voters to assure his victory in the Presidential Election,for the Republican Party, or America is finished, as a Self -Governed Free Republic.Always remember, a Presidential election, is not merely the election of one man, but the election of an entire Party ticket, as well. A Democrat Presidential victory will also mean a Democrat controlled,House and Senate as well, virtually assuring the end of our Second Amendment rights, massive tax increases,for all Americans, continued erosion of our military, and the expansion of the tax fraud known as Obamacare.
There is really no choice. Trump must be supported.
But, this does not mean conservatives abandon their principles, or accept Trump's Populist nonsense.
Quite the contrary.
Just as it is the responsibility of Conservative Republicans to assure a Trump victory in November,
So too, is it the responsibility of Conservative Republicans to continue to take Trump to task, for every insane rant, every insulting tweet,and Liberal Democrat policy he may propose, from now till November. The Conservative Republican Base, must make it clear to Trump, that he will be relentlessly attacked, and aggressively challenged,every time he does or says anything that does not fit the conservative mold that all Republican Presidents must fit, if they are to survive as Commander in Chief.
So ,the Republican Strategem must be to assure the Trump victory in November,no matter what, and then make sure he obeys the will of the Republican House and Senate, who directly represent the will of ,"We the People".
And, if he does not?
If Trump does attempt a Democrat coup, within the Republican Party, and press for a Liberal Democrat Agenda,as now suspected,
Then, just as the Praetorian Guard of the Roman Empire did dispatch the Emperor Caligula , when his madness and debaucheries could no longer be endured , by gods or men,
So too, must the Praetorian Guard of the Republican House and Senate, dispatch the Mad Liberal Democrat Trump, and replace him with a nominee that follows the conservative principles of our Free Republic,
And the conservative principles of true rulers of this Nation,
" We the People".
Trump's meeting with House Speaker Paul Ryan, is a start in determining what action the Republican Party should take, regarding this most unpredictable,
Most irreverent,
Most unusual,
Presumptive Nominee.
Republican Victory in the 2016 Presidential Election , and in all elections thereafter, must be the only goal ,now, and forevermore.
But, once the Presidency is secured for Trump,
Then and only then,
Can the Praetorian Guard of;..
Ryan, Cruz, and Lee,...
Decide whether they come to praise this New Caesar,...
Or to Bury Him.
Sunday, May 8, 2016
"War At The Edge Of The Abyss!"
One issue still seems to puzzle the Fox News pundits who have sold their conservative souls to the deceptive, double agent Trump.Why has the Democrat turnout,this Primary season, been so low,and the Republican Turnout record setting,when the stakes are so high for both parties?The answer is obvious,to anyone who still possesses logical , common sense, political perspective, which Fox News no longer does. Democrat turnout is not down. Not at all. Democrats have ,as usual, merely switched Parties in order to vote, en masse, for the Republican candidate they think can easily be beaten,by the Democrat nominee.This year, that candidate is Donald Trump. In fact, it is Republican turnout that has been abysmally low , with only 20% of registered Republican voters, actually showing up at the polls. Pathetic. Some people may, in fact simply be too stupid for freedom.
And, in the wake of Trump's Indiana victory, and the subsequent withdraw of Cruz and Kasich from the race,Trump has become the presumptive nominee.Nothing, can change that.At his post election press conference, Trump called for "Party Unity",and even praised Cruz as a tough competitor, with a bright future.But, this means nothing.This is Trump's pattern,self-effacing humility immediately after victory, followed by an ever mounting , endless series of inane , abusive tweets.Make no mistake, the Trump attacks and outrages will continue to unfold, in the weeks to come. This is who the man is. Nothing has changed with Trump, nor will it ever. There will be no serious policy discussion, or even a serious attempt by this Democrat in Republican clothing,to honor his campaign promises.Remember, on the very morning of the Indiana victory, Donald Trump accused Ted Cruz's Father,of being part of a conspiracy,to kill President Kennedy. It would be funny, if it wasn't so frighteningly insane. This outrageous statement is more than Trump's usual bully and bluster.It speaks of a man who may, in fact, be mentally unbalanced.His raging tweets,for months now, seem to add credence to this theory.His claims regarding Rafael Cruz, virtually confirm it. And this man calls for Party Unity?How laughable. Cruz owes this Liberal Democrat fraud a punch in the face, not unity. Yes, there will come a time for Republicans to rally around Trump, especially after he officially becomes the Republican nominee. But, this will not be to unify. This will be to win him the Presidency, and then, to control him. For Trump remains nothing more than a standard Liberal Democrat in Republican disguise, and always will be the man who called both Bush and McCain war criminals, Saddam Hussein and Vladimir Putin Great Leaders, and Pamela Geller "disgusting", for opposing Sharia Law on our shores. He will always be the man who now calls for tax increases on the wealthy, tariffs that will bankrupt American businesses, and raise the cost of imported goods, a withdraw of our military from NATO, and the world, in general, and a mandatory, single payer healthcare system, to replace Obamacare.
The bottom line?Trump must be controlled by the Party, or destroyed.
The Roman Emperor Caligula , after a two year reign of madness and debauchery,which included naming a horse, Senator,was dispatched by his own Praetorian Guard,their daggers ending his short reign,when both gods and men could endure his blasphemies, no more.
So too, must the Republican Praetorian Guard, of Cruz, Lee, and Ryan, be prepared to end the reign of Emperor Trump, if he fails to honor his commitments to the Free Republic.
Trump will conform to the Republican Party's conservative principles, and obey the will of "We the People" , or he must be destroyed, and replaced, it's as simple as that. Trump cannot win the general election, without Republican Party money, and Trump must accept that reality, or face defeat, in the general election.
Of course , none of this would be necessary,if Ted Cruz had simply chose to battle on, and fight till the end, to deprive Trump of the 1,237 delegates necessary to secure the Republican nomination.
But, in Indiana, Cruz saw, and confronted the mindless, slobbering face of the rabid Trump Army, and staring into its eyes, while pleading conservative realities,he saw only the Abyss staring back at him, and heard only the mindless Trump mantras, in response to conservative common sense.
This, combined with the shocking madness of Trump accusing Rafael Cruz of conspiring with Lee Harvey Oswald, to assassinate President Kennedy,convinced Cruz, there was no reason to go on. Cruz knew, he was faced with an impenetrable wall of willful ignorance.He knew, at least in Indiana, the people were seemingly too stupid for freedom.
But, the fight will go on, and Ted Cruz's conservative principles will triumph in the end, guaranteed. But this time,it will be as the power behind the Republican Throne. Cruz knows that, despite all bluster bully, and strong man platitudes, Trump is, in reality, an extremely malleable Liberal Democrat, with no real core values, no real character, no real inner strength, no real qualities of Leadership.
Trump is, in effect, a shape shifter,who molds his image and beliefs to match the ever shifting political tides, and has only really mastered one skill; an uncanny ability to promote his own ever changing,deceptive image, as a marketable property.
Again, as with the Emperor Caligula, it will be up to the Praetorian Guard of the Republican Party, led by House Speaker Paul Ryan, Senator Ted Cruz, and Senator Mike Lee, to direct, mold, and manipulate the raging, weak willed, unstable Trump, and, if necessary, force him to do the bidding of the Republican Party, and Conservatism.
Ryan, Cruz , and Lee, acting as the Conservative power behind the Puppet Throne,
Will ensure,that Conservatism will remain,
And will endure,..
For,despite the Trump victory of the willfully ignorant,Liberal Democrat base,
Conservatism remains the natural state of mankind, and in the end,
Conservatism can, will, and must,
Ultimately Triumph,
With or without the Mad Emperor Trump, as the War at the Edge of the Abyss, rages on,
And the Daggers of the Republican Praetorian Guard,
Stand poised,
Ready to strike down their presumptive Emperor,
To save the Republic.
And, in the wake of Trump's Indiana victory, and the subsequent withdraw of Cruz and Kasich from the race,Trump has become the presumptive nominee.Nothing, can change that.At his post election press conference, Trump called for "Party Unity",and even praised Cruz as a tough competitor, with a bright future.But, this means nothing.This is Trump's pattern,self-effacing humility immediately after victory, followed by an ever mounting , endless series of inane , abusive tweets.Make no mistake, the Trump attacks and outrages will continue to unfold, in the weeks to come. This is who the man is. Nothing has changed with Trump, nor will it ever. There will be no serious policy discussion, or even a serious attempt by this Democrat in Republican clothing,to honor his campaign promises.Remember, on the very morning of the Indiana victory, Donald Trump accused Ted Cruz's Father,of being part of a conspiracy,to kill President Kennedy. It would be funny, if it wasn't so frighteningly insane. This outrageous statement is more than Trump's usual bully and bluster.It speaks of a man who may, in fact, be mentally unbalanced.His raging tweets,for months now, seem to add credence to this theory.His claims regarding Rafael Cruz, virtually confirm it. And this man calls for Party Unity?How laughable. Cruz owes this Liberal Democrat fraud a punch in the face, not unity. Yes, there will come a time for Republicans to rally around Trump, especially after he officially becomes the Republican nominee. But, this will not be to unify. This will be to win him the Presidency, and then, to control him. For Trump remains nothing more than a standard Liberal Democrat in Republican disguise, and always will be the man who called both Bush and McCain war criminals, Saddam Hussein and Vladimir Putin Great Leaders, and Pamela Geller "disgusting", for opposing Sharia Law on our shores. He will always be the man who now calls for tax increases on the wealthy, tariffs that will bankrupt American businesses, and raise the cost of imported goods, a withdraw of our military from NATO, and the world, in general, and a mandatory, single payer healthcare system, to replace Obamacare.
The bottom line?Trump must be controlled by the Party, or destroyed.
The Roman Emperor Caligula , after a two year reign of madness and debauchery,which included naming a horse, Senator,was dispatched by his own Praetorian Guard,their daggers ending his short reign,when both gods and men could endure his blasphemies, no more.
So too, must the Republican Praetorian Guard, of Cruz, Lee, and Ryan, be prepared to end the reign of Emperor Trump, if he fails to honor his commitments to the Free Republic.
Trump will conform to the Republican Party's conservative principles, and obey the will of "We the People" , or he must be destroyed, and replaced, it's as simple as that. Trump cannot win the general election, without Republican Party money, and Trump must accept that reality, or face defeat, in the general election.
Of course , none of this would be necessary,if Ted Cruz had simply chose to battle on, and fight till the end, to deprive Trump of the 1,237 delegates necessary to secure the Republican nomination.
But, in Indiana, Cruz saw, and confronted the mindless, slobbering face of the rabid Trump Army, and staring into its eyes, while pleading conservative realities,he saw only the Abyss staring back at him, and heard only the mindless Trump mantras, in response to conservative common sense.
This, combined with the shocking madness of Trump accusing Rafael Cruz of conspiring with Lee Harvey Oswald, to assassinate President Kennedy,convinced Cruz, there was no reason to go on. Cruz knew, he was faced with an impenetrable wall of willful ignorance.He knew, at least in Indiana, the people were seemingly too stupid for freedom.
But, the fight will go on, and Ted Cruz's conservative principles will triumph in the end, guaranteed. But this time,it will be as the power behind the Republican Throne. Cruz knows that, despite all bluster bully, and strong man platitudes, Trump is, in reality, an extremely malleable Liberal Democrat, with no real core values, no real character, no real inner strength, no real qualities of Leadership.
Trump is, in effect, a shape shifter,who molds his image and beliefs to match the ever shifting political tides, and has only really mastered one skill; an uncanny ability to promote his own ever changing,deceptive image, as a marketable property.
Again, as with the Emperor Caligula, it will be up to the Praetorian Guard of the Republican Party, led by House Speaker Paul Ryan, Senator Ted Cruz, and Senator Mike Lee, to direct, mold, and manipulate the raging, weak willed, unstable Trump, and, if necessary, force him to do the bidding of the Republican Party, and Conservatism.
Ryan, Cruz , and Lee, acting as the Conservative power behind the Puppet Throne,
Will ensure,that Conservatism will remain,
And will endure,..
For,despite the Trump victory of the willfully ignorant,Liberal Democrat base,
Conservatism remains the natural state of mankind, and in the end,
Conservatism can, will, and must,
Ultimately Triumph,
With or without the Mad Emperor Trump, as the War at the Edge of the Abyss, rages on,
And the Daggers of the Republican Praetorian Guard,
Stand poised,
Ready to strike down their presumptive Emperor,
To save the Republic.
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