The battle for Republican Primary Supremacy rages on,with Donald Trump winning Arizona rather handily, but Utah going to Cruz easily as well, by a record setting 70% of the vote,with Kasich, this time taking second place,and Trump, surprisingly, a distant third.
Or, is it surprising?There are shifting tides in the affairs of men, and now,at the halfway mark of the 2016 Primary Season,there definitely seems to be a shift occurring , as the Trump mantle of invincibility seems to be waning , as the field of competitors has gradually narrowed, from seventeen to three. There is a logical reason for this.In essence,this has been a race between sixteen Conservative Republicans and one Liberal Democrat, seeking what amounts to a hostile takeover of the Republican Party and its Presidency.From the beginning, there has been a glaringly obvious , large Democrat Union voting base that, seeing a choice between a Secretary of State who let four heroes die in Benghazi, while sharing intel with the enemy,and an aging ,admitted socialist , who chose the Soviet Union as the perfect spot to honeymoon,have instead decided to throw their support behind a candidate whose Liberal Democrat roots are barely masked by the conservative pretense of his Presidential campaign.
Trump is,secretly one of them,and they know it.Combine this with a reality star ,P,T.Barnum,style personality that appeals to the low information masses, and an open primary process that still allows Democrats to vote in Republican contests,and you have the perfect recipie for another Democrat victory, over a weak, Republican candidate.
It happened with McCain.
It happened with Romney.
And now,its happening with Trump, as the majority of his State wins have been achieved with Democrat,not Republican votes. A pity. There has always been something profoundly unconstitutional about a Two Party System that does not allow the legitimate members of a respective Party to elect the candidate of their choosing,, with no interference by the competing Party. In essence, the Republican Party has, for decades , allowed the Democrat Party to pick the Republican Candidates they deemed easy to beat, simple as that.
This must end. Voter I.D. must be strictly enforced,and the entire Primary voting mechanism must be re-vamped,if the destructive Democrat Agenda is to be stopped, once and for all.
But, this is not that day.
Donald Trump has been chosen , thus far, by crossover Democrats as their paper champion,virtually assured to lose in the General Election to Hillary Clinton, and the Democrat Party that Trump has donated millions to.
Trump cannot beat Hillary because, in many ways,he is Hillary. He is an established Democrat,pretending to be a Conservative Republican, for no other reason than political expediency,and opportunism. Trump saw a divided Republican Party,and used the burning issue of the day;..illegal immigration, to gain the votes of Democrat Union workers ,who see corporate outsourcing and illegal immigrant workers as the direct cause of job loss,rather than the endless tax and regulation increases the Democrats use to destroy economies,and increase their voting base.
Donald Trump has dominated the Republican Primaries, because the Democrat Union base has bought, hook , line, and sinker, the Trump claims that their jobs are being stolen by foreign nations rather than the tax and regulation increases that they vote for.
But now, the tide has indeed shifted, for obvious reasons. Ted Cruz is the rarest of political breeds, the pure conservative Republican. His Senate record proves it, his rhetoric during the campaign, confirms it.
Conservatism, in its essence, is nothing more than truth, and truth, in the end,always wins. As the field has narrowed,and the lesser candidates ,fallen to the wayside,because they all had some aspect of their Conservative Republican identities that simply did not ring true,did not reflect conservatism.
Rand Paul was weak on the military and the War on Terror, in general.
Carly Fiorina ,had a past history of Democrat leanings, including a misguided support for Hillary ,at one point.
Chris Christie was weak on the 2nd Amendment and is , in fact, the Governor of the failed Blue State of New Jersey.
Ben Carson lacked foreign policy ,and national security knowledge and experience, and the ability to articulate conservatism aggressively.
Jeb Bush favored Amnesty and Government controlled Common Core.
Marco Rubio allied himself with the Democrat controlled Senate, and helped compose the Amnesty Bill.
Kasich favors Democrat entitlement program expansion, including aspects of Obamacare.
All are flawed, and all have fallen,because they all , in one way or another, violated the conservative principles they based their campaigns on.
All save Cruz,whose Senate voting record alone, more than qualifies him for the role of Commander in Chief .What Cruz said he would do, he did, by opposing all things Democrat, and promoting conservative principles , unwaiveringly, without fail.
There is the reason he has survived, and is now gaining on the Democrat Double Agent, Trump.
And, this is why he will ultimately win the Presidency on the floor of the Republican Convention, if not sooner.
This is how it had to be,for as the field of competition has narrowed,the Trump Conservative Republican facade has grown weaker, just as the solid conservative Republican values of Cruz , have grown ever stronger.No one had broken 50% in any State Primary , until Cruz did it in Utah, garnering 70% of the vote, and all of the delegates , in the process.
The Trump response?He has fallen apart, as he always does when faced with the prospect of defeat. And,as he crumbles,the petty bully within him rises, lashing out, as he always does, at the weakest perceived target.This time, that target would be Heidi Cruz,wife of Senator Ted Cruz, whose association with Goldman Sachs, looks, and past emotional problems,are now targets of the petty Trump,who seems to have major psychological problems with women who challenge him, in one way or another. The proof of this is the way he still attacks Megan Kelly on twitter,relentlessly , for committing the unpardonable sin of challenging him on past comments that expose his conservative principles as a mere pose adopted to gain votes from those gullible enough to believe it, rather than the contrary evidence of their eyes and ears.
Trump used an Anti- Trump SuperPac, not directly associated with Cruz in any apparent way, as the motive behind his attack on Heidi Cruz. The Pac simply posted a picture of Trump's scantily clad wife, posing for the cover of GQ Magazine, while asking if the image was worthy of a future First Lady.
Trump quickly seized on the political opportunity presented, and quickly resurrected his Fiorina strategem, mocking Heidi's looks, as compared with Melania's, while also hinting at a dark Cruz secret , still to be exposed.
Is this the behavior of a man worthy to be Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces?
Cruz,now visibly angry, naturally defended his wife, and made it clear to his Primary rival, that attacks on his wife, or children,would not be tolerated, under any circumstances. "Leave my wife alone!" growled Cruz,his own finely honed political instincts recognizing a golden opportunity to gain a publicity advantage.Trump would confine his attacks to Cruz directly,if he is a man instead of a cowardly bully, Cruz declared.Game, set, match, Cruz, for this round. But,are these tabloid scandals really the burning issues that the two leading Presidential Candidates should be discussing, while new terror attacks in Brussels have stunned the world? Perhaps not,but, there is a method behind this seeming madness.You see, Cruz understands the psychological makeup of Trump,better than any of his fellow candidates, and that is why he has survived, thus far. .He knows that Trump is simply , at heart, a Liberal Democrat in disguise, , a man who is already waning on his promise to secure the border or deport illegals,
A man who accused President Bush of War Crimes,
A man who removed Vets from the walkway of Trump Towers,
A man who still has failed to give these same Vets ,the money he promised them.,
A man who, like all Democrats,attacks his opponents on a personal level, because, like all Democrats,he knows he can't beat a Conservative Republican in a real debate, about actual, substinative issues.
Cruz, from the beginning, recognized what Trump really was,and,from the beginning,Cruz knew that the truth of conservatism would eventually expose the Truth behind Trump, and lead him to victory.
And now, that appears to be happening,with Trump rejecting all calls for a one on one debate with Cruz, and the Trump personal attacks increasing with each passing day.
Against Cruz,
Against Conservatism,
Against Truth,
Trump cannot win, and he knows it.
But, the personal attacks, the threats of litigation,the sideshow distractions that take the Republican voters eye off the prize, give Trump the needed publicity that is the real root of his political power.
The simple truth is, without the press promoting him relentlessly,
protecting him relentlessly,
And pursuing him relentlessly,
Trump, as a candidate, would not exist.
The press made Trump.
And, in the General Election, the press will destroy him, guaranteed.
If, conservatism does not intervene,
If conservatism does not battle on,
If conservatism does not ultimately triumph.
And it will, because it is expertly embodied in the Republican Candidate for the Presidency called Cruz.
And Cruz, now more than ever, knows he can win, and knows how close he is to that victory in the wake of his 70% win in Utah that started the Trump implosion.
But, for now, a cease fire is in effect,as the next States will not be contested, for a few weeks. A cease fire that Cruz will , no doubt, use to his psychological advantage , as the Trump facade continues to crumble under the reality of Cruz's ever increasing poll and delegate numbers.
And now, no doubt,many Americans that are engaged in this battle in the arena of ideas,have chosen sides,and are locked in bitter debate,with friends, family, and colleagues,over their chosen candidates.
Who is the best man to lead the Nation?
Who is the real conservative , the real Republican, the man with the experience , skill, and leadership qualities to restore America to her former greatness?
The debate will rage on, among the American voters,just as it will rage on among the remaining candidates, and their respective Parties.
This is how it should be,
How our Founders , intended it to be.
The stakes are high, and the future of the Republic hangs in the balance.
Before we risk World War Three on any man, We the People must make absolutely sure, that he is 100% wholly reliable , and best equipped to lead this nation.
To this end, I ask all Americans to put aside all political infighting and partisan battles, and remember the reason this war is so important.
The Children.
The future of America has always been reflected, in the Children of America.
They are the Future.
And, without them, the Republic cannot endure,..
They are the reason we fight,
They are the reason we vote,
They are the reason we battle on,
Assured that the candidate we support is the man who must win,
If America, and the World, is to survive.
What kind of America will we leave them?
Will it be the America of Reagan,the Shining City on a Hill,
Or the America of Obama,
A divided , bankrupt, nation, in constant threat from the terror of Radical Islam?
The votes that We the People cast, in this Primary season, will determine which vision of America our Children will inherit. To that end, we must forget what any Republican candidate says he will do, if elected President.All of them will say what they must, to win your votes. and therefore,all of what they say must be discarded.
Put no faith in what a man says he will do, but in what he has actually done.
How has he lived his life?
How has he treated his fellow man?
How has he treated his family, friends, associates, women, children?
How has he stood for America, and her Allies?
How has he stood on our military, our veterans, and the war on terror?
How has he stood, on conservative principles?
How has he stood, on the Republican Party?
How has he stood on the Constitution,and the Judeo-Christian values it was based on?
How has he stood, on all these, for all of life's journey,..
There, you will find your answer,
There , you will find your candidate,
There you will find the true measure,
Of a Conservative,
Of a Republican,
Of a President,
Of, a Man,
And there, you will find our children's future as well.
Contemplate this well, my Fellow Americans, during this brief respite, this momentary cease fire,in this, the War of the Children, a war that has proven,beyond a shadow of a doubt,that it is the man in the arena that matters, not the critic, for the man in the arena, history will remember, while the critic is forgotten and , in the end, returned to dust.
Make no mistake, all seventeen Republican Candidates , this Primary Season, that have dared to do battle in the arena of ideas, are deserving of respect and honor, even the devious, deceptive, double agent Trump,for he too, has suffered the slings and arrows of the shallow critic , in order to make a difference, to make his vision of America, a reality, that, even with his faults and failings, would be far better than the reality of a President serving under the Democrat Banner.
This is the Greatest assembly of Conservative Republican Candidates ever to do battle in the arena of ideas.
Their debates are already the stuff of legend, and, beyond a doubt,..the greatest exhibition of political guts, stamina, and skill, ever witnessed , by mere mortals.
All are to be honored, for risking all, exposing all, giving their all, to save America from Democrat destruction , and to save our children's future as well .
How best to honor them, and their fight to save the Republic? There is, only one way,..
Whoever the eventual Republican nominee is,whether chosen by Republican delegate majority, or by the delegates at the Republican convention,
We the People,must honor that choice, and support that Republican nominee, no matter what,
No matter who,
In order to stop Hillary and the Democrat Party's destructive blueprint for America's doom.
There can be no turning back.
This Republican Party, that was created on the Day of the Emancipation Proclamation,..
The Party of Freedom and Liberty, for all men,
The Party of Self Government,
The Party of Free Market Capitalism,
The Party of the Greatest Military Force in existence.
The Party that is the essence of everything America symbolizes,
This Party, must stand behind the Republican nominee , if the War of the Children is to be won,
And the future preserved,
For the true rulers of this world,
And, in the end,
The only survivors of this war,..
Or,..any other,..
Friday, March 25, 2016
Friday, March 18, 2016
"The Madness Of The Malestrom!"
"From Hell's heart, I stab at thee!",'For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee!",cried Captain Ahab, his bloodied harpoon digging ever deeper into the ghost white flesh of the great whale,his eyes bulging, his scarred face twisted into a hideous , rage filled grimace.And Moby Dick, , his back a scarred webwork of harpoon and cables,now plunged deep into into the wine dark depths, with Ahab,Captain of the noble Whaler Pequod, his eternal tormentor, still lashed to his back, still locked in eternal struggle,with a demon of his own creation, a demon that now took final revenge on his relentless foe, taking their war to a battlefied that Ahab could not survive, a battle 'neath the lapping waves.Yet,as the Great Whale rose again, there still remained Ahab,self-crucified, on his pale demon,a tangle of endless harpoon strikes ensnaring his now lifeless form to the living symbol of his hate, for all eternity. And yet,somehow his arm moved, unencumbered in the lapping waves, by death's grim embrace, and seemed to almost beckon the Crew of the Pequod forward, into death's malestrom. Aye,Ahab's lifeless arm didst still command his crew, to exact revenge upon Satan's Pale Demon, who had now,finally ripped and rendered Ahab, body and soul, until the twain bled into each other. And, Ahab's loyal crew, plunged forward,into final battle, and oblivion,as the great whale made complete his revenge, his massive tail lashing in the bloody foam,rending both crew of mortal flesh, and vessel of hardened wood, until both were no more, and even the hate of Ahab , now a distant memory, consumed by the power of the White Whale,and the endless depths themselves.
Only Ishmael remained,
Only Ishmael would endure,
Using Queequeg's great oak coffin,as lifeboat and absolution from the Sins of Ahab.
Yes, call him Ishmael,
Or,here now, at this moment in time,
Call him Cruz.
His White Whale?
The Presidency of the United States.
His Ahab, that brings destruction to all around?
Donald J.Trump.
And his Oaken Tomb,that will enable him to surpass hate,
Overcome obsession,
Destroy deception,
And triumph, when all other candidates have fallen?
Conservatism is the Oak Coffin of the Cruz Candidacy,the safeguard against Queequeg's premonition of impending Republican Party destruction, the life raft that will enable Cruz to endure , while all about him are swallowed by pride, obsession, hate, and vanity.
Yes, when all others have fallen ,Cruz will endure , as Ishmael before him,
For he sees how the others were destroyed,
Listened to the premonitions of Macbethian Fates,
And wisely put aside ,
All obsession,
All vanity,
All bitterness,
All hate,
And clung fiercely, relentlessly,to hos oak tomb,
To the weapon inherited from Our Founders,
The one weapon that would insure ,that while all others were swallowed in the sea of political battle,
He would endure,
And in the end, triumph.
But, that end is not yet upon us, and the battle for the Republican Nomination, led with relentless Ahab -like obsession by Trump , still rages forward unto the fateful day known as the Second Super Tuesday.
But, before that storm would rage,there was an uncommon still to the political sea,.The last debate ,held in Detroit,was an anomaly,indeed.Gone were the personal attacks or comments regarding hand dimensions, gone were the twin pronged attacks of Cruz and Rubio upon Trump,gone the daggers of these conspirators upon the would be Caesar, and turned instead to the promotion of pro conservative principles regarding national security and foreign policy, principles that must be there,for any who would dare to vie for the crown of commander in chief.
Cruz, Rubio, and Kasich, all have the experience, skill ,and mastery of the subject, and therefore all are qualified to hold the crown.
Trump, however,once again,in this the final debate,demonstrated his glaring lack of not only national security knowledge, but a basic lack of belief in conservative principles as well.
Once more , Trump soundbites substituted for knowledge.
Once more, Trump lies, deceptions,and pending lawsuits,overshadowed any discussion of Trump policy agenda.
Once again, Trump's political stance not only waivered day to day,but often from sentence to sentence as well.
But, for this debate, the venom was stilled , the rage subsided,the attacks contained, to policy related scenarios , as it should always be.
Cruz's conservative debate mastery shined.
Rubio's conservative oratory electrified again.
Kasich's fiscal conservative triumphs were once again proudly trumpeted.
And Trump, once again,confounded ,with policy vagueness business frauds, and personal gaffes.
The debate season would end, not with a bang, but a whimper , with Trump now refusing to engage in further debate battles with his twin tormentors Cruz and Fox News Moderator Megan Kelly,debates that he instinctively knows, in the narrowing field of competition,against debate master Cruz, he cannot win.
But now,a sea of political calm stood in stark contrast,to the raging storm to come. The time for debate was over, the battle for State supremacy was once again , joined. Once again, Trump would reign supreme, winning North Carolina, Illinois, and even taking all or nothing Florida from Rubio quite handily,forcing the embattled Senator from the Citrus State to finally suspend his campaign. Ohio, however, would belong to Kasich, and Trump would win Missouri,over Cruz, only by a hairs breath of two percentage points.The Cruz campaign is already calling for a recount, and rightly so. After all, you win the nomination by delegate count, not by State victories,and every viable candidate should fight, tooth and nail, for every delegate point , as though his political life depended on it, because, it does.
Marco Rubio gave his most inspiring speech in the wake of final defeat, the regrets of a scattershot campaign strategy , no doubt,weighing heavily on his mind.But, in the end, despite strong conservative skills, Rubio simply could not overcome two major flaws that the Republican voters could not forgive,namely,his gang of eight Amnesty pact,, and his absentee Senate record. Rubio will return.His youth, talent,strong conservative values, and oratory skills, virtually assure it.
And, as for John Kasich, he will remain, no doubt,till the convention, hoping for a contested or brokered scenario that would have either the convention delegates,or Party elites,choose him, as the sane, conservative alternative to delegate leaders Trump and Cruz. The bottom line is simply this,no matter how dominant the Trump Train remains,he cannot escape his lifelong Liberal Democrat roots, that will always make him suspect to the Republican Elite.
Trump will always be perceived as a Republican Double Agent,and rightly so. He has funded Democrat campaigns, demonized President Bush as a liar, condemned Pamela Geller's attacks on Sharia ,and supported single payer government healthcare,depending on the day,and hour.Add to this a business record of deception fraud, racketeering, malfeasance, a pending lawsuit regarding his ponzi scheme con job known as Trump University,and a growing unrest at his rallies , encouraged by Trump's persistent George Wallace -like calls for physical engagement with leftist protectors and disruptors , and you have the perfect formula for political implosion.
While it is clearly the left,funded by George Soros and MoveOn.Org, ,that is behind the rally violence, there is a sneaking suspicion gaining credence within the Republican Party, that Trump is the Democrat Party's Manchurian Candidate,chosen by crossover Democrat votes in Open Republican Primaries, and promoted and protected by the liberal media , and demonized at Trump rallies, by carefully placed Soros disruptors, all to accomplish one end,to make sure Hillary has an easy Republican opponent in the general election. That easy opponent , in the past, was McCain, then Romney,and now,Trump. All three hand picked by crossover Democrat voters,in Republican Primaries where only 17% of actual Registered Republicans, have voted.
The Democrats know that Hillary would stand no chance against any real viable Republican Candidate , and the polls prove it. In Nationwide polls, Cruz, Rubio, and Kasich, all defeat Hillary quite easily.
But Trump, is another matter.
In all, I repeat,..all Nationwide polls,Trump has a 69% disapproval rating among Republican voters, and in all Nationwide polls,Trump loses to Hillary in the General Election, Badly.
Therefore, Trump will be promoted , with Democrats switching Parties, to assure his victory in most States.The press will give him 24-7 coverage,with little or no attacks on his scandals and glaring political weaknesses, and the MoveOn, Soros protestors will continue to attack Trump rallies, inspiring his followers to even more loyalty, while driving Trump's National disapproval rating, ever higher.The George Wallace Presidential campaign, all over again.
In other words,the entire Trump candidacy is nothing more than an elaborate Democrat Ponzi scheme , worthy of Trump himself,that guarantees a Trump Primary victory by Democrat deception , only to have those same Trump voters switch to Hillary in the general election, guaranteed.
They did it with McCain.
They did it with Romney.
Both of them won the Republican nomination, by Democrat votes,
Both of them lost their Presidential bids, when those Democrats who backed them in their primaries, switched to Obama in the main election.
And that, is exactly what they will do, in the main election between Trump and Hillary ,
You can Bank on it.
The perfect plan, carried out by a Party that has long realized that it cannot win on policy or on candidate charisma, for that matter.
Hillary is a shrill ,pathological liar , who caused the death of four heroes in Benghazi.
Sanders is an aging admitted socialist, who concedes that his entitlement policies would bankrupt the nation, even further.
How then, to win?
How then, to take back the House and Senate,from the Republicans,and seize the Presidency for the third term of Obama, when the Republicans have 17 young, strong conservative Republicans, all quite capable of restoring America to it's former Reagan -Era greatness?
Trump is the answer.
Just as McCain was.
Just as Romney was.
Trump, is the answer.
And Trump will be the Republican nominee, hook or by crook.
That is the plan, and so far, it's working, with Trump , in the wake of the Second Super Tuesday, now leading with 673 delegates, Cruz right behind with 410 delegates,with both Rubio at 169, and Kasich,at 143, simply out of mathematical contention. There are, however,many states still remaining to be counted,and new Trump scandals exposed, almost on a daily basis.
Is it enough to stop him?
Or will Trump , like Captain Ahab, continue on his hate fueled , obsessive quest for unilateral political power, leading his mindlessly loyal crew to final victory at the Republican Convention floor?
Or, will he fall, like Ahab, drowned in the sea of his own arrogance and deceptions, taking his obedient minions with him?
Time will tell, but this much is certain,
Wading through the malestrom of Republican Primary madness, there shall stand Cruz,
Cruz will remain and continue to fight , using his conservative skill , as Ishmael used Queequeg's coffin, to stay afloat in the center of the storm,and ultimately triumph, at the floor of the convention,
With only one weapon to recommend him,
But, it is a formidable weapon indeed,
A weapon that can overcome all hate, all obsession, all vanity,.all deception, all anger,
All Democrat manipulations .
That weapon is conservatism. ,
And against it,nothing can stand,
Even the Ahab like, obsessive madness of the malestrom called Trump.
A Republican nominee is chosen,not only by State victories, but by delegate count.
In the end, it will not be by Republican elite manipulations that Trump is beaten, but by the actual votes of We the People,
The Delegates themselves,
That will cast their final votes,and choose their nominee on the floor, of the Republican Convention.
Without this process, there would have been,
No President Abraham Lincoln,
No Emancipation Proclamation,
No Civil Rights,
No Second Amendment rights, for all men,
No Republican Party.
President Lincoln would never have existed , to bring freedom to all Americans,without the vote of We the People, at his contested convention.
By this process, tyranny was halted, Freedom granted,
And the Republic endured.
Because the voice of Lincoln, the voice of conservatism, the voice of truth,was heard clearly,on the Republican convention floor, by those delegates, who knew that, in order to preserve the Union, the candidate from Illinois, must be our next President.
Now, it is Cruz who will survive, who will endure, who will gather delegates, and ultimately, challenge Trump on the Convention floor,to the Final Showdown, between the madness of political vanity, the lust for unilateral power,
And the Truth of Conservatism.
There can be but one outcome, if the Republic of Lincoln, is to endure,
This Ishmael must survive,
While this Ahab must sink, self crucified, by vanity , arrogance, hate, and pride,
Yet, even in the throes of delegate imposed death , will still beckon his mindlessly loyal crew on,
To riot, to rage, to self destruct,in fitting revenge,for his inevitable loss,
And, in the end, to follow him down,
Into the depths of permanent,
Political Oblivion,...
Only Ishmael remained,
Only Ishmael would endure,
Using Queequeg's great oak coffin,as lifeboat and absolution from the Sins of Ahab.
Yes, call him Ishmael,
Or,here now, at this moment in time,
Call him Cruz.
His White Whale?
The Presidency of the United States.
His Ahab, that brings destruction to all around?
Donald J.Trump.
And his Oaken Tomb,that will enable him to surpass hate,
Overcome obsession,
Destroy deception,
And triumph, when all other candidates have fallen?
Conservatism is the Oak Coffin of the Cruz Candidacy,the safeguard against Queequeg's premonition of impending Republican Party destruction, the life raft that will enable Cruz to endure , while all about him are swallowed by pride, obsession, hate, and vanity.
Yes, when all others have fallen ,Cruz will endure , as Ishmael before him,
For he sees how the others were destroyed,
Listened to the premonitions of Macbethian Fates,
And wisely put aside ,
All obsession,
All vanity,
All bitterness,
All hate,
And clung fiercely, relentlessly,to hos oak tomb,
To the weapon inherited from Our Founders,
The one weapon that would insure ,that while all others were swallowed in the sea of political battle,
He would endure,
And in the end, triumph.
But, that end is not yet upon us, and the battle for the Republican Nomination, led with relentless Ahab -like obsession by Trump , still rages forward unto the fateful day known as the Second Super Tuesday.
But, before that storm would rage,there was an uncommon still to the political sea,.The last debate ,held in Detroit,was an anomaly,indeed.Gone were the personal attacks or comments regarding hand dimensions, gone were the twin pronged attacks of Cruz and Rubio upon Trump,gone the daggers of these conspirators upon the would be Caesar, and turned instead to the promotion of pro conservative principles regarding national security and foreign policy, principles that must be there,for any who would dare to vie for the crown of commander in chief.
Cruz, Rubio, and Kasich, all have the experience, skill ,and mastery of the subject, and therefore all are qualified to hold the crown.
Trump, however,once again,in this the final debate,demonstrated his glaring lack of not only national security knowledge, but a basic lack of belief in conservative principles as well.
Once more , Trump soundbites substituted for knowledge.
Once more, Trump lies, deceptions,and pending lawsuits,overshadowed any discussion of Trump policy agenda.
Once again, Trump's political stance not only waivered day to day,but often from sentence to sentence as well.
But, for this debate, the venom was stilled , the rage subsided,the attacks contained, to policy related scenarios , as it should always be.
Cruz's conservative debate mastery shined.
Rubio's conservative oratory electrified again.
Kasich's fiscal conservative triumphs were once again proudly trumpeted.
And Trump, once again,confounded ,with policy vagueness business frauds, and personal gaffes.
The debate season would end, not with a bang, but a whimper , with Trump now refusing to engage in further debate battles with his twin tormentors Cruz and Fox News Moderator Megan Kelly,debates that he instinctively knows, in the narrowing field of competition,against debate master Cruz, he cannot win.
But now,a sea of political calm stood in stark contrast,to the raging storm to come. The time for debate was over, the battle for State supremacy was once again , joined. Once again, Trump would reign supreme, winning North Carolina, Illinois, and even taking all or nothing Florida from Rubio quite handily,forcing the embattled Senator from the Citrus State to finally suspend his campaign. Ohio, however, would belong to Kasich, and Trump would win Missouri,over Cruz, only by a hairs breath of two percentage points.The Cruz campaign is already calling for a recount, and rightly so. After all, you win the nomination by delegate count, not by State victories,and every viable candidate should fight, tooth and nail, for every delegate point , as though his political life depended on it, because, it does.
Marco Rubio gave his most inspiring speech in the wake of final defeat, the regrets of a scattershot campaign strategy , no doubt,weighing heavily on his mind.But, in the end, despite strong conservative skills, Rubio simply could not overcome two major flaws that the Republican voters could not forgive,namely,his gang of eight Amnesty pact,, and his absentee Senate record. Rubio will return.His youth, talent,strong conservative values, and oratory skills, virtually assure it.
And, as for John Kasich, he will remain, no doubt,till the convention, hoping for a contested or brokered scenario that would have either the convention delegates,or Party elites,choose him, as the sane, conservative alternative to delegate leaders Trump and Cruz. The bottom line is simply this,no matter how dominant the Trump Train remains,he cannot escape his lifelong Liberal Democrat roots, that will always make him suspect to the Republican Elite.
Trump will always be perceived as a Republican Double Agent,and rightly so. He has funded Democrat campaigns, demonized President Bush as a liar, condemned Pamela Geller's attacks on Sharia ,and supported single payer government healthcare,depending on the day,and hour.Add to this a business record of deception fraud, racketeering, malfeasance, a pending lawsuit regarding his ponzi scheme con job known as Trump University,and a growing unrest at his rallies , encouraged by Trump's persistent George Wallace -like calls for physical engagement with leftist protectors and disruptors , and you have the perfect formula for political implosion.
While it is clearly the left,funded by George Soros and MoveOn.Org, ,that is behind the rally violence, there is a sneaking suspicion gaining credence within the Republican Party, that Trump is the Democrat Party's Manchurian Candidate,chosen by crossover Democrat votes in Open Republican Primaries, and promoted and protected by the liberal media , and demonized at Trump rallies, by carefully placed Soros disruptors, all to accomplish one end,to make sure Hillary has an easy Republican opponent in the general election. That easy opponent , in the past, was McCain, then Romney,and now,Trump. All three hand picked by crossover Democrat voters,in Republican Primaries where only 17% of actual Registered Republicans, have voted.
The Democrats know that Hillary would stand no chance against any real viable Republican Candidate , and the polls prove it. In Nationwide polls, Cruz, Rubio, and Kasich, all defeat Hillary quite easily.
But Trump, is another matter.
In all, I repeat,..all Nationwide polls,Trump has a 69% disapproval rating among Republican voters, and in all Nationwide polls,Trump loses to Hillary in the General Election, Badly.
Therefore, Trump will be promoted , with Democrats switching Parties, to assure his victory in most States.The press will give him 24-7 coverage,with little or no attacks on his scandals and glaring political weaknesses, and the MoveOn, Soros protestors will continue to attack Trump rallies, inspiring his followers to even more loyalty, while driving Trump's National disapproval rating, ever higher.The George Wallace Presidential campaign, all over again.
In other words,the entire Trump candidacy is nothing more than an elaborate Democrat Ponzi scheme , worthy of Trump himself,that guarantees a Trump Primary victory by Democrat deception , only to have those same Trump voters switch to Hillary in the general election, guaranteed.
They did it with McCain.
They did it with Romney.
Both of them won the Republican nomination, by Democrat votes,
Both of them lost their Presidential bids, when those Democrats who backed them in their primaries, switched to Obama in the main election.
And that, is exactly what they will do, in the main election between Trump and Hillary ,
You can Bank on it.
The perfect plan, carried out by a Party that has long realized that it cannot win on policy or on candidate charisma, for that matter.
Hillary is a shrill ,pathological liar , who caused the death of four heroes in Benghazi.
Sanders is an aging admitted socialist, who concedes that his entitlement policies would bankrupt the nation, even further.
How then, to win?
How then, to take back the House and Senate,from the Republicans,and seize the Presidency for the third term of Obama, when the Republicans have 17 young, strong conservative Republicans, all quite capable of restoring America to it's former Reagan -Era greatness?
Trump is the answer.
Just as McCain was.
Just as Romney was.
Trump, is the answer.
And Trump will be the Republican nominee, hook or by crook.
That is the plan, and so far, it's working, with Trump , in the wake of the Second Super Tuesday, now leading with 673 delegates, Cruz right behind with 410 delegates,with both Rubio at 169, and Kasich,at 143, simply out of mathematical contention. There are, however,many states still remaining to be counted,and new Trump scandals exposed, almost on a daily basis.
Is it enough to stop him?
Or will Trump , like Captain Ahab, continue on his hate fueled , obsessive quest for unilateral political power, leading his mindlessly loyal crew to final victory at the Republican Convention floor?
Or, will he fall, like Ahab, drowned in the sea of his own arrogance and deceptions, taking his obedient minions with him?
Time will tell, but this much is certain,
Wading through the malestrom of Republican Primary madness, there shall stand Cruz,
Cruz will remain and continue to fight , using his conservative skill , as Ishmael used Queequeg's coffin, to stay afloat in the center of the storm,and ultimately triumph, at the floor of the convention,
With only one weapon to recommend him,
But, it is a formidable weapon indeed,
A weapon that can overcome all hate, all obsession, all vanity,.all deception, all anger,
All Democrat manipulations .
That weapon is conservatism. ,
And against it,nothing can stand,
Even the Ahab like, obsessive madness of the malestrom called Trump.
A Republican nominee is chosen,not only by State victories, but by delegate count.
In the end, it will not be by Republican elite manipulations that Trump is beaten, but by the actual votes of We the People,
The Delegates themselves,
That will cast their final votes,and choose their nominee on the floor, of the Republican Convention.
Without this process, there would have been,
No President Abraham Lincoln,
No Emancipation Proclamation,
No Civil Rights,
No Second Amendment rights, for all men,
No Republican Party.
President Lincoln would never have existed , to bring freedom to all Americans,without the vote of We the People, at his contested convention.
By this process, tyranny was halted, Freedom granted,
And the Republic endured.
Because the voice of Lincoln, the voice of conservatism, the voice of truth,was heard clearly,on the Republican convention floor, by those delegates, who knew that, in order to preserve the Union, the candidate from Illinois, must be our next President.
Now, it is Cruz who will survive, who will endure, who will gather delegates, and ultimately, challenge Trump on the Convention floor,to the Final Showdown, between the madness of political vanity, the lust for unilateral power,
And the Truth of Conservatism.
There can be but one outcome, if the Republic of Lincoln, is to endure,
This Ishmael must survive,
While this Ahab must sink, self crucified, by vanity , arrogance, hate, and pride,
Yet, even in the throes of delegate imposed death , will still beckon his mindlessly loyal crew on,
To riot, to rage, to self destruct,in fitting revenge,for his inevitable loss,
And, in the end, to follow him down,
Into the depths of permanent,
Political Oblivion,...
Saturday, March 12, 2016
"The Last Field Of Honor!"
Two hundred and eleven years ago,on a field of honor in Weehawken, New Jersey, two men stood 100 paces apart,and at the signal of their seconds, leveled their dueling pistols at each other ,and fired.The man known as Alexander Hamilton fired first,his pistol possessed of a hair trigger to insure accuracy.And yet, despite this precaution,at the last moment,Hamilton lifted his arm and fired his shot into the trees above his opponent,deliberately missing his first volley. This was not an uncommon practice for a 19th Century duel..Often,both combatants would meet on the field, and convinced that their honor had been upheld,would then fire their shots into the ground,a mutual sign of respect for the opponents courage. This time, however,at this moment, near the shores of New Jersey,a different scenario would be played out. This time,the deliberately missed shot, of Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton,would not be seen as an honorable act,but as a moment of weakness to be exploited by his opponent ,whose murderous purpose and intent had not diminished in the wake of the Hamilton misfire. As the Hamilton volley struck the trees above the dueling field,his opponent,former Vice President and failed candidate for the New York Governorship, Aaron Burr,carefully leveled the muzzle of his pistol at his noble opponent and fired .
Burr's shot punctured Hamilton's side, rupturing his liver, and fracturing several ribs in the process.Almost instinctively,Burr ran to his fallen foe, perhaps instantly regretting the action that decades of political battle and rancor had wrought. Then, as full realization of what he had done fully registered ,Burr gathered himself,straightened,and was then pulled away from the fallen Hamilton by his dueling seconds to a waiting boat that would take Burr across the river, putting much needed distance between himself, and his crime.
And Hamilton too, would be quickly carried to a waiting boat by his seconds ,unconscious and bleeding profusely,and would cling to life for a mere 24 hours, before succumbing to wounds indeed most mortal.
With one pistol shot, a political bloodfeud that had spanned decades, was finally ended forever with the death of Founding Father Hamilton,and the political death of his opponent Aaron Burr,who, in the wake of the duel,would be charged with murder and treason,attempt a Militia backed Monarchy takeover of the territories of Louisiana, would flee the country, and, in the end,never again ascend to political power and position. Burr may have ended the political taunts and attacks of Federalist Hamilton,but, by so doing,he had also brought to an end his own political future as well.
Alexander Hamilton's death at the hands of Aaron Burr, had served it's greater purpose.Aaron Burr, Democratic Republican,political rival and mortal enemy of Federalist Alexander Hamilton,and threat to every freedom loving man, woman, and child, of this Free Republic , would never again hold political office , and would ultimately die in obscurity,wishing to his dying day,that he had not fought that duel with Hamilton, and had instead found the wisdom to realize that the world was large enough ,for both Hamilton and Burr to exist in .And, as for Hamilton, he had no regrets .He had opposed Burr's political ambitions since the days when they both served in the Continental Army, under General George Washington.Hamilton, a strict Constitutional Central Government Federalist,viewed Democratic Republican Burr,as a collaborator and sympathizer with the English Monarchy , who sought to overthrow Sovreign State rule through a British backed military coup ,and bring an end to this fledgling Republic called America.
Alexander Hamilton opposed Burr's run for the Senate, blocked Burr's run for the Presidency, blocked his Second Term run for the Vice-Presidency, and blocked his run for Governor of New York as well. Alexander Hamilton considered it his "sacred duty"to protect the nation from the tyranny of a Burr rise to political power .Burr was a threat to the future of the Republic,and a British collaborator and double agent ,seeking to destroy from within,this Free Republic, and Hamilton knew Burr must be stopped, in print, in legislation, on the campaign trail, and on the field of honor, if necessary.
Aaron Burr, former General in the Continental Army, and former Vice President under Thomas Jefferson, was a dangerous leftist threat to the Republic,and Burr must be stopped,simple as that, by hook or by crook, by any means necessary. It was Alexander Hamilton's duty,as a Founding Father of the Free Republic,and creator of free market capitalism,Federal banking, and free trade systems, to stop Aaron Burr , no matter what the cost or consequences may be.
For,like his fellow Founding Fathers,Hamilton dedicated his life, not to King,and Country, like Burr,but to God, Liberty, and the Republic.
Now, two hundred and eleven years later,We the People of Hamilton's Free Republic,have a similar choice to make. To stand and fight against the enemies of the Republic, or surrender to tyranny, forevermore.
Former Massachusetts Governor and 2012 Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney, has made his choice.He has come out of self imposed political exile to oppose a man that he does indeed see as a threat to our Republic.The man opposed is Donald J. Trump, Republican Presidential Candidate who, in the wake of both Super Tuesday and Super Saturday as well, still maintains a considerable State Delegate lead over his remaining three Republican opponents, with only Ted Cruz,offering any viable competition for the nomination.
Since the Iowa Caucus, Cruz has held his own, winning comfortably in both caucus states, and those states designated as closed primaries as well. No surprise there. For, despite all the talk of Trump's unstoppable march to the Republican nomination,the political reality is that he is maintaining his 100 point delegate lead, simply due to Liberal Democrat crossover voters, who are mesmerized by his lowbrow "reality" status,and who also see Trump as the nominee who will, most likely, lose to their Democrat Party candidate, Hillary Clinton,in the General Election. How true. Trump has a 68% disapproval rating among Republicans Nationwide,due to his extensive Liberal Democrat past, and lack of any discernable conservative principles, or values.There are three things in life that are certain, death, taxes, and the fact that Donald Trump cannot win the General Election against Hillary Clinton. And, make no mistake, the Democrats are well aware of this fact,and despite their worship of him now, will revert to form in the General Election, and vote for Hillary. They know she must win, if the Democrat Socialist Entitlement Agenda is to be advanced , and the House and Senate returned to Democrat control.
They will have Trump as the Republican nominee, because his Primary Victory will ensure the future of the Democrat Party, simple as that.
But, fortunately, the Trump Army , though formidable indeed,is strongly opposed by genuine Conservative Republicans who see the ugly truth behind the Trump phenomenom, and like Hamilton, have dedicated their lives and fortunes, to stopping him.
Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney is the latest of these men to enter the fray, and despite criticism from both Republican and Democrat alike, has unleashed all hell on Trump, taking a cue from Cruz and Rubio,attacking him from all angles, but especially focusing on Trump's questionable business record that includes four bankrupt casinos,a failed airline and, most egregious of all, a multi-faceted ponzi scheme known as Trump University,that defrauded thousands of gullible ,middle class people out of millions of dollars. Add to this the failure of lesser business ventures such as Trump Steaks, Trump Vodka, Trump Magazine, and Trump Water, and you have a clear picture of the true business genius behind the Trump fortune.Trump is a scam artist, who inherited a fortune from his Father's Empire,and despite his business failures, continued to make money by essentially creating faux businesses, and then, selling them,for a profit. Trump is a talented, gold plated,house flipper, simple as that, and Romney ,a man who knows how to create wealth, considered it his patriotic duty, to come forward, now, and expose him, before it was too late.
Like Hamilton ,200 years earlier, Romney saw the threat to the future of the Republic that a Trump Presidency represented, and dedicated himself to stopping him, and destroying his political ambitions, no matter what the cost to his personal life, professional image, or political stock.Romney understands that even if attacking Trump costs him everything he's worked for, everything that he is, or is perceived to be, he is willing to pay that price, because deep down,he knows it's worth the sacrifice.He knows , like our Founders did, that all Americans must be willing to sacrifice , and lay down their lives, if necessary, to save the last, best hope for humanity, the Shining City on a Hill,that must always remain, always endure,if the world is to survive.
And, Mitt is not alone .There are other patriots who have, for many months now, led this fight to save the Republican Party and the Republic as well, from this Democrat Double Agent , this faux Republican called Trump.Three of them,are still dueling with Trump ,for the Republican Nomination. Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and John Kasich , still remain in the arena,and none yet, has shown signs of surrendering the nomination to Trump and his rabid army who will see him the victor, and will tolerate no other.
And, as Debate and Primary State battles rage on, there appears to be a weakening in the Trump armor. The twin pronged attacks by Cruz and Rubio on every level against Trump,are slowly but surely,working. Trump still leads , but Cruz is winning too, and is now, thanks to more closed primary states , steadily gaining on Trump, with the current delegate count having Trump at 416, and Cruz right behind, at 386.And, more closed Republican dominated primary states still remain to be counted.
The shifting political tides began to build in intensity and focus, starting with the Debate prelude to Super Tuesday, .There Cruz and Rubio took advantage of the thinning field of competition, and focused all attacks on Trump , with noticable results. Trump was shaken by the truth that was exposed in the assaults,and the Super Tuesday results told the story.Both Trump and Rubio scored two state wins,with Cruz actually , for the first time, winning more delegate points than Trump.And Rubio scored as well,winning the late counted caucus state of Minnesota .Rubio had scored a win finally, due in no small part to his laser like attack on Trump and his relentless ground campaign.Rubio had found the formula to victory, but it seemed to be a discovery made too late in the game to give him the commanding leads of Trump and Cruz.But, at least he had scored a win,unlike the other optimistic underdog Kasich, who was still pinning all his hopes on a big win in Ohio, and possibly even Florida.Not very likely. Like Rubio, Kasich has nearly run out of time to mount a successful comeback,and unlike Rubio, has failed to score even one win.However, like Rubio, Kasich's fight is not in vain, and has an ulterior, strategic motive.
Both Rubio and Kasich still stand reasonably good chances of winning their home states of Forida and Ohio,with Kasich actually leading Trump in Ohio polls at this time.
The purpose behind their fight then,must be to act as blockers,to draw the fire away from Cruz,deny Trump winner take all delegate wins in Florida and Ohio, allow Cruz to gain on Trump with wins in the closed primary states, enter into the convention with a nominee still not chosen, and then, leave the nomination decision to the convention delegate themselves. Cruz will obviously be that choice, since only he has won against Trump, not withstanding the Rubio victories in Minnesota and Puerto Rico.
But, with a Ohio going to Kasich, and Florida to Rubio, Cruz will continue to gain in closed primary states , as he did on Super Tuesday, winning two states, and even more delegates than Trump, and scoring Idaho,on Super Saturday as well. The bottom line?If only Republicans are allowed to vote, in all Republican primaries, Cruz would win the nomination ,easily.
And, Cruz can still win it, if he keeps to the winning formula that he now has,namely, continuing to expose Trump's lack of political substance conservative credentials,and legitimate business skills, while continuing to aggressively promote his own iron clad, unbeatable , conservative agenda.
Ted Cruz, can win.
In the end, conservatism always wins,
All it takes is the guts, courage, and character to believe in it, live it, and promote it,like Alexander Hamilton did, as though your life, and the life of your nation,depends on it,because, it does.
Mitt Romney has shown this courage, by risking all, to oppose Trump.
Ted Cruz, has shown this courage as well, his Senate voting record and aggressively conservative Presidential campaign, proves it.
So too, does Rubio,who has risked his image and credibility , by attacking Trump relentlessly.
So too, does Kasich, who must realize by now, that he cannot win, yet ,also knows he must forge ahead, if he is to deny Trump a delegate victory at the convention.
Hamilton stopped the treasonous Burr, and it cost him, his life.
After shooting Alexander Hamilton,Aaron Burr ,although avoiding jail, would fail at a militia backed coup in Louisiana, and fail to hold political office ,ever again.
The sacrifices of both Kasich and Rubio will be much less fatalistic, but just as important ,for if the Republic is to survive,if Hillary is to be beaten, Trump must be denied the nomination, and Cruz, the perfect conservative fighting machine,crowned the victor by the Republican Convention delegates.
There are those who say that conspiring to deny the delegate count leader the nomination , in order to choose a candidate more acceptable to the Republican Party, would be a grievious subversion of the People's will, and could result in a permanently shattered Republican Party.
Shattered,by who?
By Liberal Democrat double agent voters who have crossed into Republican Party primaries, in order to elect a Liberal Democrat, reality show t.v. star, rather than the choice of true conservative Republicans?
Let their will be thwarted,
Let Trump supporters walk out,
For , in truth,they would have no business being there , to begin with.
They are not Conservative,
They are not Republicans,
They are Liberal Democrats,whose Party agenda has damaged our nation for decades , and for that reason, they must be beaten, now,if the Republic is to endure.
And, when the Trump cult has fled the convention floor, who shall remain?
Those who stand for conservatism,
Those who stand for the Republic,
Those who demand an end, to destructive Democrat rule,and the rebirth of Republican rule,
Those who embrace America, as the Shining City on a Hill, that Reagan envisioned,
Those who will have a Conservative Republican Presidency, or they will have none at all.
The final Republican Debate , held in Florida, is now over,
The final duel, on this last field of honor,
What hath been wrought?
While the tone was muted, and all remaining candidates seemed more subdued, putting aside the personal attacks and savage invective, one thing remained the same,from the previous debate,
There were three men on that stage,whose experience, foreign policy knowledge, and core conservative principles,would make them excellent Presidents,
Presidents to be reckoned with,
Presidents who would restore America to her former greatness
And then, there was one man on that stage, whose Liberal Democrat past,incoherent, and inconsistent policy stance,lack of national security or foreign policy knowledge, and questionable business practices, .
Make him a dangerous choice for President,
A choice that, for the sake of the Republic's future, must not be.
Trump believes that Putin is a strong leader, and that China showed strength, by slaughtering protesting students,
Trump believes the Iran deal can be fixed,
Trump refuses to take sides, in the Israel Palestinian conflict,
Trump believes that Obamacare should be replaced, with a mandatory , government controlled healthcare system,
Trump says he will work with the Democrats whose policies have damaged our nation, and wants to "unite" the two Parties.
Trump encourages those at his rallies to punch protestors, which has resulted in repeated assaults and violence, at all Trump venues, and a massive riot at the cancelled Trump rally in Detroit as well.
Is this the man the Republican convention Delegates , should choose , as the Leader of their Party?
The final duel is now, part of History, and all four, of the remaining candidates, still stand, still survive,
As the battle rages on , in the remaining States, ,
A Battle,to save the Republic,
In the end, who shall remain?
Those who stand with the Republic,
Those who stand with Conservatism,
Those who stand on this,
The Last Field of Honor,
With a Man called Cruz!
Burr's shot punctured Hamilton's side, rupturing his liver, and fracturing several ribs in the process.Almost instinctively,Burr ran to his fallen foe, perhaps instantly regretting the action that decades of political battle and rancor had wrought. Then, as full realization of what he had done fully registered ,Burr gathered himself,straightened,and was then pulled away from the fallen Hamilton by his dueling seconds to a waiting boat that would take Burr across the river, putting much needed distance between himself, and his crime.
And Hamilton too, would be quickly carried to a waiting boat by his seconds ,unconscious and bleeding profusely,and would cling to life for a mere 24 hours, before succumbing to wounds indeed most mortal.
With one pistol shot, a political bloodfeud that had spanned decades, was finally ended forever with the death of Founding Father Hamilton,and the political death of his opponent Aaron Burr,who, in the wake of the duel,would be charged with murder and treason,attempt a Militia backed Monarchy takeover of the territories of Louisiana, would flee the country, and, in the end,never again ascend to political power and position. Burr may have ended the political taunts and attacks of Federalist Hamilton,but, by so doing,he had also brought to an end his own political future as well.
Alexander Hamilton's death at the hands of Aaron Burr, had served it's greater purpose.Aaron Burr, Democratic Republican,political rival and mortal enemy of Federalist Alexander Hamilton,and threat to every freedom loving man, woman, and child, of this Free Republic , would never again hold political office , and would ultimately die in obscurity,wishing to his dying day,that he had not fought that duel with Hamilton, and had instead found the wisdom to realize that the world was large enough ,for both Hamilton and Burr to exist in .And, as for Hamilton, he had no regrets .He had opposed Burr's political ambitions since the days when they both served in the Continental Army, under General George Washington.Hamilton, a strict Constitutional Central Government Federalist,viewed Democratic Republican Burr,as a collaborator and sympathizer with the English Monarchy , who sought to overthrow Sovreign State rule through a British backed military coup ,and bring an end to this fledgling Republic called America.
Alexander Hamilton opposed Burr's run for the Senate, blocked Burr's run for the Presidency, blocked his Second Term run for the Vice-Presidency, and blocked his run for Governor of New York as well. Alexander Hamilton considered it his "sacred duty"to protect the nation from the tyranny of a Burr rise to political power .Burr was a threat to the future of the Republic,and a British collaborator and double agent ,seeking to destroy from within,this Free Republic, and Hamilton knew Burr must be stopped, in print, in legislation, on the campaign trail, and on the field of honor, if necessary.
Aaron Burr, former General in the Continental Army, and former Vice President under Thomas Jefferson, was a dangerous leftist threat to the Republic,and Burr must be stopped,simple as that, by hook or by crook, by any means necessary. It was Alexander Hamilton's duty,as a Founding Father of the Free Republic,and creator of free market capitalism,Federal banking, and free trade systems, to stop Aaron Burr , no matter what the cost or consequences may be.
For,like his fellow Founding Fathers,Hamilton dedicated his life, not to King,and Country, like Burr,but to God, Liberty, and the Republic.
Now, two hundred and eleven years later,We the People of Hamilton's Free Republic,have a similar choice to make. To stand and fight against the enemies of the Republic, or surrender to tyranny, forevermore.
Former Massachusetts Governor and 2012 Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney, has made his choice.He has come out of self imposed political exile to oppose a man that he does indeed see as a threat to our Republic.The man opposed is Donald J. Trump, Republican Presidential Candidate who, in the wake of both Super Tuesday and Super Saturday as well, still maintains a considerable State Delegate lead over his remaining three Republican opponents, with only Ted Cruz,offering any viable competition for the nomination.
Since the Iowa Caucus, Cruz has held his own, winning comfortably in both caucus states, and those states designated as closed primaries as well. No surprise there. For, despite all the talk of Trump's unstoppable march to the Republican nomination,the political reality is that he is maintaining his 100 point delegate lead, simply due to Liberal Democrat crossover voters, who are mesmerized by his lowbrow "reality" status,and who also see Trump as the nominee who will, most likely, lose to their Democrat Party candidate, Hillary Clinton,in the General Election. How true. Trump has a 68% disapproval rating among Republicans Nationwide,due to his extensive Liberal Democrat past, and lack of any discernable conservative principles, or values.There are three things in life that are certain, death, taxes, and the fact that Donald Trump cannot win the General Election against Hillary Clinton. And, make no mistake, the Democrats are well aware of this fact,and despite their worship of him now, will revert to form in the General Election, and vote for Hillary. They know she must win, if the Democrat Socialist Entitlement Agenda is to be advanced , and the House and Senate returned to Democrat control.
They will have Trump as the Republican nominee, because his Primary Victory will ensure the future of the Democrat Party, simple as that.
But, fortunately, the Trump Army , though formidable indeed,is strongly opposed by genuine Conservative Republicans who see the ugly truth behind the Trump phenomenom, and like Hamilton, have dedicated their lives and fortunes, to stopping him.
Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney is the latest of these men to enter the fray, and despite criticism from both Republican and Democrat alike, has unleashed all hell on Trump, taking a cue from Cruz and Rubio,attacking him from all angles, but especially focusing on Trump's questionable business record that includes four bankrupt casinos,a failed airline and, most egregious of all, a multi-faceted ponzi scheme known as Trump University,that defrauded thousands of gullible ,middle class people out of millions of dollars. Add to this the failure of lesser business ventures such as Trump Steaks, Trump Vodka, Trump Magazine, and Trump Water, and you have a clear picture of the true business genius behind the Trump fortune.Trump is a scam artist, who inherited a fortune from his Father's Empire,and despite his business failures, continued to make money by essentially creating faux businesses, and then, selling them,for a profit. Trump is a talented, gold plated,house flipper, simple as that, and Romney ,a man who knows how to create wealth, considered it his patriotic duty, to come forward, now, and expose him, before it was too late.
Like Hamilton ,200 years earlier, Romney saw the threat to the future of the Republic that a Trump Presidency represented, and dedicated himself to stopping him, and destroying his political ambitions, no matter what the cost to his personal life, professional image, or political stock.Romney understands that even if attacking Trump costs him everything he's worked for, everything that he is, or is perceived to be, he is willing to pay that price, because deep down,he knows it's worth the sacrifice.He knows , like our Founders did, that all Americans must be willing to sacrifice , and lay down their lives, if necessary, to save the last, best hope for humanity, the Shining City on a Hill,that must always remain, always endure,if the world is to survive.
And, Mitt is not alone .There are other patriots who have, for many months now, led this fight to save the Republican Party and the Republic as well, from this Democrat Double Agent , this faux Republican called Trump.Three of them,are still dueling with Trump ,for the Republican Nomination. Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and John Kasich , still remain in the arena,and none yet, has shown signs of surrendering the nomination to Trump and his rabid army who will see him the victor, and will tolerate no other.
And, as Debate and Primary State battles rage on, there appears to be a weakening in the Trump armor. The twin pronged attacks by Cruz and Rubio on every level against Trump,are slowly but surely,working. Trump still leads , but Cruz is winning too, and is now, thanks to more closed primary states , steadily gaining on Trump, with the current delegate count having Trump at 416, and Cruz right behind, at 386.And, more closed Republican dominated primary states still remain to be counted.
The shifting political tides began to build in intensity and focus, starting with the Debate prelude to Super Tuesday, .There Cruz and Rubio took advantage of the thinning field of competition, and focused all attacks on Trump , with noticable results. Trump was shaken by the truth that was exposed in the assaults,and the Super Tuesday results told the story.Both Trump and Rubio scored two state wins,with Cruz actually , for the first time, winning more delegate points than Trump.And Rubio scored as well,winning the late counted caucus state of Minnesota .Rubio had scored a win finally, due in no small part to his laser like attack on Trump and his relentless ground campaign.Rubio had found the formula to victory, but it seemed to be a discovery made too late in the game to give him the commanding leads of Trump and Cruz.But, at least he had scored a win,unlike the other optimistic underdog Kasich, who was still pinning all his hopes on a big win in Ohio, and possibly even Florida.Not very likely. Like Rubio, Kasich has nearly run out of time to mount a successful comeback,and unlike Rubio, has failed to score even one win.However, like Rubio, Kasich's fight is not in vain, and has an ulterior, strategic motive.
Both Rubio and Kasich still stand reasonably good chances of winning their home states of Forida and Ohio,with Kasich actually leading Trump in Ohio polls at this time.
The purpose behind their fight then,must be to act as blockers,to draw the fire away from Cruz,deny Trump winner take all delegate wins in Florida and Ohio, allow Cruz to gain on Trump with wins in the closed primary states, enter into the convention with a nominee still not chosen, and then, leave the nomination decision to the convention delegate themselves. Cruz will obviously be that choice, since only he has won against Trump, not withstanding the Rubio victories in Minnesota and Puerto Rico.
But, with a Ohio going to Kasich, and Florida to Rubio, Cruz will continue to gain in closed primary states , as he did on Super Tuesday, winning two states, and even more delegates than Trump, and scoring Idaho,on Super Saturday as well. The bottom line?If only Republicans are allowed to vote, in all Republican primaries, Cruz would win the nomination ,easily.
And, Cruz can still win it, if he keeps to the winning formula that he now has,namely, continuing to expose Trump's lack of political substance conservative credentials,and legitimate business skills, while continuing to aggressively promote his own iron clad, unbeatable , conservative agenda.
Ted Cruz, can win.
In the end, conservatism always wins,
All it takes is the guts, courage, and character to believe in it, live it, and promote it,like Alexander Hamilton did, as though your life, and the life of your nation,depends on it,because, it does.
Mitt Romney has shown this courage, by risking all, to oppose Trump.
Ted Cruz, has shown this courage as well, his Senate voting record and aggressively conservative Presidential campaign, proves it.
So too, does Rubio,who has risked his image and credibility , by attacking Trump relentlessly.
So too, does Kasich, who must realize by now, that he cannot win, yet ,also knows he must forge ahead, if he is to deny Trump a delegate victory at the convention.
Hamilton stopped the treasonous Burr, and it cost him, his life.
After shooting Alexander Hamilton,Aaron Burr ,although avoiding jail, would fail at a militia backed coup in Louisiana, and fail to hold political office ,ever again.
The sacrifices of both Kasich and Rubio will be much less fatalistic, but just as important ,for if the Republic is to survive,if Hillary is to be beaten, Trump must be denied the nomination, and Cruz, the perfect conservative fighting machine,crowned the victor by the Republican Convention delegates.
There are those who say that conspiring to deny the delegate count leader the nomination , in order to choose a candidate more acceptable to the Republican Party, would be a grievious subversion of the People's will, and could result in a permanently shattered Republican Party.
Shattered,by who?
By Liberal Democrat double agent voters who have crossed into Republican Party primaries, in order to elect a Liberal Democrat, reality show t.v. star, rather than the choice of true conservative Republicans?
Let their will be thwarted,
Let Trump supporters walk out,
For , in truth,they would have no business being there , to begin with.
They are not Conservative,
They are not Republicans,
They are Liberal Democrats,whose Party agenda has damaged our nation for decades , and for that reason, they must be beaten, now,if the Republic is to endure.
And, when the Trump cult has fled the convention floor, who shall remain?
Those who stand for conservatism,
Those who stand for the Republic,
Those who demand an end, to destructive Democrat rule,and the rebirth of Republican rule,
Those who embrace America, as the Shining City on a Hill, that Reagan envisioned,
Those who will have a Conservative Republican Presidency, or they will have none at all.
The final Republican Debate , held in Florida, is now over,
The final duel, on this last field of honor,
What hath been wrought?
While the tone was muted, and all remaining candidates seemed more subdued, putting aside the personal attacks and savage invective, one thing remained the same,from the previous debate,
There were three men on that stage,whose experience, foreign policy knowledge, and core conservative principles,would make them excellent Presidents,
Presidents to be reckoned with,
Presidents who would restore America to her former greatness
And then, there was one man on that stage, whose Liberal Democrat past,incoherent, and inconsistent policy stance,lack of national security or foreign policy knowledge, and questionable business practices, .
Make him a dangerous choice for President,
A choice that, for the sake of the Republic's future, must not be.
Trump believes that Putin is a strong leader, and that China showed strength, by slaughtering protesting students,
Trump believes the Iran deal can be fixed,
Trump refuses to take sides, in the Israel Palestinian conflict,
Trump believes that Obamacare should be replaced, with a mandatory , government controlled healthcare system,
Trump says he will work with the Democrats whose policies have damaged our nation, and wants to "unite" the two Parties.
Trump encourages those at his rallies to punch protestors, which has resulted in repeated assaults and violence, at all Trump venues, and a massive riot at the cancelled Trump rally in Detroit as well.
Is this the man the Republican convention Delegates , should choose , as the Leader of their Party?
The final duel is now, part of History, and all four, of the remaining candidates, still stand, still survive,
As the battle rages on , in the remaining States, ,
A Battle,to save the Republic,
In the end, who shall remain?
Those who stand with the Republic,
Those who stand with Conservatism,
Those who stand on this,
The Last Field of Honor,
With a Man called Cruz!
Friday, March 4, 2016
Night Of The Long Knives!
The night of the long knives was over,and Donald Trump,real estate mogul and faux Republican Candidate for the Presidency., now stood resplendent in the wake of his glorious Super Tuesday triumph.Trump won a total of seven states out of eleven, with three going to Cruz, and one ,finally, to Rubio.The established Republican Trio,would apparently all survive to fight another day. But before the final tallies were even in,Trump announced a press conference , perhaps confident that his overwhelming poll numbers would result in a night that would forever seal his status, as the rightful heir apparent to the Republican Throne.He would therefore, waste no time in displaying a more dignified ,more "Presidential"demeanor, by fielding reporter questions with less bluster and more politically calculated diplomacy.And so he did,except for a minor rebuff of a reporter's tax return question, and a complete dismissal of another concerning the Trump University scandal.He did seem almost dignified, almost Presidential, in this Post Super Tuesday Press Conference.Almost,but not quite. While praising Cruz for his delegate rich Texas Victory , and neighboring Oklahoma as well,he was also quick to remind his audience that his other,lesser nemesis ,Marco Rubio ,had a really bad night, and should simply embrace his loser status,and simply drop out.
Trump continued to field questions , moving quickly from one reporter to the next,keeping both temper and tantrums in check, consciously giving both rabid supporters and bitter opponents , a sneak prevue of a different Trump,a Trump no longer the embattled,bitter, blustering , paranoid bully,but a Trump in full Presidential regalia, confident of his agenda and in full control of the press, handling their questions in a very dignified, Presidential manner.
For as with Trump's previous attempts at dignified resonance, it could not be sustained , not for long anyway.Like an actor playing a role that he is not fully comfortable with,Trump seemed to be waiting for the director to yell cut, so he could shed this self-imposed Republican caricature, and retreat to his off-stage dressing room.This however, was not a stage play or a movie set, and there would be no director to yell,cut.No, that task was left to Trump himself, and after a few convincing moments of playing President,Trump quickly reverted, seeking as he always does,an easy target for his abusive antics.This time,Trump had a willing foil, a voluntary dupe,who ,during his entire press conference,stood behing him,to his right, with a blank, mindless, passive stare the constant mask that he wore, while Trump droned on.That willing foil, was New Jersey Governor , and former Republican Presidential Candidate Chris Christie ,who , like former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin, had recently jumped aboard the Trump bandwagon,and who now, judging by his facial expression, appeared to be regretting that decision.
The Christie endorsement occurred shortly after the Texas debate, where both Rubio and Cruz decided that the only path to victory,was a double edged,tag team attack on Trump on his own level, fully engaged with Trump style personal attacks the order of the day.When the bully hits you,you hit him back, just as hard , if you want to win, that is. It's as simple as that. Rubio,in particular,mocked Trump's major glaring weaknesses,a disturbing lack of policy detail, or even consistent policy for that matter. Trump's vague conservative Republican talking points often seemed to vary from day to day, shifting haphazardly from Liberal Democrat , to Republican Moderate, to Reagan style conservative,sometimes in the same sentence.
Rubio , well behind in the polls and delegate points,with no state victory yet under his belt,noticed,and decided that if he were to survive , let alone win, he must attack Trump now.He knew it was a do or die , risky ploy,however,for in the previous debate,Chris Christie had tried a similar tactic against him, looking to inherit his third place status , once Christie exposed him as an inexperienced ,talking point saturated automaton ,who when pressured,could do no more than repeat the same pre-programmed responses that were embedded in his memory banks. 'Barack Obama is deliberately trying to destroy America",was Rubio's constant refrain, which Christie continued to badger him about.In reality,Rubio had good reason to keep repeating this fact, since no one else on that stage seemed to fully comprehend this grim reality. Rubio was emphasizing the dangerous, deliberate purpose behind the Obama Agenda,and it was indeed worth repeating, endlessly , if necessary, and Christie's fall, shortly after his blistering attack on this Rubio talking point,seemed to confirm this.
It was a bitter moment to Christie,and a humiliating,undignified way to leave the race. Christie, no doubt, sought revenge and that explains in full, his sudden endorsement of Trump, right before the Texas debate. If Christie could not have that third place spot, then he certainly would make sure that Rubio would not have it either. Christie had no respect for Rubio , considering him a lightweight, absentee Senator,who missed votes,and who seemingly only ran for the Senate in order to run for the Presidency. Christie considered himself a foreign policy , national security expert, his years as a military attorney during the Bush Administration giving weight to his claims,and felt Rubio overrated himself on national security credentials, just because he sits on intelligence boards that he barely had time to show up for. So much, for what Chris Christie thought. So much for Christie's political strategems. Christie simply could not escape the fact that he is the Governor of Blue State New Jersey,a economically collapsed state that bans guns,and loses businesses and jobs like it was a bodily function. There was no escape from that record for Christie,and, in the end,he knew it. His only hope for a political future?Attach himself to the front runner , the man who seemed destined to become the Republican nominee for President, Donald J, Trump. Never mind that Trump is a lifelong liberal Democrat, merely playing at conservative Republicanism, in order to run for the Presidency. Never mind that Christie would, like Sarah Palin, betray his own conservative pedigree by supporting Trump. This was about political survival , and Christie saw a path to an Attorney General appointment in the inevitable Trump administration. Political ambition had , apparently 'Trumped"conservative integrity, and Christie was now paying the full price for it, as Trump made it clear after the Texas debate, the real role Christie would play in his campaign and Administration. Foil, Dupe,and Court Jester,whose presence would be tolerated ,just as long as he continued to amuse Emperor Trump, simple as that. Trump's callous dismissal of Christie at the Texas rally, telling him to "get on the plane, and go home,",right on stage,before hundreds of onlooking Trumpsters. Then, at the Post Super Tuesday Trump Press Conference,Trump turned on the now blank faced Christie again, mocking the number of Businesses and jobs that were leaving New Jersey, then quipping, "sorry Chris", as Christie continued to stare ashen faced,the reality of the mistake he had made endorsing this man, now written all over his thousand mile stare. The lesson was clear; Christie would not be gaining power and position, by riding the Trump bandwagon, Trump, would make sure of that. Trump was the star and would tolerate no other rivals .Trump had Christie's endorsement, and now, he had no further need for his presence. And the final blow?New Jersey voters are now calling for Christie's impeachment.Again, so much for Christie's political strategems.
Christie now knows this does not portend well, for the Trump Presidency to come,if it comes, that is.
And, it will come,
Unless, the unexpected intervenes.
That unexpected,came in twin forms of conservative Republicans Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, who are both bound and determined to not only stop this pretender to the Republican Throne,but to also snatch it for themselves,by hook or by crook.
Starting with the Texas Debate, both men accelerated their attacks on Trump , now targeting not only the Real Estate Mogul's lack of conservative policy credentials and policy details,but also his reputation as a successful businessman as well.
The attack came rapid fire, the long knives of the two conservative conspirators slashing at their target from both sides,
Trump supported the "Gang of Eight" financially,
Trump supported the Clintons financially,
Trump supported the 2006 Democrat Party takeover of the House and Senate, financially,
Trump said Bush lied about WMD's,blamed him for 911, and shamefully called for his impeachment,
Trump has no understanding of conservative policies ,and has no alternative plan for the Obama Agenda,
And, nothing demonstrates this more, then Trump's plan to replace Obamacare with an even more destructive single payer healthcare system,
Trump had four bankrupt casinos, that cost employees jobs, and contractors money,
Trump is being sued for the ponzi scheme fraud known as Trump University, that bankrupted thousands of people , while making millions for Trump himself,
Trump refuses to release his tax returns, and is audited, nearly every year,
Trump failed to denounce David Duke , or the Ku Klux Klan, three times, during a CNN Jake Tapper interview, even saying he didn't know who he was,despite denouncing both Duke and the Klan, back in 2000.Trump also claimed his faulty ear piece made it impossible to hear the names Tapper said, despite having repeated the Name David Duke,clear as a bell. Was Trump protecting a perceived segment of his voting base?
Trump inherited millions from his Father, which belies his self made claims,
The Cruz-Rubio attacks went on and on, throughout the debate,while Kasich and Carson could only watch , like distant spectators,occasionally pontificating on conservative policies, and strategems. No more time for that. This was a Cage Match, and the prize, was the Presidency. The fate of the Republican Party, Conservatism, and the Republic itself, hung in the balance. Trump must be stopped, its as simple as that, and both Cruz and Rubio were determined to stop him, by any means necessary .
The new attack strategy seemed to work,with Trump visibly shaken after the debate. Super Tuesday loomed, and Cruz and Rubio , shaking hands backstage after the twin Trump attack, now went on a campaign blitzkrieg,pulling out all the stops, pushing conservative principles as always,but now also focused like a laser on the true mission at hand; Destroy Trump.
You see, they now know the secret to defeat Trump.
You don't sit back, and watch him destroy himself.
You don't call him out for rudeness,or his Liberal Democrat past,
You don't attack his ever changing policy stances,
You don't attack his past shady business practices,
You don't run liberal videos of Trump,
No,You do,all of the above, constantly,and vigorously, while promoting your own considerable conservative records.
In other words,to win against the unshakable Trump Army, that will have him as President, no matter what, you must fight, with every weapon at your disposal, attack and defend aggressively,while always advancing the conservative message,that must always be, in the end,victorious, if America is to survive.
In the aftermath of Super Tuesday, it would seemingly be Trump's night, with the real estate mogul picking up seven state wins out of eleven. But these were wins in Open Primary States, that allow crossover Democrat voting. Cruz took his delegate rich home state of Texas quite comfortably, as well as neighboring Oklahoma as well. Both of these states, are closed primary states, that restrict voters from casting ballots in opposing Party primaries. This is how it should be, with all states.A voter should be able to choose his nominee, without outside party influence. Open Primaries are unconstitutional, and have prevented Republicans from nominating the most conservative candidates , for decades now. Cruz also took late tallying Alaska as well, gaining fitting revenge for Sarah Palin's endorsement of Trump. Meanwhile, Marco Rubio finally managed to win a state as well,picking up a first place showing in Minnesota, with Cruz finishing a close second.
In all, not a bad night for the conservative usurper's to the Trump Throne.
And, more closed primary states remain.Will it make a difference to hard core conservatives Cruz ,and Rubio?Time will tell.
Cruz now has four states, to Trump's ten, and Rubio has one.
For now, all three frontrunners have earned the right to battle on for the Crown of Commander in Chief.
Carson has finally suspended his wraith like campaign, Can John Kasich, despite his second place showing in New Hampshire, be far behind?Perhaps Kasich is pinning his hopes on a low delegate count, and a brokered convention decision.Not very likely.This is the people's vote, and it should be left to We the People, to pick our next President.
In reality, at this stage, both Kasich and Carson need to be out, in order to allow Cruz and Rubio to gain the needed delegate points to overtake, and defeat, the stealth liberal menace called Trump.
In the end, defeating all Democrats , must always be the ultimate goal,
Nothing, right now, could be more important, to the future of our free Republic.
Or, did we, as Americans,really survive 8 years of Obama and Democrat Party destruction,just to simply sit back, and accept another lifelong liberal Democrat,like Trump,as our next President?
What deep seated political psychosis would account for this?
Repeating the same mistake, over and over, hoping for a different outcome, is the clinical definition of madness indeed.
And, make no mistake, a Trump Presidency would personify that definition.
Cruz or Trump.In the end, it must come to a final showdown between these two,and, to preserve the future of the nation, Cruz must win.
Can Cruz accomplish this daunting task?
Can he stop the deceptive Democrat Machine called Trump?
Time will tell,
One thing is certain,the stakes couldn't be higher,especially after the death of conservative icon Chief Justice Scalia, who was often the deciding conservative vote,that preserved our First and Second Amendment Rights..
Cruz would most certainly appoint a hard core conservative Justice,that would defend our constitution, as written.
And Trump?Who can say? How can he be trusted with such important appointments,when his money has bought the favors of the Democrat Party and their control of both Houses,as well, in 2006?
We the People dare not take the risk.
Cruz or Rubio must be the choice , and Rubio is too far behind in Home State Florida polls and delegate count to ever win now. I t must be Cruz.
Can Cruz be trusted?
Nothing answers that question more clearly,than Cruz's own Senate record, including his consistent conservative Senate votes. His record clearly matches his rhetoric.
He said he would shut down the government to stop Obamacare funding, and he did it.
He said he would always oppose Amnesty and he has.His Senate voting record proves it.
He alone of all the Republican candidates has been consistently conservative on his Amnesty stance, and on every other issue as well.
To make the choice between Cruz and Trump, you need look no further than the Press Conferences of both men, after Super Tuesday.
Cruz spoke of destroying ISIS,
Repealing every word of Obamacare,
Defending our Second Amendment Rights,
Appointing a Conservative Supreme Court Justice,
Imposing a Flat Tax, and eliminating the I.R.S.,
Tearing up the Iran Nuclear Deal,
And defending Israel, unequivocally against any and all, terror threats.
Trump spoke of massive support , by Democrat voters,
Trump spoke of working with the Democrats,
Trump spoke of uniting the Republican and Democrat Party, and making them one.
There it is, pure and simple.
Cruz will enact conservative values and stop the Democrat Agenda, that has damaged our nation.
Trump will , as he has in the past, work with , and promote the Democrats who have damaged our nation with their eight year destructive agenda.
The choice is clear;
If you're a conservative that is.
But, what of the formidable lead that Trump already has?
To win, you must have 1,237 delegates, or a majority of delegates in eight states , to get the nomination.
Trump has 329 delegates,
Cruz has 231 delegates,
And Rubio has 110 delegates,
Nothing is over yet,
Anything, is possible.
Remember this,
Victory expected,is victory without meaning.
But,a victory that is snatched from the depths of certain defeat,is a victory that the conservative gods, will write songs about.
Let History record,
That this victory,
In this Presidential election year,
Was a glorious one,
And it belonged , to conservatism,
To We the People,
To a Free Republic,
And , to a Man called, Cruz!
Trump continued to field questions , moving quickly from one reporter to the next,keeping both temper and tantrums in check, consciously giving both rabid supporters and bitter opponents , a sneak prevue of a different Trump,a Trump no longer the embattled,bitter, blustering , paranoid bully,but a Trump in full Presidential regalia, confident of his agenda and in full control of the press, handling their questions in a very dignified, Presidential manner.
For as with Trump's previous attempts at dignified resonance, it could not be sustained , not for long anyway.Like an actor playing a role that he is not fully comfortable with,Trump seemed to be waiting for the director to yell cut, so he could shed this self-imposed Republican caricature, and retreat to his off-stage dressing room.This however, was not a stage play or a movie set, and there would be no director to yell,cut.No, that task was left to Trump himself, and after a few convincing moments of playing President,Trump quickly reverted, seeking as he always does,an easy target for his abusive antics.This time,Trump had a willing foil, a voluntary dupe,who ,during his entire press conference,stood behing him,to his right, with a blank, mindless, passive stare the constant mask that he wore, while Trump droned on.That willing foil, was New Jersey Governor , and former Republican Presidential Candidate Chris Christie ,who , like former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin, had recently jumped aboard the Trump bandwagon,and who now, judging by his facial expression, appeared to be regretting that decision.
The Christie endorsement occurred shortly after the Texas debate, where both Rubio and Cruz decided that the only path to victory,was a double edged,tag team attack on Trump on his own level, fully engaged with Trump style personal attacks the order of the day.When the bully hits you,you hit him back, just as hard , if you want to win, that is. It's as simple as that. Rubio,in particular,mocked Trump's major glaring weaknesses,a disturbing lack of policy detail, or even consistent policy for that matter. Trump's vague conservative Republican talking points often seemed to vary from day to day, shifting haphazardly from Liberal Democrat , to Republican Moderate, to Reagan style conservative,sometimes in the same sentence.
Rubio , well behind in the polls and delegate points,with no state victory yet under his belt,noticed,and decided that if he were to survive , let alone win, he must attack Trump now.He knew it was a do or die , risky ploy,however,for in the previous debate,Chris Christie had tried a similar tactic against him, looking to inherit his third place status , once Christie exposed him as an inexperienced ,talking point saturated automaton ,who when pressured,could do no more than repeat the same pre-programmed responses that were embedded in his memory banks. 'Barack Obama is deliberately trying to destroy America",was Rubio's constant refrain, which Christie continued to badger him about.In reality,Rubio had good reason to keep repeating this fact, since no one else on that stage seemed to fully comprehend this grim reality. Rubio was emphasizing the dangerous, deliberate purpose behind the Obama Agenda,and it was indeed worth repeating, endlessly , if necessary, and Christie's fall, shortly after his blistering attack on this Rubio talking point,seemed to confirm this.
It was a bitter moment to Christie,and a humiliating,undignified way to leave the race. Christie, no doubt, sought revenge and that explains in full, his sudden endorsement of Trump, right before the Texas debate. If Christie could not have that third place spot, then he certainly would make sure that Rubio would not have it either. Christie had no respect for Rubio , considering him a lightweight, absentee Senator,who missed votes,and who seemingly only ran for the Senate in order to run for the Presidency. Christie considered himself a foreign policy , national security expert, his years as a military attorney during the Bush Administration giving weight to his claims,and felt Rubio overrated himself on national security credentials, just because he sits on intelligence boards that he barely had time to show up for. So much, for what Chris Christie thought. So much for Christie's political strategems. Christie simply could not escape the fact that he is the Governor of Blue State New Jersey,a economically collapsed state that bans guns,and loses businesses and jobs like it was a bodily function. There was no escape from that record for Christie,and, in the end,he knew it. His only hope for a political future?Attach himself to the front runner , the man who seemed destined to become the Republican nominee for President, Donald J, Trump. Never mind that Trump is a lifelong liberal Democrat, merely playing at conservative Republicanism, in order to run for the Presidency. Never mind that Christie would, like Sarah Palin, betray his own conservative pedigree by supporting Trump. This was about political survival , and Christie saw a path to an Attorney General appointment in the inevitable Trump administration. Political ambition had , apparently 'Trumped"conservative integrity, and Christie was now paying the full price for it, as Trump made it clear after the Texas debate, the real role Christie would play in his campaign and Administration. Foil, Dupe,and Court Jester,whose presence would be tolerated ,just as long as he continued to amuse Emperor Trump, simple as that. Trump's callous dismissal of Christie at the Texas rally, telling him to "get on the plane, and go home,",right on stage,before hundreds of onlooking Trumpsters. Then, at the Post Super Tuesday Trump Press Conference,Trump turned on the now blank faced Christie again, mocking the number of Businesses and jobs that were leaving New Jersey, then quipping, "sorry Chris", as Christie continued to stare ashen faced,the reality of the mistake he had made endorsing this man, now written all over his thousand mile stare. The lesson was clear; Christie would not be gaining power and position, by riding the Trump bandwagon, Trump, would make sure of that. Trump was the star and would tolerate no other rivals .Trump had Christie's endorsement, and now, he had no further need for his presence. And the final blow?New Jersey voters are now calling for Christie's impeachment.Again, so much for Christie's political strategems.
Christie now knows this does not portend well, for the Trump Presidency to come,if it comes, that is.
And, it will come,
Unless, the unexpected intervenes.
That unexpected,came in twin forms of conservative Republicans Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, who are both bound and determined to not only stop this pretender to the Republican Throne,but to also snatch it for themselves,by hook or by crook.
Starting with the Texas Debate, both men accelerated their attacks on Trump , now targeting not only the Real Estate Mogul's lack of conservative policy credentials and policy details,but also his reputation as a successful businessman as well.
The attack came rapid fire, the long knives of the two conservative conspirators slashing at their target from both sides,
Trump supported the "Gang of Eight" financially,
Trump supported the Clintons financially,
Trump supported the 2006 Democrat Party takeover of the House and Senate, financially,
Trump said Bush lied about WMD's,blamed him for 911, and shamefully called for his impeachment,
Trump has no understanding of conservative policies ,and has no alternative plan for the Obama Agenda,
And, nothing demonstrates this more, then Trump's plan to replace Obamacare with an even more destructive single payer healthcare system,
Trump had four bankrupt casinos, that cost employees jobs, and contractors money,
Trump is being sued for the ponzi scheme fraud known as Trump University, that bankrupted thousands of people , while making millions for Trump himself,
Trump refuses to release his tax returns, and is audited, nearly every year,
Trump failed to denounce David Duke , or the Ku Klux Klan, three times, during a CNN Jake Tapper interview, even saying he didn't know who he was,despite denouncing both Duke and the Klan, back in 2000.Trump also claimed his faulty ear piece made it impossible to hear the names Tapper said, despite having repeated the Name David Duke,clear as a bell. Was Trump protecting a perceived segment of his voting base?
Trump inherited millions from his Father, which belies his self made claims,
The Cruz-Rubio attacks went on and on, throughout the debate,while Kasich and Carson could only watch , like distant spectators,occasionally pontificating on conservative policies, and strategems. No more time for that. This was a Cage Match, and the prize, was the Presidency. The fate of the Republican Party, Conservatism, and the Republic itself, hung in the balance. Trump must be stopped, its as simple as that, and both Cruz and Rubio were determined to stop him, by any means necessary .
The new attack strategy seemed to work,with Trump visibly shaken after the debate. Super Tuesday loomed, and Cruz and Rubio , shaking hands backstage after the twin Trump attack, now went on a campaign blitzkrieg,pulling out all the stops, pushing conservative principles as always,but now also focused like a laser on the true mission at hand; Destroy Trump.
You see, they now know the secret to defeat Trump.
You don't sit back, and watch him destroy himself.
You don't call him out for rudeness,or his Liberal Democrat past,
You don't attack his ever changing policy stances,
You don't attack his past shady business practices,
You don't run liberal videos of Trump,
No,You do,all of the above, constantly,and vigorously, while promoting your own considerable conservative records.
In other words,to win against the unshakable Trump Army, that will have him as President, no matter what, you must fight, with every weapon at your disposal, attack and defend aggressively,while always advancing the conservative message,that must always be, in the end,victorious, if America is to survive.
In the aftermath of Super Tuesday, it would seemingly be Trump's night, with the real estate mogul picking up seven state wins out of eleven. But these were wins in Open Primary States, that allow crossover Democrat voting. Cruz took his delegate rich home state of Texas quite comfortably, as well as neighboring Oklahoma as well. Both of these states, are closed primary states, that restrict voters from casting ballots in opposing Party primaries. This is how it should be, with all states.A voter should be able to choose his nominee, without outside party influence. Open Primaries are unconstitutional, and have prevented Republicans from nominating the most conservative candidates , for decades now. Cruz also took late tallying Alaska as well, gaining fitting revenge for Sarah Palin's endorsement of Trump. Meanwhile, Marco Rubio finally managed to win a state as well,picking up a first place showing in Minnesota, with Cruz finishing a close second.
In all, not a bad night for the conservative usurper's to the Trump Throne.
And, more closed primary states remain.Will it make a difference to hard core conservatives Cruz ,and Rubio?Time will tell.
Cruz now has four states, to Trump's ten, and Rubio has one.
For now, all three frontrunners have earned the right to battle on for the Crown of Commander in Chief.
Carson has finally suspended his wraith like campaign, Can John Kasich, despite his second place showing in New Hampshire, be far behind?Perhaps Kasich is pinning his hopes on a low delegate count, and a brokered convention decision.Not very likely.This is the people's vote, and it should be left to We the People, to pick our next President.
In reality, at this stage, both Kasich and Carson need to be out, in order to allow Cruz and Rubio to gain the needed delegate points to overtake, and defeat, the stealth liberal menace called Trump.
In the end, defeating all Democrats , must always be the ultimate goal,
Nothing, right now, could be more important, to the future of our free Republic.
Or, did we, as Americans,really survive 8 years of Obama and Democrat Party destruction,just to simply sit back, and accept another lifelong liberal Democrat,like Trump,as our next President?
What deep seated political psychosis would account for this?
Repeating the same mistake, over and over, hoping for a different outcome, is the clinical definition of madness indeed.
And, make no mistake, a Trump Presidency would personify that definition.
Cruz or Trump.In the end, it must come to a final showdown between these two,and, to preserve the future of the nation, Cruz must win.
Can Cruz accomplish this daunting task?
Can he stop the deceptive Democrat Machine called Trump?
Time will tell,
One thing is certain,the stakes couldn't be higher,especially after the death of conservative icon Chief Justice Scalia, who was often the deciding conservative vote,that preserved our First and Second Amendment Rights..
Cruz would most certainly appoint a hard core conservative Justice,that would defend our constitution, as written.
And Trump?Who can say? How can he be trusted with such important appointments,when his money has bought the favors of the Democrat Party and their control of both Houses,as well, in 2006?
We the People dare not take the risk.
Cruz or Rubio must be the choice , and Rubio is too far behind in Home State Florida polls and delegate count to ever win now. I t must be Cruz.
Can Cruz be trusted?
Nothing answers that question more clearly,than Cruz's own Senate record, including his consistent conservative Senate votes. His record clearly matches his rhetoric.
He said he would shut down the government to stop Obamacare funding, and he did it.
He said he would always oppose Amnesty and he has.His Senate voting record proves it.
He alone of all the Republican candidates has been consistently conservative on his Amnesty stance, and on every other issue as well.
To make the choice between Cruz and Trump, you need look no further than the Press Conferences of both men, after Super Tuesday.
Cruz spoke of destroying ISIS,
Repealing every word of Obamacare,
Defending our Second Amendment Rights,
Appointing a Conservative Supreme Court Justice,
Imposing a Flat Tax, and eliminating the I.R.S.,
Tearing up the Iran Nuclear Deal,
And defending Israel, unequivocally against any and all, terror threats.
Trump spoke of massive support , by Democrat voters,
Trump spoke of working with the Democrats,
Trump spoke of uniting the Republican and Democrat Party, and making them one.
There it is, pure and simple.
Cruz will enact conservative values and stop the Democrat Agenda, that has damaged our nation.
Trump will , as he has in the past, work with , and promote the Democrats who have damaged our nation with their eight year destructive agenda.
The choice is clear;
If you're a conservative that is.
But, what of the formidable lead that Trump already has?
To win, you must have 1,237 delegates, or a majority of delegates in eight states , to get the nomination.
Trump has 329 delegates,
Cruz has 231 delegates,
And Rubio has 110 delegates,
Nothing is over yet,
Anything, is possible.
Remember this,
Victory expected,is victory without meaning.
But,a victory that is snatched from the depths of certain defeat,is a victory that the conservative gods, will write songs about.
Let History record,
That this victory,
In this Presidential election year,
Was a glorious one,
And it belonged , to conservatism,
To We the People,
To a Free Republic,
And , to a Man called, Cruz!
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