Sunday, January 31, 2016

"Trump Of Tarsus?"

And, it is written, that in First Century Judea, in the years following the trial ,crucifixion, and resurrection of the Galilean Prophet, Jesus of Nazareth, that the devout Jewish Rabbi and Leader, Saul of Tarsus, did go forth into many lands,to persecute and torment the disciples of the Risen Christ, those called, "Apostles",,in an effort to end their blasphemy that declared this Jesus, the long awaited Messiah.
For many years, did Saul bring misery and death down upon the heads of  Christ's followers ,until, one day, it came to pass that most irreverent Saul didst' journey to the City of Damascus, to arrest and bring to trial in Jerusalem,many of those disciples who now dared call themselves, "Christians".
On the road leading to Damascus, however, Saul was suddenly struck by a blinding light,that hurled him from his horse, and left him stunned and sightless before a booming voice that demanded of him,.."Saul, why does't "thou persecute me?" "Who are you Lord?" Saul replied. "I am Jesus of Nazareth" , the voice replied,.."The one you torment".
Many days passed, before the blinded Saul was discovered , and taken to the City of Jerusalem, where the Christian disciple, Ananius, did lay hands upon his stricken form, and restored the sight of a man, who, despite having eyes,..had lived his life in darkness. Now with the restoration of his sight,at the hands of a Disciple of the Risen Christ, Saul, for the first time in his life,could truly see, ..and in seeing,.. knew the truth.
Saul ended his persecution of Christians and became the Apostle Paul,who would devote the rest of his life to spreading a message of peace,love, and the brotherhood of man,..the message of Christ. The message that, with Paul's help,would change the world. Paul continued on this mission , right up to the moment of his martyrdom ,at the Gates of Rome itself.
And now, decades later, in 21st Century America,there dwells a man who claims a similar conversion, of equally miraculous consequence.
Donald J. Trump, Real Estate mogul and free market profiteer, a man who conservative icon Bill Buckley Jr. once called a Demagogue, who looks at a glass, and sees it , not as half empty of half full, but only as a mirror of his own reflection.
A man who spent the bulk of his 75 plus years, a member of the Democrat Party. A man who befriended and courted the political favors of members of that same Party,..
A man who condemned the Iraq and Afghanistan war, blamed both on Pres Bush,and called Saddam Hussein a "good killer of terrorists"
A man who accused President Bush of lying about the existence of WMD's in Iraq, and urged his "good friend" House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, to impeach him.
A man who has donated millions of dollars to Democrat politicians, Chuck Schumer, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Hillary Clinton,..
A man who is, in fact, good friends with both Bill and Hillary Clinton,..and who has also donated to their money laundering scam,..the Clinton Foundation,..
A man who , in fact called Bill Clinton ,"The Greatest President we ever had",..and said Hillary Clinton was a "Great Secretary of State",..
A man who called for increased taxes on the rich, praised Obamacare,and even called for a complete government controlled single payer healthcare system, similar to Canada's,..
A man who believes in eminent domain, the concept of confiscating a private citizen's property, for corporate, or government use,..and who once tried to kick a woman out of her own home, so he could use her land,..for a casino parking lot,...
A man who called for gun bans, gun restrictions,..and increased gun regulations,..
A man who mocked Senator McCain's war record, called Fox reporter Megan Kelly a "bimbo",and mocked a handicapped reporter's physical affliction,..
A man who supported Federal Government funding of Planned Parenthood, organization,..that sells the body parts of fetuses,..for profit,..
A man who supports Federal Government funding of Ethanol production,a fuel source derived from corn,..that does nothing except raise food prices,..and destroy car engines,..
A man who has made personal attacks on every Republican candidate he's running against,.even accusing Senator Ted Cruz , of being ineligible to run for President,..because he is not a U.S.citizen,..
A man who says,..he never prays for forgiveness,..
A man who,.despite running for President, as the outsider,..anti establishment candidate, condemns Senator Ted Cruz,..for being that Washington outsider,..and now says that he will work with  Democrats, Pelosi, Reid,..and Schumer,..who he now says he has" always liked,..and always gotten along with",...
A man who,..until a few short years ago,..entire public history of interviews,opinions,.. political affiliations,..and campaign donations,..indicated that he is a Liberal Democrat , pure and simple,..nothing more,..nothing less,..
And yes,..a man who,..unlike Senator Cruz,.. clearly,..and enthusiastically,..supported Amnesty,..for illegal immigrants,...
And yet,.this man whose entire public record would seem to disqualify him from membership in the Republican Party, now the frontrunner in that Party's bid for Office of Commander in Chief, of the Armed Forces,..of the United States.
And now,, the week before the first Iowa Caucus voting begins,..a man who claimed he could shoot someone in the middle of a Manhattan street , without losing the support of his followers,and ,.in.his latest outrage,..refused to participate in the last Republican Debate in Iowa,..right before the actual start,..of the Iowa Caucus.
Trump's reason for bailing makes him seem even more childish, more Un-Presidential,..than previously perceived.
Trump once again accused Fox News of being unfair to him,by allowing their reporter Megan Kelly ,to co-moderate the proceedings .This is the same Megan Kelly who dared challenge Trump in his first debate,on his past unflattering comments about women. Trump responded predictably,calling Kelly a hack reporter,..and a bimbo,..on twitter. No doubt, the Kelly incident still lingered in Trump's mind, as the latest debate in Iowa  loomed ever nearer.
But, make no mistake,..Kelly's comments on Trump's misogynistic tendencies was not the reason for his no-show.
No, the real reason was Trump's realization that his fellow leading contender for the Presidential nomination,..Ted Cruz,..had taken note of the encounter,..and saw Trump's one , great ,glaring, weakness,..that he could use to beat him,..easily. Cruz realized what Kelly realized,..that, despite all Trump's success so far , the polls,.and his easy handling of the liberal press,..and his fellow candidates,..there was one opponent that Trump could not beat,the one opponent that could easily destroy his Presidential campaign,..and that, Trump himself.
Cruz saw, the opening moments of that first debate,that all Kelly needed to do, completely fluster Trump,..was to confront him with his own words,..his own long,well documented,..history of off -color comments,..childish antics,..and Liberal Democrat bloviations and pronouncements,that are all well documented , in print, and on YouTube as well.
In other words,Cruz now knew what Kelly knew,Trump's endless series of inteviews on television and in print,easily accessed on YouTube and Google,..Trump's own image and words ,..that clearly contradicted everything he claimed to stand for ,now, were the only weapons that Kelly or Cruz needed,to derail Team Trump,and discredit him, as a so called Conservative Republican.
In the previous debate,Cruz used this strategem to Checkmate Trump by claiming that the real estate mogul had"New York Values",..that were incompatable with Iowa values.
Trump saw the attack as an opportunity to accuse Cruz of insulting New Yorkers. Trump even invoked New York , in the aftermath of 911, ram home his point.It looked like Trump had won this round easily,.but,..looks were deceiving.Cruz revealed his master stroke , the master chess move,..that forced Trump to bail on the recent debate. Cruz revealed that, in fact, was Trump,..on a 1999 interview with Tim Russert ,..who explained his then extremely liberal political viewpoints , by saying that he had,.."New York values, and that those values,..were very different from Iowa values',..
There it was, the most simple,most obvious weapon to use against Trump,..
The one weapon he could not beat ,..
Trump himself.
Megan Kelly exposed this Trump weakness,at the start of the first debate. Cruz took notice,..and used it effectively,.in the first debate of the New Year. It was the most obvious weakness ,..the most obvious weapon.And finally,..Cruz used it.
Yes, make no mistake,..Trump knew what was coming, in this Iowa debate , right before the crucial first caucus votes were to be cast. Trump knew what was coming from Kelly, and,..especially ,..from Cruz,..
More old Trump quotes,..and most likely,..more Trump videos as well. After all,..Google was the co-sponsor of the event.
Trump did well to avoid this one,for Kelly did have videos that she used against even Cruz, Rubio, and Bush,..all to the purpose of revealing the hypocracy,of their Anti-Amnesty stance.
One can only speculate on the plethora of YouTube videos that Kelly and Cruz had , ready to use against Trump as well.
But, without Trump,..the Republican Debate Machine still marched on, and once again,..all the candidates were primed and ready ,with Trump's absence even permitting the return of Rand Paul to the main stage. Without Trump, the debate may have been less entertaining,..but , it was also more substinative , more focused on the issues ,..issues that matter ,..if America is to be saved. For, despite the entertainment value of Trump's antics , these debates are no game. To choose the wrong candidate can cost lives, the Obama Administration has proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
For this debate,the childish fun and games were put aside.Playtime was for the playground.
This game has higher stakes.
 Before We the People risk World War Three on one man,..we must make sure,..absolutely sure,..that one man is 100% wholly reliable, and dependable, every way.
The childish, boorish behavior of Trump spoke loudly, his absence,..No more games,..
There's a job to be done,..
A deadly serious job,..
And the audience in Iowa knew it.
This is why Cruz's attempted spoof of the Trump no show , fell flat .There's nothing funny about the possibility of a Hillary Clinton Presidency,..and the purpose,..the ultimate purpose ,..of these debates is to find the man best suited to prevent it.
The first caucus votes are about to be cast. Time to get serious,..and the candidates,..on this night,..did it.
Rubio, in particular,shined,displaying his finely honed debate skills, natural charisma,.. and  extensive foreign policy and intelligence experience.So too, for Bush, who, without the distraction of Trump looming,..seemed like his old Governor self, focused and confident,even managing a funny, well timed comment about Trump , that worked far better than the Cruz attempt, to be sure. It may have been the best night Jeb Bush has had , in the debate season ,so far.
In fact, apart from Cruz's uncharacteristically flat performance,no doubt due to his unease at being the the main target of the other candidates,..all the candidates seemed polished, more focused, more substinative ,more Presidential. indeed, without the infantile antics of  Trump to deal with.
Rubio gained, Bush gained,..Cruz, remained the same ,..and Fox News gained,..for despite Trump's attempt to control the debate forum and demonize Fox,..despite their slight drop in ratings,..their numbers were still respectable,..and best of all, far better than the ratings for the Trump rally, on CNN.
No Doubt, this was a surprise to Trump , who ,apparently still does not comprehend the fact that he , not the show.
In fact, there is no show.
Trump's polls and ratings, are the result of the American people , looking for answers , solutions,..not reality show entertainment and ratings obsessed narcissism.
For these reasons,Trump for once, displayed a modicum of common sense, chose the better part of valor,and executed a strategic withdraw , all the while still claiming 'mistreatment" at the hands of Roger Ailes, and Fox News. Some things never change.Simply put, despite all Donald J.Trump's claims of having a conservative re-awakening ,..a "Saul of Tarsus",.."Road to Damascus" ,,,spiritual and political rebirth,..from lifelong Liberal Democrat ,to Conservative Republican,..
The evidence continues to speak to the contrary.
His continued pettiness,.
His constant personal insults,..
His continued praise of Reid, Pelosi, and Schumer,..who he says he can work with,..
His branding of conservatiism , and extreme conservatives like Ted Cruz, unworkable failures,..
His praise of Putin,..
His attacks on Pam Geller,for  mocking of the Prophet Muhammed,..and opposing Sharia Law.,..
And most importantly,..his failure,during his campaign, even one time,.. mention the Constitution and its principles, that our Nation was founded on.
Yes, Trump claims a Saul of Tarsus moment , to explain his liberal past,..a Road to Damascus Awakening,..a Reagan -Style conversion ,..from Democrat , Conservative Republican,..
Yet, there is a glaring, obvious difference,..
Saul,..after Damascus,..had a lifetime of works,.and.deeds, confirm his conversion.
So too, for Reagan,..who became a Conservative Republican, at a still relatively young age , and served as the Conservative Republican Governor of California, before running for President, twice.Reagan's credentials as a conservative were well established at a young age,..long before his Presidency. So too for Saul,..whose writings,..and record , a leader of the early Christian Church,..and martyr for the cause, well documented by history.
Trump, however, a man in his late seventies, who, until a few years ago,..still espoused Liberal Democrat values and policies,.including Amnesty for illegals.
Now, Trump asks us to believe that after a lifetime as a Liberal Democrat, from New York,..he has now, his late seventies,..suddenly become a Reagan style conservative?
Yes, it's true,..many of the things he says now,..are good conservative policies,..and do have the ring of truth.
Yes, he does now seem to say and believe in the right things,..the things anyone calling themselves, a conservative Republican,.. must believe in.
But, Trump waivers,..and changes stances,..and beliefs,..on issues,almost on a daily basis.
It's almost like he was an actor,..reading from a script,..who, suddenly , mid performance,..forgets ,..not only his lines,..but even the character he's playing,..
Yes Donald J. Trump says many good things,..that do have the ring of truth , and does have an explanation for the things he said in the past,..
The  almost biblical explanation that,.he too, has been on that road to Damascus,..
And, while on that road,..
He has seen the light,..
He has changed,..
Reasonable explanation,..inspiring story,..and, other Democrats,..have seen the light,..and changed as well,..
But,..I simply don't believe him.
Why should I?
Why should I, or any American, after 7 years of Democrat destruction at the hands of the Obama Administration, entrust America's future, another Democrat?
Why risk it, when we have Cruz, Rubio,Carson, Kasich, Christie,..and Paul,..all who have proven records as Conservative Republicans?
Answer;..We Shouldn't Risk It,..
The stakes,..are simply too high,..and there's no reason , reason at all, believe Trump,..when he has no record , back his claims.
Trump would no doubt argue that all his opponents have flipped and flopped on issues, and all are weak on immigration, and Amnesty. Indeed, attacking each other's Amnesty credentials was the main theme of the latest debate, but,..there's a difference .While they may not have perfect conservative records as Republicans,..they do,..unlike Trump,.. have proven conservative records , Republicans,..
In truth, there is no such political animal ,as a perfect conservative. But, for basic, strong, conservative principles,..they all measure up,..their records prove it.
And, said before,..all of them,..would indeed make fine Presidents,..far better,..than any Democrat, to be sure.
And, all of them have far better and more consistent records as conservatives than the deceptive, self absorbed showman named Trump.
In truth, they all need to cease and desist ;..stop attacking each other's failures on Amnesty,..and immigration in general. Apart from Cruz, they have all failed on Amnesty,..including Reagan, for that matter. And, Cruz, while unflappable on Amnesty,..has other weaknesses , other areas,..
They are all, still, good conservatives,..
But, they are not perfect,..nor can they ever be,..
In fact, all of recorded history,..there has been only one, true , perfect conservative,..
Who ran a three year campaign,..on a platform of peace, love, and the brotherhood of man,..
But, the end,..
He Lost,..
To a Man named,..Barabbas,..

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Way Of The Surfer

The first Republican debate of the New Year is now part of history.What hath been wrought?
There were now only seven on the main stage,seven of the Conservative Republican Elite,seven of the finest Republican Candidates to ever meet on one battlefield, in this,the Arena of Ideas. They are seven masters of their craft. Seven conservative political experts.Seven experienced and battle honed gladiators vying for the title,Commander in Chief, in this, their chosen arena of conflict. They are, in every respect, the time tested and unchallenged Masters of what Rudyard Kipling called, "The Great Game".
The brazen blare of battle trumpets sounded,on this Fox Business Channel battlefield, as Senator Ted Cruz unleashed his opening battle cry declaration, regarding our Naval personnel being forced to their knees at gun point by the Iranian Military."No member of the American military ,will ever be forced to their knees at gunpoint,if I an elected President!", Cruz declared.
This said,the battle was well and truly joined.The Republican combatants , at the urging of debate moderators Neil Cavuto and Maria Bartiromo, finally clashed , swords feinting , moving,probing for weakness, men with political reflexes as fast as a puma's,as charged as a tiger's.The first blood was drawn,as front runners Cruz and Trump 's swords met,.and.found mortal flesh,..almost in unison.
Trump pushed the birther issue,Cruz countered swiftly with a solid constitutional reality,..anyone born of an American citizen, an American citizen at birth,..end of story.Trump fired back, accusing Cruz of mocking fellow New Yorkers by declaring that Trump was unfit to be the Republican nominee , because he had "New York values".
Trump pressed his advantage , reminding Cruz of the New York values that won the day in the wake of 911,and the New York values William Buckley Jr.,icon of the conservative movement, whop was indeed at one time a resident of the Big Apple. Cruz seemed visibly shaken, by this barrage,then, gathering himself, countered back yet again, unleashing his Master's Chess Move, revealing to Trump that the phrase,"New York Values",was actually coined by Donald Trump himself,in 1999,during a televised interview with Tim Russert. Checkmate, indeed, Cruz, in what would turn out to be the finest exchange of the evening.
The battles continued,..
Rubio attacked Christie on his past support of gun restrictions, Amnesty,and the Federal Government and imposed , leftist school curriculum known as Common Core. Christie countered with Rubio's support of the Democrat,"Gang of Eight" Amnesty Bill, led by Senators Pelosi ,Reid, and Schumer,..and seeming unwillingness to actually do his job as a Republican Senator,by simply showing up to cast votes.
Political Stalemate had been achieved here,with no clear cut winner in this exchange.Both Christie and Rubio have similar weaknesses,and both have the foreign policy experience, and basic conservative values that would make either a President to be reckoned with.
Governor John Kasich ,rather than wasting precious political energy attacking his opponents, instead, once again, simply put forth his considerable record of fiscal conservatism,both as a Governor and as a Republican Congressman,during the Age of Clinton, and Newt Gingrich,that resulted in balanced budgets , booming economies, elimination of deficits,..all the result of low taxes and regulations that are the foundation of Kasich 's fiscal conservatism. His weaknesses?An annoying reluctance to pursue entitlement reform on the grounds of his misapplied Judeo-Christian morality. Kasich's glaring Achilles heel has always been a failure to understand that the Christian spirit of charity that he embraces,must be imposed by the free will of individuals, not by the forced will of State and Federal Governments.
Dr. Ben Carson, once again displayed his Ghandi-like serenity, and his down to earth,common sense conservative values , choosing to ,once again, deflect all attacks and challenges with humor , while emphasizing the wisdom of his innovative , ingenious Fair Tax plan, a plan echoed by the equally brilliant Flat Tax Plan, endorsed and carefully explained,by Ted Cruz,..and his vastly underrated foreign policy acumen.Remember, it was Carson who came up with the concept of Syrian Refugee safe zones",.. by having the foresight and common sense, to actually go to Syria, and talk to the refugees , to see what solution they wanted. Carson is a pure, grassroots conservative, in the mold of Cruz, and although lacking in any real political experience , like fellow outsider Trump, nevertheless possesses the character , sound judgement,and belief in conservative values that would make him a fine President indeed.
In fact, they all would make far better Presidents,than any proposed Democrat Candidates , beyond a shadow of a doubt, because despite their differences , and, at times,vicious attacks on each other, they all believe in the same basic conservative values and principles , that are the Rock , upon which ,America was built.
They all believe in tax and regulation cuts across the board ,trade reform and energy independence,including the newly Republican resurrected oil exports , that will certainly be a boon to the American economy. They all believe in limited government ,balancing the budget, cutting the deficit, and eliminating wasteful government spending, both on a State, and Federal level.
They all believe in the complete repeal of the destructive tax scam known as Obamacare, and the repeal of the entire Obama Agenda , for that matter.
They all believe in a strong military ,and an aggressive war on Islamic terror,fought , not to contain , but to win, by destroying the enemy.They all believe in making sure that our Nation's veterans , who sacrificed everything to protect our freedom,are now, in turn,protected, loved,and cared for, by a grateful nation.
They all believe in protecting our 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms,because they all know that is the one right that makes all other rights,..possible.
They all believe in the Judeo-Christian values that are the foundation of our constitution, nation, and civilization  itself.
They all believe in our system of self-government,..a system where free man live, work, and worship as they please,as our Creator intended,..a system where the individual citizen rules himself,a system where We the People , are the only government,with no King, Queen, Dictator, or Despot,..bending us , their will,..the Greatest System of Self Government,..yet devised by man.
Yes , the Republican Candidates for the Presidency are all united in conservative beliefs,all united in the Republican values that freed the slaves, created and passed the Civil Rights Act,..and protected the rights of all men,regardless of race, creed, or color, keep and bear arms , in defense of their hard won freedom.
But, what of the seventh man on that Republican Debate Stage?What of Jeb Bush, former Governor of Florida?
History will record that, this night,this debate, was the finest moment for Jeb Bush, the heir presumptive to the Bush Throne and Dynasty.
Form midway through this clash of conservative gods, this throng of battle,..above the malestrom of political conflict,..came a voice ,..not shrill,unsure,..accusatory,..angry,..or confrontational , as it had been in past debates,..but a voice of calm, cool,strategically timed reason. Bush called a momentary halt to this clash of champions, to remind all on that stage,..
Who the real enemy is,..
What the real mission is,..
And, the real purpose behind these battles , this,..the Arena of Ideas.
Jeb Bush truly , had a moment of political clarity, and reminded his comrades in arms of the real battle to be fought, the real prize, be won.
And, fight this battle, win this prize, achieve this glory,..
They must be united , as one,in victory,..
Or they will surely be divided , as many, defeat.
Yes,..former Florida Governor Jeb Bush,..the man who once turned and attacked his political protege,Rubio, an ill-advised political strategem,..
And called Donald Trump a jerk,out of sheer frustration,..
Now turned reasoned peacemaker and political philosopher,reminding his comrades, in mid -conflict,..that every single one of them,..believes in the basic Republican principles that make America Great, and every single one of them would make far better Presidents than any Democrat pretender.
And, most importantly, he reminded them that, no matter who amongst them ,would win this Republican battle,..
They must, in the end,..all unite ,and support that winner ,..In order to win the crown and preserve the glory that is America.
Indeed,..whoever wins the Republican nomination,must have, not only the unwaivering support of his fellow candidates, but also the unwaivering support of the Republican voters as well.
This is the key,..the one, true key, victory,..the one true key, restoring America,..
The one true key, stopping the Democrat Agenda completely , and permanently .
You see, there's a reason why the Democrat Party has controlled the majority of State and Federal governments since America's founding ,..
They do not attack their own,..
They do not split their vote,..
They do not focus on individual personalities , or stay home for elections , if their particular candidate isn't nominated.
No, the Democrats are focused on one thing,..alone,..
Electing Democrats , every office ,..on every level of government,...
And nothing sways them from that focus. For they know, the more Democrat victories they achieve,..on a State and Federal level,....the more they can secure their power , their wealth,..their socialist agenda,..all to one end, remake America,..into their own image.
Not Hillary victory.
Not Biden victory.
Not Sanders victory.
Democrat Party victory, always their goal,..nothing more,...nothing less,..
In truth,..that is the reason for open borders ,that is the reason for welcoming sleeper cell Syrian refugees,..that is the reason for the release of terror criminals from Gitmo Bay,..that is the reason for the release of convicted felons , from Federal prisons,..across the country, the thousands.
That is the reason for promoting the fiction of a racist, divided America.
That is the reason for promoting the fiction of an anti-woman America.
That is the reason for the Occupy Wall Street movement, the Black Lives Matter movement,..and the reason behind the demonizing of our men and women in uniform.
That is the reason for the embracing of illegal immigrants ,..and the tax scam Obamacare that serves the dual purpose of registering illegals as Democrat voters and bilking even more tax dollars from the free market.
That is the reason for the downsizing of our military that votes 90% Republican.
That is the reason why voter I.D. is called racist and condemned by the Democrats. After all, a voting poll that actually checks I.D., is a voting poll that prevents illegal immigrant, Democrat supporting votes,from being cast.
That is the reason for the anti-gun agenda , and gun free zones.
The NRA is comprised mostly of Republican voters .Therefore, they must be disarmed and silenced.
An ultimate, unbeatable, overwhelming in numbers,..Democrat voting base,..a base dependent on tax payer funded entitlements to survive.
A base that must vote Democrat, survive.
A base that , thanks to open borders , Syrian refugees, and freed convicts,..will never again lose an election , to the Republican Party.
A base that will indeed secure the ruling Democrat elite's power base,..for all eternity.
That, the Democrat Party's goal,..that they never ,never,never, never,..waiver from.
Never have,..never will,..
Defeat Republicans at all costs, all they concentrate on,..all they care about.
And,..that is why , for the bulk of America's  200+ years of existence,..Democrats have controlled this nation's destiny.
This,...must end.
And,..of all those candidates,..on that stage , this ,..the first debate of the New Year,..
It was Jeb Bush ,...
And Bush alone,.....
Who was compelled to make sure that everyone on that stage ,..understood this.
A House divided against itself,..cannot stand.
The Time has come for this Party of division,of political factions that fail to unite in purpose,..
The Party that pits so-called conservatives against so-called moderates.
The Party that pits Tea Party against Establishment.
The Party that pits Grass Roots Movements,..against traditional conservative.
The Party that now pits mindless , third world , zombie- like Trump supporters against all other members of the Republican Party.
Enough of this nonsense.
This is a recipie for losing,..and it must end now,..
If the Democrat Party and their destructive agenda , are to be stopped,once and for all.
Republicans are winning, and have been,.since the landslide 2010 Midterm Victory.
Republican Victory is here,
All we have to do, reach out and take it.
The victories continued into 2014, when the Republicans took back the Senate, and control of most State governments as well, in the biggest majority win,..since the days of the Hoover Administration.
A Republican House, and a Republican Senate,..
All that remains is the Presidency,..for complete victory.
We the People must focus like a laser on the prize. We the People must focus on only one thing,..the only thing that matters,
The Next President,..must be a Republican President, matter what.
Three things in life are certain,..Death, Taxes,..and one of the Republican candidates running for President,..will get the nomination.
Whoever that nominee is;..must receive 1000% support from the Republican voting base.
No more sitting home for elections.Republicans sitting home defeated McCain- Palin. Republican voters sitting home defeated Romney-Ryan. Republican voters sitting home has nearly resulted in America's destruction at the hands of the Democrat Party.
And, tragically,..Republican voters sitting home has resulted in the beheading, burning, and crucifixtion, of thousands of Christians, Jews, Yazidis, and Kurdish refugees, the hands of ISIS.
Republican voters sitting home resulted in the deaths of four American Heroes, a lonely Embassy in Benghazi,..that a newly re-elected Democrat President and his Administration,..refused to protect on the Anniversary of 911, the year 2012.
No more.
Simple reality check;..
Both McCain and Romney would have prevented everything that has happened during the Obama Presidency. Both McCain and Romney would have stopped the growth of Al Queda,. the creation of ISIS,..and the birth of a nuclear armed Iran, now made 100 billion richer.
Remember, was John McCain who was the architect of the surge that won the war in Iraq, and decimated the forces of Al Queda.
And, make no mistake,..Both McCain and Romney would have secured the Benghazi Embassy, on the Anniversary of 911, and on every other day as well.
And, the grim reality is, if either McCain or Romney had been elected President,.the Benghazi Heroes,...Ambassador Chris Stevens,..Glenn Dougherty,..Sean Smith,..and Tyrone Woods,..would still be alive, and able to spend Christmas with their families , for many years to come.
To be blunt,..if you support Trump,..and you sit home on election night, because he didn't get the nomination,.
If you support Cruz,..and you sit home on election night,..because he didn't get the nomination,..
If you support Rubio,..and you sit home on election night,..because he didn't get the nomination,..
Then you are accessories to the murder of those four American heroes,..who died in Benghazi,..because Hillary Clinton and the Obama Administration,..ignored their pleas for help.
If you sit home and let Hillary Clinton , or any other Democrat, the Presidency,..because your choice for Republican President,..didn't get the nomination,..then you are as responsible as Hillary is,..for the deaths of those four men,..because, the end, Hillary,and like Obama,..
You stood down, and did nothing to gain justice for the Benghazi families , or to help your fellow Americans, their gravest time of need.
As a young man,growing up in Hong Kong, China,..Bruce Lee dreamed of taking his martial arts skills to America, and use them to become a star. But , he knew before this could happen,he had to somehow resolve what he called the "classical mess"that the Martial Arts community had made of his art form. Bruce saw too many styles, too many techniques,..too much wasted , ineffective movements and methods that, may have looked stylish,..but were basically useless in the nuts and bolts reality of practical , workable, self defense. To counter this, Bruce then set out to eliminate the classical mess his culture had made of the Martial Arts,..and replaced ineffective theory , style, and fanciful technique , with clean , efficient,practical , effective fighting methods that actually worked in real life situations. Gone was the mysticism and mumbo jumbo of the Shaolin tradition, discarded were the thousands of  techniques that looked good in exhibitions,but simply did not work against someone who could throw just one good solid right hook to the jaw.
Bruce Lee's new system , the system that he would teach in his martial arts schools across America,..would be called,"Jeet Kune Do"or,.."Way of the Stopping Fist".
It used, no way, a way.
No method, a method,..
Straight , clean punches, solid, straight , practical kicks, and leg sweeps,..trapping and countering blows, instead of energy wasting , evasive blocking techniques,..
No unnecessary movement.No unneeded techniques.Just simple, direct straight effective fighting techniques that actually worked as self defense. Simple, compact, direct.
Jeet Kune Do
It made Bruce Lee, a star.
Time for the Republican Party to find their own Tao,..their own way,..their own political version of Jeet Kune Do. Time to eliminate all the Party factions that do not work,..
Time to eliminate all infighting between meaningless Party offshoots that only split the Republican voting base, and in the end,
Do not work.
No more "Independent" voters.
No more 'Traditional" Conservatives.
No more "Grassroots Conservatives.
No more Tea Party Patriots.
No more Tea Party Alliance.
No more Establishment Republicans.
No more Neo-Conservatives.
 no more.
Just, one, simple, direct, effective Republican  Party that believes in the simple , practical, political techniques and policies, that make our nation work.
Tax and regulation cuts for all Americans are the only things that grow the economy .The only thing that works.
A strong military is the only thing that can secure our nation from our enemies, defend our allies,..and end the threat of Islamic terrorism.
Strong support for our 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms, is the only thing that protects and defends our individual freedom from the threat of tyrannical governments , and makes all other rights possible.
Judeo-Christian values are the only values that work to create a free and prosperous society, because they are the values of truth and freedom.
Energy independence is the only thing that works to create an economically secure and militarily  strong America that rejects the oil supplies of our nation's enemies.
Simple, direct, and effective policies that keep our nation the number one superpower on earth, and the greatest system of self-government yet devised by man.
And, the simple, direct, and effective method to achieve this?
Elect every single Republican running, for every single office , on state and federal levels.
There it is, pure and simple.
History proves that, despite all their flaws, only Republicans believe in those basic principles.
History also proves that,..Democrats don't, simple as that.
Democrats do not cut taxes or regulations ever.
Democrats do not support the military, or our vets,  ever.
Democrats do not support our 2nd Amendment rights, ever.
Democrats do not support Judeo-Christian values, ever.
Democrats do not support energy independence through domestic oil production, ever.
Simple, Direct, nuts and bolts reality.
Jeet Kune Do.
Democrat principles do not work.
Republican principles do.
A Three Party political system, does not work.
A Two Party system, does.
No more, no less.
You elect members of the Democrat Party, the nation loses, and the world suffers as well.
You elect Members of the Republican Party , the nation wins and the world is more peaceful, more prosperous, more secure.
Simple direct, effective.
Don't need Tea Parties.
Don't need Conservatism.
Don't need Grassroots Movements.
Don't need Establishment Republicans.
Don't need Neo-Cons.
Like Bruce Lee, We the People must eliminate the "classical mess" as Bruce called it, that time and history has shown, do not work,..and simply lose elections. Jeet Kune Do. Do what works.
Whoever wins the Republican nomination, show up at the polls en masse, and just vote for a straight Republican ticket.
Every election, without fail,now, and until the end of time.
Remember every single time in History when Republicans controlled all three branches of the Federal Government, the nation prospered.
Time to replace the style of losing,
With the substance of winning.
We know which Party works,..history proves it. So just elect those who represent that Party.The Republican Party.Or, just accept defeat, and the responsibility for America's defeat as well,..
At the hands of a Party that let four American Heroes , four men with families that loved them,..
Die in Benghazi,..just to insure Obama re-election victory.
We the People, We the Republic, must stop fighting against the Republican tide,..and , like a surfer,..ride that tide , victory.
Flow with the ocean,..
Become the ocean,..
And form to the shape of the shore,...

Sunday, January 17, 2016

"Two Down;One To Glory!"

The America that President Barack Hussein Obama spoke of in his final State of the Union Address,..was an America that even Hans Christian Anderson would dismiss as a Fairytale.
He spoke of an America whose economy was strong and growing,with a record number of jobs being created,and unemployment being at an all time low. In reality,unemployment remains at an all time high, job creation and growth at an all time low,and the debt and deficit at record high levels as well, thanks to his ever increasing taxes,regulations,and entitlements, including his ultimate tax scam, Obamacare.
He spoke of restoring the respect and admiration of our allies around the globe,and of the tremendous success our military forces have had in decimating the forces of Al-Queda and ISIS,turning the war torn nation of Syria into a stable and secure region, and of transforming the threat of a nuclear armed Iraq,into a cooperative benign ally, and free trade partner that has no interest in pursuing nuclear weapons.
In reality,our allies now regard us as unreliable partners in Democracy,to be viewed with suspicion and mistrust,as we continue to abandon their interests in favor of appeasing terror sponsoring nations like Iran.And, in addition to massive cuts in funding and personnel that have severely weakened our military,Obama has withdrawn our forces from Iraq, Afghanistan,and Syria,and reduced our once unlimited air attacks to limited , pinprick strikes,.thereby strengthening Al Queda,and allowing the first terror state known only as ISIS,to be created.
The President spoke of our military and our nation ,as the strongest in the world,virtually impervious to the threat of our terror enemies.In reality we are,but not because of anything that the President or the Democrats have accomplished. On the contrary, they have downsized our military ,cut off their funding, and emboldened our enemies with a war strategem that only serves to project weakness.It was only the Republicans regaining control of both Houses, and the rise of Speaker Paul Ryan, that created the massive increases in military spending,the permanent tax cuts for all Americans,and the removal of the oil export ban,that have indeed make the President's claim reality.
And, as for the President's claims that Syria is stabilized,and Iran transformed into a peaceful,anti-nuclear,trade partner,well then,..perhaps he can explain the mass beheadings, burnings and crucifixions of Christians,Jews,Yazidis,Kurds,and American trained Syrian rebels,that are occurring on a holocaust level,all across the Syrian region?
And perhaps he can also explain why our new, nuclear disarmed,trade partner Iran, captured the crew of a disabled American Naval vessel, forced them to get on their knees at gun point,forced one woman sailor to wear a makeshift burka,and imprisoned them all,like common war criminals?
Is this the new trade partner that the United States is about to give 100 billion in unfrozen assets to?
And,if the President can explain this behavior,can he also explain his failure to mention this humiliation of United States Naval personnel,at the hands of the the Iranian military,during his State of the Union Address?
Can he explain why he views the overall threat of Islamic terrorism , a threat that has engulfed all of Western Europe,a threat that has led mass slaughter around the globe,.a threat that seeks the complete destruction of America , and all non-Islamic Infidels, a minor annoyance compared with the ominous menace of Global Warming and Climate Change?
Enough of this nonsense.The simple truth is,that despite having control of both Houses and a Super Majority mandate,in his first two years in office,and his unrestricted use of illegal, executive fiat,...the President,.....has failed.
His Administration,..has failed.
His Party,..has failed.
Everything they envisioned,..
Everything they accomplished,..
In those first two years,..
Has been stopped,by a resurging Republican Party, that regained control of the House in 2010,by landslide numbers,and regained control of the Senate in 2014,as well giving the GOP the largest Majority in both Houses , since the days of Herbert Hoover.
The Republicans also gained over 900 legislative seats across the country, and control 80% of all State governments as well.
The President may be starting his last year in office,but, in reality,..he is already finished. He is already ,..part of the past,..a past that touted the promise of "Hope and Change", and,"Change We Can Believe In".
A past that promised to "Fundamentally Transform America".A past that promised to turn our enemies into allies, end racial division, to end all wars , to stop the rise of the oceans,to restore the economy, heal the world.
That, the past.
And, was a lie.
And,..the future?
The future was sitting directly behind the President,..during his State of the Union Address.
The future, Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan.
It is a future,not of "Hope and Change"platitudes,..but of restoring America's values.
A future,not of "Change We Can Believe In",..but of  Making America Great Again.
A future,not of "Fundamentally Transforming America",but of returning America to her roots, the greatest system of self-government , the greatest free market Republic,..yet devised by man.
A future where taxes and regulations are cut, for all Americans ,permanently,..and Obamacare is dismantled and destroyed.
A future where our military ,that sacrifices everything to keep us free,is funded and supported ,..the way it always should be.
A future where our Second Amendment rights to Keep and Bear Arms,..the right that makes all other rights possible, protected and defended.
A future that embraces and protects the Judeo-Christian values that our Nation was founded on, while also protecting the rights of all American citizens, live, work, and worship, they please.
A future where our borders are sealed, and our Nation secured against attacks from our enemies.
A future where our military doesn't contain, control, or neutralize Al Queda,and ISIS,...
But a future where our military finally,..once and for all,..
Destroys them.
That is the future that sat directly President Barack Hussein Obama .
A young, energetic future.
A future where one of eleven young, talented, conservative Republicans,..will assume the mantle of Commander in Chief, this year,..2016.
A future where the Party that believes in the basic principles of low taxes, limited government,strong military,..Judeo-Christian values,..and the right to keep and bear arms,.....
Is once again in control of all three branches of the Federal Government.
A future of prosperity at home,..
A future of peace abroad,..
A future where our enemies are defeated,and our allies supported.
A future where the New Speaker ,and a revitalized Republican Party,sends bill after bill to the President's desk,..forcing his signature,..or his veto.
A future where President Barack Hussein Obama ,in his last year as Commander in Chief,..will now learn what the Republican Party can do,..when it's fully unleashed,..with the right man leading it.
A future where the young , strong Republican Candidates debate,..again,..and again,..and expose,..once and for all,..the corruption and criminal malfeasance that is the Clinton's only Legacy.
The Democrats ,..are the past,..
The Republican future,.a bright prosperous future, here,,..
Let the Lesson,..Begin.
America's History has shown,..that when the Republican Party controls at least two branches of the Federal Government,..
America is Formidable,..
When the Republican Party controls all three branches of the Federal Government,..
America is Invincible,..
Two down,..and One to Glory,..
And make no mistake,..
No Member of the United States Military,..
Will ever be forced to their knees,at gunpoint,..
By America's Enemies,..
When the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces,of the United States of America,..
Is a Member of the Republican Party.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

"Tears of the Bloodstained God!"

Newly elected House Speaker Paul Ryan is now showing what the Republican Party can really do,..can really accomplish,..with the right man leading them.
Finally, after well over 60 votes to repeal Obamacare, the Republicans have finally done what should be done, every single time a Republican bill is passed in both the House and the Senate;..they put a bill to repeal Obamacare and defund Planned Parenthood,.. on the President's desk,for him to either sign into law, or veto as he wills. The Republican Party's failure to do this, and to use the power of the purse to force the Government shutdown,are the main flaws in their strategy to stop the Democrat agenda. Even if you know the President will veto your Legislation, even if you do not possess the necessary 67 votes to override the President's veto, and stop the Democrat Filibuster,..if your Party has control of both Houses, must put the bill on his desk and force the decision upon him. Forget the threats,..make this President put his money where his mouth is,..and force him to go on the official government record as opposing Legislation that was designed by the Republicans to benefit the country.
Make it crystal clear to the American people which Party is working to restore America,.and which Party is working to destroy it. Simply put, the Republican House must create a permanent government record that holds the Democrats accountable, and proves, once and for all, who the good guys are, and who the bad guys are. You may not win the battle,you may not have the votes to stop the Obama veto, or even the filibuster,..but, have done your job,..what the American people elected you to do,..which is simply to stop the Obama Agenda,and to force the Democrats to do the one thing that they never want to do,under any circumstances ,..namely,to go on the official government record , as the deciding vote on Legislation. In other words, you force the veto in order to make sure the Democrats can't blame any of their destructive legislation on the Republican Party.Not one Republican, in the House, or Senate,..voted for Obamacare. Why then, should they accept any responsibility for its destructive results?
You take that option away from the Democrats completely, by simply forcing President Obama to officially cast his deciding vote.
End of story,..and an excellent start of the New Year, for the Republican controlled Houses. This must be the continuing strategy for President Obama's last year in office;..pass the bills and then get them on the President's desk.Make this socialist President reject the will of the people , for all the world to see.
The reality is;..the Republican Party has always been the good guys, who were the force behind our revolt against England,..who created our system of self government,..who based our Constitution on Judeo-Christian philosophy,..who freed the slaves and created civil rights,..who defend the right of all citizens, to keep and bear arms,..who support a strong military and an aggressive war on terror,..who treat our men and women who serve our Nation, the heroes they are.
That, is the force of good and virtue ,..the force created by Washington,..and defined by Lincoln,....that is the Republican Party.
So too ,has the Democrat Party always been the bad guys,..the force that sided with England against the Colonist Rebellion,..who opposed the Revolutionary War,..and worked to aid the British soldiers who opposed our Constitution, our gun rights, our religious freedom,..our system of self government, favor of continued British rule over the Colonies,..who opposed freeing the slaves,.who opposed.gun rights for the freed slaves,....who opposed the Civil Rights Bill created by Richard Nixon and Martin Luther King,..and who opposed the freedom of Judeo-Christian based law , in favor of  the oppression of Islamic law, since the 1700's.
That is the Democrat Party.
That is what they have always been, and always will be,..
The Bad Guys,..
And,..The Republican Party 's power of the purse, ..the power to force the shutdown,..and the veto, the best way to prove it to the American people,..once and for all.
House Speaker Paul Ryan has a good start, and time will tell .Certainly,he has made it clear,that he will return the power of the House decisions to the House itself, it should be. Gone forever, are the days under John Boehner, when the Speaker was the Leader,and the final vote, on all House decisions.
Ryan says he will stay engaged,keep the American people informed of the House decisions,..and will keep the pressure on Obama, with the power of the purse,..until the Presidency is once again in Republican hands.
That is the winning strategy that should have always been in place from the moment the Republicans had control of the House and Senate.In truth, there can be no other strategy when dealing with a Party that was designed to do nothing ,except damage the greatest system of self government yet devised by man.
The Democrat Party was founded the day certain colonists decided against Revolution, and sought to instead defend the despotic rule of King George.
And, the Democrats still seek to return to the Monarchy ,..the socialist style rule,..with themselves as the Democrat Elite, rule over America's peasants .All the Democrats believe in this ideal. This is their white whale,..that they pursue relentlessly .Leftist Activist George Soros,spends billions of his own dollars, to make this socialist dream a reality in America. Soros created, and has funded numerous leftist orgaizations including Occupy Wallstreet, Black Lives Matter, and the Ferguson and New York rioters, that have targeted police officers ,for destruction. Soros, like all leftists, believes in a Monarchy,with the ruling Kings ,Queens, Lords,and Knights of the government heirarchy , ruling over the serfs and peasants that survive off their discarded scraps. In other words, capitalism ,..for the ruling elite,..only. That is the heart of the liberal left .That is the heart of Socialism.That is the heart of President Obama , and the Democrat Party.
And,..their only goal,..
To defeat the Republican Party that opposes them,and everything they believe in ,permanently.
For the Democrats know,that only by destroying the Republicans can they remake America into their image and gain the power and wealth, they believe comes with that image.
To achieve this, the Democrats must adhere to a strict formula ;..taxes and regulations must be increased constantly,in order to force the free market to operate under government control. and to pay for the entitlement programs that support the Democrat voting base.
Gun rights must be attacked,and gun free zones established,in order to create an environment where the criminal or terrorist can slaughter  at will, which , in turn, promotes the Democrat Anti-Gun Agenda
Our Nation's borders must remain open, and established Sanctuary Cities must remain in place, in order to create a new government entitlement dependent population that will vote Democrat, guaranteed.
Judeo-Christian values must be restricted, and government control based, Islamic values imposed , since the left and Islam have always sought the same goal,..government control of their citizens,the destruction of Christianity, the destruction of Judism,.the destruction of self government,...the destruction of freedom ,..the destruction,..of America , it was founded.
The military and police must be demonized, downsized, and defunded constantly,..since they are the chief defenders of all self governed, freedom based Republics,..and the money used to fund them, must be instead used to fund Democrat election campaigns, Democrat unions, and the Democrat entitlement voting base,as well.
All Democrat candidates for public office must be supported , matter what , since the goal must always be total Democrat Party control of the government , at all state and federal levels.
Democrat voters must cross over, and vote in Open Republican Primaries, to insure that the Republican Primary winner, is one that the Conservative Republican base, will reject, and refuse to vote for,..thereby insuring another Democrat victory.
This is the Democrat Plan.
The Democrat strategem.
The Democrat blueprint ,..
That every single member of the Democrat Party follows, matter what.
Their only mission is to destroy the Republican Party , and they will never vary or waiver in that mission, ever.
Yes , the President cried while promoting new gun regulations on a televised CNN Debate forum.But, not because of the deaths of innocent Americans at the hands of evil guns. No, he cried because he knows now,..finally, the last year of his Presidency,..that he cannot win.
In fact, he's already lost,..and he knows it.
His entire agenda has failed,..and his anti-gun agenda , the proof.
With every mass shooting by terrorists on American soil,..gun sales have increased.
With every terror attack blamed on guns, rather than terrorists, ..the calls for Muslim refugee bans and sealed borders,.. increases.
You see, the American people are finally waking up, reality.
They finally, know the truth.
This is why Obama cries.
He cries because he knows ,..after seven years in office,.after passing nearly every piece of legislation he wanted,..after successfully by passing congress with executive action repeatedly,..despite all this,...the Republicans are winning.
In fact,..they have been winning since 2010, when they took back control of the House , with an overwhelming majority, and then again in 2014,..when they took control of the Senate, gained 900+ legislative seats, and took control of 80% of state governments as well. It was the biggest win for the GOP , since the days of Herbert Hoover.
And, it has happened, during Obama's Presidency. Is this the Hope and Change he promised?
Yes, this is why Obama cries.
All that remains is the Presidency, for complete victory.
The Republicans have 12 hard core talented, conservative candidates, any one of which would make an excellent President.
All the Democrats have is a failed Secretary of State who exposed our Nation's security secrets to our enemies,...and who let four Americans die, in a Libyan Embassy that she refused to protect, on the Anniversary of 911 .
The Dems have lost, and now, Speaker Ryan is putting together Republican repeals of all Democrat legislation, and preparing to put those repeals, on the President's desk, after another, forcing the President's veto,..forcing him to take the official blame,..for America's destruction.
This is why,..Obama cries.
All the Republicans need now,..for the final victory,is the Presidency,..and the Party of King George,..the Democrat Party, done forever.
Senator Ted Cruz is surging in the polls,..and now holds the lead going into the Iowa caucus,..with Donald Trump close behind.
Cruz is ,seemingly,..the perfect conservative fighting machine,..with a perfect conservative voting record.
He is followed in the polls , by the bombastic showman named Trump, and the greatest collection of conservative talent ever assembled by modern man.
Yes, Obama cries ,..because he knows that when the Republican Party has control of all three branches of government ,..prosperity for America, is always the result.
He knows that, the two times this has happened in recent history,..during the Eisenhower Administration , and during George W. Bush's Presidency,..the greatest periods of economic growth in history,.,.were created.
He also knows that,.the only reason the Clinton Presidency had a strong , prosperous economy,..was because the Republican Party had gained control of both Houses, in super majorities,..for the first time,.since the Eisenhower Presidency,..and Clinton, unlike Obama,..accepted his Party's fate,..and worked with the Republicans.
Obama cries,..because he knows that, unlike Clinton,..he will never work with the Republicans .He will see the country destroyed, before that happens.
Obama cries because he knows that..the American people now realize,..that no one man , the answer,..the Hope and Change,..the anointed one,..that will create a strong , prosperous America.
But, Party is.
The Party of Lincoln,..
The Party of Reagan,..
The Party that knows, there is no rule ,..but self rule.,..
There is no government,..except  self government,.
There is no utopia,..except that which we make for ourselves.
And there is no freedom;.. except that of the individual.
And no pretended tears,.. of the bloodstained god,.Obama,..
Can wash away,..this reality,...

Sunday, January 3, 2016

"Rise of the Sith Lord?"

Has the newly crowned Republican House Speaker gone over to the "Dark Side?"Has he become , in effect , the new "Sith Lord",who will use the power of the Republican House to do the bidding of the Evil Democrat Empire?
Not exactly. Here are the facts,..
While the end of the year Omnibus Spending Bill did, once again,virtually fund the entire established Democrat Agenda,including Obamacare, Planned Parenthood,the Global Warming U.N. deal, etc,..there were also victories for conservatives and our Nation,that would not have happened if the Republican House was truly a "do nothing"entity.
First, there are now permanent tax cuts for private sector businesses and working Americans across the board that will enable our economy to , once again, grow and prosper without the threat of government interference.Second, additional taxes and regulations hidden in the fraud known as Obamacare , including the so called"Cadillac Tax',have been stopped cold.Again, this would not have happened, without the Republican Majority controlling both Houses. Third, new, permanent restrictions have been imposed on two Democrat tax fraud machines , the E.P.A.,and the I.R.S. These Republican imposed restrictions will prevent both Democrat controlled agencies from punishing businesses with endless taxes and regulations that do nothing but damage the free market and force it to operate under government control. Again, these restrictions would not, could not exist if the Republicans were but a powerless minority Party. Fourth, the decades long Democrat Party imposed Oil Trade Restrictions that have damaged our economy , hindered job growth, created high energy and gasoline costs, and threatened the security of our Nation by making us dependent on foreign oil,have finally, after more than twenty years , been permanently lifted, and eliminated. This will give a much needed boost to our overall economy , create endless jobs,..and make our nation more secure militarily,by moving us closer to the complete energy independence,that is vitally important to any sovreign,Free Republic based nation. Fifth, and most importantly,..our military, ..the finest fighting force ever created by man, ..the rock upon which our freedom was built,..will now get the unlimited funding it needs and deserves.Thanks to the Republican Majority, our men and women in uniform need no longer endure Democrat controlled layoffs ,cuts in pay,..cuts in equipment,..and the general loss of funding that have handicapped their mission to destroy America's Terror Enemies.
Again, only the combined force of a Republican controlled House and a Republican controlled Senate could have made this possible.
So, have the Republicans moved to the Dark Side of the Force?Not a chance. America may be the last, best hope for humanity,..but,first and foremost,..the Republican Party is the last, best hope for a strong, prosperous, free America. Are there still signs of weakness?Certainly. Even under the Leadership of the New House Speaker, Paul Ryan,..the Republican House has still failed to fully comprehend the importance of stopping the Democrat Agenda completely.
They have to understand, that there can no longer be any "working with" Democrats , more compromise with a Party whose entire Agenda has done nothing except damage our country.
You don't work with Democrats.
You don't compromise with them.
You don't give an inch on any part of the Republican Party Agenda,..ever, in some misguided effort to demonstrate bipartisan cooperation.
You don't work with the Democrat Party .
You defeat it. Completely, and permanently, if you want America restored to its former greatness ,that is.
The Republicans have accomplished much in the year 2015.They have gained control of both Houses , they have won 900+ legislative seats , and control 80% of State level governments as well. But, they have also failed to fully protect our Free Republic with the power they were given, by Our Founders, Our Constitution,..the power of the purse,..the power that funds the Government,..the power that keeps the People's House in complete control of our government . The power that keeps We the People in control of this Nation, and those we elect to represent us, on a State and Federal level.
With the coming year, there is one thing that must be done , no matter what,..until the Republicans once again,..have the Presidency.The Republicans must pass legislation , in both the House and Senate,..and then even if they do not have the necessary 67 votes to override the veto, they must put that passed Legislation on the President's desk,..for him to sign into law,..or to veto , he wills. With this final year in office for Obama, the Republicans must force the President to use his veto,force the President to go on record, opposing legislation that would benefit our Nation .
Like with the XL  Pipeline bill, they must force the President to expose himself,as an Enemy of America, who is bound and determined,to punish America, for being the one, true source of terror in the world , by reducing her to the level of just another weak, third world nation
Even if it results in government shutdown, and constant government gridlock,..the Republican Majority must do their job, pass the legislation they know will benefit this nation, and force this President to create a permanent government record, a permanent legacy,..of obstruction,..written in stone,...for future generations of Americans to see,..
A permanent body of evidence that will prove , for all time,..that President Barack Hussein Obama was an enemy agent,..who blamed America for the world's problems,..and who used his Presidency as a weapon against it.
Make this President use his veto ,repeatedly,..and use the power of reconciliation to override that veto, if necessary.
This , the Republican Party must do, until the end of the year, when they ,once again, gain control of the Presidency, and finally have control of all three branches  of government.
Republican control,..permanent Republican control,..of all three branches of government,..and of  all state governments as well.
This is, this must be,..the ultimate goal of We the People and the Party that represents our will, and agenda. For, this is the real, solid, nuts and bolts solution to the problems that have plagued our country off and on,..for decades now. Since our Nations birth,..that hot July day in Philadelphia,in 1776,..We the People have unfortunately allowed the Democrat Party ,..the Party that fought to stay united with King George,..the Party that opposed the American Revolution,..the Party that wanted to keep slavery,..the Party that opposed Civil Rights,..the Party that small government and limited taxes,and regulations,..the Party that opposed women's rights to vote,..and the election of minorities to government positions,..the Party that rejects the rights of Free Americans to keep and bear arms,..the Party that rejects the Judeo-Christian values that are the Foundation of Our Constitution,..... to , unfortunately,... control the power in our government on a State and Federal Level,for most of the 200 plus years of America's existence.
This is the problem .Always has been,..and always will be,..unless we change it,,,..this year,..permanently.Republicans are the only Party that supports and defends the legislation that makes us the greatest nation on earth .Only Republicans taxes and regulations low and government limited. Only Republicans protect and defend our Second Amendment rights that keep us free. Only Republicans support our military and our Veterans,that keep our Nation strong and secure against the enemies of freedom. Only Republicans fight an aggressive war against the Islamic Terror enemies that seek nothing less than America's complete destruction.
Only Republicans supported the End of Slavery, and defended the right of freed slaves, keep and bear arms.Only Republicans created the Civil Rights Act,..and only Republicans, by majority,..voted it into law. Republicans were the first to elect minorities and women to Federal and State offices.
And, after seven years of the Obama Democrat Agenda,..only Republicans can restore America to her former greatness.
There are still misguided, self hating ,Republicans,..calling themselves, "conservatives",and Tea Party Members,..that say the Republican Party is a failed,..broken Party. They,..are flat wrong. Always have been,..and always will be.In fact,..they are the problem,..not the Republican Party. They are the ones who stayed home in 2008,..and let Obama win,..because they felt McCain simply wasn't "conservative' enough. They are the ones who stayed home in 2012,and let Obama win a second term,because Romney wasn't "conservative" enough.
The result? A collapsed America,..a world on fire,..the rise of ISIS and the creation of the first Islamic State,..and the beheading , burning, and crucifixtion,..of thousands of middle eastern Christians, Jews, Kurds, and Yazidis,..including children, the hands of ISIS.
Self hating Republican voters caused this,..not Obama. Republican voters staying home for Major Elections , and letting Obama and the Democrats win the Presidency twice,..caused this,..not Obama.
We the People caused this,..
We, the self hating , fake conservatives caused this,..not Obama,..and not the Democrats.
For , the Democrats are , what they are,.The Democrats  simply don't know any better,..and even if they did,..they wouldn't care.
But,..Republicans should know better.
Republicans, know better.
Make no mistake, was self hating Republicans, who do know better,..staying home,..or voting Democrat ,..out of spite,..that have all but destroyed America,..and caused the death of thousands , the hands of ISIS.
That, the grim truth that We the People must face,..if we are to prevent it from ever happening again.
If McCain, or Romney ,.. had won the Presidency,..America would be strong today,.. Al Queda  would still be weak, and on the run,.. the Islamic State known as ISIS,..would be,..non-existent,..and, most importantly,..thousands of middle eastern Christians, Jews, Kurds, Yazidis,..and the American Operatives of Benghazi ,including Ambassador Stevens,.... ...would still be alive today,..
No more of this moronic , so called, conservative snobbery ,that lets the real enemy,..the Democrats,
Either the Republicans unite as a Party,..or accept the responsibility for America's destruction.
When Republicans hold all three branches of government,..prosperity reigns supreme. For decades,..that did not happen,..until the Eisenhower administration, ..and then again,..not until the Bush administration, 2001. The result?Economic prosperity, and strong national security ,..both times. In fact,..from 2001 to 2006,..was the greatest period of economic growth and prosperity, American history.
So, there it is, pure and simple.
We don't need the perfect conservative candidate to restore America. We had them before,..and in the long run,..they changed nothing.
We don't need another Washington.
We don't need another Lincoln.
We don't need another Jefferson.
We don't need another Adams.
We don't need another Reagan.
We need a United Republican Party .
We need a Republican Party, that wins consistently.
We need a Republican Party in control of all three branches of government,..permanently.
That, all America needs.
But, what of the leading contenders for the Republican Presidency?Which of them, is best qualified , lead the nation?
No doubt, Senator Ted Cruz is the best man for the job. He has the most consistent conservative voting record,of any Republican politician,..period.Logically, he should be the one. But, there are others who, despite their weaknesses,..could do the job as well,..and all of them would make far better President's than any Democrat.
Donald Trump remains the leading contender, based on his immigration stance and outspoken , no hold barred brashness,..but he has been on every side,..of every issue over the years,..and is only a recent convert to conservatism.Can he be trusted to do what he says he will do?Our nation,..cannot afford, take a risk on a former Clinton supporter, and Bush basher,..not when there are far more consistent Conservative Republicans to choose from.
Senator Marco Rubio is part of the leading three contenders,..and is, without a doubt, a strong conservative, with a record of unwaivering support for our military,and the war on terror. Rubio, like Cruz , would no doubt, make a strong Commander in Chief. His weakness?  His support of Amnesty, of course. No matter what he says now, Rubio's yes vote on the bill , is a record he cannot run away from,..and may seal his fate at the polls.
The rest of the remaining twelve,..have similar weaknesses on the amnesty issue, and entitlements as well,..but,..if push came to shove,..any one of them,..would make a good President, and, combined with a Republican controlled House and Senate,..would certainly restore America to her former greatness.
But, order to do so, of them,..must win the Presidency first.
Who can ultimately, America?
Only "We the People".
It's Fate,..
It's Destiny,...
It's Future,..
Have always depended on our decisions,..
On our votes,..
and ours alone,..
For, you see, the end,..
We the People ,..
Are the only "Sith Lords",..that can overthrow the  Evil Democrat Empire,..and restore Balance to the Republican Force.
Republicans now control 900 plus Legislative Seats,..and 80% of the State level seats as well.
They are winning,..
And yet,..despite all this,..
The Republican voter's lack of faith,..remains,..