There is a tide in the affairs of men,and in Boulder, Colorado,the battleground for the third 2015 Republican Presidential Debate, the tide had indeed shifted in favor of the Republican Presidential contenders. Their battle was finally well and truly joined,...and the enemy would tremble in their wake.
It started at first, as the others had, the Republican contenders testing each other's strengths and weaknesses , this time over economic issues.Tax cuts, regulation cuts,Corporate dividend cuts, flat taxes,fair taxes, ..all good concepts, all Republican concepts,..designed to grow the economy the only way that works;..the Republican way.You let the American People keep the money they earn and spend it as they please.
The Candidates battled on,...Trump and Kasich attacked each other over falling polls and Kasich's connection to Lehman Brothers. Bush attacked Rubio over his absentee Senate record;...and, all the while,.....John Harwood, Carl Quintanella, and Becky Quick,..the sneering, contemptuous CNBC Democrat operatives posing as moderators ,were more than willing to fuel the fire by spitting poisonous ,disrespectful gotcha questions at the ten candidates ,..questions designed to provoke their self imposed destruction.
Then,..something happened.Something strange;...Something unexpected,...
A miracle had come to pass,...
Dr. Ben Carson invoked President Reagan's 11th Commandment , and made it clear he would not engage in attacks on his fellow Republicans,.....
Senator Marco Rubio returned Jeb Bush's attacks,..with words of praise and respect for his former political sponsor and mentor,....
Governor Mike Huckabee refused to rise to the CNBC bait and attack Donald Trump,..and instead praised all the candidates on that stage who were willing to enter the arena of ideas,..and fight for America.
Even the contentious, bombastic, thin skinned Trump, after his brief skirmish with Kasich,now suddenly stiffened his resolve,and took on the mantle of elder statesmen,..refuting a John Harwood attack that compared him to a comic book villian, with only a mild rebuff.
Indeed, Donald Trump was suddenly serene, almost Yoda-Like.At one point, he even seemed to use a Jedi-Mind Trick on Moderators Becky Quick and John Harwood. Quick questioned his attack on Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg's immigration stance.Trump calmly said that it never happened.Quick replied that it did.Trump said that it didn't, and that the media simply made it up.Quick then backed down ,and inexplicably apologized ,despite the fact that the story was indeed true.Harwick attempted to refute Trump's claim that the debate had originally been scheduled for three hours, until Trump and Carson threatened to walk.Harwick said it was always set for two hours.Trump said that it wasn't. Harwick had no reply.Well done Trump .Obi Wan Kenobi couldn't have done it better.
The moment of truth had come.
The key to victory , finally became crystal clear to the embattled candidates,..and their mood visibly lifted.
For, they now saw fear in the enemy's eyes,..and moved in for the kill.
The killing stroke would be delivered by Senator Ted Cruz,whose fabled, time tested political instincts told him that now was the time.Cruz knew , that with one swift stroke, he could not only win the battle, ..but the war as well.
Cruz created a masterpiece of political rhetoric, unleashing all hell upon the hapless CNBC dupes,for turning the debate into a"cage match"of ugly infights between candidates that they obviously have no respect for, and certainly would never vote for. Then, Cruz asked the one question that seems to have no answer,.."Why are Conservative Republicans allowing their debates to be run by Liberal Democrats?"
With this one, simple question, Senator Cruz had finally exposed the obvious truth ;..
CNBC, and the rest of the Liberal Media,are nothing more than Democrat operatives who serve only one purpose; assure that Democrat candidates are elected, matter what.
They are not reporters.
They are not newsmen.
They are not,"fair and balanced".
They exist solely to destroy the Republican Party,..
And to promote the Democrat Agenda.
That is the singular purpose behind the vicious attacks by the CNBC moderators; destroy the Republican opponents of Hillary Rodham Clinton, and assure her victory in 2016.
Nothing more, nothing less.
And, they can no longer conceal their sheer contempt for the Republican Party ,or its candidates.
They know their Party is losing, and has been since 2010, when the Republicans took back control of the House. Then came the 2012 elections, which gave Republicans even more House and Senate seats.Then came 2014,.which gave the Republican Party the largest majority since the days of Herbert Hoover.
All that remains is the Presidency,and with a collapsed economy, and the growth of ISIS and Al Queda during a Democrat Presidency,,they know Republicans are indeed poised for an easy victory .Desperation and panic were in the air that night in Boulder,Colorado,and that panic showed on the faces of the CNBC Moderators,who sought to provoke the Republican Candidates into destroying themselves. It didn't work.Cruz exposed , their agenda ,won the debate , the battle, and the war as well. And, more importantly, Ted Cruz changed forever the battleplan and character of his fellow Republican Candidates , who now understood , for the first time,..who the real enemy is. The only enemy.The only enemy who has damaged the country .The only enemy, that has brought nothing but destruction to America,since the very first time it ever seized power.
The Democrat Party is the Enemy,the real enemy that must be defeated.
And the Republican candidates now know, that they can do it.
They now know, they can't lose.
As long as they are united under the Republican War Banner , for one purpose,..
Victory over the Democrat Party.
We live in Perilous Times.
Our Nation is under attack from enemies within, and without.
And, the threat of ISIS and Al Queda , has grown stronger ,as America has grown weaker ,and withdrawn it's presence in world affairs, and forsaken it's role as Leader of the Free World.
But, I have never been more optimistic, more hopeful, more confident of the Great Future that lies ahead for America.
For I see now, a new breed, a new generation of Conservative Republicans ;.. Republicans that reject the idea of working with Democrats , and understand that their mission is to stop them.
A New Generation of Republicans who understand that it is the Republican Party alone,that protects the Judeo-Christian Principles that our Constitution was founded on,..
That cuts taxes and regulations and allows businesses and working Americans to grow and prosper,..
That defends our 2nd Amendment Rights ,...
That ended slavery, and created Civil rights,...
That defended the 2nd Amendment rights of freed slaves against the Democrat gun laws created to take them away,...
That supports and strengthens our Military , protect our Veterans, and fights an aggressive War on Terror,against the forces of ISIS and Al Queda,...
That defends and supports our Allies in Freedom from the terrorist enemies that seek their destruction.
These are the principles that the Republican Party stands for, and those principles are indeed reflected in this new generation of Republicans , that will lead our Nation into the future.
A new Republican Speaker of the House , Paul Ryan has been chosen to lead this new generation of Conservative Republicans,..and a new Republican President will be chosen as well ,giving America the solution it needs .The only solution that will restore America to its greatness.
A Republican President,..a Republican House,..and a Republican Senate, the formula for a prosperous, strong America.
The proof?
Look at the History of our Nation.
Since it's creation, it has been the Democrat Party that has controlled its fate most of the time,..with disasterous results.
The simple truth is that when the Republican Party controls at least two of the three Federal branches of Government,..the Nation prospers.
When President Nixon failed, was the Democrats who controlled both the House and Senate.
When President Ford failed, it was the Democrats who controlled both the House and Senate.
When President Carter failed; was the Democrats who controlled both the House and Senate.
When President Reagan created a strong economy,and military, the Republicans controlled the Senate.
When President Reagan failed in his last two years, he had a Democrat controlled House and Senate.
When President Bush Sr. broke his no tax pledge, and failed to win re-election, ..he had a Democrat controlled House and Senate.
When President Clinton failed, in his first two years , he had a Democrat controlled House and Senate.
When President Clinton created a booming economy, he had a Republican House and Senate,..the first in nearly fifty years.
When President Bush Jr. created the greatest period of economic growth in history,..he had a Republican House and Senate.
When President Bush Jr, failed ,in his last two years, with a collapsed economy,..,he had a Democrat controlled House and Senate.
When President Obama failed ,massively, in his first two years,nearly destroying the country, he had a Democrat controlled House and Senate.
When President Obama began to see slow improvement , despite his destructive socialist agenda,and executive overreach,..he had a Republican controlled House and Senate.
States controlled by Republicans are prosperous and growing.
States controlled by Democrats , are bankrupt, poverty stricken,..and crime ridden.
There is no mystery.
This is not rocket science.
Republican principles and Leadership ,..create a strong America.
And,this new generation of Republicans know now , in the wake of the shameful CNBC Debate , that only complete victory by the Republican Party, and the permanent defeat of the Democrat Party, can restore America to that Shining City on a Hill, that President Reagan envisioned.
Let the Trumpets Sound.
The Battle has been joined,..
And a new Republican Army shall lead the charge.
The key to victory?
A United Republican Party,..
A United American People.
Against this;..
No Enemy can stand,..
No Tyranny can survive,..
No Despot can prosper,...
No terrorist can succeed,...
No injustice,..remain unavenged,..
No Freedom ,..denied,..
If America is United,..
If America,..Endures,..
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Sunday, October 25, 2015
"A Gathering of Conspirators"
"Now is the Winter of our discontent,made glorious summer by this Son of York,and all the clouds that lowered upon our house ,in the deep bosom of the ocean buried"
A quote from Shakespeare's "Richard III",as he celebrates his brother Edward's ascension to the Throne of England, and at the same time ,broods over his own deformities and unfulfilled ambitions for the throne.Ambitions that he hopes to make reality by manipulation ,treachery, deceit, and yes, even murder. Like Richard, so too does former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have dark ambitions to win her own throne , and, like the scheming hunchback Richard,will use treachery and deceit to make her dream reality.
Indeed, the political manipulations of Hillary Rodham Clinton make even those of devious, deformed Richard pale by comparison .Starting with her days as a young lawyer working of the Watergate Committee, when she was fired unceremoniously by House Judiciary Committee Chief of Staff Jerry Zeifman for "unethical behavior and outright lies"regarding her attempt to deny President Nixon access to defense council. Then came the Whitewater real estate fraud and ponzi scheme, that led to the mysterious death of Clinton confidant and advisor Vince Foster .Then came the Clinton Foundation ,that takes donations from America's enemies , in exchange for political favors.Then came the final outrage,Secretary of State Clinton's Benghazi Scandal ,a masterpiece of email and server treason, which left a Libyan Embassy mysteriously unprotected , on the Anniversary of 911, and four American operatives dead at the hands of AlQueda terrorists.
And make no mistake, that is the one , the only scandal in the sordid career of Hillary Clinton that cannot be swept under the rug, the one that will not go away, ever, until the Families of the four dead Americans who were operating in Benghazi get the answers they deserve.
Benghazi Ambassador Chris Stevens , Information Management Officer Sean Smith,Navy Seal Security Officers Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, are all dead for reason, and one reason alone;..Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ignored the over six hundred requests made in 2012, fore more security at the Benghazi Embassy,as the 911 Anniversary approached.Six Hundred requests for help, sent by email to the State Department.Twenty alone, on the night of the attack on the Embassy.
All ignored.
In fact, every single American Embassy , all around the globe ,were left unprotected ,and vulnerable to attack .Why?The answer is clear, and the answer is pure Hillary Clinton. The 2012 Presidential re-election campaign was only fifty days away.The Obama Administration had promoted the idea that in President Obama's first four years, not only had he killed Bin Laden, but he had, in effect ended the threat of AlQueda terrorism in general. And , the Gaddafi free Libya was considered an Obama Administration triumph.Obama had AlQueda on the run, and Bin Laden was dead.Simple as that. That was the campaign slogan that would bring defeat to Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney.
A buildup of military forces in Benghazi, or any Embassy as the 911 Anniversary approached,would send the wrong signal to the voters .The Obama Administration had to make it clear;..there was peace in Libya,peace in the Middle East in general, and therefore there was no need for any security whatsoever, not with peacemaker and Nobel Prize winner Barack Obama as President. Except,..that there was.
Al Queda executed a planned terror attack, on the Libyan Embassy , on the 911 Anniversary.
They burned it to the ground,and killed four Americans. But that reality could not be ,not this close to President Obama's re-election bid. So,the story was changed to make the cause of attack a YouTube Video mocking the Prophet Muhammed ,that supposedly so enraged muslims around the world, that it resulted in an armed, "spontaneous protest" in Benghazi.
A complete lie.
A lie that every single member of the Obama Administration , and the Democrat Party in general, promoted relentlessly for years. U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice sold the story on every Sunday Morning News Show , and Hillary promised grieving families standing before the Flag draped coffins of their dead loved ones, that she would make sure the maker of that YouTube video would be punished.
A Lie, crafted to assure Obama re-election.
And now, despite the many years of ducking, dodging, erasing of emails,wiping of private servers,refusing to answer any questions from the Benghazi Committee,,..the truth has finally been exposed,
as Hillary Rodham Clinton was finally forced to testify, under subpeona before the Benghazi Committee,..her perceived gathering of conspirators.
The result?
The smoking gun emails,sent to the Egyptian Prime Minister,and to her daughter Chelsea, in the immediate wake of the Benghazi Attack, confirm that Hillary knew, from the minute it happened, that the attack on the Benghazi Embassy was pre-planned by Al Queda,and was in no way related to the Prophet Muhammed Video.
She said so, in writing.
There it was , in Hillary's own words, for all the world to see. She knew it was a terror attack, and had simply lied to assure the re-election of Barack Hussein Obama.
They all lied to the American people. , to the families of four dead Americans , who served their country with honor and distinction , just to insure that the Democrat Party, remains in power.
Just to insure that the Democrat mission to diminish America would continue for another four years.
To be sure, the eleven hour grilling by Benghazi Committee Leaders Trey Gowdy and Jim Jordan revealed many other illicit things, including the sharing of classified emails with old friend ,confidant , and Director of the Clinton Foundation Sidney Blumenthal.
But, the real key to whole event,the most important part of this interrogation was not the unsecured emails, the private server,the blatant failure to protect top secret classified government information,or even the email revelation that the Secretary of State and the entire Obama Administration knew Benghazi was a terror attack.
No, the most important moment , beyond a shadow of a doubt, is when Trey Gowdy confronted Hillary on the key questions that have, until now remained unanswered, questions that have hung in the air, like a guillotine;...
Why were the endless requests for additional security at the Embassy ignored?... Who made the decision to ignore them?..Who ordered the Stand Down?....Where was the President during the seven hour attack on the Embassy?
Now, thanks to Congressman Trey Gowdy ,Congressman Jim Jordan, and the rest of the Republican Benghazi Committee,we have an answer to at least two of the questions .
Hillary has claimed she never saw any Chris Stevens requests for security .She has stated that other State Department operatives handled that decision, and she had absolutely nothing to do with it, knew nothing about it, and refused to fire those who were responsible.
In other words,Secretary of State Clinton has chosen to blame yet un-named State Department operatives .for a decision that was her responsibility , and hers alone.
Is she telling the truth?
Of course not.
Hillary Clinton's entire political career , like Richard III, nothing but a collection of endless deceptions, deceits and political malfeasance, all to secure her power , that's all.
The decision to deny additional security to an American Embassy was hers and the President's, guaranteed,..even though the President remains a shadowy figure on that fateful night.
What did the Benghazi Committee Hearings ultimately accomplish?
Will jail be the fate of the former Secretary of State?
No. there will be no jail for Hillary. Nor will her supporters abandon her, or her bid for the Presidency.
No, Secretary of State Clinton's punishment is simply that she will be denied the Presidency of the United States.
The one thing, the one ambition,..that has motivated her since the days of Watergate,..
That dream will now vanish for one simple reason,..
Hillary Clinton is running for the office of Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States.
Beyond all doubt, Secretary of State Clinton has demonstrated an inability to carry out the one duty that defines a President.
She has, by her own admission, failed to protect citizens who desperately pleaded for protection from America's enemies.
Hillary Clinton has failed to protect Americans during a time of war.
Then, blamed her failure on State Department Subordinates.
For that reason, and that reason alone,..
A President Hillary Clinton ,..
Can never be,...
Must never be,..
Will never be,..
"A Horse, a Horse,.... my Kingdom,.....for a Horse!",...cried the Hunchback King, he watched his mad dreams vanish beneath the flashing blade of the invading enemy's sword.
In the end, there would be no Horse, respite ,..for the scheming Richard ,who took deception and murder for his Falsely Won Crown.
Nor shall there be a Horse,..
a Kingdom,..
a Crown,..
for Hillary Rodham Clinton,..
Whose own mad dreams and ambitions,..vanished that night in Benghazi,..
On the Anniverary of 911.
A quote from Shakespeare's "Richard III",as he celebrates his brother Edward's ascension to the Throne of England, and at the same time ,broods over his own deformities and unfulfilled ambitions for the throne.Ambitions that he hopes to make reality by manipulation ,treachery, deceit, and yes, even murder. Like Richard, so too does former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have dark ambitions to win her own throne , and, like the scheming hunchback Richard,will use treachery and deceit to make her dream reality.
Indeed, the political manipulations of Hillary Rodham Clinton make even those of devious, deformed Richard pale by comparison .Starting with her days as a young lawyer working of the Watergate Committee, when she was fired unceremoniously by House Judiciary Committee Chief of Staff Jerry Zeifman for "unethical behavior and outright lies"regarding her attempt to deny President Nixon access to defense council. Then came the Whitewater real estate fraud and ponzi scheme, that led to the mysterious death of Clinton confidant and advisor Vince Foster .Then came the Clinton Foundation ,that takes donations from America's enemies , in exchange for political favors.Then came the final outrage,Secretary of State Clinton's Benghazi Scandal ,a masterpiece of email and server treason, which left a Libyan Embassy mysteriously unprotected , on the Anniversary of 911, and four American operatives dead at the hands of AlQueda terrorists.
And make no mistake, that is the one , the only scandal in the sordid career of Hillary Clinton that cannot be swept under the rug, the one that will not go away, ever, until the Families of the four dead Americans who were operating in Benghazi get the answers they deserve.
Benghazi Ambassador Chris Stevens , Information Management Officer Sean Smith,Navy Seal Security Officers Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, are all dead for reason, and one reason alone;..Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ignored the over six hundred requests made in 2012, fore more security at the Benghazi Embassy,as the 911 Anniversary approached.Six Hundred requests for help, sent by email to the State Department.Twenty alone, on the night of the attack on the Embassy.
All ignored.
In fact, every single American Embassy , all around the globe ,were left unprotected ,and vulnerable to attack .Why?The answer is clear, and the answer is pure Hillary Clinton. The 2012 Presidential re-election campaign was only fifty days away.The Obama Administration had promoted the idea that in President Obama's first four years, not only had he killed Bin Laden, but he had, in effect ended the threat of AlQueda terrorism in general. And , the Gaddafi free Libya was considered an Obama Administration triumph.Obama had AlQueda on the run, and Bin Laden was dead.Simple as that. That was the campaign slogan that would bring defeat to Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney.
A buildup of military forces in Benghazi, or any Embassy as the 911 Anniversary approached,would send the wrong signal to the voters .The Obama Administration had to make it clear;..there was peace in Libya,peace in the Middle East in general, and therefore there was no need for any security whatsoever, not with peacemaker and Nobel Prize winner Barack Obama as President. Except,..that there was.
Al Queda executed a planned terror attack, on the Libyan Embassy , on the 911 Anniversary.
They burned it to the ground,and killed four Americans. But that reality could not be ,not this close to President Obama's re-election bid. So,the story was changed to make the cause of attack a YouTube Video mocking the Prophet Muhammed ,that supposedly so enraged muslims around the world, that it resulted in an armed, "spontaneous protest" in Benghazi.
A complete lie.
A lie that every single member of the Obama Administration , and the Democrat Party in general, promoted relentlessly for years. U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice sold the story on every Sunday Morning News Show , and Hillary promised grieving families standing before the Flag draped coffins of their dead loved ones, that she would make sure the maker of that YouTube video would be punished.
A Lie, crafted to assure Obama re-election.
And now, despite the many years of ducking, dodging, erasing of emails,wiping of private servers,refusing to answer any questions from the Benghazi Committee,,..the truth has finally been exposed,
as Hillary Rodham Clinton was finally forced to testify, under subpeona before the Benghazi Committee,..her perceived gathering of conspirators.
The result?
The smoking gun emails,sent to the Egyptian Prime Minister,and to her daughter Chelsea, in the immediate wake of the Benghazi Attack, confirm that Hillary knew, from the minute it happened, that the attack on the Benghazi Embassy was pre-planned by Al Queda,and was in no way related to the Prophet Muhammed Video.
She said so, in writing.
There it was , in Hillary's own words, for all the world to see. She knew it was a terror attack, and had simply lied to assure the re-election of Barack Hussein Obama.
They all lied to the American people. , to the families of four dead Americans , who served their country with honor and distinction , just to insure that the Democrat Party, remains in power.
Just to insure that the Democrat mission to diminish America would continue for another four years.
To be sure, the eleven hour grilling by Benghazi Committee Leaders Trey Gowdy and Jim Jordan revealed many other illicit things, including the sharing of classified emails with old friend ,confidant , and Director of the Clinton Foundation Sidney Blumenthal.
But, the real key to whole event,the most important part of this interrogation was not the unsecured emails, the private server,the blatant failure to protect top secret classified government information,or even the email revelation that the Secretary of State and the entire Obama Administration knew Benghazi was a terror attack.
No, the most important moment , beyond a shadow of a doubt, is when Trey Gowdy confronted Hillary on the key questions that have, until now remained unanswered, questions that have hung in the air, like a guillotine;...
Why were the endless requests for additional security at the Embassy ignored?... Who made the decision to ignore them?..Who ordered the Stand Down?....Where was the President during the seven hour attack on the Embassy?
Now, thanks to Congressman Trey Gowdy ,Congressman Jim Jordan, and the rest of the Republican Benghazi Committee,we have an answer to at least two of the questions .
Hillary has claimed she never saw any Chris Stevens requests for security .She has stated that other State Department operatives handled that decision, and she had absolutely nothing to do with it, knew nothing about it, and refused to fire those who were responsible.
In other words,Secretary of State Clinton has chosen to blame yet un-named State Department operatives .for a decision that was her responsibility , and hers alone.
Is she telling the truth?
Of course not.
Hillary Clinton's entire political career , like Richard III, nothing but a collection of endless deceptions, deceits and political malfeasance, all to secure her power , that's all.
The decision to deny additional security to an American Embassy was hers and the President's, guaranteed,..even though the President remains a shadowy figure on that fateful night.
What did the Benghazi Committee Hearings ultimately accomplish?
Will jail be the fate of the former Secretary of State?
No. there will be no jail for Hillary. Nor will her supporters abandon her, or her bid for the Presidency.
No, Secretary of State Clinton's punishment is simply that she will be denied the Presidency of the United States.
The one thing, the one ambition,..that has motivated her since the days of Watergate,..
That dream will now vanish for one simple reason,..
Hillary Clinton is running for the office of Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States.
Beyond all doubt, Secretary of State Clinton has demonstrated an inability to carry out the one duty that defines a President.
She has, by her own admission, failed to protect citizens who desperately pleaded for protection from America's enemies.
Hillary Clinton has failed to protect Americans during a time of war.
Then, blamed her failure on State Department Subordinates.
For that reason, and that reason alone,..
A President Hillary Clinton ,..
Can never be,...
Must never be,..
Will never be,..
"A Horse, a Horse,.... my Kingdom,.....for a Horse!",...cried the Hunchback King, he watched his mad dreams vanish beneath the flashing blade of the invading enemy's sword.
In the end, there would be no Horse, respite ,..for the scheming Richard ,who took deception and murder for his Falsely Won Crown.
Nor shall there be a Horse,..
a Kingdom,..
a Crown,..
for Hillary Rodham Clinton,..
Whose own mad dreams and ambitions,..vanished that night in Benghazi,..
On the Anniverary of 911.
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Fall of the Dark Angel
The only interesting aspect of the Democrat Presidential Debate was actually the drama that unfolded just hours before the candidates took the stage.Democrat National Committee Vice Chair Tulsi Gabbard, was disinvited from the proceedings by the Head Chair of the Democrat National Committee,Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
The reason? Hawaii Congresswoman Gabbard had the temerity to suggest there should be a greater number of debates between the Candidates than the agreed upon six. Gabbard feels this is the best way for the American people to make an educated assessment of the candidates ,and choose the one best suited to be the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces.
Sounds logical .Sounds fair.Sounds Constitutional. And, therein lies the problem ,and Gabbard's mistake. There is nothing about the Democrat Party that is logical, fair,or Constitutional. Gabbard seemed genuinely surprised by her excommunication from the event,and rightly pointed out that she was simply exercising her Freedom of Speech, guaranteed by the Constitution. Again, Congresswoman Gabbard does not seem to truly comprehend the Party she is a member of.
Freedom of Speech,and the Constitution, are alien concepts to the Democrat Party ,and serve no purpose except to interfere with the implementation of their Neo-Marxist Agenda.
Again, Tulsi Gabbard seems oblivious to this grim political reality. Indeed, Tulsi Gabbard seems to be an odd choice to become the DNC Vice Chair, let alone a Democrat Congresswoman from Hawaii. Gabbard comes from a Republican based military family,and she herself served in the Army as a Captain, deploying to Iraq,and receiving numerous commendations at a young age. She is extremely Pro-Military,and favors a massive increase in military spending. She is also pro-traditional marriage ,and until recently, flatly rejected not only the concept of gay marriage, but of gay civil unions as well. And, while she has a history of supporting EPA clean energy legislation and Obamacare, she has also pushed for tax and regulation cuts for small businesses that she knows are the engine of a strong economy. She also believes in fighting an aggressive War on Terror,and decries the President's refusal to use the term,"Islamic Extremism."Apparently,Congresswoman Gabbard understands that you cannot defeat an enemy, unless you can identify him. She is correct,of course,on many things.All of which put her at odds with her own Party. Certainly an uncomfortable position for the DNC Vice Chair to be in.
Her Military record.
Her support for the Military.
Her support for an aggressive War on Islamic Extremism.
Her support for tax and regulation cuts .
All of these stances have made Tulsi Gabbard a political pariah within her own Party.
But, Gabbard's most egregious offense was to actually suggest to the DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz that the Democrat Party needs more scheduled Debates , in order to properly "Vet" the Presidential Candidates. This mere suggestion was a grevious miscalculation on Gabbard's part .Despite her Democrat pedigree, Gabbard doesn't seem to grasp what all the other members of her Party understand quite well.The Democrat Presidential Debates are not contests.They are not even really debates.They are a Coronation .
The Democrat Presidential Nominee has already been picked .Nothing short of a Benghazi -Email conviction will alter that fact, not even the possibility of Vice President Joe Biden entering the fray.
Hillary Clinton is the Democrat Party's pick.The debates are a mere ceremonial formality , a traditional prelude to the Queen's coronation , with the other candidates merely willing socialist dupes to the proceedings. However, Senator Bernie Sanders is far more than mere socialist;..he is a full blown unapologetic Communist, and has been so, since the sixties,when the strapping young socialist newlywed, chose the Soviet Union as the perfect place to celebrate his Honeymoon.
Senator Sanders says the American people are sick of hearing about Hillary Clinton's "Damn Emails".He couldn't be more wrong.The ones concerning the Benghazi Embassy, for instance, and Ambassador Stevens ignored pleas to the State Department for more security during the 911 Anniversary are of particular interest.By refusing to challenge Hillary on Benghazi , or her email controversy, Senator Sanders has basically admitted that he was on that stage only to assure a Hillary victory in the Primaries.
So too, for the other hapless Candidates , who are Hillary opponents in name only.
They all reflect the same anti-military, anti Second Amendment, tax and spend, wealth re-distribution policies that define the Democrat Party. Free Education, free housing, endless entitlements, and permanently open borders, is the socialist mantra they all embrace.
All of them, as President,would increase taxes and regulations to epic levels.
All of them would cut military spending drastically , leaving our nation even weaker, and more vulnerable to our enemies than it is now.
All of them would continue the Obama foreign policy of appeasing our enemies, and betraying our allies.
All of them would continue to retreat from Al Queda ,ISIS,Iran, Syria, and Russia.
All of them would attack our Second Amendment rights , and push for gun bans, and gun confiscation, despite the fact that both Jim Webb and Bernie Sanders pretend to support gun rights to appease their rural constituents, and that Webb actually has a military background.
All of them would push for Amnesty by Executive order,keep our borders open and unprotected, support Sanctuary Cities, increase entitlement packages for illegals, and reject all Republican proposed Voter I.D. requirements.
All of them would expand the fiscal nightmare that is Obamacare, continue to increase medical insurance premiums,diminish quality of care, and ultimately, push for the government controlled, single payer healthcare, that will bankrupt us as a Nation, guaranteed.
All of them would continue the attack on our Judeo-Christian Values and Constitution, looking to weaken both by Executive fiat.
In the end, all of them would essentially continue the destructive legacy of Barack Hussein Obama , and virtually assure that America is transformed into something our Founders would never recognize.
But, it matters little. Hillary Clinton is the Heir Presumptive to the Obama Throne, and no Democratic process or system of self-government will change that.
Who won the Debate?
Nobody, since there was no Debate.
This was instead nothing more than a gathering of soulless Neo-Marxists , pushing the same failed totalitarian policies that have destroyed nations all around the globe.
And the ultimate goal?Equality.All people , all nations, equal,under the ruling banner of the Democrat Elite, and the United Nations.
All Equal.
Equally Poor .
Equally Bankrupt.
Equally Crime-Ridden.
Equally Vulnerable,to the evil embodied by ISIS, Al Queda, Iran, Syria, and Russia, ..the new Axis of Evil, created by Obama's withdraw and appeasement policies.
And, all the while,Congresswoman Gabbard will , no doubt continue to ponder her rejection by her own Party,for simply exercising her First Amendment rights, guaranteed by our Constitution.
Congresswoman Gabbard needs to wake up, and recognize the fact that the Party she thinks she's a member of, simply does not exist. It never did, really.
The values she embodies, and fought for, as a proud member of the Hawaiian National Guard, are only embraced and supported , by one Party.The Republican Party. Hopefully, the rebellious , willful young Democrat from Hawaii, will come to recognize this, before she shares in the permanent defeat that must be the ultimate fate of the Democrat Party, if America is to remain the last, best hope for the world, the Shining City on a Hill, that Tulsi Gabbard and her Father risked their lives defending, so that Liberty would endure.
In John Milton's Epic Poem "Paradise Lost", God's favored Son, Lucifer,is exiled from the Heavens, for daring to rebel against , and covet , the Kingdom's Throne itself.
"It is better to rule in Hell, than to serve in Heaven", exclaimed Lucifer, while contemplating the self-imposed fate that pride and arrogance has won for him.
It's highly likely that the Democrat Presidential Candidates have read Milton, for Lucifer's philosophy and ambitions seem to parallel their own mission to transform America into a Hellish Kingdom to command, with Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard as their rebellious exile, whose pride and arrogance makes her unworthy to share their socialist rule.
The reason? Hawaii Congresswoman Gabbard had the temerity to suggest there should be a greater number of debates between the Candidates than the agreed upon six. Gabbard feels this is the best way for the American people to make an educated assessment of the candidates ,and choose the one best suited to be the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces.
Sounds logical .Sounds fair.Sounds Constitutional. And, therein lies the problem ,and Gabbard's mistake. There is nothing about the Democrat Party that is logical, fair,or Constitutional. Gabbard seemed genuinely surprised by her excommunication from the event,and rightly pointed out that she was simply exercising her Freedom of Speech, guaranteed by the Constitution. Again, Congresswoman Gabbard does not seem to truly comprehend the Party she is a member of.
Freedom of Speech,and the Constitution, are alien concepts to the Democrat Party ,and serve no purpose except to interfere with the implementation of their Neo-Marxist Agenda.
Again, Tulsi Gabbard seems oblivious to this grim political reality. Indeed, Tulsi Gabbard seems to be an odd choice to become the DNC Vice Chair, let alone a Democrat Congresswoman from Hawaii. Gabbard comes from a Republican based military family,and she herself served in the Army as a Captain, deploying to Iraq,and receiving numerous commendations at a young age. She is extremely Pro-Military,and favors a massive increase in military spending. She is also pro-traditional marriage ,and until recently, flatly rejected not only the concept of gay marriage, but of gay civil unions as well. And, while she has a history of supporting EPA clean energy legislation and Obamacare, she has also pushed for tax and regulation cuts for small businesses that she knows are the engine of a strong economy. She also believes in fighting an aggressive War on Terror,and decries the President's refusal to use the term,"Islamic Extremism."Apparently,Congresswoman Gabbard understands that you cannot defeat an enemy, unless you can identify him. She is correct,of course,on many things.All of which put her at odds with her own Party. Certainly an uncomfortable position for the DNC Vice Chair to be in.
Her Military record.
Her support for the Military.
Her support for an aggressive War on Islamic Extremism.
Her support for tax and regulation cuts .
All of these stances have made Tulsi Gabbard a political pariah within her own Party.
But, Gabbard's most egregious offense was to actually suggest to the DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz that the Democrat Party needs more scheduled Debates , in order to properly "Vet" the Presidential Candidates. This mere suggestion was a grevious miscalculation on Gabbard's part .Despite her Democrat pedigree, Gabbard doesn't seem to grasp what all the other members of her Party understand quite well.The Democrat Presidential Debates are not contests.They are not even really debates.They are a Coronation .
The Democrat Presidential Nominee has already been picked .Nothing short of a Benghazi -Email conviction will alter that fact, not even the possibility of Vice President Joe Biden entering the fray.
Hillary Clinton is the Democrat Party's pick.The debates are a mere ceremonial formality , a traditional prelude to the Queen's coronation , with the other candidates merely willing socialist dupes to the proceedings. However, Senator Bernie Sanders is far more than mere socialist;..he is a full blown unapologetic Communist, and has been so, since the sixties,when the strapping young socialist newlywed, chose the Soviet Union as the perfect place to celebrate his Honeymoon.
Senator Sanders says the American people are sick of hearing about Hillary Clinton's "Damn Emails".He couldn't be more wrong.The ones concerning the Benghazi Embassy, for instance, and Ambassador Stevens ignored pleas to the State Department for more security during the 911 Anniversary are of particular interest.By refusing to challenge Hillary on Benghazi , or her email controversy, Senator Sanders has basically admitted that he was on that stage only to assure a Hillary victory in the Primaries.
So too, for the other hapless Candidates , who are Hillary opponents in name only.
They all reflect the same anti-military, anti Second Amendment, tax and spend, wealth re-distribution policies that define the Democrat Party. Free Education, free housing, endless entitlements, and permanently open borders, is the socialist mantra they all embrace.
All of them, as President,would increase taxes and regulations to epic levels.
All of them would cut military spending drastically , leaving our nation even weaker, and more vulnerable to our enemies than it is now.
All of them would continue the Obama foreign policy of appeasing our enemies, and betraying our allies.
All of them would continue to retreat from Al Queda ,ISIS,Iran, Syria, and Russia.
All of them would attack our Second Amendment rights , and push for gun bans, and gun confiscation, despite the fact that both Jim Webb and Bernie Sanders pretend to support gun rights to appease their rural constituents, and that Webb actually has a military background.
All of them would push for Amnesty by Executive order,keep our borders open and unprotected, support Sanctuary Cities, increase entitlement packages for illegals, and reject all Republican proposed Voter I.D. requirements.
All of them would expand the fiscal nightmare that is Obamacare, continue to increase medical insurance premiums,diminish quality of care, and ultimately, push for the government controlled, single payer healthcare, that will bankrupt us as a Nation, guaranteed.
All of them would continue the attack on our Judeo-Christian Values and Constitution, looking to weaken both by Executive fiat.
In the end, all of them would essentially continue the destructive legacy of Barack Hussein Obama , and virtually assure that America is transformed into something our Founders would never recognize.
But, it matters little. Hillary Clinton is the Heir Presumptive to the Obama Throne, and no Democratic process or system of self-government will change that.
Who won the Debate?
Nobody, since there was no Debate.
This was instead nothing more than a gathering of soulless Neo-Marxists , pushing the same failed totalitarian policies that have destroyed nations all around the globe.
And the ultimate goal?Equality.All people , all nations, equal,under the ruling banner of the Democrat Elite, and the United Nations.
All Equal.
Equally Poor .
Equally Bankrupt.
Equally Crime-Ridden.
Equally Vulnerable,to the evil embodied by ISIS, Al Queda, Iran, Syria, and Russia, ..the new Axis of Evil, created by Obama's withdraw and appeasement policies.
And, all the while,Congresswoman Gabbard will , no doubt continue to ponder her rejection by her own Party,for simply exercising her First Amendment rights, guaranteed by our Constitution.
Congresswoman Gabbard needs to wake up, and recognize the fact that the Party she thinks she's a member of, simply does not exist. It never did, really.
The values she embodies, and fought for, as a proud member of the Hawaiian National Guard, are only embraced and supported , by one Party.The Republican Party. Hopefully, the rebellious , willful young Democrat from Hawaii, will come to recognize this, before she shares in the permanent defeat that must be the ultimate fate of the Democrat Party, if America is to remain the last, best hope for the world, the Shining City on a Hill, that Tulsi Gabbard and her Father risked their lives defending, so that Liberty would endure.
In John Milton's Epic Poem "Paradise Lost", God's favored Son, Lucifer,is exiled from the Heavens, for daring to rebel against , and covet , the Kingdom's Throne itself.
"It is better to rule in Hell, than to serve in Heaven", exclaimed Lucifer, while contemplating the self-imposed fate that pride and arrogance has won for him.
It's highly likely that the Democrat Presidential Candidates have read Milton, for Lucifer's philosophy and ambitions seem to parallel their own mission to transform America into a Hellish Kingdom to command, with Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard as their rebellious exile, whose pride and arrogance makes her unworthy to share their socialist rule.
Monday, October 12, 2015
Aletheia's Children
The President, and the Democrat Party in general, are now seeing the handwriting on the wall.They know now ,that there will be no Democrat resurgence in 2016,no Democrat President, no Democrat controlled House and Senate, ever again.They know now,their decades long control of our Government, both on a State and Federal level,is coming to an end.They have been fully exposed by nearly eight years of destructive policies,that have been rammed through by unconstitutional executive fiat. Those policies have not only collapsed our economy, but our military as well, leaving America ineffective as a superpower, vulnerable to enemy attack,and a mere military bystander in a middle east that is now under the control of the Obama created Axis of Evil;..Iran,Syria, and Russia.Add to this two Democrat Presidential candidates ; an admitted socialist ,and the other being investigated for failing to protect America's secrets and Embassies,..and you have a recipie for full blown Democrat Party meltdown.
This sense of Party desperation is the only thing that could possibly explain President Obama's smirking, sneering speech ,in the wake of the Oregon shooting massacre.The President is running out of time, you see, and he no longer has the patience or the temperament for even a half-hearted attempt to hide his agenda.
President Obama and the Democrat Party want a nationwide gun ban and a nationwide gun roundup, as well. A mandatory gun roundup. That has always been the Party's goal , and now they are making no effort to conceal it. Why else would Obama point to Australia in his speech, as an example of a nation with effective gun policies?That is patently absurd. Australia does not have gun policies .Australia has a government mandated gun ban .The Australian police went into the homes of it's citizens and took their guns by force. Nothing more, nothing less. And the result? Murder rates have increased, and murders committed with banned guns are on the rise as well. So much for gun bans.
Yet, make no mistake about it, this is, in fact,what the Democrat Party has always wanted for America. They know the key to total government power and control ,is to take freedom away from the people who rule, by taking away their ability to defend that freedom. That is, after all the only purpose of the Second Amendment , and the only reason James Madison added it to his legislative masterpiece ;..the Constitution of the United States.The Second Amendment guarantees the right of the people to keep and bear arms , so they can protect themselves from a potentially tyrannical government .Nothing more, nothing less. Therefore,if the Democrat Party is ever to regain the power and control that has been whittled away by seven and a half years of Obama destruction, the Second Amendment must be repealed and replaced with an Australian style gun ban, ASAP.
Impossible? Of course.But, desperate times do indeed call for desperate measures,which explains the massive influx of illegal squatters and the push for Democrat Union control of the free market , both started by Senator Ted Kennedy back in the mid -sixties. Kennedy and the Democrats simply realized even then, they cannot win elections any more , unless they stack the deck in their favor,with illegal immigrants that will vote for Democrat eternally and support the Public Unions that act as money laundering systems for Democrat candidates. In other words , Kennedy and the Democrats figured out that in order to hold on to power, they had to cheat ;..Heavily.
And the ultimate deception?Convince Americans that guns are responsible for killing their children, in schools all across the nation.
Push the issue,until gun registration and gun confiscation becomes a reality.
And,..all it takes to accomplish this are designated gun free zones , in our schools , in our malls, in our movie theaters, every public venue in this country.
Advertised "Gun Free Zones",accomplish one thing beyond a shadow of a doubt;..they leave our children and our fellow Americans in general, helpless victims of every armed lunatic , looking for easy , unarmed , defenseless targets to feed their murderous blood lust.
The truth is, the Democrat Party is using our children's bullet riddled corpses, to promote their gun ban agenda. Simple as that.
Obama and the Democrats know more gun laws and a crack down on mental health issues will not stop this. They know the only way to really stop this senseless slaughter of school kids is to arm the schools , arm the teachers , and let the students exercise their Second Amendment rights,.. and arm themselves as well.
That is the solution to all this. That is the only solution.Bad guys will always get guns.Always. So, good guys must have them too.
In Ancient Greek Mythology, it is Aletheia , the Daughter of Zeus,who symbolizes truth and beauty to the ancient world. Now, today, is We the People who are the standard bearers of Aletheia's legacy, a legacy of truth, this , the New Olympus called America.
But, What is Truth?
We the People need to wake up, and arm ourselves against evil ,or expect our children to be slaughtered like sheep, for many decades to come.
That, Truth,..the Grim Truth ,..that cannot be denied.
We are at war with an enemy that seeks to destroy us from within.
They know our President and the Democrat Party are promoting defenselessness ,..both at home and overseas.
They know this,..and are taking full advantage of the fact.
Any American who is Anti-Gun,..needs to contemplate one thing;..
The President has armed security
His Family has armed security.
His Daughters have armed security , while they are at school.
Every Member of Congress and the Senate in Washington , has armed security.
Every Liberal anti gun , global warming,anti capitalism actor in Hollywood,..has armed security.
The question to contemplate is;..
Why are these Washington and Hollywood elitists entitled to armed protection, while We the People who are the self government of this free Republic , are not entitled to this same armed protection?
Why are the American people not entitled to the same armed protection as the Liberal Democrat Politicians they send to Washington to work for them?
Enough of this nonsense.
Time for America to start realizing that the price of living free,is that you have to be prepared to defend yourself from the forces of evil that will always be there, lurking in the shadows,..conspiring to take away that life,..and that freedom.
Dr. Ben Carson is right.
The best defense is a good offense.
You don't sit back, and wait to be slaughtered , you act to defend yourself.
You fight back, always , against the forces of evil .
As Hamlet mused, Why suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous misfortune, when, opposing, can end them?
America must now act to end the reign of Democrat Party control over our government ,..and then end their anti-gun policies that violate our Constitution , once and for all.
Make no mistake , it is the Republican Party that is solely responsible for creating and defending the Second Amendment .2016 looms ever nearer.
We the People must make sure that a Republican President and a Republican Super Majority in both Houses , is a permanent part of America's future, so we can end this Democrat Anti Gun farce once and for all, and stop the slaughter of innocents in the name of political power.
To prove his faith in the Almighty, Abraham was prepared to sacrifice his beloved son, Issac, on an altar of death. Only the hand of an avenging angel would stay his fatal thrust , and alter the course of Issac's grim destiny .
Can the Republicans do less to stop the blood sacrifice of Aletheia's Children ,..on the Altar of Liberalism?
This sense of Party desperation is the only thing that could possibly explain President Obama's smirking, sneering speech ,in the wake of the Oregon shooting massacre.The President is running out of time, you see, and he no longer has the patience or the temperament for even a half-hearted attempt to hide his agenda.
President Obama and the Democrat Party want a nationwide gun ban and a nationwide gun roundup, as well. A mandatory gun roundup. That has always been the Party's goal , and now they are making no effort to conceal it. Why else would Obama point to Australia in his speech, as an example of a nation with effective gun policies?That is patently absurd. Australia does not have gun policies .Australia has a government mandated gun ban .The Australian police went into the homes of it's citizens and took their guns by force. Nothing more, nothing less. And the result? Murder rates have increased, and murders committed with banned guns are on the rise as well. So much for gun bans.
Yet, make no mistake about it, this is, in fact,what the Democrat Party has always wanted for America. They know the key to total government power and control ,is to take freedom away from the people who rule, by taking away their ability to defend that freedom. That is, after all the only purpose of the Second Amendment , and the only reason James Madison added it to his legislative masterpiece ;..the Constitution of the United States.The Second Amendment guarantees the right of the people to keep and bear arms , so they can protect themselves from a potentially tyrannical government .Nothing more, nothing less. Therefore,if the Democrat Party is ever to regain the power and control that has been whittled away by seven and a half years of Obama destruction, the Second Amendment must be repealed and replaced with an Australian style gun ban, ASAP.
Impossible? Of course.But, desperate times do indeed call for desperate measures,which explains the massive influx of illegal squatters and the push for Democrat Union control of the free market , both started by Senator Ted Kennedy back in the mid -sixties. Kennedy and the Democrats simply realized even then, they cannot win elections any more , unless they stack the deck in their favor,with illegal immigrants that will vote for Democrat eternally and support the Public Unions that act as money laundering systems for Democrat candidates. In other words , Kennedy and the Democrats figured out that in order to hold on to power, they had to cheat ;..Heavily.
And the ultimate deception?Convince Americans that guns are responsible for killing their children, in schools all across the nation.
Push the issue,until gun registration and gun confiscation becomes a reality.
And,..all it takes to accomplish this are designated gun free zones , in our schools , in our malls, in our movie theaters, every public venue in this country.
Advertised "Gun Free Zones",accomplish one thing beyond a shadow of a doubt;..they leave our children and our fellow Americans in general, helpless victims of every armed lunatic , looking for easy , unarmed , defenseless targets to feed their murderous blood lust.
The truth is, the Democrat Party is using our children's bullet riddled corpses, to promote their gun ban agenda. Simple as that.
Obama and the Democrats know more gun laws and a crack down on mental health issues will not stop this. They know the only way to really stop this senseless slaughter of school kids is to arm the schools , arm the teachers , and let the students exercise their Second Amendment rights,.. and arm themselves as well.
That is the solution to all this. That is the only solution.Bad guys will always get guns.Always. So, good guys must have them too.
In Ancient Greek Mythology, it is Aletheia , the Daughter of Zeus,who symbolizes truth and beauty to the ancient world. Now, today, is We the People who are the standard bearers of Aletheia's legacy, a legacy of truth, this , the New Olympus called America.
But, What is Truth?
We the People need to wake up, and arm ourselves against evil ,or expect our children to be slaughtered like sheep, for many decades to come.
That, Truth,..the Grim Truth ,..that cannot be denied.
We are at war with an enemy that seeks to destroy us from within.
They know our President and the Democrat Party are promoting defenselessness ,..both at home and overseas.
They know this,..and are taking full advantage of the fact.
Any American who is Anti-Gun,..needs to contemplate one thing;..
The President has armed security
His Family has armed security.
His Daughters have armed security , while they are at school.
Every Member of Congress and the Senate in Washington , has armed security.
Every Liberal anti gun , global warming,anti capitalism actor in Hollywood,..has armed security.
The question to contemplate is;..
Why are these Washington and Hollywood elitists entitled to armed protection, while We the People who are the self government of this free Republic , are not entitled to this same armed protection?
Why are the American people not entitled to the same armed protection as the Liberal Democrat Politicians they send to Washington to work for them?
Enough of this nonsense.
Time for America to start realizing that the price of living free,is that you have to be prepared to defend yourself from the forces of evil that will always be there, lurking in the shadows,..conspiring to take away that life,..and that freedom.
Dr. Ben Carson is right.
The best defense is a good offense.
You don't sit back, and wait to be slaughtered , you act to defend yourself.
You fight back, always , against the forces of evil .
As Hamlet mused, Why suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous misfortune, when, opposing, can end them?
America must now act to end the reign of Democrat Party control over our government ,..and then end their anti-gun policies that violate our Constitution , once and for all.
Make no mistake , it is the Republican Party that is solely responsible for creating and defending the Second Amendment .2016 looms ever nearer.
We the People must make sure that a Republican President and a Republican Super Majority in both Houses , is a permanent part of America's future, so we can end this Democrat Anti Gun farce once and for all, and stop the slaughter of innocents in the name of political power.
To prove his faith in the Almighty, Abraham was prepared to sacrifice his beloved son, Issac, on an altar of death. Only the hand of an avenging angel would stay his fatal thrust , and alter the course of Issac's grim destiny .
Can the Republicans do less to stop the blood sacrifice of Aletheia's Children ,..on the Altar of Liberalism?
Friday, October 2, 2015
The Infidel Destroyer
Is Presidential Candidate Dr. Ben Carson correct?Is it impossible for a practicing Muslim to be President of the United States?Of course.Islam, by it's very nature,is incompatible with the American Constitution which is based on the Judeo-Christian and principles of freedom.
Islam is anti woman, anti gay,anti Jewish,anti Christian,anti free speech,anti freedom, in general. Therefore it is anti-Constitution ,obviously.How then,can a Muslim President who believes in the principles of Sharia Law,put his hand on a Christian Bible and swear to protect and defend the Christian based Constitution ?Besides,there is a more immediate reason why a muslim President must never become reality.
At this very moment,President Obama is preparing to allow over 10,000 Syrian and Iraqi "refugees" into our country.Those refugees are comprised of mostly young, single men.An obvious warning sign indicating potential ISIS sleeper cell attack disaster. Should we then, elect a Muslim President to lead these terrorist invaders in the overthrow of America ?And, what of the thousands of Kurdish and Yazidi refugees that have pleaded for asylum many months ago?Why has Obama rejected their pleas thus far?Here's why;..the Kurds and Yazidis are Christians , while the Syrians are mostly Muslims. President Obama , like all members of the Democrat Party,is at war with Christianity and certainly has no interest in inviting more members of the faith to occupy our shores.The left's hatred for Christians is long established ,and it it exists for one simple reason;..Christians are predominately a Republican voting base. Muslims in America vote overwhelmingly Democrat.There it is, pure and simple.Christianity is the religion of freedom , the religion of self sufficiency,the religion of strong individualism,everything that the Democrats and the Muslims oppose.
The simple truth is that Democrats and Muslims do not like America as it was founded , because it was founded on Judeo-Christian principles ,and those principles are the rock upon which our Constitution was built. Why then,should a Muslim, or a Democrat, for that matter, ever be elected President of the United States?
Democrats and Muslims hate America with equal fervor.Simple reality.
Why else would Christian Bakeries be fined and regulated out of business, because they refuse to cater gay weddings on religious principles?Why else would a Kentucky county clerk named Kim Davis,a Christian,be jailed for refusing to issue gay marriage licences for the same reason?
Make no mistake,the gay rights movement, just like the environmental movement, the Black lives Matter movement,..the pro abortion movement,..are all nothing more than con jobs,with no real purpose except to defeat the Party of Christianity, the Republican Party. For if this was truly about gay rights, why aren't Muslim Bakeries and Muslim County Clerks being attacked by gay rights activists?After all, not only do muslims oppose gay marriage , they also oppose gays even being allowed to live at all. In the muslim faith known as Islam,homosexuality is punishable by death.
Yet, the Gay Rights Movement , in America does not attack them.Again, why?
Because Islam hates Christian America, almost as much as the Democrat Party does, which the Gay Rights Movement is a part of. They are natural allies. The Gay Community, the Democrat Party, and Islamic Extremists are allies, dedicated to destroying Christians, destroying America ,and destroying Israel. And rest assured,those 10,000 Syrian refugees being brought here by Obama are nothing but new allies, new recruits,in this fight to destroy America and it's Judeo-Christian base from within. Is it any wonder Ben Carson opposes appointing a Muslim President to lead them?Are there legitimate refugees actually fleeing the horrors of ISIS?Certainly.But, the solution to that problem is not allowing them to come here .The solution is to elect a Republican President and a Republican Super Majority in the House and Senate,and then unleash them on the forces of ISIS ,Al Queda, and their chief sponsor, Iran,with a never ending series of air strikes that will eliminate their threat to the world permanently.
Peace can be achieved in the Middle East.
The same way peace was achieved in Germany ,Japan, and Viet Nam; destroying the evil that controls them.
The Creation of Freedom, can only come from the ashes of tyrannical destruction , and no one plays the role of Creator-Destroyer,better than the "Great Satan",..Infidel America.
President Obama has never understood this, and has deliberately withdrawn America from world affairs,thereby allowing the growth of Al Queda, the creation of ISIS, and now even a military coup led by Russian President Vladimir Putin ,that will effectively give him control of Syria ,Iran, and the Middle East in general.
When good retreats, evil advances.Nothing has proven the truth of this adage and the importance of America's presence in the world more than President Obama's feckless appeasement and withdraw strategy in the Middle East.
No more Tyrants.
No more Dictators.
No more War.
Universal World Peace.
It is possible.It can be achieved, but only by destroying the forces of evil with naked, raw military power.No other strategem will accomplish this. Would a Muslim President , loyal to Islam and Sharia Law, be the one to lead our military against this evil?
America is the Wellspring from which all Freedom and Democracy flows. This is because our Nation's Constitution is based on the teachings of Christ,a man whose message of peace , love, and the brotherhood of man, transformed the world.
Are these the things that an orthodox Muslim President would believe in?A Muslim must adhere to Sharia Law , which does not permit freedom, and demands total submission to the Will of Allah , The Prophet Muhammed, and Islam.
The Judeo-Christian God demands only that we live free,as he intended us to,and that we love one another ,as we love ourselves.
Dr.Carson is right.
How could any man who believes in the oppression of all those who do not follow Islam and the will of Allah, possibly command the armies of a Nation that believes man need obey only his own will, and love God and his fellow man, by his own free choice?
How could a Muslim President swear to defend a document that is based on the teachings of a man whose followers he has sworn to destroy as infidels?
A House divided against itself cannot stand, nor can America's White House stand, divided by a Muslim President and his army of 10,000 ISIS invaders.
And, if the White House falls, how can freedom endure?
A Muslim President, in the end, would only supply the invading Syrian sleeper cells with a Leader that would ensure that the Flag of ISIS , would inevitably fly, from the White House Lawn.
A major coup, indeed.
Even greater than Vladimir Putin's Syrian manuever, for this coup would fulfill Islam's ultimate plan , achieve a world ,..under the Iron Boot,..of Islam,..and Sharia Law.
Islam is anti woman, anti gay,anti Jewish,anti Christian,anti free speech,anti freedom, in general. Therefore it is anti-Constitution ,obviously.How then,can a Muslim President who believes in the principles of Sharia Law,put his hand on a Christian Bible and swear to protect and defend the Christian based Constitution ?Besides,there is a more immediate reason why a muslim President must never become reality.
At this very moment,President Obama is preparing to allow over 10,000 Syrian and Iraqi "refugees" into our country.Those refugees are comprised of mostly young, single men.An obvious warning sign indicating potential ISIS sleeper cell attack disaster. Should we then, elect a Muslim President to lead these terrorist invaders in the overthrow of America ?And, what of the thousands of Kurdish and Yazidi refugees that have pleaded for asylum many months ago?Why has Obama rejected their pleas thus far?Here's why;..the Kurds and Yazidis are Christians , while the Syrians are mostly Muslims. President Obama , like all members of the Democrat Party,is at war with Christianity and certainly has no interest in inviting more members of the faith to occupy our shores.The left's hatred for Christians is long established ,and it it exists for one simple reason;..Christians are predominately a Republican voting base. Muslims in America vote overwhelmingly Democrat.There it is, pure and simple.Christianity is the religion of freedom , the religion of self sufficiency,the religion of strong individualism,everything that the Democrats and the Muslims oppose.
The simple truth is that Democrats and Muslims do not like America as it was founded , because it was founded on Judeo-Christian principles ,and those principles are the rock upon which our Constitution was built. Why then,should a Muslim, or a Democrat, for that matter, ever be elected President of the United States?
Democrats and Muslims hate America with equal fervor.Simple reality.
Why else would Christian Bakeries be fined and regulated out of business, because they refuse to cater gay weddings on religious principles?Why else would a Kentucky county clerk named Kim Davis,a Christian,be jailed for refusing to issue gay marriage licences for the same reason?
Make no mistake,the gay rights movement, just like the environmental movement, the Black lives Matter movement,..the pro abortion movement,..are all nothing more than con jobs,with no real purpose except to defeat the Party of Christianity, the Republican Party. For if this was truly about gay rights, why aren't Muslim Bakeries and Muslim County Clerks being attacked by gay rights activists?After all, not only do muslims oppose gay marriage , they also oppose gays even being allowed to live at all. In the muslim faith known as Islam,homosexuality is punishable by death.
Yet, the Gay Rights Movement , in America does not attack them.Again, why?
Because Islam hates Christian America, almost as much as the Democrat Party does, which the Gay Rights Movement is a part of. They are natural allies. The Gay Community, the Democrat Party, and Islamic Extremists are allies, dedicated to destroying Christians, destroying America ,and destroying Israel. And rest assured,those 10,000 Syrian refugees being brought here by Obama are nothing but new allies, new recruits,in this fight to destroy America and it's Judeo-Christian base from within. Is it any wonder Ben Carson opposes appointing a Muslim President to lead them?Are there legitimate refugees actually fleeing the horrors of ISIS?Certainly.But, the solution to that problem is not allowing them to come here .The solution is to elect a Republican President and a Republican Super Majority in the House and Senate,and then unleash them on the forces of ISIS ,Al Queda, and their chief sponsor, Iran,with a never ending series of air strikes that will eliminate their threat to the world permanently.
Peace can be achieved in the Middle East.
The same way peace was achieved in Germany ,Japan, and Viet Nam; destroying the evil that controls them.
The Creation of Freedom, can only come from the ashes of tyrannical destruction , and no one plays the role of Creator-Destroyer,better than the "Great Satan",..Infidel America.
President Obama has never understood this, and has deliberately withdrawn America from world affairs,thereby allowing the growth of Al Queda, the creation of ISIS, and now even a military coup led by Russian President Vladimir Putin ,that will effectively give him control of Syria ,Iran, and the Middle East in general.
When good retreats, evil advances.Nothing has proven the truth of this adage and the importance of America's presence in the world more than President Obama's feckless appeasement and withdraw strategy in the Middle East.
No more Tyrants.
No more Dictators.
No more War.
Universal World Peace.
It is possible.It can be achieved, but only by destroying the forces of evil with naked, raw military power.No other strategem will accomplish this. Would a Muslim President , loyal to Islam and Sharia Law, be the one to lead our military against this evil?
America is the Wellspring from which all Freedom and Democracy flows. This is because our Nation's Constitution is based on the teachings of Christ,a man whose message of peace , love, and the brotherhood of man, transformed the world.
Are these the things that an orthodox Muslim President would believe in?A Muslim must adhere to Sharia Law , which does not permit freedom, and demands total submission to the Will of Allah , The Prophet Muhammed, and Islam.
The Judeo-Christian God demands only that we live free,as he intended us to,and that we love one another ,as we love ourselves.
Dr.Carson is right.
How could any man who believes in the oppression of all those who do not follow Islam and the will of Allah, possibly command the armies of a Nation that believes man need obey only his own will, and love God and his fellow man, by his own free choice?
How could a Muslim President swear to defend a document that is based on the teachings of a man whose followers he has sworn to destroy as infidels?
A House divided against itself cannot stand, nor can America's White House stand, divided by a Muslim President and his army of 10,000 ISIS invaders.
And, if the White House falls, how can freedom endure?
A Muslim President, in the end, would only supply the invading Syrian sleeper cells with a Leader that would ensure that the Flag of ISIS , would inevitably fly, from the White House Lawn.
A major coup, indeed.
Even greater than Vladimir Putin's Syrian manuever, for this coup would fulfill Islam's ultimate plan , achieve a world ,..under the Iron Boot,..of Islam,..and Sharia Law.
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