Bowing to pressure from the Democrat Party,South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley has decided to remove the Confederate Flag from Statehouse grounds.This, apparently is the left's brilliant solution to the mass shooting perpetrated by 21 year old Dylan Roof , a hate filled racist, that took the lives of 9 churchgoers.Banning this Civil War relic of the South does nothing , except create an opportunity for the left to promote other bans on American symbols, such as the official American Flag for instance. Why not? After all, if the Confederate Flag is a symbol of racism, is not the National Flag also a symbol of the same racist system that is called America?And, if it is, are not the monuments honoring our Founding Fathers also racist symbols that must come down?After all, Washington and Jefferson were slave owners.Why should we honor them with monuments ?This is the real purpose , the real goal, behind the Confederate Flag removal in South Carolina. The left wants all symbols of America's past removed from public display permanently.It seems incredible, but it's true. The left's hatred country is so great, that public reminders of it, must be removed.And, as fanatical as this plan may seem, it does have a practical purpose as well.The left has always been desperate to erase America's ugly racist history, because that history is the history of their Party,..the Democrat Party.
The Confederate Flag is a war banner that Southern Democrats carried into battle against their fellow Americans.The reason? President Lincoln, a Republican, had decided to end the scourge of slavery .The Democrats said, "No", and vowed to kill their fellow countrymen to make sure slavery remained the law of the land.Given this, Lincoln was even willing to make a provision that would allow Southern States to keep their slaves. Not good enough.Southern Democrats demanded that slavery expand into the Republican States that did not have slavery as well. All or nothing, was the order of the day.The result of this demand was the Civil War , ..a war that killed more Americans than all United States wars combined.The Liberal Left uses the" race card" to win elections. They call the Republican Party racist.They call our Police Officers racist.They say that racism is alive and well in America and are always insisting that America needs to have a "conversation" about slavery, and racism. All right, let's have that conversation.The Confederate Flag that the Democrats want to remove, their flag,..the flag that they installed at the South Carolina Statehouse in 1961,..and have refused to remove ever since.In fact, it took South Carolina Governor Beasley , a Republican, finally suggest removing it in 1996.The Democrats,..turned down his suggestion. It's the Democrat Symbol after all. President Clinton put the Flag on his campaign buttons , and considered Democrat Senator Strom Thurmond , a former Ku Klux Klan Leader, to be one of his "mentors".
The Democrats fought a Civil War,..for slavery.
The Democrats opposed the Civil Rights Bill, that was created by Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Republican Leaders Richard Nixon, and Martin Luther King.
The Democrats opposed integration, with Democrat Governor George Wallace insisting that segregation in schools was,.."forever".
The Democrats opposed the removal of the Jim Crow Laws that they themselves had created.
The Democrats created the first anti-gun legislation, specifically to prevent freed slaves from owning a firearm, that would protect that freedom.
The Democrats understood that a freed black man that owns a gun, cannot be bullied or lynched..The 2nd Amendment would truly make them free, and they could not permit this.
Democrat President Woodrow Wilson,Democrat President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Democrat President Lyndon B.Johnson were all racist segregationists that opposed civil rights and mourned the loss of slavery .The Democrat Party, in fact, owns the issue of slavery,..and owns the anti gun agenda as well, that was created to insure that freed slaves were unable to protect that freedom, with a firearm.
The Confederate Flag is not responsible for the mass shooting in South Carolina, or for the other mass shootings that are occurring , all across the country, with alarming regularity.The Democrat Party, , and their racist anti gun agenda ,
Specifically , is the Democrat imposed, "Gun Free Zones", that have left our schools, churches, malls, and movie theaters defenseless against any armed lunatic looking for easy targets, and an easy way to get his name in the paper .The simple reality is that every single one of the mass shootings that occur in our public institutions have occurred in ones that were specifically advertised and promoted , publicly, by the liberal Democrats, "Gun Free Zones".Every ,..single,
There are no shootings at National Rifle Association conventions, despite the lunatic left's hatred for this organization,..and the reason is clear,..everyone, at these conventions, armed.These shooters may be crazy,..but they're not stupid.Every one of them had planned their attacks, and carefully picked their targets.They all wanted easy targets , that can't shoot back,..and the Democrat Party has always provided those "easy targets", through their "gun free zone" postings.
Here's the nuts and bolts reality ,..if you wouldn't put a "gun free zone" sign on your home,..then don't put one on schools and churches where our children are.
The Republican Party, and the National Rifle Association, have the one and only solution to this endless slaughter of our fellow Americans;...
Arm our schools , churches,malls,..and movie theaters.Arm our citizens against the forces of evil , that will always exist,..and will always,...always,.....always, able to get a gun, matter how many anti gun laws are passed. .Gun free countries like Norway and Germany still lead the world in mass shootings , as do other "gun free" countries, While pro gun nations like Switzerland,..have virtually no gun violence whatsoever.
The solution is obvious,..the evidence is clear;...
The President and his Family,..have armed security to protect them in public places.Are the American citizens who elected him unworthy of the same protection?
The bottom line is this;....the President is right. Racism is alive,..and well, America,..and it is his Party,.. the Democrat Party,... that is solely responsible for keeping it alive,..and solely responsible for keeping alive the race based,anti gun agenda that leaves our fellow Americans defenseless against evil .
Friday, June 26, 2015
Friday, June 19, 2015
"I am Legion,for We are Many"
In First Century Judea, a man who would become a legend for his words and deeds , Jesus of Nazareth, was called upon to heal a man from the town of Gadara, who was possessed by an unclean spirit.Before casting out the demon,Jesus demanded that he identify himself."Who are you?", Jesus asked."I am Legion, for we are many", the demon replied, before fleeing the man's body and entering instead , a herd of pigs.
Indeed, evil is Legion.It comes in many forms, with many faces, and has many ways to deceive those who refuse to even acknowledge it's existence. The simple reality is, if you refuse to admit evil exists, you will no doubt become its victim .Those who follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammed are prime examples of this. Indeed , Satan's greatest trick was to convince the Arab community that he was God, and that they must follow him, or be destroyed.
Yes, evil is Legion, and now seeks to engulf the world in the form of the Islamic faith, that demands the death of all those who do not follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammed. This evil has spread across the globe , infesting most of Europe with the evil of Sharia, and now seeks to engulf America as well. It's ultimate goal?To conquer the Judeo-Christian Republic known as America, the Great Satan, to impose Sharia Law, as the law of the land, and to claim American soil, for Islam, and the Prophet Muhammed. That is their goal;..the overthrow of America,..a Muslim America.
But, this is the Democrat Party's goal as well, ..the end of America, as we know it, and make no mistake, they are part of the same Legion of evil,..and they are indeed, many.
But,..the Legion of good, are many as well. And, this Legion will always defeat evil, if it stays united in plan and purpose.The Republican Party is that Legion, that plan, that purpose,. its numbers are ever growing , and they are now marshalling their forces to stop Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party in 2016.
The battle plan is being drawn and will be on display, for all the world to see, during the first Republican Primary Debate on Fox News in two weeks.
There, on that chosen field of battle, will the Republican Legion meet and prepare for battle to come, in 2016, for the soul of the nation,..and this Legion is many indeed;..Jeb Bush;a legacy from political royalty,...Moderate Republican,and.former Governor of Florida, whose tax cuts and complete elimination of the income tax itself, gave Florida a booming, prosperous economy, during his reign .
Senator Ted Cruz, hardcore Reagan style conservative purist, and firebrand, the force behind the government shutdown,...Senator Marco Rubio, an articulate , charismatic young conservative from middle class beginnings, whose parents fled the tyranny of Cuba to embrace the freedom of America;....Senator Rand Paul, Libertarian style conservative,..who is a fierce defender of the constitution and it's principles, and bitter enemy of status- quo government;....Senator Rick Santorum,..winner of 11 caucuses and primaries,and overall winner of the Iowa caucus in 2012, before losing the Presidential nomination to Mitt Romney , and staunch Christian defender of the unborn;.....Governor George Pataki, whose tax cuts and strong anti crime agenda, gave New York it's greatest period of prosperity , ever;....Governor Mike Huckabee,a conservative whose belief in the Greatness of America is strongly rooted in his Christian Faith;....Dr, Benjamin Carson, brilliant brain surgeon, an intellectual conservative, whose pragmatic and down to earth approach to politics and the threat of liberalism make him a conservative force to be reckoned with.;...Carly Fiorina,..experienced, self made,..Hewlett Packard businesswoman , in the conservative Palin mold,..who is ready, willing, and able, challenge the many weaknesses and scandals of Hillary Clinton;...Governor Rick Perry,..who has made Texas the most prosperous state in our nation, even in the midst of Obama tax and regulation destruction. Perry cut taxes and regulations , eliminated state income tax, reinforced his border,...and rejected all aspects of President Obama's Executive Amnesty outrage;...Senator Lindsay Graham,..a fierce opponent of Obama foreign policy and anti terror strategems,strong supporter of our military,..and will attack AlQueda and ISIS aggressively,..if elected President;....Governor John Kasich,..former Fox News pundit,with a strong, no nonsense, Barry Goldwater style conservatism whose belief in basic free market principles, and the tax and regulation cuts ,that made his state prosperous, make him the candidate to beat,..a formidable Republican opponent indeed;...Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin,..a man who stood against the evil legions of the Democrat public unions in a Democrat controlled state,..and still emerged victorious, in every one of his election campaigns ;...and now,..even Business mogul, and television star Donald Trump has entered the fray,..believing his bold , no nonsense style,..massive wealth,..and skill at board room negotiations, the formula to restore America to its former greatness. He is the wild card ,a former Democrat voter and Democrat donor,..who could either win the Presidency on pop culture recognition alone,..or split the Republican vote ,..thereby assuring a Hillary victory.Trump , in the end,..will add color and personality to the race , but , most likely will drop out of the race, when he refuses to disclose his financial records.
Yet, all these candidates,..even Trump,..have one thing in common,..that bind them together .All of them have united , and joined the battle to defeat the potential tyranny of Hillary and the Democrat Party. And, all of them , even the deceptive, egotistical and self serving Trump, would make better Presidents than Hillary Clinton, or any other Democrat, for that matter. Why? Because , unlike members of the Democrat Party, they all believe in the basic principles that keep America strong.
Tax and Regulation cuts, that allow our corporations and small businesses to grow and prosper, Limited government ,with reductions in government spending.A strong military,that fights an aggressive war on terror, and makes our enemies fear us, and our allies respect us.Protection of our Second Amendment rights, that are the foundation of our Liberty and Freedom.
All these men, to greater or lesser degrees,..believe in this basic , nuts and bolts formula that made America the greatest nation on earth. And, all these men would, no doubt, willing to die, defending these principles.
Which of these men will emerge victorious from the Primary battle? In the end, it matters little.What does matter , is that we, the Republican voter, that winner, 1000%,.to assure that a Republican emerges victorious in the Presidential battle, and that Hillary and the Democrats , are defeated permanently. In truth, there can be no other outcome possible, if America is to survive , that is .
And,survive it will;
for I am Republican,.....
And we are many.
Sunday, June 14, 2015
A Madness Called America
Standing before reporters at the G7 Summit in Germany, Barack Hussein Obama;.. President of the United States, Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States,..finally admitted the truth;... he has no strategy to defeat ISIS.
But, once again, the President has displayed remarkable skill in deflecting blame for this ,and pinning it instead,squarely on the shoulders of the Pentagon itself, who he claims, has not submitted a cohesive, workable plan for his approval. The Pentagon's response to this revelation was simple, direct, and to the point;,"What the bleep ,..was that?" In truth, the Pentagon's reaction to the President blaming them for a lack of war strategy was actually somewhat restrained, considering the fact that they have indeed submitted to the President numerous strategies for dealing with ISIS, only to have him reject all of them.There is only one man to blame for the rise of ISIS.That man is President Barack Hussein Obama .Obama is the sole reason ISIS has beheaded, burned, and crucified its way across the Middle East , capturing most of Syria, Libya, Iraq, and Yemen, in the process. The President's withdraw of troops from Iraq, against his military leaders advice,caused this. His refusal to allow massive airstrikes against ISIS,caused this. His disarming of our Embassies, and our soldiers in Iraq, and Afghanistan, caused this. His refusal to actually engage the enemy with anything more than a token show of force, caused this.
The Pentagon's plan was always there, but Obama refused to acknowledge its existence , preferring instead a minimalist approach with limited, pinpoint airstrikes from bombers and drones, designed not to destroy the enemy, but to run out the clock ,and leave the problem and expense of dealing with ISIS,to his successor.
Obama has no war plan?Don't you believe it. He has a plan and always did from the moment he took office.His plan is the liberal left's plan,the Democrat Party's plan, and that plan never varies, never waivers.
The plan is always to diminish America in any way possible, for the left knows that America is the problem, the main reason for the world's turmoil, and therefore America's presence in world affairs must be minimized, if the world is ever to know peace.
To accomplish this, heavy taxes and regulations are imposed on the freemarket economy, and funding cuts, imposed,on our military and police.There it is , the left's plan now and forevermore. For the world to survive , America must be destroyed.This is the reason why the Obama Administration will never really fight the war on terror , preferring instead to play a political whack a mole, with defensive drone and bomber strikes, and sending 450 ground troops to "train and advise" Iraqi soldiers , who will simply never really fight a terror organization that has the same culture, laws, and religion , that they do.
The simple truth is, the Iraqi people are far closer in ideology to ISIS ,and AlQueda, than they ever will be to America , and when push comes to shove, they will certainly side with ISIS against America, every time. All Obama is doing by sending weapons to Iraqi soldiers is arming ISIS.But, this doesn't matter.This is, in fact, part of the war strategy of Obama, that keeps America diminished , and keeps our military spending at a minimum ,leaving more tax dollars available to fight America's real enemy,..Global Warming.
Diminishing local police forces in American cities is part of this overall leftist plan as well, and all that has happened in Ferguson Baltimore, New York, Chicago , and most recently , McKinney Texas, has been carefully orchestrated to accomplish this.
A diminished America is a socialist, Marxist America, and a Marxist America is an America is an America whose police are all carefully controlled and regulated by the Federal Government. This is the reason why, in every Democrat controlled City in our nation, our police officers are being set up, to look like violent racists.This is why leftist organizations like are paying protestors to incite violence all across the country .This is why leftist race pimps are taking to the airwaves encouraging African Americans to disrespect and violently confront police , creating an endless supply of lucrative , money making, rioting opportunities, that encourage Federal bailouts for Democrat controlled States, fatten Democrat politician wallets, and add fuel to the left's arguement that the police must be controlled by the Federal Government which will eventually help create a Marxist style, police state.
Obama's new, inexplicable interest in "free trade" is actually part of this plan as well, .After all, why would a leftist Democrat like Obama , who wants America diminished, and Democrat power secured, be suddenly interested in "fast tracking" a trade bill that has the potential of creating jobs, boosting our economy, and growing the free market? Because the bill has provisions that would give the President unrestricted executive power on the issue of Amnesty for illegals,that could lead to American jobs being lost to cheaper , foreign replacements. Once again, there is an underlying leftist agenda behind every single thought or action by Obama and the Democrat Party , and there always will be,..never doubt it for a second.
The madness that is now America is actually a well constructed plan, a carefully crafted blueprint, that the left has been seeking to implement for many decades now.
Whether on a Federal , or State level, ..
The Plan is there.
The Strategem, is there.
The Agenda, is there,..and has been since the days of Woodrow Wilson,..the Father of the modern day Progressive movement.
America, not AlQueda, not ISIS, not Russia, not China, not North Korea, ,..
Imperialist, arrogant America, the real problem ,..and America must be destroyed, by the leftist plan that is as sacrosanct , and set in stone as the Ten Commandments themselves.
But for all this, for all of the left's eternal mission to bring America to it's knees, and all that they have accomplished , since 2007, when the Democrats took the House and Senate , and then into 2008, when Obama took the Presidency as well, ..
Despite all the destruction, all the chaos, all the diminishment,..of America on a domestic and international level, ..
None of this is the left's fault at all.They have always had their plan ,and have never made much of an effort to conceal it from their voting base. .
No, the fault lies with the right, who , despite knowing what the left is, and what they intend for America,has never really had a plan to stop them at all.
The Republican Part and the Republican voters as well, have proven themselves to be unfocused and unwilling to unite and defeat the left, which is embodied by the Democrat Party.
The Republicans let the Democrats take the House and Senate , in 2007, despite the fact that President Bush and his Republican controlled House and Senate, had kept the nation terror free and AlQueda on the run, for eight years, and , from 2001, to 2006, had created the greatest period of job growth and economic prosperity in American History.
Then, the Republican voters compounded their mistake, by refusing to vote for either McCain, or Romney,..there by allowing Obama to win the Presidency as well, in 2008, thereby creating a two year Democrat monopoly in Washington, that sealed America's doom, with Obamacare. Then, after achieving a landslide congressional victory in the 2010 midterms,..the Republican voters committed political suicide again, by refusing to elect Mitt Romney in 2012, a man who promised to grant nationwide waivers to Obamacare on day one of his Presidency.The reason? Romney, apparently, wasn't "conservative' enough , for the smug, self serving Republican voter.
That was the beginning of the end, until overwhelming economic doomand destruction forced Republican voters to do the right thing, for a change, and support their Party, thereby giving the Republican House and Senate the largest majority since the 1920's.
Yet , the Republicans have still been reluctant to oppose the Obama Agenda forcefully, on executive Amnesty and Obamacare, in particular, fearing a government shutdown and moderate voter retaliation at the polls.
Don't blame them.
Blame the Republican voters, who, unlike the Democrats , have never had a battle plan to fight and defeat the Democrats on any consistent level, and they have never had the will, to support their Party with the enthusiasm that the Democrats support theirs.
The Republican voter has shown not only the lack of will to fight, but also a self destructive propensity to attack their own Party , rather than the Democrat enemy that is destroying the country.
The simple truth is;..John Boehner and Mitch McConnell are weak, because the Republican voters are weak,..period.
Both the House Speaker and the Senate Majority Leader are only our Representatives in Washington, not our leaders.We are the leaders, and those we send to Washington to represent us, can only reflect the will, the battle plan, and the strategy,..of those they represent.
The Democrat Party has destroyed America, because the Republican Party , the Republican voter,..stayed home for crtitcal elections,..and let them;..simple as that.
Look not to condemn Boehner and McConnell for weakness and apathy in the face of Obama's tyranny .
Look only in the mirror, to see the real cause of America's destruction.
American History has demonstrated that when the Republican Party controls the fate of Washington and our individual States ,..the nation, a whole,..prospers.
Until the Republican voter finally comes to comprehend this reality and learns to recognize the real enemy , America can expect nothing , except more of the same , from an enemy that smells weakness and division in their Republican opponents, and will use that weakness to complete their mission , while the clueless conservative bloggers and tweeters will continue to rant and rave ,..about a crumbling America,...
that only exists, ..because they refused to fight.
But, once again, the President has displayed remarkable skill in deflecting blame for this ,and pinning it instead,squarely on the shoulders of the Pentagon itself, who he claims, has not submitted a cohesive, workable plan for his approval. The Pentagon's response to this revelation was simple, direct, and to the point;,"What the bleep ,..was that?" In truth, the Pentagon's reaction to the President blaming them for a lack of war strategy was actually somewhat restrained, considering the fact that they have indeed submitted to the President numerous strategies for dealing with ISIS, only to have him reject all of them.There is only one man to blame for the rise of ISIS.That man is President Barack Hussein Obama .Obama is the sole reason ISIS has beheaded, burned, and crucified its way across the Middle East , capturing most of Syria, Libya, Iraq, and Yemen, in the process. The President's withdraw of troops from Iraq, against his military leaders advice,caused this. His refusal to allow massive airstrikes against ISIS,caused this. His disarming of our Embassies, and our soldiers in Iraq, and Afghanistan, caused this. His refusal to actually engage the enemy with anything more than a token show of force, caused this.
The Pentagon's plan was always there, but Obama refused to acknowledge its existence , preferring instead a minimalist approach with limited, pinpoint airstrikes from bombers and drones, designed not to destroy the enemy, but to run out the clock ,and leave the problem and expense of dealing with ISIS,to his successor.
Obama has no war plan?Don't you believe it. He has a plan and always did from the moment he took office.His plan is the liberal left's plan,the Democrat Party's plan, and that plan never varies, never waivers.
The plan is always to diminish America in any way possible, for the left knows that America is the problem, the main reason for the world's turmoil, and therefore America's presence in world affairs must be minimized, if the world is ever to know peace.
To accomplish this, heavy taxes and regulations are imposed on the freemarket economy, and funding cuts, imposed,on our military and police.There it is , the left's plan now and forevermore. For the world to survive , America must be destroyed.This is the reason why the Obama Administration will never really fight the war on terror , preferring instead to play a political whack a mole, with defensive drone and bomber strikes, and sending 450 ground troops to "train and advise" Iraqi soldiers , who will simply never really fight a terror organization that has the same culture, laws, and religion , that they do.
The simple truth is, the Iraqi people are far closer in ideology to ISIS ,and AlQueda, than they ever will be to America , and when push comes to shove, they will certainly side with ISIS against America, every time. All Obama is doing by sending weapons to Iraqi soldiers is arming ISIS.But, this doesn't matter.This is, in fact, part of the war strategy of Obama, that keeps America diminished , and keeps our military spending at a minimum ,leaving more tax dollars available to fight America's real enemy,..Global Warming.
Diminishing local police forces in American cities is part of this overall leftist plan as well, and all that has happened in Ferguson Baltimore, New York, Chicago , and most recently , McKinney Texas, has been carefully orchestrated to accomplish this.
A diminished America is a socialist, Marxist America, and a Marxist America is an America is an America whose police are all carefully controlled and regulated by the Federal Government. This is the reason why, in every Democrat controlled City in our nation, our police officers are being set up, to look like violent racists.This is why leftist organizations like are paying protestors to incite violence all across the country .This is why leftist race pimps are taking to the airwaves encouraging African Americans to disrespect and violently confront police , creating an endless supply of lucrative , money making, rioting opportunities, that encourage Federal bailouts for Democrat controlled States, fatten Democrat politician wallets, and add fuel to the left's arguement that the police must be controlled by the Federal Government which will eventually help create a Marxist style, police state.
Obama's new, inexplicable interest in "free trade" is actually part of this plan as well, .After all, why would a leftist Democrat like Obama , who wants America diminished, and Democrat power secured, be suddenly interested in "fast tracking" a trade bill that has the potential of creating jobs, boosting our economy, and growing the free market? Because the bill has provisions that would give the President unrestricted executive power on the issue of Amnesty for illegals,that could lead to American jobs being lost to cheaper , foreign replacements. Once again, there is an underlying leftist agenda behind every single thought or action by Obama and the Democrat Party , and there always will be,..never doubt it for a second.
The madness that is now America is actually a well constructed plan, a carefully crafted blueprint, that the left has been seeking to implement for many decades now.
Whether on a Federal , or State level, ..
The Plan is there.
The Strategem, is there.
The Agenda, is there,..and has been since the days of Woodrow Wilson,..the Father of the modern day Progressive movement.
America, not AlQueda, not ISIS, not Russia, not China, not North Korea, ,..
Imperialist, arrogant America, the real problem ,..and America must be destroyed, by the leftist plan that is as sacrosanct , and set in stone as the Ten Commandments themselves.
But for all this, for all of the left's eternal mission to bring America to it's knees, and all that they have accomplished , since 2007, when the Democrats took the House and Senate , and then into 2008, when Obama took the Presidency as well, ..
Despite all the destruction, all the chaos, all the diminishment,..of America on a domestic and international level, ..
None of this is the left's fault at all.They have always had their plan ,and have never made much of an effort to conceal it from their voting base. .
No, the fault lies with the right, who , despite knowing what the left is, and what they intend for America,has never really had a plan to stop them at all.
The Republican Part and the Republican voters as well, have proven themselves to be unfocused and unwilling to unite and defeat the left, which is embodied by the Democrat Party.
The Republicans let the Democrats take the House and Senate , in 2007, despite the fact that President Bush and his Republican controlled House and Senate, had kept the nation terror free and AlQueda on the run, for eight years, and , from 2001, to 2006, had created the greatest period of job growth and economic prosperity in American History.
Then, the Republican voters compounded their mistake, by refusing to vote for either McCain, or Romney,..there by allowing Obama to win the Presidency as well, in 2008, thereby creating a two year Democrat monopoly in Washington, that sealed America's doom, with Obamacare. Then, after achieving a landslide congressional victory in the 2010 midterms,..the Republican voters committed political suicide again, by refusing to elect Mitt Romney in 2012, a man who promised to grant nationwide waivers to Obamacare on day one of his Presidency.The reason? Romney, apparently, wasn't "conservative' enough , for the smug, self serving Republican voter.
That was the beginning of the end, until overwhelming economic doomand destruction forced Republican voters to do the right thing, for a change, and support their Party, thereby giving the Republican House and Senate the largest majority since the 1920's.
Yet , the Republicans have still been reluctant to oppose the Obama Agenda forcefully, on executive Amnesty and Obamacare, in particular, fearing a government shutdown and moderate voter retaliation at the polls.
Don't blame them.
Blame the Republican voters, who, unlike the Democrats , have never had a battle plan to fight and defeat the Democrats on any consistent level, and they have never had the will, to support their Party with the enthusiasm that the Democrats support theirs.
The Republican voter has shown not only the lack of will to fight, but also a self destructive propensity to attack their own Party , rather than the Democrat enemy that is destroying the country.
The simple truth is;..John Boehner and Mitch McConnell are weak, because the Republican voters are weak,..period.
Both the House Speaker and the Senate Majority Leader are only our Representatives in Washington, not our leaders.We are the leaders, and those we send to Washington to represent us, can only reflect the will, the battle plan, and the strategy,..of those they represent.
The Democrat Party has destroyed America, because the Republican Party , the Republican voter,..stayed home for crtitcal elections,..and let them;..simple as that.
Look not to condemn Boehner and McConnell for weakness and apathy in the face of Obama's tyranny .
Look only in the mirror, to see the real cause of America's destruction.
American History has demonstrated that when the Republican Party controls the fate of Washington and our individual States ,..the nation, a whole,..prospers.
Until the Republican voter finally comes to comprehend this reality and learns to recognize the real enemy , America can expect nothing , except more of the same , from an enemy that smells weakness and division in their Republican opponents, and will use that weakness to complete their mission , while the clueless conservative bloggers and tweeters will continue to rant and rave ,..about a crumbling America,...
that only exists, ..because they refused to fight.
Friday, June 5, 2015
According to the Ancient Greek Legends,the god Prometheus created man from clay and water, and then bestowed upon him many gifts, such as fire, metal working, map making, star charting, medicine,and the skill of chariot and boat construction.But, for all his gifts to man, the one gift that he, or any other god, could not give him, was Democracy. Indeed, that gift would elude man for many centuries, until it would finally be achieved by man himself, in the Shining City called America, the Nation that would lift mankind out of the Dark Ages and become the last, best hope for mankind, and the personification of Democracy itself.
America's goal, from its birth, was to be a defender of freedom and liberty around the world, and to promote Democracy as well. But despite this goal, liberty and freedom remain an elusive thing to most nations around the globe.Why? This question has remained unanswered, for thousands of years.How can Democracy be created, Prometheus- like, from the ashes of tyranny?
Yet, America has tried, with its attempts at nation building around the globe.The United States goal has always been to dethrone tyrants and to promote Democracy in the process.But how do you promote Democracy to nations that will simply seek out a new tyrant or despot, to replace the one we dethrone for them?In truth the very idea of so called"nation building" among cultures that have never known freedom, and are in the grip of Islamic based tyranny, and extremism, is laughable to say the least. The simple reality is that America may be able to end dictatorships by military victory, but, to create a free Republic to replace it, well,.History has proven that only complete annihilation of an entire nation, by all out war,..can accomplish this.Germany and Japan are prime examples of this. These formerly tyrannical governments, who were determined to conquer and enslave the earth, only became free democracies because they were completely crushed in a war, by the overwhelming military forces of America and its Allies. They were crushed , and forced to surrender , unconditionally, or face complete annihilation. Al Queda and ISIS now control Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Yemen, and are gaining new territory every day,for only one reason;..America has withdrawn its troops from Iraq and refuses to forcefully engage ISIS.And, if America won't fight, neither will any of its tenuous, untrustworthy, Arab Allies of the UAE, and that is why the middle east will remain in the grip of terrorism, for many years to come.Complete obliteration , and a scorched earth strategem, is the only way to ever turn the terror infected middle east, into a haven for American style Democracy.
America has the airpower alone, completely obliterate Al Queda and ISIS in less than a week,if it had the will to do so.But, under the Neville Chamberlain -like appeasement rule of President Obama ,the American military has instead withdrawn completely from Iraq, with Obama refusing to sign the Status of Forces agreement that would allow an American Military force to remain permanently in Iraq .This of course , virtually assured the destruction of the tenuous Iraqi Democracy that our surge victory had created, and allowed the growing forces of ISIS to seize control of Iraq, and create the first terror state in the process. The bottom line is this;..there will never any kind of Democracy in the Middle East, unless America creates it from scratch, like Prometheus, by completely vaporizing the forces of ISIS with overwhelming, unrelenting airstrikes, and thereby forcing the unconditional surrender of any ISIS and Al Queda survivors. That is the only way to create lasting peace in the Middle East, since thousands of years of endless tyranny oppression and genocidal violence have demonstrated one thing quite clearly;..the people of the Middle East, in general,are simply lacking that one, vital ingredient necessary to achieve the goal of Democracy , and a free Republic, on their own.Unlike the citizens of America,..they are unwilling to fight,and die for it. And, as history has shown ,quite clearly,that is the only way it can ever be achieved, by the people of any sovreign nation,.. unless the hand of America forces it into existence, of course.
The Gifts that the god Prometheus gave man were many,but the gift of Freedom and Liberty , is a gift that man must always mold himself, not from the clay and water of Prometheus, but from the courage, sweat , blood, and sacrifice that has enabled man to transcend, even the gods themselves, in greatness.
America's goal, from its birth, was to be a defender of freedom and liberty around the world, and to promote Democracy as well. But despite this goal, liberty and freedom remain an elusive thing to most nations around the globe.Why? This question has remained unanswered, for thousands of years.How can Democracy be created, Prometheus- like, from the ashes of tyranny?
Yet, America has tried, with its attempts at nation building around the globe.The United States goal has always been to dethrone tyrants and to promote Democracy in the process.But how do you promote Democracy to nations that will simply seek out a new tyrant or despot, to replace the one we dethrone for them?In truth the very idea of so called"nation building" among cultures that have never known freedom, and are in the grip of Islamic based tyranny, and extremism, is laughable to say the least. The simple reality is that America may be able to end dictatorships by military victory, but, to create a free Republic to replace it, well,.History has proven that only complete annihilation of an entire nation, by all out war,..can accomplish this.Germany and Japan are prime examples of this. These formerly tyrannical governments, who were determined to conquer and enslave the earth, only became free democracies because they were completely crushed in a war, by the overwhelming military forces of America and its Allies. They were crushed , and forced to surrender , unconditionally, or face complete annihilation. Al Queda and ISIS now control Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Yemen, and are gaining new territory every day,for only one reason;..America has withdrawn its troops from Iraq and refuses to forcefully engage ISIS.And, if America won't fight, neither will any of its tenuous, untrustworthy, Arab Allies of the UAE, and that is why the middle east will remain in the grip of terrorism, for many years to come.Complete obliteration , and a scorched earth strategem, is the only way to ever turn the terror infected middle east, into a haven for American style Democracy.
America has the airpower alone, completely obliterate Al Queda and ISIS in less than a week,if it had the will to do so.But, under the Neville Chamberlain -like appeasement rule of President Obama ,the American military has instead withdrawn completely from Iraq, with Obama refusing to sign the Status of Forces agreement that would allow an American Military force to remain permanently in Iraq .This of course , virtually assured the destruction of the tenuous Iraqi Democracy that our surge victory had created, and allowed the growing forces of ISIS to seize control of Iraq, and create the first terror state in the process. The bottom line is this;..there will never any kind of Democracy in the Middle East, unless America creates it from scratch, like Prometheus, by completely vaporizing the forces of ISIS with overwhelming, unrelenting airstrikes, and thereby forcing the unconditional surrender of any ISIS and Al Queda survivors. That is the only way to create lasting peace in the Middle East, since thousands of years of endless tyranny oppression and genocidal violence have demonstrated one thing quite clearly;..the people of the Middle East, in general,are simply lacking that one, vital ingredient necessary to achieve the goal of Democracy , and a free Republic, on their own.Unlike the citizens of America,..they are unwilling to fight,and die for it. And, as history has shown ,quite clearly,that is the only way it can ever be achieved, by the people of any sovreign nation,.. unless the hand of America forces it into existence, of course.
The Gifts that the god Prometheus gave man were many,but the gift of Freedom and Liberty , is a gift that man must always mold himself, not from the clay and water of Prometheus, but from the courage, sweat , blood, and sacrifice that has enabled man to transcend, even the gods themselves, in greatness.
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