Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Arena of Death

As a Federal Judge declared NSA spying legal and necessary to the security of the Nation ,Edward Snowden was giving a Christmas broadcast from overseas , reminding Americans that the privacy and security of all American citizens was being threatened by this very same NSA. Is NSA leaker Edward Snowden a patriotic hero ? No, but, perhaps, he could have been . Here's the bottom line; Edward Snowden is a government contractor , who took an oath to protect the security of the classified documents he was exposed to .Not only did Snowden break that oath, but he then took asylum in both China and Russia, thereby giving our political enemies access to our nation's most guarded secrets . This cannot happen. There are communist nations that America must always maintain an intelligence advantage over .The oath Snowden took serves the purpose of protecting that advantage , and preventing these communist nations from spreading their tyranny around the globe. The United States , as the leader of the free world , must always be one step ahead of the oppressive tyrants , lest the world be plunged into chaos and darkness. The main weapon we possess , in this fight for global freedom, is our covert intelligence operations . It's the weapon that enables us to win wars . Its the weapon that enabled us to defeat the Axis powers and win WWII. If that weapon can no longer function , because of so called inside leakers , then the security of our nation becomes severely compromised , and the security of the world as well.
If Edward Snowden truly believed that our Constitution was being violated by the actions of the NSA, and American citizens rights were being violated, then , he has a duty , and an obligation , as an American citizen, to come forward and expose this corruption . But, you do it the right way. You don't flee the country ,and  provide classified computer files to both the Russians and the Chinese. That is not an act of Patriotism. That is an act of  treason. Many would argue that our Founding Fathers did the same thing and were branded traitors by England as a result. But , the founders did not flee England to betray the Crown, but to expand  freedom and to create a new system of government, where the people would rule themselves in a brave, new land. A radical concept, and , if achieved , a unique one,in all the world. Yet, it was done and has made us the greatest nation in the history of the world.
Once it had become apparent that war with England , because of excessive taxation , became inevitable, the Founding Fathers did indeed, break from England , and did indeed, become traitors to the Crown. But, unlike Snowden, they did not flee America, to hide in other lands . There was no need . They understood there was nowhere to go . They were already in the land where freedom and liberty were most possible . All it would take is the will to stand their ground and oppose the oppressor , no matter what the cost, or sacrifice.
The colonists understood that, America was their last stand, the ground they must make their fight on, the land that they must defend against all enemies ,or they would lose everything. Indeed, they were traitors like Snowden, all of them. They were willing to risk all to oppose the tyranny of England , but, unlike Snowden, they stood their ground, and defended this new found Nation, America, against the Nation that claimed this land as its own ;..England.
Our military takes an oath to defend our nation against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. But, this is an oath that all Americans should take as well . For , if the citizens who rule are unwilling to defend their freedom , and their land , against these enemies, ...then there is no freedom. You cannot expose a threat to our nation freedom by retreating to nations where there is no freedom ,..and there never will be. We have Republican Congressman and Senators who expose the corruption of the Obama Administration everyday, and they do it here , in Washington , in the People's House, which is the engine , the symbol, of our  freedom , and where the voice of We the People can be heard , through those who represent us. Snowden could have stood before this House of Representatives , and voiced his concerns , and exposed this corruption , as many others have,if he truly believed it to be a threat to our nation. This is what our Founders would have done.
There is no other  place on earth , than America, to take a stand for Justice against Tyranny. Edward Snowden, as an American, should have known that. Instead, he now sits in exile , a dupe  of the Russians who will exploit him for all the intel and anti-American propaganda they can squeeze out of him . And then, unfortunately, Edward Snowden may discover the difference between the United States ,..and Russia, at least as far as freedom and free speech is concerned . After all , Russian jail cells are full of so -called , "patriots', who spoke out against the corruption that defines their homeland. These Russians citizens were willing to sacrifice themselves for their principles and are now paying the price ,either with imprisonment, or their lives. A pity that Snowden didn't realize that in America this  price had already been paid , by the patriots who founded our nation  .
Edward Snowden's stance against NSA corruption in America would have been far easier than his stand will be now , in a land where the so called ,"patriot", is still regarded, as an enemy of the State, and deserving of death.
In ancient Judea, those who called themselves Christians had a chance to hide their faith , and swear allegiance to the Emperor , and Rome.They could also have fled, to other lands, to follow their faith, but instead they stood their ground in the arena, ..and paid the price for the faith that would indeed one day be the blueprint for the Shining City on a Hill called America. Had these followers of Christ fled that arena , and gone into hiding,.....their faith,..and our Nation, would, most likely , not exist at all.
Is Edward Snowden a hero? No,..for there must always come a time , when all heroes must be willing to go into that den of lions, and pay the ultimate price; this Arena called America.
Ed Snowden , in his Christmas broadcast , said that children today will grow up with no concept of the privacy , that makes us what we are . Snowden is wrong. Privacy is not what defines us as Americans. Freedom does. And privacy , must sometimes be the price for that freedom.   

Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Last Gladiators

A&E is a liberal based television cable network. The shows they air generally reflect this political outlook. Why then, was a reality show about a family of Christian fundamentalists that hunt, fish, and believe in free market capitalism ever aired on this network in the first place? Well, to mock them, of course. To ridicule them, to expose them , and their beliefs , for the train wreck farce that the left has always promoted them to be.
Like most reality shows, Duck Dynasty was conceived to be a horror show;..this one about a bunch of stereotypical right wingers , clinging to their bibles and guns , while running around the woods , hunting ducks. The show was designed to confirm the left's image of the moronic , right wing extremeist. Just a bunch of inbred , brainless hicks , growing weird ZZ Topp beards and making duck calls for a living. A&E expected their audience to laugh at them , and keep tuning in each week to keep laughing at them. Instead, wahat happened was their audience didn't laugh at them,...but with them. Their audience , actually identified with them , their Christian family values, and especially their fierce streak of independence , and their belief in the idea that free market capitalism truly does lift all boats , and is all you need to survive and prosper in this country.
The show became a hit , the biggest hit ever conceived in television history, and truly a feather in the cap of the A&E Network.But, there was one problem , and it has nothing to do with Phil Robertson's GQ Magazine interview, or Phil's comments about homesexuality. Phil was simply answering a question the only way a Christian could regarding this  subject. This GQ interview was mearly the excuse that A&E was looking for , to end this show . Now , why would they do this? They have a hit . Why would they try to destroy a franchise that is making them billions of dollars ? Because they are part of the liberal left. They are idealogues , who are now appalled that a show about people that they revile, is so popular. Why then , do so many people like Duck Dynasty? To A&E, and the left, these people should be mocked and laughed at. That was the intention that the network had when they put the show on the air. Now, their show is a hit, and is actually promoting a positive image of conservative values . This cannot be tolerated. This has to be stopped. This Christian values based mega hit had to be reigned in. This family of duck hunters that prayed at the end of every episode had to be controlled . Their message had to be controlled. And this, A&E , set out to do. First, by trying to prevent the family from using the name of Jesus , during the shows prayer time , and then, ultimately, by attempting to eliminate the main problem , Phil Robertson, the head of the family,..the most outspoken, the one who kept using the name of Jesus in his prayers ,..he had to be eliminated from the show , if the message of the show was to be controlled , and brought into line to suit the left leaning A&E Network Heads. Jesus may offend Muslims, and muslims cannot be offended. After all , muslims are very much like the left . Both are intolerant of other ideas that do not reflect their own, and both believe in controlling the behavior and the freedom of people in general . The left controls people through government, and the muslims control through their god, Allah, and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammed. How ironic , that the muslims A&E is worried about offending, also, like Phil Robertson, oppose the gay lifestyle, with one small difference;....Muslims think that gay people should be put to death. Christians are taught to love all their fellow men , as they love themselves.
Jesus is the God of freedom ;..individual freedom ,  free will, free speech , and the right to work, worship , and live as you choose     .These are the Judeo -Christian values that Jesus taught , the same values that Phil Robertson, his family, and millions of A&E viewers believe in.
This is why Duck Dynasty has to end . At least as far as A&E is concerned. It's not Phil's comments concerning homosexuals and African Americans that are the problem. Phil's outspoken belief in the Christian God , and his son, Jesus, the problem. Phil refused to take the name of Jesus from the shows prayers. So, ...Phil  must be eliminated. This raises a bigger question; Christianity under attack from the left? Is Christmas under attack? Is there a real war on Christ and Christmas? Yes;..and it has always been the root of everything that the left does, or says.
Whether it's silencing Duck Dynasty, or silencing right wing conservative Republicans and their message, it all has its roots in the left's one, true mission;...eliminating any trace of our Christian Heritage. To the left , and the Obama Administration , there can only be one god, and that god is government . And, it can tolerate no rival that promotes the concept that man is free to do as he pleases. Man must be controlled . Man must be regulated .Man must be heavily taxed  , and must obey the will ,..not of some fictional God,..but of the real God,...the only god , the god called government.
This is the purpose behind Obamacare This is the purpose behind the Global Warming , Green Energy Agenda. This is the purpose behind entitlements and stimulus payoffs. This is the purpose behind cuts to our military , and the weakening of our National Defense.This is the purpose behind heavy taxes and regulations on businesses , workers and corporations .
All must be brought in into line. All must learn to serve government , and to serve the Democrat Party Agenda.  And, ultimately, that is the purpose behind the attack on Duck Dynasty. The show's message is one of independence , freedom, free speech,  free will , and strong moral values. That message must be stopped. A&E , has indeed , stopped it , despite the show's sucess . They don't care. The left never varies, never waivers , from its main agenda , even if it costs them financially. Obamacare proves this. It's a complete financial trainwreck that cost millions of people their health insurance and replaced it with higher costs , nonexistent coverage, and a faulty , security risk of a website. All this will  cost the Democrats the 2014 elections. The left still doesn't care , and will not repeal Obamacare , even to save themselves. They can't, despite Obama's constant illegal attempts to tweak the law .Nor will they save Phil Robertson and his Family . They can't.
The left, whether it 's A&E, or the Democrat Party under Obama, will always , relentlessly pursue their one true goal;..the diminishment of America, and all its traditions and values . The diminishment of all that's made America great. And that, most importantly, means the diminishment of,..and ultimately, the elimination of,...the scourge of Christianity. For, Christianity promotes freedom , and freedom is something that the Democrats in Washington , and the A&E Network, ...cannot allow.
Christianity must be destroyed.
Christmas, must be destroyed.
And Duck Dynasty, must be destroyed, for daring to believe and live according to the fading image the real America.
Many centuries ago, a Roman Emporer gave those known as Christians a choice,...renounce their faith, swear alleigance to Rome,..or be destroyed in the arena.
Today, in the New Rome, ..the Christian choices are simpler ;..swear alliegance to A&E , and the Democrat Party, or simply go to another network , ..and start voting Republican.
We the People are the last gladiators in the new Rome.Conservatism is our weapon. Let's go into that arena of ideas , in the 2014 Midterms ,  and emerge victorious over this new Emporer and his leftist agenda.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Zarathustra Prophecy

How is it possible that a dangerous schizophrenic was able to stand next to the President of the United States , as he gave a speech in South Africa honoring the late Nelson Mandela?How is it possible that the security detail assigned to the President simply stood down, and left him to the mercy of an incompetant or non-existent South African security team? Liberalism makes it possible . Marxism makes it possible . Communism makes it possible. Socialism makes it possible. And, in the heart of South Africa, a socialist state, once run by a communist leaning Nelson Mandela,President Obama was truly in a den of theives where all things bad, were indeed possible , as the world's most dangerous , despotic dictators gathered together to pay tribute to a man who, indeed , did start out like them , with similar Marxist beliefs ,but then changed , morphed through 23 years in prison for terrorism , into a peace loving , American capitaism loving , uniter , who seemingly forgave his enemies , forgot the past, and embraced the future , a future he helped mold into an Apartheid free South Africa. Not through the terror tactics that he once embraced , , but through courage, and love. Inspiring , but still , Mandela was a flawed man, who once degraded the United States  as the cause of all the world's evils , while embracing despots like Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez, as freedom fighting liberators . Again, a flawed man , a communist at heart , but he became a great man during and after his prison sentence , because he had the courage to change and become a better man.
A pity that, the others gathered there , in that rain soaked stadium , will never know that kind of courage and will never alter their tyrannical ways . They will remain tyrants . They will remain despots . They will continue to imprison , starve, and murder their own people, while becoming rich off the sweat of their labor. Idealogues do not change ;..ever . Only the grave can end their reign of terror , as history has shown, and it's the United States Military that has usually contributed to that ending. But now, in that African stadium, the President of the United States has retreated to this land , to escape his growing problems at home . Obamacare is poised to destroy him , as it grows ever more apparent that the true purpose of the law was far from providing affordable health care. Its purpose is to turn America into South Africa, or Venezuela, or Cuba, or any  other of the socialist nations that Obama feels are the equal of the U.S., if only we would take our empiracal foot off their throats . and let them prosper. He is wrong , of course. Even under the great Mandela , South Africa, for the most part, still languished in poverty , a poverty that makes the poor of America seem quite wealthy by comparison. Socialism does not work, not in South Africa, nor in any of the other socialist nations that were gathered to honor Mandela. Socialism fails on every level. It elevates the elite rulers , and leaves everyone else in poverty. Total government control of the free market , and the citizens who operate in it, will do that every time.
Nothing demonstrated the danger of socialism more than the President of the greatest nation on earth , the President of a free market, Capitalist Republic,self governed, the first , the  only ,and the best , in history, standing on a stage while a madman was allowed to be inches from him , poised, like a guillotine, ready to strike , while his security team was non-existent. That is the result of the incompetance that socialism breeds . And, that is what's happening , even in America now, as the President tries to push his socialist mechanism called Obamacare down the throats of the American people. It doesn't work, on any level, except as a tax , that weakens America's free market, while growing government. That is what socialism does. And its this utopian dream that Obama is now trying to fulfill with his agenda.
Mandela changed , and saw the error of his ways. 23 years in prison sometimes will do that. President Obama will never change and will continue to pursue a South African , European style socialism in America, no matter how destructive it becomes. He doesn't see the irony of a poor , struggling nation that Mandela could not save , because , despite his anti apartheid stance, ...he still embraced socialism . Mandela may be idolized, but his people are, and will remain poverty stricken until free maqrket capitalism is embraced . Obama still doesn't see, in that gathering of criminals , theives, murderers , and tyrants , the irony that he is trying to become one of them , with his policies and agenda. Obama may shake the hand of Raul Castro, and other tyrants, take "selfies "like an inappropriate teenager, and bow before middle eastern terror supporters ,..but the real danger is not in these gestures , but in the fact that, deep down , the President sees nothing terribly  wrong with these despots nothing that can't be fixed, through talks, debates, and negotiations with them.
President Obama is an Idealogue. That is why he must be stopped,,...before he joins that South African rogues gallery , in historic infamy. The way to stop him? Elections, of course. Republicans must start winning elections, period.Our chance is the 2014 Midterms. We can seize control of the Senate, maintain control of the House, and stop this madness. But, in the meantime, a new budget bill has been proposed , by Republican Congressman Paul Ryan that will, indeed cut taxes and possibly reduce the deficit, as a Republican based budget bill should, but it also extends unemployment entitlements and leaves the door open to potential tax increases in the future. What madness is this? Ryan knows better. Boehner knows better . You do not, under any circumstances, give Democrats the right to increase spending and taxes , ever, let alone in the same bill , which is essentially what the Ryan -Murray bill does. While the Nation is under seige, from the Obama Democrats, the job of the Republican Congress is to guard the purse strings to protect the American taxpayer from further assault on their hard earned wealth. House Speaker John Boehner and Congressman Paul Ryan feel the Tea Party is critical, too unrealistic , in their demands on them ."We have to start winning elections", they say. This is quite true, but , winning means nothing if you do not use that win, to push the Republican agenda down the throats of the Democrats. We won in 2010. We hold the House , thanks to  the Tea Party , which Boehner and Ryan willingly acknowledge. Boehner and Ryan hold positions in the House , thanks to the Tea Party . The plan in 2010 was to stop Obamacare , and all new taxes, by any means necessary. Then, there was victory. The Republican Congress holds the purse strings. All they need do is say no to all things Obama , which means all tax increases , and all spending increases. This is how you win, even when you don't hold the Senate . You hold the line. You refuse to give in to an agenda that you know is destructive to our Nation's economy and security.This is the plan . It's what Senator Cruz tried to do , months ago. This new budget plan is a betrayal of this plan . All congress needs to do , is prevent any , I repeat, any , tax increases , and push for tax cuts , at the same time, regardless of how the Senate votes. That's it, period;... at least until we win big in the 2014 Midterms. The Midterms must belong to the Republicans , or its over for America, as we now know it.
Obama will not change. The Democrat Party , will not change. They will never waiver, or compromise in their plan to destroy this country with massive debt , taxes , and spending . President Obama simply does not comprehend the doom he is willingly bringing to this country. Nor does he care. He does it in the name of so called, "fairness". Big business must be brought down and forced to share the wealth , ...mostly with the Democrat Party in Washington, and with Public Union Leaders , who get out the Democrat vote,in exchange for some of that , "shared wealth". Obama seemed right at home in South Africa, surrounded by that rogues gallery of dictators and murderers. Far more at home than he seems to be here , in America . The power these dictators posses is something that Obama covets , and envies. Yet , for all the power and control,in the socialist utopia created by Mandela , and others like him, a fake sign language interpreter was allowed to endanger our commander in chief. With such power , must come blind arrogance as well.
In Fredrich Nietzsche's book  ,  Thus Spake Zarathustra , the author puts forth the theory that is is the fool who always brings down the great men in history. Obama, on that stage in South Africa, unbeknownst to him , came perilously close to fulfilling the Prophecy of Zarathustra.
But, the fool can also bring down Nations as well ,and we , as a self governed , self ruled nation, must not allow our President's foolish behavior to bring down America, with his ever increasing tax and spend agenda. We must unite as a party, and use that unity to secure Republican Victory in 2014. And, in the meantime, we must use the one weapon we have to stop Obama cold. The power of the purse. Obama and the Democrats must be cut off by Congress completely, thereby stripping Obama and the Democrat Party, of their only weapon;...the tax payer's money. To do otherwise, continue to pass foolish bills like Ryan's , to insure that America , that Shining City on a Hill,..will one day soon, join that rogues gallery of socialist regimes, Marxist oblivion.        

Sunday, December 8, 2013

This Battlefield Truth

Three more revelations regarding Obamacare have come to light .First, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has , apparently , not had a private , one on one meeting with the President in over three years. Incredible. This woman is in charge of Barack Hussein Obama's signature , administration defining law ;..the one that liberals have been waiting to implement since the "New Deal" days of socialist President Franklin Delano Roosevelt ,and the President  simply could not find the time to meet with the person running it. Second revelation? It's directly related to the first revelation . The website, now working marginally better than before, is registering more people . The problem is, the registration is not connected to any Health Insurance Agency. The American citizens that are now foolishly signing onto this major security risk, are discovering that it  is simply not transferring their info to any health service . So, these people are still uninsured . But, good news. They are signed up for all the taxes , regulations, and fines that are the true purpose of this fraud of a law.
Third Revelation;..the law of averages, has finally caught up with the President. He has finally made an accurate statement. The President, appearing at a White House Youth Summit , designed to recharge millennial support, told his young audience that the Affordable Care Act, is working, and working well, despite the website malfunction , despite millions losing their private coverage, and despite the fact that even a sucessful signup doesn't mean you are actually  insured with anyone. Obama simply refuses to acknowledge the reality of Obamacare that everyone else can clearly see with their own eyes. Of course , this  is nothing new .For months now, the President and Secretary Sebelius, refused to admit there is a problem , of any kind, and consequently have left a slew of puzzled reporters and and angry conservative pundits in their wake. But now, standing before a gathering of his  key audience , the key  to Obamacare sucess really, ,,,the young and the healthy , the college student;... the President admitted the real reason why Obamacare will be a complete sucess  and why the botched security risk website , massive premium costs , and complete destruction of the private insurance market ,..does not matter. Obamacare is a wealth re-distribution mechanism , primarily. And the President admitted this, finally,  at the Youth Summit , in front of those who once were his biggest fans , by telling them that Obamacare's sucess , depends on them ,..and only them , ...the young and healthy;...doing their duty for the country , and signing up, regardless of the costs, the they can pay for the old, and sick.Gee. Really? I thought the purpose of Obamacare was to prevent the American citizens from having to fund other people's Health costs? Wasn't that the selling point? That,..and how inexpensive it would be,..of course.The President also reminded them that their participation was key to a plan that would be affecting one third of the economy. Affecting the economy? I thought it wasn't supposed to do this either. The President has exposed the true purpose  of Obamacare from his own lips , before an audience of college students ;...the very ones his administration is counting on to pay for it . Apparently, desperate times call for desperate measures. The time for pretense is over. Backed against the wall, the President has decided to come clean with these , "young invincibles", who were once his key supporters . Once , that is. Now, they have turned on him , and rightly so. The cost of being insured under the Affordable Care Act , is simply not in a college student's budget, even with the faint promise of government subsidies to help them . The fine is simply cheaper, and so most will opt out to pay the fine . No politics , ..just simple , broke student, ..economics. This means that Obamacare must fail , since its survival was always , from day one of its inception , linked to the participation of the millennials , who will never burden the system , actually getting sick. No. They were supposed to simply cough up the money ;...not because they want insurance ,....but because Obama, and the Government,...tells them,....they must , because it's their civic duty , to pay for other people's health care. Now, the Obama theory has fallen apart. Apparently,the Obama youth that once believed the President to be so cool , so hip, are turning away from him ,...for the most practical of reasons. For , you see, Obama wants more than just their votes,...he wants their money as well,....and that's reason enough for cash strapped students , debt already,., turn against their former messiah who promised them,"Change", from the Cowboy politics of Bush ,..and just looked so cool,...... especially on a taxpayer funded t-shirt.Obama has now become , their eyes , nothing more than a typical politician,..a used car salesman,...who works for the government. They once followed him ,like he was the Pied Piper . Well, this Pied  Piper   wants their cash , and he is trying to work his former magic on them , in a last ditch effort, college campus campaign, get them to pony up ;......not to insure Healthcare for all;....but to insure wealth re-distribution for all. This attempt is failing,...just as the entire structure of Obamacare and Liberalism , general, failing. Not because of any conservative Tea Party ,. anti -socialism  push ,...but for the simple reason that people ,..especially young people, do not want to pay for it. An I-Phone, or an X-Box, cheaper,...and vastly more fun too.
The youth that followed him so blindly before now see this Pied Piper of Politics in a more sinister light. Not as a prophet of Hope and Change , ....but as a predator, who has taken advantage of their gullability ,..and attempted to trap them into monetary servitude to a law that, the end,....does nothing except take money from those that earn it,...and give it to those who did not. This is supreme irony . These young millennials,.,..who Obama was counting on to fund this debacle,.,..will now be the ones who will,...most likely,...assure the collapse of the law , and perhaps , liberalism as well, simply saying ,"no', Obama ,....and his Obamacare .
Children have a short attention span. The Obama fad is over, and the next celebrity these millennials choose to worship, will , doubt,,...cost them less , and will probably look equally good,.......on a t-shirt.The final truth of Obamacare has been exposed by this one simple fact;........Obamacare is not linked to to any Health Insurance Companies. It was not intended to be. It regulates you.It taxes you. It fines you. But, doesn't insure you ,....for anything. It was a trick,...and now , even the young , distracted, uninformed Americans who were the key to Obama's two election victories ,,...know it. But, no matter. These millennials will pay their fines, let Obamacare collapse, and move on to more important things.  . And , ultimately, Che Guevara looks equally good on a t-shirt, and his socialist promises of change and revolution will not cost them anything ,..except the price of the shirt , of course.
Centuries ago,a young shepard boy ,stood alone on a battlefield ,..unarmored, and unarmed,...except for a sling , ....and his faith. Yet,..with only these he brought down a giant,.....and an army as well.
Can the youth of today , armed only with the truth, any less?

Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Infidel Imperative

President Hassan Rouhani was heralded by the Obama Administration as a moderate, and a reformer, who would bring a new peace and stability to Iran and the terror infested Middle East. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, Rouhani is no different than his predecessor Mahmoud Ahmadenejad. At least, as far as his political goals are concerned. Both men are fervent believers in Jihad , both men are sponsors of Al Queda,both believe in the destruction of Israel as a State , and, most importantly, both men believe in the use of nuclear weapons to achieve that destruction. This is why any promise that Iran makes to halt the enrichment of uranium and the activation of new centrifuges in exchange for suspension of U.S. sanctions is utter nonsense. Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, and Pakistan , all exist , for one purpose; follow Islam , and to follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammed, who considered  all non-believers in the will of Allah to be  infidels,and therefore deserving of death.
Secretary of State John Kerry has become the new Neville Chamberlain , proudly declaring that he has reached an "agreement" with Rouhani , an agreement that allows the Iranians to keep their Uranium Stockpiles , allows them to keep enriching that Uranium , allows them to keep their existing centrifuges , and allows U.S. sanctions to lifted by 7% , or more , in exchange for a mere promise by Rouhani , to keep enrichment at a 5% level , for six months . After which , if the Iranians have kept their end of the bargain ,...all U.S. sanctions will be lifted completely. In other words , the Obama Kerry nuclear deal has allowed a terror sponsoring state to not only keep their capacity to create nuclear weapons, but it has also allowed them to start receiving U.S. dollars again ,all based on a faint promise , by President Rouhani , not to build nuclear weapons .Now that's what I call hard core, Reagan Bush , Cowboy style diplomacy . Brilliant ,,,,well done, gentlemen. Rouhani himself, has announced to his people that the deal with Obama-Kerry removes  all sanctions , and restores the Iranian right to produce nuclear  power ,...immediately . Apparently, Rouhani understands this agreement better than Obama and Kerry, who have  somehow convinced themselves that this is a hard line deal , that has put Iran in its place , and averted nuclear disaster . And, best of all , they did it , not by Bush- like Cowboy threats ,but by calm , cool , collected , ....civilized ,....diplomacy. Enough with this diplomacy nonsense. Here's the cold , hard reality of this disasterous deal. By agreeing to lift sanctions and allow this terror sponsor to keep its nuclear program , Obama and Kerry have virtually assured eventual , all out Armageddon style war, between Iran and Israel. Iran will not keep any six month deal to reduce enrichment . Their goal is the destruction of Israel , and nothing will dissuade them from this mission . Infidels must be destroyed ;..and non-believers ,..are Infidels. Iran , led by their new President Rouhani, will pursue this goal, and will tell us anything we want to hear , to achieve that goal.For, the Prophet Muhammad permits lying to the infidel , if that lie aids them in this mission. Obama and Kerry's fatal flaw is the fact that they were born members of the liberal left , and are therefore deceptive by nature . They have to be.A liberal learns early on in his career that , in order to suceed politically, he must conceal what he truly is . Rouhani and radical Islam have, apparently , learned this lesson also . The only difference in their lies is the different gods that inspired them. Rouhani's god is an evil entity that demands subjugation ,...or death. Obama and Kerry's god is , simply,..government, which demands only one thing , and complete power , achieved by any deceptions  necessary.Both have similar philosophies and  , unfortunately,the left's version has blinded Obama to the reality of how he is being played by another deceiver  .As is often the case , it's the con artist that is most vulnerable himself to being conned. Those of the liberal left feel that they can control people with their lies ,...and this is the fatal flaw of arrogance that makes the left abysmal at negotiations with our Nation's enemies.
Look, here's the bottom line ,..there is only one "deal" , that can be made with Iran, or any other terror sponsoring Nation. You cut off funding, all American dollars, that go to these nations,..immediately. The simple reality is that, without American taxpayer dollars to sustain them , and support their economies, none of them can survive. We are enabling terror, by sending money to these nations. Iran , Egypt, Afghanistan, Pakistan ,all of them,..hate us. We are the Great Satan , a nation of non-believer Infidels, that, like Israel, must be destroyed ,..according to the will of Allah. Nothing we say, or do, will ever alter that goal. Why then, does the United States continue to fund our own inevitable destruction ? Enough of nonsense. No more pacifist deals with evil . Cut these monsters off completely, increase military pressure , and force this evil to shrink back into the shadows, before its too late. For, the alternative will be far worse than even Obama's socialist Utopia. For, Obama's god would demand only subjugation of the conservative infidels. Rouhani's god would demand nothing less,..than death,..and no pretended nuclear agreement with the ,"Great Satan", would alter the course of this destiny.