Sunday, December 26, 2010

The First Conservative

This Christmas season, I would just like to say a few words in defense of one of my favorite Reagan style Conservatives, that I feel , has been unfairly attacked by the media at this time of year for quite some time, and, unjustly so. I am, of course , referring to Jesus Christ. As we celebrate his birthday this year, let's remember the reason why he faces so much opposition , so much hatred at Christmastime. It's essentially because , like Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin , Michelle Bachmann , and Rush Limbaugh, he spoke the truth. The Truth that all men are created, by God, to be free. Free to live, work, worship, and help our fellow man , as individuals , without government restrictions being forced upon us.
Remember, the I.R.S. is not a charity. Charity cannot be imposed upon us by government.
Freedom is the root of all Conservatives, including Jesus, and yes, especially at this time of year, he wants us to help our fellow man, but it must be of our own free will , not at the insistence of any King, Queen , Dictator, or even President.  History has shown that conservatives are the most generous most charitable people on earth . Liberals are too, but with other people's money, not their own. Conservatives are, in fact, following in the tradition of Jesus,history's first conservative.
Jesus drove the money changers from the Temple because they were using his Father's house as a means to make a profit. Why then, would Jesus support an Obama government that uses his name to impose forced charity upon the taxpayers?

Monday, December 20, 2010

The Dream; the Nightmare

Pontius Pilate once asked of Jesus Christ, my favorite Reagan Conservative; "What is Truth?" Well, truth is the Omnibus Bill. I want to thank Senator Harry Reid for ramming this abomination down the throats of the House right before the Holiday break, for it reveals the truth. ; the truth behind the entire liberal agenda, the truth behind the liberal left's pathetic facade that claims they are working to help "The People". They are working to help themselves. To your money. To be used for anything that they want, regardless of what they told you it was for. Reid's attitude , while ramming this thing through , seems to be, "I don't care what you Tea Partiers think, or what you say, at Townhalls, or how many Glenn Beck rallies you attend. It's our money. Not the peoples. It belongs to the government. All of it. You working class hicks should be grateful we let you keep any of it. , so how dare you speak out against us. We will continue to take as much of your money as we please, because we need it, to keep our power , to grow government, and to secure the continued election of Liberal Democrats in the future. The Free Market works for us, and supports us. If the economy collapses , it doesn't matter, as long as government grows and the remaining private sector economy falls in line and works to support us. ; "We the Government".For, "We the Government" , run this country , not , "We the People". You Republicans may shut down the Omnibus bill , and all future earmarks, but, that's to be expected. We never intended for Omnibus to actually be passed. It was intended as a test of your resolve, and also, as a middle finger , to you ; the Tea Party Conservative Republicans. We, the Democrat Party, will lay in wait, for our chance to regain power . And, we will , because the lazy, apathetic, uninformed, disinterested leeches on society , that depend on money that we take from those that earn it, will always vote for us; just as we will always provide them with free money , housing, and education, in exchange for that vote. "
"We the " People" understand all this. That's all well and good, Senator Reid, but, one of the most powerful forces in American politics , is a hunk of smashing patriotism that's called ; Conservatism; and , in the end, it always wins.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Negative Zone

Well, the verdict is in; the Bush Tax Cuts will be renewed in the coming year, for all Americans. There will be no tax increase, but , there will also be no tax cut. In addition, unemployment will be extended again, indefinitely. This is nothing more than another stimulus , bought and paid for by the Chinese, who own our entire debt, at this moment. This places Bush tax cut into a negative zone , neither effective , nor ineffective, a sort of yin and yang of power balance in the political universe.
Obama's insistence, during negotiations to get the Death Tax as a consession, proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the President believes that your money belongs , ultimately, to the government, all of it, and when you die, this so-called Estate Tax will insure that the money you no longer need goes to it's rightful owner, the U.S. Government. There's your proof of motive for all that's been done by the Obama Regime. Democrats , do indeed, feel that your money is, in fact theirs.
With that question resolved , the one remaining issue is; do liberals still see Obama as a god? Blinking before Republican pressure,,  continuing the war in Afghanistan, and keeping Gitmo Bay open, certainly reveals cracks in his liberal agenda armour. However, in the Greek and Shakespearian tradition, this does not exclude him from godhood necessarily. The Greek god Hercules , in particular, was quite flawed, and even killed his music teacher as a youth in a fit of rage. Hercules was then forced to perform twelve labors , which he completeted , on his road to redemption, ultimately joining the other gods on Mt. Olympus. Can the liberal left's god, President Obama, also redeem himself in the eyes of the radicals that elected him? It would seem unlikely. For, you see, as much as liberals enjoy creating their false gods , they enjoy destroying them even more. Ultimately, the President will do what he must, to save not the country, but his ego and image .  Yes, like another greek figure, Narcissus, Obama seems transfixed  with his own image in a reflecting pool, while the liberal god Echo, looks on in puzzlement. Yes, the President will do what he must to maintain that reflected image, just as the liberal Left  will do what they must, to ensure the destruction of our freedom and free market.
Therein lies the difference between Obama and his followers; Obama, the leftist idealogue, ultimately needs only the adulation of the masses that elected him to survive, the Liberal Left , however, needs only hate.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Traitor Within

Julian Assange is a Terrorist. Those who aid our enemies , are in fact, our enemies. Wikileaks exists for one purpose , to bring about the destruction of America, which Assange , and the terrorists he works for, hate.
Like Saddam Hussein, Assange is a sponsor of terror , a promoter, who is placing our Mideastern allies , who provide us with much needed intelligence, in mortal danger. Those who sponsor terror , just like the terrorists, must be destroyed.
President Bush understood this, and that is the main reason we went to war with Iraq, and crushed the Hussein regime. Saddam Hussein trained, funded, and provided healthcare; to terrorists .He is well gone, and Iraq is the first Arab Democracy in History ; thanks to President Bush . A Democracy; that is astounding for a Islamic based community.
The real root of the the Wikileaks issue however, must not be overlooked. There are , within our Government, those that are leaking classified information to our enemies, and it is not just the one soldier who is now being questioned. No, there are more traitors within our system, our military, our CIA, and they are the true threat, because they work for the enemies of freedom, and they must be exposed, routed, and treated to the same brand of justice that we served Hussein. Unfortunately, they have always been within our system, and the only way to truly defeat them is, as Ben Franklin stated; through, "Constant Vigilance".