Monday, September 29, 2008

Freddie and Fannie ; The "What Me Worry?" Kids.

In regards to the idea of hard working , American taxpayers bailing out Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae ; I think the best way to sum it up would be in the words of Michael Corleone from Godfather II ; "Here's my offer to you; nothing."They knew the risks they were running and were warned of potential disaster as far back as 2004 , when both President Bush and John McCain brought their concerns before congress repeatedly only to be told by Barney Frank and other Democrats that ther was no need for concern.
So , now citizens of this country that had nothing to do with this debacle are now being called on to turn over more of their hard earned cash to save irresponsible greedy execs and deadbeats who aren't financially responsible enough to live in a cardboard box ; let alone a house with a mortgage.
You want a solution that makes sense? Make the guys who got rich off of these worhless loans give back every penny , and have them investigated for fraud.And in addition; make the bums who took these mortgages knowing full well that they had no intention of paying for these homes that they were squatting in follow through. No government rescue for them; garnish their wages if necessary and force them to make good on their payments ' or throw them out of thesr houses that they have no right to squat in; anymore than you have a right to keep a car that you refuse to make payments on.
 These people remind me of the people in Galveston. They were told to leave town ; or face almost certain death at the hands of the storm. They stayed anyway ; even after repeated warnings by Governor Perry and even President Bush that they would be on their own if they did ; and would most likely die.
 And what happened? they stayed by the thousands and then seemed shocked that they were stranded in a town with no food water or electricity ; so, they resorted to the old Katrina standby; and blamed the government and President Bush for their slow response to aid their plight.Sound familiar? Let's face it friends; the moral of these two disasters is simple; Greed , fear, and stupidity seem to be the dominant traits of a lot of people these days and what really makes them even more intolerable is their worst, and most dominant trait; Blaming others for your own problems.Yep ,unless people start taking responsibility for their own moronic behavior and decisions; I think we will continue on that slow ; but steady march towards total government control ; and therefore an end to freedom and democracy and the birth of communism in America.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A question of race or a race of question?

Let me explain something to all the Obamanuts that are living in Denial USA. Sarah Palin was the Mayor of Alaska. Sarah Palin is the Governor of Alaska. Sarah Palin reformed Alaskan government and passed legislation that cut wasteful spending. In other words, she has legislative experience .Obama has no accomplishments, no bills , no legislation to attach his name to; unless you want to count his unwavering support of late term abortions.
He accomplished nothing as a State Senator; he accomplished nothing as a Washington Senator.Community Organizing is simply getting illegals to vote,so if you want to count Chicago thug politics as experience; go right ahead.It doesn't change the fact that this man's resume is wafer thin; and you are only backing him because of the color of his epidermis. Here's a newsflash people.Skin color counts for nothing in determining the worth of a human being; now or ever!!! My race, and your race , and McCain's race and Obama's race is called the human race. Accept that fact of reality and stop living in a made up world of hate ; and then maybe you'll see Obama as he really is ; just a guy who is not ready to be President.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Pitchforks Torches and Grinches

The reaction of the liberal left to Sarah Palin 's outstanding speech reminded me of the look on the Grinch's face when he finally realized that he hadn't really stolen Christmas.
Sarah Palin is a charming natural speaker, but the things she said were not really that remarkable. She just spoke the truth. Nothing unusual about that, unless you're not used to hearing it, that is.
Pontius Pilate once asked, "What is Truth?".Well, it's simple. Freedom is truth and the right to live free is the ultimate truth that Sarah Palin believes in with her heart and soul.
Obama doesn't get this, of course as evidenced by his big government policies that restrict the right of the citizens to suceed or fail on their own, without government interference.
 Obama seems most upset over Palin's attack on his career as a "community organizer". Well, what exactly is a community organizer anyway? Near as I can tell; it's sort of like when a mob of villagers attacks the Frankenstein Monster in a horror movie. A " community organizer" would be equivalent to the guy who hands out the pitchforks and torches.
Well,grab your pitchforks and torches ; liberals, it's going to be a rough ride , and this " monster" might be more than you can handle.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

When all else fails; Race Riot!!

Fatima Ali; columnist for the Philadelphia Daily News has decided that ; with Barack Obama's credibility vanishing under the cold ,hard light of the Weather Underground controversy that the foolproof strategy to get Obama elected is to threaten race war. This has to be the most unique campaign trick in history.And, it just goes to show you how nervous and desperate Obama supoporters are.They have protected this man and hiscloset full of cemeteries for a long time now, but the his time is almost over. As the great Joe LOUIS ONCE SAID; "You can run, but you can't hide"., and the William Ayers information that has been hidden in the shadows is now finally coming to light. Which , of course, means that the show is over for Barack. A personal and business association with a convicted home grown terrorist is a security risk; and makes Obama's nomination automatically null and void.
Besides' Fatima Ali should watch the race riot threats. Remember, if McCain wins, you will have a president and vice president who are both supporters of the Second Amendent, both NRA members ' and believe me most of the people who will elect them will be too.
So trust me, Fatima. When it comes to a race riot; you will find that most McCain Palin backers are well capable of protecting their families ,homes and property while the backers of Obama all think like him . That guns are evil and should only be used by criminals and should not be in the hands of the common citizen like you and your fellow Philadelphians. And please stop with the starving americans crap. Philadelphians in particular are the fattest bunch of Bush haters that Ihave ever seen and yet they claim they  can't put food on the table. They sure don't look like starving Ethiopians to me!
Stop whining Ms. Ali , there is no food shortage, no job shortage and no Health care shortage. Just a shortage of people who want to put down the beer and cigarettes put down the bag of chips, and get off the recliner and get a job instead of living off welfare like its some sort of entitlement program. Or, to put it another way,Race riots are like a gentle summer rain to an NRA MEMBER!!