Monday, May 26, 2008

The Abominable Obama of the Liberal Democrats

First , this being Memorial Day, let me just say one thing that is without dispute. This country and the soldiers that fight for her have liberated more people from evil tyrants and dictators than any other country on earth, period.Forget the angry liberal nonsense that we invade countries and kill their citizens, because that's a load of crap. We kill tyrants that enslave  and murder people and then we leave them to start their own democracy with fre elections and freedom for all their citizens. Wedo not and never have taken over any country  and we still continue to be the most helpful and generous country on earth. Just ask Africa. President Bush HAS DONE MORE TO HELP THIS COUNTRY THAN ANY i REPEAT ANY other administration previously. Now, on to Obama. Where to start? this man can't run for commmander in chief. He's friends with racists, he's friends with terrorists, His wife hates this  country and has stated so as far back as her college days.And you can't even mention these issues without the abominable one getting on his high horse and sneering at any one who would dare question him.And don't you dare interrupt him when he's eating his waffles either. He seems to be in full celebrity mode , don;t bother me , just elect me president; because I'm better than you peasents and how dare you question what I say, think or do?
Forget it Obama supporters. This arrogant ,terrorist befriending pain in the butt has about as much chance of becoming president as Raul Castro does.REmember three things when you go to pull that lever for this man. One, He has told you right to your faces that he is going to raise your taxes, he didn't even have the decency to lie about it. Two, he is against you protecting yourself and your family and property with a Second Amendment guaranteed gun of your choice.No concealed carry permits ,and if you shoot some one in self defence, in Obama's world you go to jail, period. And third, he is close and I do mean close friends with a man who proudly Bombed the Pentagon' the Capital building and P olice stations , has stated recently that he wishes he had done more!! This is the most important issue to consider. When Obama first announced that he would run for President, He kicked off his campaign with a little get together party at William Ayers home!  Why should we elect a man who boasts a rogues gallery of friends that would make Blackbeard the Pirate's crew look like a sewing circle?The bottom line is that you are known by the company you keep. We cannot trust a man to the most important position in the free world based on his say so, when all the evidence points to a man who is not just a bad candidate ; but one that is dangerous for America and it's future.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Obama; The snowflake in the furnace.

Should Hillary stay in the race? Is the Pope a Kraut? She should stay in because she will win the nomination.Barack Obama cannot win the nomination and most certainly cannot win the Presidency.Forget about the Reverand Wright controversy, he knew what the man was preaching for 20 years and he just lied about it ; period.
The big issue is his association with the weather underground leader William Ayers,who is a home grown terrorist who proudly bombed the Pentagon and police stations and to this day has no regrets about doing it. When Obama announced his run for President, he met with this man at his home for a ritualistic "approval party" with his terrorist friend.He lied about his association with this man also , but the evidence is there. He knows and associates with this man frequently .Obama is beginning to fall apart in the cold hard light of reality.
 Much like O.J Simpson,Obama's message seems to be that even though the evidence is to the contrary; I am telling the truth.Hillary is the only logical nominee because the Anti- American,hate filled Obama will survive in the general election about as long as a snowflake in a furnace. The man is campaigning for commander in chief of the armed forces of the United States.  How can a man who associates with Wright and Ayers; individuals who  openly hate this country and all it stands for , possibly have the character and good judgement to do the job?
 So, don't drop out Hillary; both Obama and his hate - filled elitist wife will not survive the scrutiny;he simply cannot hide who he is and what he truly believes; at least not for very long. As P.T. Barnum once said; You can fool some of the people  all of the time and all of the people some of the time; but you can't fool all of the people all of the time!
Barry Obama's visiuon for America is a selfish , elitist, socialist utopia where the privileged and the wealthy rule over the common man,who is simply too feckless and simple- minded to take care of themselves . It's called Communism, and barry Obama is one of it's staunchest supporters and hard core Marxist practitioners.