Why does Barack Obama want to be President? He refuses to wear the flag,put his hand over his heart during the National Anthem,is friends with a pastor who is a known race baiter, ans is married to a woman who has admitted in public and in college that she is "not proud" of this country and regards America as "mean spirited".Add to this his association with a member of the Weather Underground, an organization that bombed the Pentagon and his refusal to vote with any conviction on any issue as a congressman or senator , and the mystery deepens further . Of course, one of the few times he was sure of a vote was when he voted against the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. However, he is willing to bomb Pakistan, an ally in the war on terror.Go figure.
Let me clear this up for all you who are living in this 'Obamanation' of fantasy.Barack Obama is not JFK. He is as far from JFK as Ghandi is from Rambo. Kennedy was strong on military defense, strong on tax cuts, and increased our military buildup in Viet Nam. And he certainly believed in American know how and independence, whether it referred to the space program, the arms race, or free market solutions to the economy and health care. JFK DID NOT BELIEVE IN GOVERNMENT HANDOUTS.What do you think he meant by ,"Ask not what your country can do for you , ask what you can do for your country".?
The main function of the office of the President is commander in chief of the armed forces.Why does a man who shows contempt for our military want that title so badly?Enemies of our country have always felt that they can destroy us from within. Is this the true objective of this man?Hillary is as socialist in principle as they come, but she understands that military force is the real source of preserving our way of life, not sitting down with dictators and mass murderers over tea and cakes and talking about 'our feelings'.